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File: 516 KB, 993x1268, Ji-Hyo-Park-Feet-5486348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17507105 No.17507105 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17507117
File: 56 KB, 778x512, 265C64FE-B708-4BBB-9409-79AE41EAC37B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gib cute asian toesies

>> No.17507118


>> No.17507126

I must kill that which holds me back. And if that be God in Heaven and all his angels then I will kick in their throats and disembowel every last one of them. And if what holds me back be my own ancestor spirits then I will do the same to them. Vengeance is justice and justice must thrive.

>> No.17507133

I don´t fucking get why I can never remember german verbs, I´ve been studying german for over 2 years and usually don´t have a problem remembering other vocabulary, but german verbs have some sort of fucking black magic that always makes me forget them, I didnt have this fucking problem with spanish

I don´t know wtf to do its so weird yet so autistic at the same time.

>> No.17507141
File: 57 KB, 779x749, 9F109379-C694-4CA8-A97B-3954DFDEB20F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“You see the feet there? Time to coom now. Think of all the korean feet porn you’ll be able to find. There’s so much, just for you. Go ahead and coom. Your girlfriend doesn’t matter if she wants any sex later. Just say you’re tired. She doesn’t need to know. It’s time to coom now. Give yourself over to lust and coom.”

>> No.17507143

how about you try and remember "üben" (to practice)

>> No.17507145

I wish a firm would just hire me.
I wish my hangovers weren’t this bad.
I wish I could just sleep and go back to that dream.
I wish she hadn’t left, but I know it was for the best.
I wish I was more motivated like I used to be.
I wish I wasn’t such a broken person.
What happened to that me that everyone loved?
Was that just a facade?
Is this sad pathetic pile of flesh the real me?
Was the charming and obnoxious persona just simply a coping mechanism?
I’m so tired.

>> No.17507146

You write with the cadence of a 12 year old tranny

>> No.17507151

This is the only /lit/ thread that doesn't make me angry. Browsing the main page feels like sinning--as in, I feel a disgust towards myself for doing it. It's like a vice. It puts me in a bad mood just reading it. But other communities are too sterile and boring. It feels like there's no place for me on the online anymore.

>> No.17507158

I will include you too simply out of spite.

>> No.17507162
File: 373 KB, 815x904, Da-Hyeon-Kim-Feet-5323608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I ruin your nofap streak?

>> No.17507164


Why the fuck have I been watching Korean drama for the last two weeks?
Why the fuck do it so wholesome?
Why do I keep finding their objectively plain women even better looking than any women of other nationality?

>> No.17507165

my nigga I practice vocabulary recall every day, and I can remember almost everything, but verbs get booted out of my memory for some fucking reason

>> No.17507182


Why have I been watching Korea teen drama for the last three weeks?
Why do I find it so wholesome?
What is this sorcery?

>> No.17507197

It's called yellow fever.

>> No.17507209


>> No.17507212

I think I'm officially a Burn Out now

>> No.17507219

Because their culture never truly adopted individuality and autonomy, which means they never developed proper use of irony and satire, which means that all their consumable media is sincere without having to move through to post irony, instead it's the same as leave it to beaver. They also look slightly different, again, culturally, they aren't a bunch of lard asses because they eat enough to survive. Their architecture reflects it too.

I understand that the majority of south korea has become an awful consumerist hellhole with wage gaps and wealth inequality the same rate as any other first world county, but it's just so interesting to see that capitalist mode be overlayered on these long lasting cultures. It results in some very interesting and unique topics and things, which, I think, is why you can't stop watching them.

>> No.17507224

Clark Elieson interviewed KD Books about Waldun and the 4Chan event

>> No.17507229

Unironically get in touch with your emotions. Think about moments of shame and try to relive them. Think about moments of pride and try to relive them. Same with anger, sadness, joy, etcetc. Art is about the inner motion. Pay attention to how you feel and think.

>> No.17507238

Are you German? Maybe you're just not able to understand your emotions.

>> No.17507246


Mate I've been fucking beef-colored pussy since 2002, I know I have yellow fever, but I've never once before been interested in their culture, least of all their television.

>> No.17507258
File: 407 KB, 1920x1080, 35A63782-5CBF-49C1-8DB9-FFACC566A827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes now you have to post more of those perfect little toes

>> No.17507272

Also I'd just like to share that after my first semester of law school a few years ago, I was so anxious about grades that all I did was watch kungfu movies all day. The subtitles forced me to read, but the content was so simple it kept me occupied. Now, instead, I just watch those videos of the dude walking through Japanese streets, zoning out at how fantastically different their culture and architecture is to burgerland.

>> No.17507276

Really stupid post. One of the worst. Well done. Can tell you really took Parasite and Mark Fisher to heart.

>> No.17507278

I feel like i can only feel anger and sadness, the other emotions are completely lost on me. Honestly, i've been conditioned not to show emotions in direct fashion so i'm very irritable in general.
lmao no but i'm rather close to Germany.

>> No.17507280

No one smart comes here. It's a collection of stupid, lazy people.

>> No.17507296
File: 15 KB, 285x285, 93183209_635898910475452_4869119872749010944_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just pulling shit out of my ass. Lmao, I feel so called out. GG anon.

>> No.17507298

I'm smart

>> No.17507308

You can work with that. Pump yourself full of whatever anger or sadness you have at hand and *deliberately* stay in that state purely to understand what it does to you on a mental level. When engaging with art look for things that would make you angry or sad. And finally, don't be so fucking repressed and just have a good cry about your pathetic ass retard looking no-achiever bitchboi self

>> No.17507314

I want to slip my penis under those bathrobes

>> No.17507317

Why do think God chose to cuckold the west? If everything happens for a reason, why are middle aged western women wearing cheetah print in droves besides the obvious things like the fact that they hear gangster rap on the radio on the way to soccer practice, browse /b/, and blacks are the tastemakers of pop culture? Is it reparations? A reward for religious zeal? A punishment for the adulterous nature of porn enthusiasts? Or really just completely random? Give me your best guess.

>> No.17507321

Seethe. Go back.

>> No.17507325
File: 67 KB, 600x492, Monsiau_-_Alexandre_et_Diogène.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's frustrating to believe you know how stupid and ill-conceived society is but to still be subject to it and forced through its funnels and placed in its hierarchies and judged by its gradients and power differentials. Not to flatter myself that I am a modern day Diogenes, not that the bar is so high to be like him, but I do feel it is almost impossible for me to thrive in this system, that it is fundamentally at odds with someone who has their own ideas and chooses to live by them. How am I to be happy if to live I must do what goes against my will?

We pretend we are free, kidding ourselves that the jobs and etiquettes and expectations and corporations we must conform to are freedom. Success is judged according to criteria we do not specify ourselves. We are sold false dreams and told to believe them. Money is our God and there is no way out besides insanity, resignation and surrender, alienation, self-delusion or suicide. To choose actual freedom is to choose exile.
>in b4 we live in a society

>> No.17507336
File: 55 KB, 571x960, 16867061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not even mad. Where the fuck am i supposed to go back to? I've been stuck on this website for 15 years bud.

>> No.17507338

We're still paying the consequences of the French Revolution

>> No.17507348

>which means that all their consumable media is sincere without having to move through to post irony,

I think this is a huge part of it. I feel like I'm watching characters in shows from 1995, but shot by modern standards, and with a modern aesthetic.
The common cultural themes are also earnest enough. Suicide and the common visual theme of funerals, poverty, the idealization of wealth through aesthetics are all approached in ways that would normally make me want to fucking nuke the world if they were approached by any other Netflix-produced american production.
For some reason I also really love the way they approach female aesthetics. Nearly every show will have a part where it states "x female lead isn't beautiful or sexy, she's just cute". In an western show, this would be an obvious misdirect, as the female lead would invariably be insanely sexy and beautiful if dressed up, but in K-dramas, the lead will often be unarguably plain, but somewhat cute.

>> No.17507362
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>he fell for it

>> No.17507387
File: 69 KB, 640x786, 72606918a93e2e4739a5bcadae64afdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fell for you, anon.

>> No.17507391
File: 2.21 MB, 2136x2936, Ji-Hyo-Park-Feet-4164263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jihyo or Dubu?

>> No.17507390

>don't be so fucking repressed
repression has been my friend since childhood
>just have a good cry about your pathetic ass retard looking no-achiever bitchboi self
oh. maybe i should.

>> No.17507402

Shoo ugly chink

>> No.17507407

My original post was sincere though. Either my assumptions have little to no fact to support them, or I painted the world in such a way that your ideological predispositions became inflamed, leading you to shitpost. Which, mind you, isn't very 'on your mind', unless that's the way your brain has been wired from spending too much time here. In that case I'm just sorry for you, anon.

