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File: 461 KB, 671x610, ehem_ehem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17499644 No.17499644 [Reply] [Original]

Oh shit, Sartre has the loudspeaker.

What is he about to say?

>> No.17499647

He is going to do a 360 and walk away

>> No.17499673

>9 year olds should be legal!

>> No.17499709

>"J'ai la liberté absolue de me gratter le cul si le cul me gratte !"
>everyone claps
>three girls in the audience faint
>your gf tells you she finds him pretty cute

>> No.17499721

>incoherent babbling

>> No.17499725


>> No.17499742
File: 58 KB, 630x1200, MV5BYjA3M2Q0ZjUtMDM5My00OGQ5LWI0NGQtMTI3ZWU0M2NiM2NkL2ltYWdlL2ltYWdlXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc4MzI2NQ@@._V1_UY1200_CR482,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, I can't tell who he is yelling at.

>> No.17499770

>Madame Beauvoir, I require more of your students to...educate. Send more post haste.

>> No.17499781

He's scoping out two teenage girls at once.

>> No.17499802

"Bonjour mes chers, I've got my eye on you."

>> No.17499808

Adjmantition flargelates the Indochina Indochina Indochina brekek ke kek Koaxialkabel Koaxialkabel Koax. I am friends with the Che Guevara. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me. Indochina Indochina Indochina Livy lives with arms appalling, adjamintion flarticles OLD DEUTERNEVERFORGETTHEALIMONY ALIMONY ALIMONY Fuck me Fuck me fuck me I am friends with the Che Guevara

>> No.17499821

"If you can hear me, you're gay"

>> No.17500046

>Satre NO!!

>> No.17500884


>> No.17500897


>> No.17500916

Goddamn that’s one big ass loudspeaker

>> No.17500936

Actually Sartre was just very small

>> No.17501749

Why does he repulse me so?
I know he's French, but there's something else as well.

>> No.17502132


>> No.17502597

>cant even look in one direction
>wears glasses

>> No.17502640

>mes chers
>Plural male form

>> No.17503048

He's letting everyone know that the new translation of Being and Nothingness is coming out September 7th on Amazon, and it truly does justice to his work. 40 bucks pre-order but I'm in already.

>> No.17503089
File: 266 KB, 905x881, 1570482423071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading it in its original French
Just say you're a brainlet anon