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17494378 No.17494378 [Reply] [Original]

Who was in the wrong here, again?

>> No.17494384

Yi-Fen Chou

>> No.17494388

Chingy Chang Ping

>> No.17494397

Stuff like this unironically makes me grateful I'm not White. I have no idea how you guys aren't having a Civil Rights Movement of your own at this point.

>> No.17494405

we just stormed the capitol, bromannumeral.

>> No.17494415

Just watch, there will be hundreds if not thousands of cases like this in the next decade. Rachael Dolezal was just the first of many white people who are going to LARP as a minority.

>> No.17494420

These anti-racist measures wouldn’t be a thing if not for their pointy little heads

>> No.17494424

Eh, you guys were let in...

>> No.17494425

I have no idea how you guys aren't having a Civil Rights Movement of your own at this point that isn't a psyop.

>> No.17494442
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>My entire life thinking I'd never get published because I'm a poor Mexican with a tenuous grasp of the English language at best
>find out they would literally suck my tranny cock just because of it

This is bullshit; I wanted to get published by the merit of my writing not political bullshit.

>> No.17494454

It makes sense if you understand who actually memed the CRM into existence

>> No.17494457

butterfly will you come to /x/?

>> No.17494460

Obviously white people are at fault for weaponizing their white privilege to colonize the spaces of other races.

>> No.17494463
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The poetry journal editors who wouldn't publish him because of his race.

>> No.17494471

But why? It's just a voice, no one can see her. Asian American girls sound just like white girls anyway.

>> No.17494494

Everyone, poetry is the lowest form of art.

>> No.17494496

You racist sack of shit. Claiming that white voices are the same as asian voices. You should be in jail

>> No.17494501

Are you implying there are genetic and physical differences between races you fucking shitlord?

>> No.17494506

I once used a female pseudonym for a short story of mine and won a literary contest. Everyone was fucking seething, a female feminist acquaintance doesn't speak to me since. It was worth it.

>> No.17494510

Hello frens, should I identify as Mexican to get into law schools? All I have to do is check a box. Literally could be the difference between me going to a top 14 school or not.

>> No.17494511

It's virtue signalling. It all started with a voice actress of a black character from Big Mouth I think - and since white people love to think of themselves as progressives, of course more people followed her.

>> No.17494522

For better or worse every time I see a minority that graduate from Yale or Harvard etc. I literally think “oh they must be incredibly mediocre and only got in because they are black” it’s terrible but it’s the truth.

>> No.17494528

Rights from fucking who? We make them nigga

>> No.17494532
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>tfw you're not american but this shit will be forced into your country all the same
why are they so superficial and unprincipled bros? american concept of race doesn't even apply in my country, we go by ethnicity which whatever this 'white' and 'black' is, is not an ethnicity, but it will surely be peddled harder and harder and eventually overwrite. leaving a confused and racist mess.

>> No.17494533

If you have plausible deniability, absolutely.

>> No.17494540

Short term I do. Long term I don’t. I can’t imagine being questioned and if I do I’ll just ask them if they are asking for a dna purity test or something like that which I’m certain will scare them off.

>> No.17494546

why were they seething? it used to be normal for women to use male pseudonyms to get published, this is literally the same thing.

>> No.17494547

Yeah, in my country it's ethnicity as well but I see it more and more often that racial divides seem to drive the discussions by now. SJW probably need something to seethe again, since we solved every ethnic divides in Europe.

>> No.17494557

i'm half convinced it's a malicious ploy to create division and weaken proles

>> No.17494564

Its a closed relative circle in which white people are outside of. Every other race overlaps while also having their own place in the circle, including the ability to empathize with and take the place of whites, but whites are in their own relative bubble where, although there are no physiological differences, they cannot interact on the same frequency with the other races.

>> No.17494566

europeans are like children. the reason race means nothing to them is because they live in absolute sheltered privilege.

>> No.17494577
File: 257 KB, 750x687, C6F461C7-214A-4D72-851D-8745C506465E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the only time a white guy can get his poetry published is when he’s a legit sex offender

>> No.17494591

I don't understand, were the other prisoners serving time for marijuana possession or some other misdemeanors?

>> No.17494607

be fully convinced. Aint no surprise this shit started up so quickly after Occupy and a global movement which saw leftist parties make huge gains across Europe.