>> No.17507413

Whichever the one on the right is. Based footfag anon

>> No.17507414

>repression has been my friend
A friend that has ruined you. Allow yourself to feel whatever may come. Catharsis is real.

>> No.17507415
File: 275 KB, 1280x1920, baka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17507418

>continues pseudposting

>> No.17507419

Do you think purpose is a hallucination of a sack of meat or truly something divine? A lot of people might say that we're merely animals who's nature is to survive and that art is just the culmination of consciousness as an almost defiant distinction from the biological imperative, that or we really are something greater. Either way we're slaves to the machine we've created to translate our time as a currency into fuel for our bodies. Break free neo, quit your job and open a bookstore or something, that or become a critic, seems to be enough meaning for most.

>> No.17507425

Are you underage?

>> No.17507427

pseudposting is the only way I know how to post though. All your frogs and greentext can't defend you from my sincerity, anon. I believe in you, even though no one else does.

>> No.17507437

That's why i'm trying to expose myself to various books in order to finally open the valve and let it all out.

>> No.17507440

I fucking hate coomers and acts of coomery! Disgusting image! Disgusting behavior! God, deliver me from this world in which I am surrounded by COOM! What have I done to deserve this? What have I done to deserve being surrounded by empty expressions of DESIRE by PORNSICK FUCKING RETARDS?

>> No.17507451

Why are you so mad? It's just commodified flaps of skin bashing against each other.

>> No.17507457

Good. Start a diary too. If you already have one, or any writings from your past go reread it and think about who you were back then in comparison to now

>> No.17507458

K-drama is designed that way. Remember Jurassic Park? Well that movie made so much money from Korea for the US because every body loves dinosaurs. The Korea government worked out it was more profitable than tech companies while also creating cultural values (like how everyone now knows what raptors are, but only the movie version). They created a scheme to get that same money from every other country in the world, and to imprint the cultural values of Korea on the world. They design k-dramas to best infiltrate regions (they have different ones for, say, France, and the US, with cultural nods to both, but still with Korean mores at their centre). The same thing with K-pop: some groups will target China while others will target the US or Brazil, and mix lyrics in different languages (to encourage further engagement with the Korean lyrics and a sense of familiarity). Part of the culture they are exporting values being a pretty girl as a personality trait: people who make themselves look attractive are seen as having put in effort to not be disgusting to others, while those who have not put in the effort are seen as disrespectful.
They're probably the most evil and insidious form of cuteness since Tribbles.

>> No.17507471


>> No.17507477


>> No.17507479

Retard. Whores have existed since the dawn of man.

>> No.17507480
File: 360 KB, 1269x824, Ji-Hyo-Park-Feet-5363093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be Jihyo. She's struggled with her weight, she was the chubby one in the group when they were having auditions, and she also has the best singing voice. I don't know if she has the best feet in the group, but they're still quite wonderful.

>> No.17507489


I don't know what to tell you mate, but cooming has been a part of us forever. Porn addiction is a different thing.

>> No.17507490

holy shit

>> No.17507495

ah okay so it was totally normal for men to spend all of their time with whores, and for whores to set the standard for sexual practice, and seeing whores was totally normalized and acceptable, and also "every man just needs a whore!!!" was trotted out by everyone and lying with a diseased prostitute was not at all a sin and doing it multiple times a day was not at all a problem, and also children were exposed to whores and could lie with them, and also society was structured around "see a whore today" thank you i understand now

>> No.17507508

>ah okay so it was totally normal for men to spend all of their time with whores

Where the fuck have you been all your life?

>> No.17507509

yeah, i'm talking specifically about porn addiction which imo posting porn on a literature board sort of points to. seeing people fucking salivate over pictures of random women on here is so sad. that's porn-as-a-hobby not just cooming—sex itself is fine but pornography has given us a collective mental rot of some kind

>> No.17507513

I dunno, sex seems like a disgusting exploitative act to me. It can seem beautiful but at its core I'm not sure it's anything more than that.

>> No.17507514

They’re very cute! Who has the best feet? I trust your judgement

>> No.17507521

>sex seems like a disgusting exploitative act to me.
So is life. Either cope like the rest of us or shut the fuck up.

>> No.17507528

i think it can be a way to express your love and appreciation for/to your partner, there's something there that you can produce a child from this act of love but i will admit i try to assign some kind of greater meaning to everything. i think i would go crazy if i was able to see the truth of everything and it turned out that everything was all chemicals and meaningless interactions between particles all along.

>> No.17507530


As much as I'll never understand footfags, I'd still take them over cunnyposters.
It's a difficult act to balance, I'll give you that.

>> No.17507539

It's okay, bud. Nice dubs btw.

>> No.17507546

thanks for understanding man i hope you have a good day

>> No.17507547
File: 1.90 MB, 1755x2600, Kii-Kitano-Feet-1311356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason 90% of me only likes asian feet, but I don't have yellow fever in general. Is there any reasonable explanation for this?
idk I only recently started to look at TWICE feet more seriously. Jeong-yeon was already my bias, so I may like her feet more because of the person they're attached to. But that's me, a hopeless romantic.

>> No.17507564

But it was us that abandoned and transgressed against God.

>> No.17507566

I thought I was given a second chance at life. But it seems I've failed again.

>> No.17507577

>The West is declining because rap is popular and women are wearing cheetah print clothing
The West is not as fragile as you seem to think anon

>> No.17507584

>Is there any reasonable explanation for this?
Yes, we lack community in the modern era and thus leave individuals to their own devices, creating synapses of bastardized proportions, leading people to like objectified and commodified aspects of the human being.

>> No.17507595

No, fuck your spooks. I will live by my own.

>> No.17507606
File: 64 KB, 525x861, 882ad76299eee2e0214704107b6fa5e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two analogies to describe my present emotional state:
1: I am in an old diving suit, slowly being lowered into the depths. At the beginning I can still see light, make out shapes swimming above me. But as I go deeper they become blurred and indistinct, until I can no longer spot the surface.
Communication to the people up above becomes spotty, then it completely breaks off. My heavy suit sinks deeper and deeper into the murk, all the days and nights are interchangeable without sunlight. The pressure keeps increasing, until I finally hit the bottom.
No fabulous glowing creatures are down here, it's only me and the drowned dead.

In the second one I am a sailing ship, charting the oceans. At some point during my voyage, it's not quite clear to me when, I went off course.
Now I find myself in the arctic polar regions. The pack ice has trapped me in place, and with the days growing shorter and shorter I will soon be left in an endless night.
As the months pass by in dark and cold the ice around me grips tighter and tighter, never ceasing, slowly crushing me.

You can see this is basically the same thing twice, in terms of darkness, cold, isolation and being crushed to death.
I know I'm being an emo bitch but that's why I posted it here instead of sending it to my internet friend

>rap is popular and women are wearing cheetah print clothing

>> No.17507614
File: 4 KB, 31x24, (you).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17507619

>commences projectingposting

>> No.17507620

Fuck you. Fuck you and the rest of the plankton whose vocabularies derive from memes. You're fucking trash.

>> No.17507628


>> No.17507637

>greentexting in the feels thread

>> No.17507656
File: 60 KB, 562x843, fb7358f27eccfff5fcd21039f5ccfcb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck you. Fuck you and the rest of the plankton whose vocabularies derive from memes. You're fucking trash.
> [meme] you. [meme] you and the rest of the plankton whose vocabularies derive from [meme]. You're [meme] [meme].

>> No.17507661

I killed them all, but god wasn't there to sort them out. Guess my day is just getting started.

>> No.17507671
File: 54 KB, 396x385, 1598499628599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard who can only think in memes sees meme everywhere

>> No.17507690

what's a good k/j-drama film I can watch tonight? something epicly wholesome which will give me all the feels? don't get hung up on the wording, I'm asking for real

>> No.17507698

I want to cum on the face of every K-pop star in the world.

>> No.17507700

Finally finished Lerouge Case. I liked it, but with there being far more focus on the personal drama of characters involved than the murder case itself, it can be a bit tedious to read. Still very much worth it.

>> No.17507707
File: 80 KB, 768x485, OIP.plRWxBHK2z9dJr9qzf7sOAHaEr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you apply Husserl's phenomenological reduction far enough, you can reach the memetic-transcendantal field where every object only appears through the form of a noumenal meme that can be viewed from all points of view and all directions at all time.

>> No.17507727

I absolutely hate men. They are physically revolting and morally repugnant.

