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17503717 No.17503717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I hereby describe to you the duality of man.

I've been a incel coomer since puberty and always dreamt of experiencing being with many prostitutes and mindlessly "letting go" and let my senses take me where they want. I want to indulge in decrepit acts with as many beautiful women as I can, the more beautiful the better. I only get these urges when I'm horny, the rest of the time I couldn't care less and the thought of it even disgusts me sometimes.

As I've gotten older I've been more and more convinced that to Man the desire of Women is always there, conscientiously or sub-conscientiously, whether we admit it or not. Those who cannot get women directly resort to all storts types of cope. Most men, given the choice of plowing in the fields, wagecucking or being miserably married would never hesitate to trade it for a lifetime supply of a personal harem. Art is Man's expression of his desire for the female body.

When I'm not filled with coomer energy, all I day dream about is a wholesome beautiful wife who I'm going to be faithful with and produce many offsprings - the complete antithesis of my coomer brain. How do I reconcile these two parts of me? Having consensual (no hooker) sex seems to be the most evident next step, but I haven't been able to yet.

tl;dr is pure sensual, unadulterated hedonism cringe?

>> No.17503735

>How do I reconcile these two parts of me?
You don’t because you’re never going to be happily married. Porn has essentially molested you since your youth. Your sexuality is nigh-irreparably fucked. You have to quit porn and you have to quit it now if you want any chance of a happy and faithful life with your one and only. Porn is harder to quit than cigarettes, and like cigarettes the addiction will stay with you for life, you will have to always fight it. The good news is, you are a strong person and you can do it. End porn addiction, it starts with you.

>> No.17503741

You lack God in your life, to put it briefly.

But you might as well grab some nice girl and see what you can make of it. There's no point in denying yourself the experience.

>> No.17503759
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>> No.17503768

It doesn't make one happy. Pleasure and happiness are not the same

>> No.17503781

neither does a lifetime of inceldom

>> No.17503784

refute this: OP wanting to fuck whores is not /lit/

>> No.17503793

>acquire attractive wife
>fuck your wife
>fap to other women sometimes
It's really that simple

>> No.17503797

nonstop pleasure at any and all time reduces pleasure to an even more meaningless act. It's like the opposite of how pain and evil within Dachau became so normal that people didn't even blink. Overkilling any experience makes it nothing.

>> No.17503805

you really need to read A Posthumous Confession because this post feels written by the narrator

>> No.17503820

you get tired of pizza and jacking off sooner or later. these threads are made by little kids

>> No.17503823

Yeah well we don't all have the luck to have a good and faithful partner. That's something even chad will have to deal with in his lifetime. Incels don't understand it because they haven't lived it, but promiscuity doesn't make you happy.

>> No.17503871

>Can you refute Hedonism?
No, but same goes for asceticism.
Value judgments all around.

>> No.17503878

OP, don't listen to a bunch of confused Christcucks posting to an anime/porno site. They have issues of their own.

>> No.17503924

Thank you for the motivation, I don't wish porn addiction on anyone. It's a terrible misfortune. It affects so many people yet we do nothing of it. It would seem like the easiest thing in the world to put an complete end to it, but for some reason the people in charge don't bother to do anything at all

>> No.17504020

i thought this was going to be a serious philosophy thread but i see you are using the word colloquially and the extent of your sentiment is being obsessed with sex and women because you are addicted to masturbation/pornography.

>> No.17504037

Groovy and irrefutable post.

>> No.17504071

Confessions of the Lecherous Memeing Bastard OP by Anon.

Available nowhere.

>> No.17504077

Ethical hedonism is based as hell. It's the only rational way of life that doesn't depend on blind faith in absurd metaphysics.

>> No.17504101

It's the spaces between the cigarettes...

>> No.17504449

promiscuity makes you an object. if your a slave to you primal desires you are nothing more then a slave.

A man must have rules that he lives by, A man must be rightous in his teaching and in his daily life. there is no glory in frivolous sex and hedonism. only self destruction will come.

sex intrinsically isn't MEANT for the acquisition of pleasure. it's for reproduction while pleasure being a by product. if you're having sex for fun and not for the purpose of reproducing you're living backwards. and isn't it evil to live backwards?

>> No.17504485

read easypeasymethod.

forgot the author but it's a hacked author from another guy who wrote a book about alcohol addiction. Porn is an addiction.

Being a young guy I never thought I'd become an addict. i always thought i was too smart to become some drooling idiot shooting dope into my arm while my life fell apart. but that's the reality. porn destroys your mind through brainwashing and this book breaks down how and why so you can have the mental tools to avoid the brainwashing rather then trying to avoid the porn.

so far so good for me. they insist that you don't stop using porn while reading but I'm about half way through and i could watch porn now. The whole thing makes me feel a little disgusted.

good luck anons.