>> No.17494619

how? we get deplatformed from social media, deplatformed from banks, and thrown in jail

>> No.17494659

I can't imagine trying to be an Asian American poet in the era of Ocean Vuong and Rupi Kaur. And now this? I think I would just give up.

>> No.17494673

This happened to Civil Rights leaders in the 1960s too, but they kept pushing

>> No.17494675

It's nefarious. Instead of dealing with ethnic groups as they are, they look for inequalities then draw colour lines around them in order to create new political blocks. Basically manufacture racial tensions and use that to push political platforms.
The end goal is to maintain a paternalistic relationship between the state and the individual. Every ethnic group must feel attacked, because then they'll be less likely to support measures like public healthcare or infrastructure projects.
It's working too. Everyone in America has a castle mentality that's been carefully nurtured by their ruling class. Nothing ever happens, but because everyone is angry and terrified they cannot unify into a common block. Because race is used to liquidate minority ethnic groups, there aren't any small vanguards who can rally around a common history or spiritual cause to fight back. Instead everyone is transformed into an alienated mongrel without any sense of past or future, surrounded by a hostile society that wants them dead (promoted by the jews constantly pumping out music videos of cops killing niggers and niggers killing lame privileged whites).
When people play along with the government, tensions are momentarily relaxed in order to promote Pavlovian conditioning.When people act against the government interests, they are false flagged on all sides.
These are the same people that executed 9-11. They're evil and they want to take your soul.

>> No.17494680

worked for my white blue eyed friend
should be fine for you

>> No.17494682

We don't have a civil rights movement of our own because we are not allowed to be proud of our heritage or talk about it. Don't forget that 'white pride' is somehow synonymous with 'nazi' and 'racist' now. We can't band together because the SPLC or whoever will automatically call any white civil rights group a racist white nationalist organization or terror group.

>> No.17494689

your post did read fairly sane for the first few lines

>> No.17494698

There is currently a movement in the voice acting community to get whites to stop voicing non-white characters. That being said Phil Lamarr will argue there is nothing wrong with him voicing a Japanese man though.

>> No.17494706

>decide to publish poetry from current and former prisoners
>get upset when you find out that one of them was arrested for a crime you don't like

Who do they think gets sent to prison?

>> No.17494714

is there anything wrong with publishing under a trans-racial pseudonym?
I see no issue
honestly women and poc should publish under white names so people here can judge work without prejudice

>> No.17494718

leftists have a comfy double think between the people in prison and the crimes that earn them a stay there.

>> No.17494721

they do, George Eliot, J.K. Rowling. It's sadly rare though.

>> No.17494729

If you're actually a mexican tranny you could get published tomorrow

>> No.17494734

Lying on your law school application can be grounds for rejection from the bar.

>> No.17494764
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Seethe wygirls(wybois)
>b-but muh incorruptible merit-based society
>mfw you actually think that

>> No.17494773
File: 38 KB, 663x579, dep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how have we fallen so far

>> No.17494788

If China has a merit-based society, why can't we? (Sure they have nepotism, but we do too, and we have a bunch of other things that come before merit as well)

>> No.17494793

bro, you are mostly right but can we drop the kike blaming bullshit? Even if its 80% kikes, it isn't kikes that are the fundamental problem, and more importantly it makes us into toxic fucking sludge. I actually want to make a coalition of all peoples against the evil in the world, but the evil is powerful individuals not jews as such.

>> No.17494796

>""""POC"""" artist but looks white with white name
>milk heritage
>career not getting any traction

I swear to God I'm like 2 major rejections away from using a ridiculous racist name like this just to prove that the establishment doesn't give a shit about quality work

>> No.17494799

Art and entertainment will always primarily be dictated by vogue if not by politics. Every fad elevates mediocre artists who follow it, it just so happens that the fad for the past couple decades is post-colonial intersectionality.