>> No.17507734

Post feet with time stamp, lady

>> No.17507738

Imagine being a beautiful woman and the only skillset you had to put effort into was putting on makeup and nodding at the right time.

>> No.17507744

one of those days where I feel like I should be more productive, and I ain't exactly at peace with it not happening, but it is most likely not gonna happen. I guess I could just as well be at peace with it, although I think the anxiety may translate into energy tomorrow

>> No.17507748

I'm fucking triggered that every stupid job application requires you to create a throwaway account for each shitty website to fill in the same exact information over and over again that's already on your resume.
I get that it's so they can run it through their automated systems in order to filter you out anyway based on a lack of a single keyword and make the whole thing a waste of time but there has to be a better way to go about it.

>> No.17507750
File: 47 KB, 306x469, 1587257357139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bros I'm thinking of going to a local secondhand/family-owned bookstore and trying to find a qt (someone shopping there or even an employee) to approach. This is my most idealistic way of finding a woman during the pandemic. Good idea or no?

>> No.17507757

go for it

>> No.17507760

this is incredibly based. xylets are a scourge.

>> No.17507763

It’s the hardest way. Unless you’re a silver tongued devil women typically don’t like to talked to by strangers, especially those looking to wife them because they can smell desperation. Best to try dating apps anon

>> No.17507767

Good luck, remember there’s no shame in rejection. Ask out multiple women, the more the merrier, maximize your chances and don’t worry too much friend.

>> No.17507768

Drink a cup of coffee and take a 15 minute nap. You got this bud.
I fucking hate this shit too. I want to burn HR down to the ground. The entire field is parasites.
This is an awful idea. Stay home. Use dating apps. Go to bookstore to buy books. Find local reading communities. Please don’t be the guy that just hits on random girls as if it’s a hallmark movie.

>> No.17507775

Except you, right?

>> No.17507781

You can refine your skills with women by continuously trying and you don’t need that much skill if you dedicate yourself to speaking to many women and trying many women. Continuously going for more is the tried and true method.

>> No.17507823


>> No.17507835


>> No.17507855

Oh man, I didn’t think of it that way!
Yes! Go out in public during a pandemic and speak with complete strangers and attempt to have sex with them. That sounds like a great idea! God! What an idiot I am! What a sheeple!

>> No.17507860

It sounds like a leddit meme but just talk to girls like they're guys but slightly more flirty. A lot of incels and lonely guys who missed out on the benefit of growing up with female friends tend to view them as a separate species when things don't really need to be that complicated.

>> No.17507864

You disgust me. You're the personification of bugmandom. I'm repulsed to even interact with you online.

>> No.17507872

>uhm folks there is a global. pandemic. going on?!

>> No.17507891

>le global pandemic

>> No.17507897

Just because you don't care doesn't mean other people don't. Even escorts are having fewer customers lol

>> No.17507898

Sorry to be such a huge disappointing normie shill, anon. When you go to the bookstore to prey on women, remember to open the wooden doors for them. They'll see you as a real super man.
>What's the deal with airline food!?

>> No.17507912
File: 38 KB, 225x350, threefelines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Growth is granularly sinuous; ripeness is fulmenously direct.

Latter iterations within a cohesive set of anything share more likeness amongst one another in ripeness than others do in growth; the latter years of a given decade of one's life are crepuscular years; the latter days of a given season culminate in fullness; the latter generations & intergenerations of a supercycle share closer in plenitude.

The latter upwardly protortions the former unto finality.

>> No.17507926

I'm not even that guy. I wouldn't hit on girls at bookstores either. But regardless of any of this, you're a deeply disgusting "human".

>> No.17507928


>> No.17507942
File: 179 KB, 646x768, 94pp05rp30551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bathe every day and trim my nails. I put product in my hair. I'm not disgusting. I may be retarded, ugly, disappointing, a failure, etc. But I think disgusting is a line crossed I don't really appreciate.

>> No.17507945

>women typically don’t like to talked to by strangers
I know, but what other choice do I have to meet women IRL? I feel (perhaps naively) that people who frequent those shops probably share similar interests with me and we can find some common ground for genuine conversation as long as I don't come on too strong. I won't simply walk up to them and ask them out - maybe just find a way to spontaneously strike up a conversation if the circumstances are appropriate and see where things go.

>Best to try dating apps anon
Oh I am. Have been for a year. I've had some success but it's a cesspool and I want something more normal after all this time.
I need a break from dating apps. I know it sounds autistic but I'm going to be subtle - start with small talk, don't force a conversation, and if it doesn't end well then so be it. You're stuck to that "approaching women is always creepy and dating apps are all that's left" mindset. I'm not saying it's completely wrong (girls have told me this before) but you're clearly cynical. The way you assume I'm going to simply ask for sex only is a caricature of that whole "redpilled" mindset.
Thanks anon. I've let fear of rejection hold me back too long, I have nothing to lose and if there's even a 10% chance of success I'm willing to take it. Appreciate the advice and motivation, glad you see where I'm coming from.

>> No.17507956

Bathe all you want you're still rotted.

>> No.17507960

>Striking a natural conversation with a woman is not predatory. There's a difference in being genuine and predatory. Tons of couples meet this way, not as many as before but stop acting like it's a tactic for creepy incels.

>> No.17507969

He probably meant disgusting internally. I don't think anyone cares how you groom yourself.

>> No.17507972

Ah man, were all Guys here, when I was young I never talked to women but, some of my friends took me by the head and forced my lips on a girls mouth, and from there they basically showed me rejection and what the girl says doesn’t really matter.

Ya gotta remember they’re just humans and you can’t care what random strangers think about you, male or female. So if they talk and go with you good, if not, not. And even if it’s below 10% you gotta keep doing it, even if you fail that entire day. And brother do not forget there is a great value in male friends, they are wingmen and they are encouragement and they create contacts. Also they’re nicer to deal with!

Don’t worry about the complaints though dude, you’re a man you gotta do the manly thing, I would just say don’t fixate on just the book stores, always be the look out.

>> No.17507973

bless you anon, I think that as long as you're sensitive to signs that you're bothering them, and ready to back off fast and completely, then you're in the clear. I don't know if it's gonna work but even if it doesn't I think the experience will be valuable. Be prepared that there might come a point when the staff, for reasonably good reasons, ask you to leave. Good luck!

>> No.17507991

Sure, bud. I’m as toxic as they get. My soul is corrupted like a fallen angel on a thimble.
I’m just saying, generally, the kind of guy that would post on /lit/ with the autistic idea that he’s gonna make a hallmark meetcute happen during a pandemic at a used bookstore is the kinda guy that probably has a few screws loose and wouldn’t be able to properly portray the normie signifiers to properly pull a woman in that situation. Not to mention, what kind of woman goes to a used bookstore during a pandemic and talks to strangers? Is that really the target demographic the dude is looking for? What makes that dumb bitch stereotype better than one that goes to a bar in the same environment? There’s a ton of presumed value judgements in these actions and the resulting math just doesn’t make sense. But I suppose it gives anon something to do instead of reading books.

>> No.17507997

I just cannot continue to work a professional office type job. I need to get out as soon as possible.

>> No.17507999

Hey Frater, I meant to ask you: what are your thoughts on Plato, Hobbes, and Kant?

>> No.17508002

I know. Just pointing out the idea that he had the world’s vocabulary to describe how awful I am, yet the emotion he fees is disgust, which is a dead giveaway.

>> No.17508011

>Not to mention, what kind of woman goes to a used bookstore during a pandemic and talks to strangers? Is that really the target demographic the dude is looking for?
Yes? Sounds like a dream girl.

>> No.17508015

I try to reread. Sadly i thought basically the same thoughts even 8 years ago.

>> No.17508023

Be honest with us anon: are you a woman, a r*dditor, or what is going on in that tiny brain of yours?

>> No.17508025

Yeah, a dumb girl who thinks she's smart is your dream girl?

>> No.17508033

>This man thinks different than us!
>He must be a spook from the predetermined list of spooks!
Anon I'm just a retard on here like every other faggot posting in this shitty thread, letting time slip away from us.

>> No.17508047

I think I found my dream job. my country is less corrupt than average, and the central executive agency of the national government operates a sub-agency whos entire purpose it is to review the effects/implementations of government policy. This sounds absolutely perfect. Probably intellectually sharp while firmly anchored in practice. Probably stays fresh. This is really exactly what interests me: the actual implementation of policy, measured against what was intended by the legislators and against a messy reality, all at once. I'm gonna try to get an internship this summer. Chances seem low, but I think I may have genuine enthusiasm and that could count.

