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1750152 No.1750152 [Reply] [Original]

i LOVE this book
recommend me more like this please

preferably by different author(s)


>> No.1750176

Unbearable Lightness of Being.
Maybe it's just the translators, but I got a similar mood and tone with Kundera and Murakami, mocking but just shy of sardonic.

>> No.1750186

sanshiro by soseki. it's more like murakami's norwegian wood than wind up bird though. down-to-earth coming of age story that's subtle and bittersweet.

you could try raymond carver. that's murakami's fave author i think. less surreal but the prose is crispy delicious.

the great gatsby is a book murakami draws influence from i think. i know he likes the book a lot...and when it i can kind of sense some of his strong narrative voice from this book.

as far as popular surreal shit that people tend to throw out there with wind up bird...one-hundred years of solitude by marquez (fuck off, haters). prose-wise it's not the same, and the story is told in a different way, but the feeling of dream-like hit me the same way.

murakami has quite a few books though. you should be busy for a while. not to mention he has a new one coming out in october i think. 3 books in 1 so it's like 900-something pages. purdy sweet, bruh.

anyways, hope this helps.

>> No.1750195
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>and when it i can kind of sense some of his strong narrative voice from this book.

not sure what the hell i was writing there. lol

>> No.1750217

thanks guys! I'll check out Kundera, Soseki and Carver.

I had to read One Hundred Years Of Solitude for high school already (lol latin america) and didn't like it much; but I was younger so maybe I couldn't appreciate it well.

if you have more suggestions, tell me please. the more surreal the better

>> No.1750247
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shadow of the wind by zafon was a page-turner. it had the pseudo-detective thing going on like much of murakami's shit.

ryunosuke akutagawa's short stories are great. murakami even wrote an intro for rubin's translation (who translates a lot of murakami's stuff).

kafka is pretty surreal. but you probably knew that.

i like jap-/lit/ in general. some anon made the pic with this post. save it. google the books on it to see if they might interest you. there are tons of good ones on it.

>> No.1750263

awesome! thank you for your suggestions

I'll bump this later when more people is around

>> No.1752033


Just read Carver and Chandler.

>yfw you realize Murakami swagger-jacked them shamelessly
>yfw you have no face

>> No.1752085

soseki is rad

>> No.1752131

Borges short stories, Demian, Steppenwolf, Ubik, Lord of Light....