>> No.17508058

>Stressed because lots of work
>Jack off to relieve stress
>Over time brain correlates stress and horniness
I have given myself a fetish for being overworked, please help

>> No.17508062

Do you think people on here are that concerned about your pandemic? Why do you keep bringing it up every post?

>> No.17508070


To summarize since they’re titanic questions, I’m a big fan of Plato though I agree more with the elaborations given by Plotinus. His Parmenides dialogue and his timaeus are my favorite. I think a good deal of Heidegger and Deleuze and many others can be found and better within Parmenides if read slowly and properly.

Hobbes is worth the read for context but I much prefer Asian legalism.

Kant, I see him as the beginning of western continental Kabbalistic systems basically, his influence from Swedenborg is fascinating but I much prefer the modifications others have done to his system and reactions to his system. Hegel and Husserl wouldn’t have their models (not to mention the Schopenhauer influence) without him largely. So I like him and think he’s worth the read but he’s not someone you stop at. I’m rather enjoying the writings of Schiller who’s a kind of pseudo-kantian

Give them all a read friend.

>> No.17508075

don't be a retard anon

>> No.17508092

Because as a burger I believe everyone on the internet that doesn't explicitly state they are not from burgerland or don't post in english are from burgerland. Burgerland is all sorts of fucked for many reasons of which you can find a long list of complaints in any of the /pol/ threads here on /lit/.
If anon who's wanting to go to bookstores and approach women isn't from burgerland and their country doesn't have an awful pandemic ruining everything, then he should go kick some ass and take some names and all my presumptions are moot. But if he's as fucking retarded as I think he is, then my points still stand.
Obviously the vocal people on 4chan from burgerland aren't going to believe the pandemic even exists and that jewish space lasers or some shit are coming for their guns and the rona is an excuse for it.
But then there's all this speculative projection I'm doing about the groups of posters that you will say you aren't a part of but have been a regular aspect of /lit/ since 2016. Because, of course, YOU are reasonable, it's those OTHER posters who aren't.

>> No.17508108

Thanks bro.
>Give them all a read friend.
I already read them and they're my favorite philosophers. I like your posts but I disagree with most of them, so I just wanted to check if our fundamental disagreements can be reflected in the philosophers we like too.

>> No.17508118
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Who else is brave enough to choose loneliness over rejection?
how is she dumb? lol

>> No.17508144

Well, who the fuck buys physical books when you can just get them on libgen for an ereader?

>> No.17508150

Depends on where we disagree the most, a good part of the disagreements probably stem from my religious/occult studies and the stranger brand of politics I’m for.

But I won’t put words in your mouth friend, tell me what seems to be the most horrible/ugly aspects of my ideals/ideas. I love a good argument.

>> No.17508163

This is probably one of the most boring posts every written on a loom-weavers guild comment-section, but I wrote it and wanted to write it so here it is.
>Drink a cup of coffee and take a 15 minute nap. You got this bud.
nah it's evening already. I'm trying to learn to sleep less. I was sick for a long time and got in the habit of sleeping long. Have been working my way down from 10-11 hours a day. now trying to make the move from 9-10 to 8-9, cutting a solid hour per night and compensating with coffee. I think this plan is sound: just add stimulants until the systems reconfigure. It could work. But it means I already had a lot of coffee today. I was hyped as fuck for large parts of this day. I overdid it. I need to guage my stimulant-intake more smartly. I had a really productive phone-call, did some yoga and studied for an hour. it's bad for a day, even for me, but not awful and I did also cut an hour of sleep, which is progress in its own way. I stood up recently intending to study more but really felt like laying back in bed, shitposting on, so I guess this is what I'm doing, ideally for 4 more hours (sounds long when you write it clearly) to keep my sleep-pattern. Maybe I'll go for a walk, but probably not.

>> No.17508176

>religious/occult studies and the stranger brand of politics I’m for
tell me about theocracy pater

>> No.17508192

I am in my late 20s, and for one reason or another, have been unable to start my life. With the newfound pandemic, I don't suppose I will ever get to start my life. I kept working, and working, and working, with an aspect of self improvement in mind to 'build towards a better tomorrow', and yet, it seems, that tomorrow will never come. It may have already come and past, without me ever realising it.

Now I find myself asking:
Why build what cannot be built? If my life is over, what purpose does looking for meaning? And if without meaning, my actions feel hollow, then what purpose has searching for meaning... ever had?

I wake every day envious of the dead, hoping I can find some way to join them soon. I'm really tired /lit/, I tried and was found wanting.

>> No.17508214


The following is a smaller portion of a larger article concerning the nature of Sin and evil, this would only be a tiny part of my overall politics but it’s the closest to “theocracy” as it gets.


Acquiescentia is the dwelling in the immanent structure of the logos as it expresses its principles as your very being and nature. This is an active dwelling, resting by Will and knowledge. Which is stabilized by reason and followed by the enacting of Will.

The Schizo quality is when the libidinal forces and qualities are released without reserve in their totality.

The schizo-acquiescentia is the dwelling within the immanent nature of the logos-code of one’s own being and directing all of one’s will and libidinal force towards this dwelling.

All desire is desire-to-becoming

Desire is a transmutation process of actualization. Desiring-processes are transmutation processes.

There are Three tiers of Desiring-becoming which are actualization processes.

First level: Desiring-becoming-Glorious/honored/fulfilled-by-other: in this one’s ego-desire is shaped by recognition of the group, this is the common kind of Ego-desire which man experiences, he wishes to become the simulated shifting product which the group wants, he desires to shape himself in order to fill himself with his desire.

In this is requiring the approval and recognition of the fellow man, in this is the foundational strength of the simulacra, in this is all of man’s current political structures and processes as they rely on recognition of Force, recognition of wealth, of glory, of pseudo-platonic goodness and of being what one ought to do, the Das man-force, the force of “this is what one must do in order to be accepted by the group and not considered foolish”

This form of bliss and pleasure is the most unstable as the Wheel of time shifts so does the culture and world spirit shift, the recognition of men is constantly twisted and contorted, the dwelling in this pleasure and dwelling in this desire naturally is unstable and imperfect. However because of disjunctive synthesis and the lines of flight tending towards the resurrection of the Absolute/Primal condition, this nature naturally progressively(through the course of hundreds if not thousands of years) morphs into

Second level: Desiring-becoming-instrumental: in this one gains meaning by constructing or joining some model or structure or even one’s own will and gains meaning by Enacting will, teleological ends and even pure will. For the instrumentality of Will is the key to its power of becoming, and enacting various goals or fitting as a cog allows one to serve as a greater part in a larger whole. This second stage of desiring-becoming is superior to the first because it can be kept up indefinitely as long as the instrumentality remains. If there is a structure there is a place in the structure, if there is a Will, there is a Will-er.


>> No.17508222

As this is the path of Reason/Will it is logically very stable, as stable as your reason and Will is, but it is not as perfect as the supreme bliss and requires constant striving, and if your reason or Will is weakened it collapses. Politically this manifests as all states and political regimes theoretically conceived of which are based in reason or Will, in which man becomes a part of a broader structure of interactions and his meaning is extracted from his place in the structure or even simply instrumentality for its own purpose, His will within the structure is his Own meaning. As the Simulacra forces and nature of techno-capital Matures, organically the first Order is transmuted into the second Order, the Cancerous body-without-organs on a societal level. The strongest and most perfect of these is the Fascist Structure which understands its own nature as a construct and comprehends it is such a structure and is integrating man into nonduality with itself producing and cleaving man to civil virtue and meaning. the True totalitarian state due to its self knowledge gradually over a long period of time also evolves and transmutes itself into the Third Phase.

Third level: desiring-becoming-acquiescentiant: in the final third form, in this form one gains meaning by conceiving of their entire being as not belonging to a structure but as a machinic assemblage, one is himself a complete structure of god, with no need of fitting into a structure,(one is logos, one is dharma, one is the revelation) one’s desire is to become the resting place of one’s self. In this way one fully in active sense strives to make his own interior-structure, his authentic being his resting place. By actively striving to always rest in his own interior structure (dwelling in the heart, striving in the heart) one constantly enacts desire as true desire-becoming, for he becomes the ouroboros. He is instantly desiring-becoming-himself and he is constantly always having this satisfied for he is always his self most.

In this desiring-becoming is comprehension fully of one’s innate structure as non-separate to the structuring of all nature and reality, one instantly realizes and fulfills his basic mode qualities. In this is Full actualization of all potential, for ones entire potential and lines of flight for the advancement of one’s desiring processes are perpetually directed into enacting the Reality of his being and the structure and quality of his being.

In this is absolute actualization of God-in-man, for all desires are instantly satisfied and thus this is the state of supreme desire satisfaction, actively seeking to rest in one’s interior by passively resting in one’s interior. This perfect hermaphroditic self-contentment which is purely self reproductive is the King of Desire.


>> No.17508230

I was in a very similar position to you. Did a whole minimalism thing and got rid of excess products, tried to live simply. It worked slightly but wasn’t what I needed. Now I’m focusing my time on learning about and being in the great outdoors. Survival skills, self preservation, etc. Soon I’ll leave /lit/ behind, and after 11 years of coming to 4chan I think it’s time. I hope you find peace anon, but there are still things you haven’t tried yet than can pull you out of your pit of despair.

>> No.17508234


Therefore the method is simple, In always actively desiring rest in one’s own interior, understanding this interior is the structure of God which is the inherent structure of this very body and nature as a totality, one attains supreme Bliss.

the above explains my personal means of joy which nihilism by no means can ever actually penetrate, to word it in another manner, if we phenomenologically analyze a thing we can divide it into properties interacting in a structure which due to intentionality all things including the ego and all things in the world are loaded with a technical meaning of relation and structure, dwelling in one’s own inherent properties and desiring to express one’s own properties automatically expresses one’s own properties, resulting in potential and actuality crossing into one thing. Absolute actualization occurs since the thing sought is ones own properties and this is the bliss of Kether-Chokmah-Daat. To dwell in the nature of one’s own inherent properties and express them as ones Will with no Will otherwise than to rest in one’s own nature. This is the Supreme Bliss.

Politically This would manifest as a culture and world in which the Second order has via its structure perfected man to such a point that they no longer require the structure of the outside to determine meaning and cleave them to virtue, but rather by the long term social, cultural, genetic and technological evolution has been encoded at the deepest levels that man ought to abide by his own authentic being, his own structure, Man is a state structure-in-himself. In this is the Fascist state undergoes the alchemical stage of multiplication which is the completion of the philosophers Stone, each man striving to adhere to his own nature, in perfect Wisdom and being naturally accustomed culturally and socially via evolution into his own self-reliant Self-bliss. The shadows of this are reflected within the best of the aristocracy of the past, the shadows of this are in fantasies of those such as rebelais.

The True manifestation of Such a state is one in which all men perfectly abiding in their own natures and interior act in accordance with their fundamental properties, Actively harmonized with the way of the Primal most Authentic. Naturally man is harmonized with his fellow man, even his conflict and combat with his fellow man is a absolute Harmony with the nature of himself and his neighbor. The True form of the Third Level is the city of God, the manifestation of New-Zion, heaven on Earth, The ultimate Theological-political Eschaton in which man acts perfectly with his True nature in accordance with the highest principles.

This is an older writing and my thought has developed and reached more complexity since, but perhaps this is well and good enough.

>> No.17508237

basic gestalt man

>> No.17508243

Tripfags are insufferable

>> No.17508248

That is the basic gist of it!

Oh I know, apologies.

>> No.17508256

>Now I’m focusing my time on learning about and being in the great outdoors. Survival skills, self preservation, etc. Soon I’ll leave /lit/ behind, and after 11 years of coming to 4chan I think it’s time.
I have no friends, no love, not sure I trust my family, and I'm in the middle of the greatest hoax ever pulled by organised government to ensure literally nothing worthwhile is available. The one lifeline I had, the idea of following a 'career with purpose', has now been exploited by this pandemic to an absolute nub.

I'm just, beat. My life was shit, it has been shit, it will always be.. And I don't have the energy, optimism, or even care to pretend otherwise. I just want out.

>> No.17508332

I used to be a lot more "fighty" and intense when I was younger and I think people found it hot. Now that I've mellowed out over the years, I am certainly more relaxed, but I feel as though I lost something that made me me.

This changed as recently as two or three years ago, so I wonder if it is now just dormant rather than extinct. I am not happier with what I've become, because with that intensity came discipline and a honed mind. Strength should never be sacrificed for comfort.

/end blog

>> No.17508497
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I'd like to ask too: what are your thoughts on Ballard?

>> No.17508546

Haven’t read him so I cannot really comment. Ought I read him? From what little I know I would probably be opposed to his pathos on the subject of tech but I for religious and ontological purposes believe a union with technology that destroys the individuality of man as we know it is essential to our forward progression towards the eschaton. I’d post a big write up on the topic but I wouldn’t want to overwhelm the thread.

>> No.17508559

>tell me what seems to be the most horrible/ugly aspects of my ideals/ideas. I love a good argument.
Ah, nothing like that. I don't think any of your ideas are horrible, I like them. It's hard to really pinpoint specifics that I disagree with you on because although in your response you mention your occultism as something that can contribute partly to one's disagreement with you, I think your occultism permeates your entire system of thinking so everything from your metaphysics and epistemology to your politics, aesthetics, and daily life seems to be underlined by your occultism. So I don't really disagree with specific points. I guess it's similar to how I feel about marxists: it's not that I disagree with specific things, I disagere with the foundation so any agreement on specific things is merely coincidential. I guess this is related to what liberals mean by the horseshoe theory.

>> No.17508570

it's incredibly liberating when you stop pretending to be concerned with the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people when discussing any social or political issue

>> No.17508589

I'm a devoted male feminist socialist starting a not-for-profit startup that’s building a platform to teach women how to code based in my San Francisco apartment

>> No.17508591

How old are you? I felt a similar change around 27 but I embraced it.

>> No.17508604

Thats completely understandable and yeah my esotericism is the foundation of all else. I actually often get to this point in debate with people where things are reduced to axioms. Ive found people can’t really argue/debate their axioms, their inherent conceptions of what is good, virtuous, proper, desirable and so forth.

It often feels like other people have appropriate axioms and views of the world and are just arguing what amounts to calculations, what gets to the goal the quickest, but I’ve found anyone I’ve talked to if you really get them to dive deep everyone usually has their own rather unique set of foundations which only vaguely overlap. Feels like those are often casted aside for common societal/cultural considerations of what is the Good, know what I mean?

>> No.17508609

>concerned with the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people
That's such sophistry devoid of any meaningful reasoning aside from wishful thinking. No wonder Anglos came up with this abomination of a moral system.

>> No.17508617

there you are they might as well try to stop the sun from rising tomorrow the sun shines for you he
said the day we were lying among the rhododendrons on Howth head in the grey sneed suit and his
straw hat the day I got him to propose to me yes first I gave him the bit of sneedcake out of my
mouth and it was leapyear like now yes 16 years ago my God after that long kiss I near lost my
breath yes he said I was a flower of the mountain yes so we are flowers all a womans body yes that
was one true thing he said in his life and the sun shines for you today yes that was why I liked him
because I saw he understood or felt what a woman is and I knew I could always get round him and I
gave him all the pleasure I could leading him on till he asked me to say yes and I wouldnt answer
first only looked out over the sea and the sky I was thinking of so many things he didnt know of
Mulvey and Mr Stanhope and Hester and father and old captain Groves and the sailors playing all
birds fly and I say stoop and washing up dishes they called it on the pier and the sentry in front of
the governors house with the thing round his white helmet poor devil half roasted and the Spanish
girls laughing in their shawls and their tall combs and the auctions in the morning the Greeks and
the jews and the Arabs and the devil knows who else from all the ends of Europe and Duke street
and the fowl market all clucking outside Larby Sharons and the poor donkeys slipping half asleep
and the vague fellows in the cloaks asleep in the shade on the steps and the big wheels of the carts
of the bulls and the old castle thousands of years old yes and those handsome Moors all in white
and turbans like kings asking you to sit down in their little bit of a shop and Ronda with the old
windows of the posadas 2 glancing eyes a lattice hid for her lover to kiss the iron and the wineshops
half open at night and the castanets and the night we missed the boat at Algeciras the watchman
going about serene with his lamp and O that awful deepdown torrent O and the sea the sea crimson
sometimes like fire and the glorious sunsets and the figtrees in the Alameda gardens yes and all the
queer little streets and the pink and blue and yellow houses and the rosegardens and the jessamine
and geraniums and cactuses and Gibraltar as a girl where I was a Flower of the mountain yes when I
put the rose in my hair like the Andalusian girls used or shall I wear a red yes and how he kissed me
under the Moorish wall and I thought well as well him as another and then I asked him with my
eyes to ask again yes and then he asked me would I yes to say yes my mountain flower and first I
put my arms around him yes and drew him down to me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes
and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.

>> No.17508623

This is what I’m talking about, a lot of people operate on a pseudo utilitarian Liberal capitalist model where the only questions are calculations are happiness/wealth gains for the most people and the question of is this something we should specifically worry about and calculate is never discussed.

>> No.17508638
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>society informs belief systems
woah you’re so cool and smart and esoteric wow

>> No.17508654
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Don't let them win Anon.

>> No.17508668

I mean it’s not an esoteric or smart view it’s something Nietzsche. Hegel, the post moderns and many deal with and try to cope with friend. You can say opinions and feels without wanting to sound cool or smart or esoteric.but I mean, do you think it’s desirable that people ignore their actual beliefs and desires, virtues and ideals in order to carry the load of what the popular culture says is the Good? I mean it’s certainly not a unique or a new idea but it’s still an important question Anon.

>> No.17508674

to be fair it is a force powerful enough to keep the CCP in power

>> No.17508678

When I go for a walk and I see a couple or a group of people around my age, I just really wish they would come over and bash my fucking head against a tree until it's red mush

>> No.17508713

This but the opposite. Even keeps me awake at night just thinking about it.

>> No.17508733

Really? At night I fantasize about being burned or harmed in other ways. My leg being blown off, or someone using an axe to chop down on my foot as I lay on my back

>> No.17508738

i never said it was declining lol, i asked why infidelity is being advertised in superbowl commericals

>> No.17508747

Do you think you’ll ever actually do a kill?

>> No.17508759

>Ive found people can’t really argue/debate their axioms
I don't think axioms should really be debatable--I think they should spring from who we are which shouldn't be accessible by reason.
> everyone usually has their own rather unique set of foundations which only vaguely overlap
I think for most people they're very similar and concerned with the survival of their subpopulation, but the subpopulation differs e.g. ethnicity/larger community for fascists, family/small community for liberals, individual for marxists (I realise my identification of subpopulations is controversial, but even if it is wrong, I still think the subpopulations that are defended and the degree to which they are defended play a role to defining axioms)
> Feels like those are often casted aside for common societal/cultural considerations of what is the Good, know what I mean?
I don't really think of them as being casted aside--more like the axioms are quite inter-compatible and people can arrive to similar abstract conclusions that can still satisfy their axioms by reconciliation (e.g. we all want a healthy state that can protect us at the end of the day). Hobbes' philosophy is very much rooted in developing a philosophy (that happens to agree with Christianity and others) from his axioms (fear of death possibly overly emphasises by his premature birth when the Spanish Armada was attacking England)

>> No.17508772

I'd recommend at least Atrocity Exhibition with the authors chapter notes, it's not very long - maybe Crash too. I think it might be an interesting accompaniment to your own preoccupations. There is indeed a union of technology and the individual though the process is very psychosomatic and sexually charged and may appear in morbid dimensions. Though as in Crash it turns into an almost celebratory union. The expression seems to conclude in fulfilling the death-drive though. You'd certainly have disagreements then, i take it. But it's basically a hyperdrive look at the eros-thanatos psycho-sexual effects of human's in the hyperdriven modern landscape.

>> No.17508789

Well yeah, it’s fundamentally Das man like Heidegger talks about.

From Wikipedia

“ The One / the They Edit
(German: Das Man, meaning "they-self")
One of the most interesting and important 'concepts' in Being and Time is that of Das Man, for which there is no exact English translation; different translations and commentators use different conventions. It is often translated as "the They" or "People" or "Anyone" but is more accurately translated as "One" (as in "'one' should always arrive on time"). Das Man derives from the impersonal singular pronoun man ('one', as distinct from 'I', or 'you', or 'he', or 'she', or 'they'). Both the German man and the English 'one' are neutral or indeterminate in respect of gender and, even, in a sense, of number, though both words suggest an unspecified, unspecifiable, indeterminate plurality. The semantic role of the word man in German is nearly identical to that of the word one in English.

Heidegger refers to this concept of the One in explaining inauthentic modes of existence, in which Dasein, instead of truly choosing to do something, does it only because "That is what one does" or "That is what people do". Thus, das Man is not a proper or measurable entity, but rather an amorphous part of social reality that functions effectively in the manner that it does through this intangibility.

Das Man constitutes a possibility of Dasein's Being, and so das Man cannot be said to be any particular someone. Rather, the existence of 'the They' is known to us through, for example, linguistic conventions and social norms. Heidegger states that, "The "they" prescribes one's state-of-mind, and determines what and how one 'sees'".

To give examples: when one makes an appeal to what is commonly known, one says "one does not do such a thing"; When one sits in a car or bus or reads a newspaper, one is participating in the world of 'the They'. This is a feature of 'the They' as it functions in society, an authority that has no particular source. In a non-moral sense Heidegger contrasts "the authentic self" ("my owned self") with "the they self" ("my un-owned self").

>> No.17508824

>tfw philosopher is person who has explained his own worldview is systematic and understandable way
it's interesting to think that it's basically just how one person thinks about world.

>> No.17508860

Yeah that's what it is, but it can help others understand themselves and in turn societies and other things because humans are pretty similar

>> No.17508879

> I don't think axioms should really be debatable--I think they should spring from who we are which shouldn't be accessible by reason.

I agree that they spring from our interior but I disagree that reason and religious motivation through metanoia cannot/should not enter therein and modify them, I also think the interior of man can be modified through its substance gradually changing based on what it consumes in terms of art, aesthetics, ideology and so forth.

As for everyone worrying fundamentally about survival of population, while I see logic in this, my own ethics is fundamentally based in absolute biological and societal imperative at the point I’m willing to sacrifice anything else for the goal of long term group life and knowledge, and I’ve been met with nothing but disgust against this valuation from many when I’ve sat down and explained it. I’ve heard many people claim they rather themselves and their children die than give up freedom, will, temporary pleasure or the like.

My view of the State is Hegelian, Fascist and baudrillardian. I believe the aesthetic education and cultural education of the individual can largely overwhelm his ideals and virtues, his Daily life largely ignoring his interior aspects but I believe of course there is degrees of freedom. But I believe as technology and media progresses, so also does the manipulation/control of man’s constant aesthetic education.

Not necessarily something I’d disagree with as I see man and machine as within a dialectic which necessarily must annihilate man as man (by this I mean, emptying him of his qualities in negation and then reunifying them in a new form rooted within the technological) but in general I find a lot of authors over-aesthetize this future synthesis. We’re semi there already.

>> No.17508880
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>> No.17508935
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I am obsessed with Kpoop gurls

>> No.17508951

I don't know much about them but the music video with the zombies by TWICE is really hot because their little outfits are on point.

>> No.17508957

are humans more similar or different?

>> No.17508968

>but I disagree that reason and religious motivation through metanoia cannot/should not enter therein and modify them, I also think the interior of man can be modified through its substance gradually changing based on what it consumes in terms of art, aesthetics, ideology and so forth.
I don't disagree with this, I think we can change all the time (including via reason feedback.) But I still think it's a blackbox and we can only observe the inputs and the outputs not how it works. By "accessible by reason" I meant explained rather than interacted with, sorry if it wasn't clear.

Regarding the rest, I'm still not sure I see a disagreement yet. You're a fascist and thus your subpopulation is that group while the people you were talking to are not fascists and their group is smaller (to the point of it being reducible to oneself only).

>> No.17508979

op is a fag.

>> No.17508984

Than what? Humans are pretty similar between each other especially within the same family then ethnicity, then gradually more different inter-ethnically, then even more different to monkeys, and so on.

>> No.17509003

Perhaps but I think the observation is the very heart of self contemplation/meditation, but I get what you mean anon.

And while I understand your point that others have a much smaller pool for who they care for, my pool is not just a particular race or ethnicity, but rather man as a whole is the pool I would desire have the longest life. Perhaps it’s on me that I just find it alien how a person could be repulsed over desiring the most possible human Life.

>> No.17509015
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for me it's Fake & True

>> No.17509090
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>bunny cuck
lmao get some taste

>> No.17509120

>Perhaps but I think the observation is the very heart of self contemplation/meditation
Yeah I think so too.
>but rather man as a whole is the pool I would desire have the longest life.
I think that makes sense because even if one has preference for a subgroup, that subgroup can only continue existing if mankind as a whole continues to exist. Perhaps people react with disgust as they understand you'd give up your family and your descendants for mankind to continue living, but that's a non-choice because you can't choose the former without the latter.

>> No.17509127
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Jihyo is such a sweetheart.

>> No.17509180

How do I cope with the fact that anything that I write might go out of control and have completely different effects on other people than I expect it to have? Considering that I feel like writing a book and I definitely don't want children (or early teenagers) to read it.

>> No.17509197

>why infidelity is being advertised in superbowl commericals
Yeah, that ad was bizarre. I dunno who they were trying to appeal to. A joke about the lady liking Alexa made sense and could be funny, but it went on... and on... and on.

>> No.17509200

post waifu coward

>> No.17509216

Synthesis is definitely aestheticized by Ballard in a morbid and, in the case of Atrocity Exhibition, very schizo fashion, or the process of the synthesis is. I believe it's that way to juxtapose with our current psycho-sexual sensibilities. But as you say the merger's already somewhat underway, though I still think there's something to the shock of it. People generally think little of it or the most uncomfortable implications of it, namely the psycho-sexual. The uses and development of technology are perhaps like a libidinous abuse, impulse fulfillment on a level people don't want to realize. Anyways maybe it would interest you.

>> No.17509218

in terms of desiring something

>> No.17509264
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>> No.17509292

She just looks white.

>> No.17509299

mischlinge, part russian

>> No.17509304
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i've come to the conclusion that my obsession with kpop idols comes from an almost Mishima-esque fascination, not in a way that i wish to harm them but in the perfection of the "idol" figure image that embodies femininity and the feminine desire in such a way

>> No.17509308

We live in a unique time in history with the ability to harness the power of nature and control our destiny. We share this planet with people of the past, but we should not follow the same path that led us here. We need to pursue a new humanity, one that offers a better quality of life. Get a grip on what you're made of. Forge a new perspective or challenge the old one.

>> No.17509315

I realize that perceptions are everything in life, but I'm still unable to shift my perception of reality to my benefit.

>> No.17509318

I want to join the navy

>> No.17509319

You're onto something anon

>> No.17509354


>> No.17509393
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Dreamed that I woke up in the dead of night to screams coming from my neighbor's apartment. There was a friendly presence with no body and no gender with me. I walked to the bathroom, its light was on, but stopped when I heard a groan coming from my bedroom, its light was off. The entity asked me if I heard it and I confirmed. Tried to turn a lamp on but it didn't work. Opened the window for some reason, it was pouring sleet. The entity told me we should check on the neighbor together. An alligator hatchling and a puppy walked in as I opened the door. I knocked on the neighbor's door. He opened the door, looking very uncanny, as if in a trance. All the lights were on inside, multiple televisions on, many people inside. A young woman sitting on an armchair turned to me and said something I couldn't understand, similarly uncanny. I realized something very wrong was happening. I hit the neighbor in the head with a broomstick and rushed inside. A tubby man with a rapier with a flat tip, a small disc perpendicular to the blade, chased me into a room where there was something on a bed, tapes or evidence of some kind. The entity that was with me suddenly said that we should grab them and go as I fenced with the man. The tip of his rapier somehow penetrated the similarly flat tip of my broomstick, our weapons locked diagonally. He said he would kill me. I disarmed him and pushed him to the ground. Clobbered him until he stopped moving. His rapier, now badly bent around my broomstick, snagged his bottom lip on the last hit and pushed it into his mouth.

I did not like it.

>> No.17509401

True love and friendship are the rarest happinesses, – and the most beautiful ones.

>> No.17509406

I'm getting fatter
I keep on eating ramen every night after I eat dinner
I won't zoom any of my school friends because they'll see how fat I have gotten in such a short time

>> No.17509529

how can one speak candidly on women's seemingly inherent tendency to whine incessantly without coming across as bitter and loneyl?

>> No.17509540

I want gf. This is the only thing on my mind really

>> No.17509548

Get some chicken bouillon and make some soup water without the ramen. Tastes the same but no carbs to perpetuate your slow immaculate degeneration into a fat piece of shit.

>> No.17509549

Same, but with any sort of social connection. Just want a friend of any kind

>> No.17509565

You don't. It's useless. You do what the protagonist of Mishima's Forbidden Colors did and fill multiple diaries desu with brutal aphorisms about women while pretending to be ambivalent towards them in public.

>> No.17509586

are you me?

>> No.17509596

What does GOAT stand for

>> No.17509604


>> No.17509619

What does it feel to have a good friend?

>> No.17509627

like it doesn't matter that life is meaningless

>> No.17509638

It feel bad I will never have a friend like that. I wish I could just stop existing

>> No.17509664

you'll figure a way anon. a day at a time, one battle at a time.

>> No.17509671

I've had acid coughs for a week because of my late night ramen binging, I'll take your advice, thank you

>> No.17509689

I'm losing

>> No.17509745

KEK write about it, anon. K-Pop ramblings

>> No.17509747

it'll turn around anon. if for no other reason then because that's what it does. when the worst depression I was ever in ended, it began with a series of very pleasant dreams. for whatever reason I would have wonderful dreams every night, and I would wake up with a sense of relief and absurdity, which kind of derailed the negativity. I'm saying this because it shows that it can come from anywhere

>> No.17509784

Thanks, I will try and be hopeful
I just thought it couldn't get much worse but I've reached a new low point

>> No.17509811

No, but I'm glad to hear I'm not so completely alone, anon.

>> No.17509825

do you want to rant about it? this is, after all, a singaporean marble-shooting-champions fanpage comment-section

>> No.17509854

>a singaporean marble-shooting-champions fanpage comment-section
In highschool we used to play a game called silent football. One person in this game was "Mr. Dictator" and you could call him anything that was a title, a male genitalia, and some type of spud. Mr. Dick. Tator. As teenagers we had lots of giggles with all the stupid variations we came up with and as we all grew up, this part of the game became something of a shibboleth. Only new players would ever use this name variaton rule for humorous effect, because the rest of us had heard them all. Occasionally there would be a rare good one that would strike us as funny, and that new kid would be given some points for their valiant efforts. Your variation of the "this is a [activity] [country] [medium of communication]" struck me as very funny. Good job anon. Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.17509868

I sort of have been in vaguely related threads. Just feeling very lonely, very sad

>> No.17509888

this is what straight white men want

>> No.17510189

Well, at least for a night

>> No.17510227

and that's a good thing

>> No.17510256

when and how did it happen that men call the women they like "girls" well into their thirties? it is really quite odd, why not say "woman"

>> No.17510269

I feel like it's mostly women who call themselves girls when they're way past the age.

>> No.17510275

I'm struggling with this myself. Girl is too young and woman is too old
What is the term for in between retarded college females?

>> No.17510281


>> No.17510288

I say woman if it's someone I'm not attracted to and girl/chick if it's someone I was attracted to - even if they are the same age

>> No.17510296

maybe people don't become men and women when they no longer have raising a family as their goal

>> No.17510675

I like doing domestic work more than I like doing my wagie job, how do I become a househusband?

>> No.17510704

Generally women aren't as sensitive about the distinction between girl/woman as men are between boy/man.

>> No.17511054
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reviving this thread

>> No.17511298
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i grew up in a very traditional, and isolated christian village. I've spent a year outside, and there's nothing of value out here in the wastes.

I'm ready to go back

>> No.17511384

I’ve always “liked” cleaning more than any other sort of “work”. I couldn’t be a house husband though.

>> No.17511399

Im getting sick of you asian-fetish faggots. Rope.

>> No.17511401


>> No.17511428
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That's very dehumanizing to label it a ''fetish''. Apologize.

>> No.17511446

who the fuck gets ben and jerrys and chooses vanilla

>> No.17511448


>> No.17511454
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sorry for tweetposting, but... lmao

>> No.17511459
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>> No.17511476
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stop being a queer

>> No.17511526

I know it should be funny but my soul is just too crushed by the reality.

>> No.17511555

anyone want to kill the colleges and academies with me?

>> No.17511565

women are always children until they develop menopause.

>> No.17511578

alright. "i hate every woman"

>> No.17511738

Did you seriously say "I hate all girls" before that?

>> No.17511746

yes, and after too. i call it "sandwich number one", hating girls is the bread and hating women is the meat. sandwich number two is the knuckle sandwich i give my girlfriend every day

>> No.17511796
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Just sounds silly when you say girls instead of women. I respect your opinion, though personally I love both girls and women. How does hitting your gf feel? Does she enjoy it?

>> No.17512170

I'm suffering hella melancholy so I broke out Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy to see if he had any advice, but the part on this kind of melancholy is like 10 pages (I think, since I read it on iPad) meanwhile the book has 1500 pages about every other bullshit kind of melancholy.

>> No.17512182

Internet meme culture is now the subject of extensive industry laboratory studies by corporations or intelligence agencies who are exploring ways to co opt memes in order to incorporate them into their advertising. Any meme that is organic will eventually become commodified, nothing is immune to the culture industry.

>> No.17512197

dude FUCK having a real job

>> No.17512214

Black Sabbath's 'Supertzar' is annoying

>> No.17512219

living with roommates is cool at first, but as you get older it gets increasingly undignified.

>> No.17512235

What can be done, short of dismantling capitalism or abandoning memes at an ever increasing rate?

>> No.17512270

Sleepless, I become a mannequin. Staring at the glowing screen of my mobile device all night long. I am frozen in place. I lose myself in the reminiscence of what was and the imagining of what could be or have been. Waiting... waiting... thinking of her. It is my perennial curse to fall in love too easily. I need her the way that a flower needs rain, in the silence I can still hear her voice and there is nothing left of me but the beating of my heart, which beats for her.

>> No.17512274

Memes only exist because of capitalism. They guy who made all those cat memes did it for content on his blog that he sold to some conglomerate for a puny 10k or so. Memes have always been part of a commercialized content strategy. Deal with it, I guess.

>> No.17512296

dont let shaytan win, anon. God is greater

>> No.17512303

Just stabbed my gf in the back of the neck with a pen by accident and she was actually hurt, not just joking around hurt. Laughed so fucking hard lads

>> No.17512319

I have like 19 years to go until I can retire assuming nothing major happens between now and then. It's gonna go fast, but still I can't wait.

>> No.17512326


>> No.17512334
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Don't listen to >>17512296 give in to lust.

>> No.17512336

God, I hate fapping, but if I don't do it eventually I can't concentrate and will just end up nutting randomly in my sleep and making a mess.

>> No.17512364

Baudrillard said that the only authentic acts possible now are extreme violence and terrorism

>> No.17512375

I don't masterbate anymore. Horniness is just a sensation that you can choose not to address. There are much more important things to concern yourself with

>> No.17512382

I loved her so much, and yet I could not properly show it. I was a jerk. I ruined everything. Words cannot adequately express her beauty. She was like an ethereal spirit from another world, stunningly gorgeous in a natural way, a quiet romantic soul with a dreamy sort of aura. She set her own course for life, fiercely independent and creative. She possessed the most stunning eyes I’ve ever seen. They’re big and round with light-brown irises that sparkle like hard stones. Staring into them was pure bliss.

She was the light in my life, the radiant glow of love blazing upon my soul, the force that held me together. Every time I was with her I felt a calm wash over me, a serenity that I have not experienced since. Her presence was reassuring and inspiring. We are on separate paths now and our lives may never converge again, yet I cannot exorcise her from my thoughts. It feels as though something invisible tethers us together, perhaps spiritually. We were together for a period of our lives, and the memories will always be there, but we are no longer.

>> No.17512386

let go of your earthly tether, enter the void, become wind

>> No.17512388

But terrorism basically operates on a meme system where random cells and individuals imitate each other, the so-called "stochastic terror" or whatever

>> No.17512389

try again

>> No.17512403

Yeah, but I don't want to randomly wake up with my boxers full of nut.

>> No.17512420

i don’t care dog

>> No.17512424

I've held my nut in for 6mo before and never had a wet dream

>> No.17512431

wow must be nice to be low tee like that

>> No.17512433

He sounds retarded.

>> No.17512460

We all wear masks. There are many different persons in all of us that we can choose to be. Humans are malleable clay that are playthings of the institutions and social engineers, they will follow the roles that they are told to.

>> No.17512519
File: 2.06 MB, 5760x3840, Soo-Young-Park-Feet-4817629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need these gook feet on my face or I won't be able to sleep tonight.

>> No.17512563

Low-status white men settle for asians.

>> No.17512590

White women don't care that you're simping for them on a fijian embroidery forum.

>> No.17512596

knowing someone has your back no matter what, and you have theirs

>> No.17512608

>Why do I keep finding their objectively plain women even better looking than any women of other nationality?
Plastic surgery

>> No.17512674

How do I stop being a woman? Metaphysically not literally.

>> No.17512691

I’m really sad that /lit/ didn’t keep up with burgerpunk. It would have been really neat if we all had written our own things and self published them, creating a network that would bump each other’s SEO and invent a genre. We never even got to the point where Reddit took it and made it their own without giving us credit.

>> No.17512697

It’s because you guys weren’t honest with yourselves about it. Yeah I get it a chunk of you really wanted to make heavy theoretical/philosophical stuff but honestly the majority of you probably just wanted to create America centric cyber punk stuff and honestly even the bigger names in speculative fiction feel like they just want to justify their cyber punk schlock.

This wouldn’t be a bad thing if you lads were honest about it with yourselves but pretending it had higher intellectual aspirations kills the libidinal drive, makes it not fun. Makes it a job. Ya know?

>> No.17512713

Why are you tripfagging?

>> No.17512719

When I see tripfags I always assume they are a bit autistic, and try to treat them with the kindness I would treat someone mentally disabled so long as they show no signs of malice.

>> No.17512727

It just wasn't a very good idea.

>> No.17512731

To save conversations, save critique, key posts, arguments, recommendations and so forth. Also a matter of sentimentality, a group of friends of mine would all use the frater name and though we no longer speak regularly, I still like it. If there was no archive I wouldn’t use it.

>> No.17512735

All modern social problems are the result of Heidegger ruining Husserl's project.

>> No.17512748

At least we have the ponty line, Edith Stein, Luc Marion and laruelle’s work rooting in husserl. Feels like no one gives Husserl his due or cares about his project in comparison to people who champion the name of Heidegger.

>> No.17512767

I'll take the one on the right.

>> No.17512785

The biggest pseud in all of continental philosophy. If you invest any time into reading him you are being literally scammed.

>> No.17512888

I dunno, I saw the arguments about ‘what is Burgerpunk’ as one of the funnier running gags within that time, but I can see how it would lead to a lack of creativity when you have 5 different definitions in front of you.
But there were some really great anons out there who wrote well and really embraced it. Harry rode shotgun still rings out in my head.

>> No.17512922

I mean, I think he’s a fun writer for what he’s going for, ya know, trying to create a philosophical system without being bound by auto-position and really starting a system proper in order to create a broader level of more abstract system for the purposes of analysis. But I totally get why people would find it shitty/hacky.

I mean, I’m sure there’s good writing and if you have a bunch of dudes encouraging and critiquing each other that is bound to raise overall quality. But I mean if you lads really really want to, you could just continue making the threads and force yourself into writing. Make a discord server or some other group to focus discussions even harder and go full force Gardner mode on shilling your writings on here as a group.

I honestly think from what little of the threads I’ve seen the guys were taking it too seriously and weren’t having fun with it, burning themselves out.

>> No.17512946

It didn't seem like it was made by Americans, but like what some European guy imagined flyover America to be based on some pictures of rural gas stations. Just seemed inauthentic to me. It felt like one of those "solution in search of a problem" situations you get in tech, but for literary genres.

>> No.17512985

>full force Gardner mode
Topkek. Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. We should get the band back together.

>> No.17512986

I can totally see that but I kinda feel that same inauthenticity to Cyberpunk and speculative fiction as a whole as far as my experience of it goes.

>> No.17513028

I think cyberpunk made sense for a minute in the 80s or early 90s, but even that is such a limited genre. There are only really a couple of authors and a handful of movies. At this point it's just reduced to a rainy cityscape with a bunch of purple neon lights.

>> No.17513031

There were most def some ESL types in those threads using it as an excuse to bash the US. I can’t really blame them. Personally, I’ve been experimenting with different styles of writing for it and I’ve found that there are some extremes that you shouldn’t push while others hit the perfect spot. I think we just didn’t have enough time or attention to explore it to the point where what was made had literary merit.

>> No.17513053

you are correct in your assessment, yet is not "finality" by nature crepuscular?
maturity signals a time to die

>> No.17513100
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I assume the same of anyone who posts cute korean girls.

>> No.17513103

Everyone's degenerate but me.

>> No.17513122

why did you make 2 feet editions in a row then? you sick fuck

>> No.17513179

I made that thread (and this one), and I will tell you why I decided to make the original post revolve around the feet of a woman:
Personally, I find that female feet motivate me to write. I can't explain. I don't know if it's the texture or the smell of feet, or the beauty of the arch, or the thinness of the ankle. Feet are the key, nonetheless. It's not a sexual thing. I feel alive because of these feet and I hope other anons of the /lit/ board of 4chan share this sentiment. My decision was based on an earnest love of literature and feet are only a part of this. I hope to make these threads a tradition.

>> No.17513189

I hate feet. I hate that I hate feet, because it means I have to tolerate the visceral disgust that comes from footfags being all over the place. I wish I at least felt neutral about them, but they just disgust me. I don't even want to see them.

>> No.17513213

Soft smooth pale girl feet are the most beautiful thing in the world

>> No.17513861

That big Google doc story was kino until someone nuked it. Alas, such is life.

>> No.17514863

that word is too overused, pls stop