>> No.17494802

get ready to read my novel laddies

>> No.17494805
File: 248 KB, 1200x1500, Elizabeth Warren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17494808

Why did the US never press charges against anyone involved in 9/11? They have several suspects in Guantanamo bay, and none of them have seen a day in court, nor has the US presented any evidence to foreign countries concerning involvement. The Taliban sent sympathies to the US the day of the 9/11 attack and when it was claimed that Osama bin Laden was involved they offered to hand him over to US authorities if they were presented with evidence.
Had Russia suffered from a terrorist attack, then immediately put blame on some fringe terrorist group who denied involvement, started slashing civil liberties, declared war on multiple fronts, indefinitely arrested the people 'responsible' so confessions could be extracted under torture, then those people were never seen again or even allowed a show-trial, would you believe that?
If you read Jason Jorjani's accounts of the Unite the Right Charlottesville riots, the whole thing was thrown together when a couple of people claiming to be blackwater intelligence operatives brought together a couple of emerging but unrelated right wing organizations and organized a rally for them. Those operatives then cut contact and vanished. Why would Blackwater organize a highly televised poorly planned neo-nazi parade?
Why does so much American hip-hop focus on race violence? Why does so much TV focus on race violence? Why are Americans forced to participate in racial self-labeling every time they file taxes or apply for a job? No other country does this.
Why have so many prominent activists and journalists died under mysterious circumstances?
How did Epstein die without any video recording despite being held in a monitored prison cell? Why hasn't investigation into his victims fielded any arrests of powerful and influential people?
What goes on in the Bohemian Club? Kubrick heavily implied that they murdered women and were involved in human trafficking, then he died. Other occultist secret societies like Propaganda Due have been involved in murdering high level judges and journalists in order to protect heads of state, and the Italian Freemasons (as well as the Social Democratic Party which was involved in those murders) were established and funded post-war in large part thanks to contributions from the CIA.
Open your eyes, your whole country is being played by powerful sociopaths.

>> No.17494824
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Sure, my bad. You're right, it's the powerful elites in LA and NY, not all Jews as such.
Whats important to realize s that by virtue of being right you're already toxic sludge, regardless of how you handle yourself. They will comb your personal life and and then make something up if they need to in order to discredit you.

>> No.17494828

My native American queen...I KNEEL

>> No.17494831

uncle ruckus

>> No.17494846

He's actually right about the castle mentality. The 80s has fostered this rejection of any kind of paternalism coupled with an embrace of freedom for personal vice that many of that generation were completely unwilling to extend in principle to anyone else. I would argue that this actually exists to a much lesser degree in minority communities, but the affluent white class has a common trait of wanting to be kings, be answerable to no nation or notion of responsibility, but also to have everyone else answer to their personal standards of accountability. This selfishness has corroded healthy political involvement, especially at the national level.

>> No.17494857

I do the same thing except I pretend to be Jewish.

>> No.17494859

You could see that mentality in the Capital Riot. Especially the days after when they were being arrested or found out they were on the no fly list and started crying on camera.

>> No.17494867

>Open your eyes, your whole country is being played by powerful sociopaths.
yeah we know dude.

>> No.17494868

You have the losers and then the winner

>> No.17494877

True but anti-semitism will paint a target on your back in the masses eyes as well. Don't be black pilled on this one amigo, it's gonna be rough but we can do it. The truth wins in the end

>> No.17494885
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, D23CD763-4822-4E07-9CC6-F8E239E48D31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any manifestations of hatred, irrationality, and violence or calls for violence in such movements or tangentially related to such movements are pounced upon by liberal ideologues and artificially magnified to convince everyone of the threat of “Neo-Nazism,” “white supremacism,” “dangerous far-right ideology,” etc. The manifestations of violence, bigotry, and irrationality that’s on the side of the modern woke monoculture, on the other hand, are glossed over, minimized, excuses are found for them (like with BLM and Antifa rioting and looting). Ironically, this prevailing cultural sentiment serves to radicalize people more, the same way the Western governments’ insane, genocidal, corrupt actions and policies in the Middle East creates more Islamic terrorism. Welcome to clown world.

>> No.17494890

>The truth wins in the end
It really doesn't lol. I'm sure the majority of recorded history is complete bullshit written to justify the victory of evil people

>> No.17494913

Well done post

>> No.17494936

I'd argue that much of the tone of BLM is the result of blacks collectively adopting that castle mentality, whereas with whites (at least those who can afford to own a castle) it manifests on a more familial basis.
Everyone sees themselves as an individual or collective surrounded on all sides by hostile forces, so they become cruel and selfish, only care about getting theirs. Political change cant happen under these circumstances.

>> No.17494953

All of these bullshit politics about race and culture in the US are due to the fact that any kind of serious critique of the modern bureaucratic state and capitalist market economy is taboo in the education system / mainstream pubic discourse.
Consequentially, the only place left to turn for any kind of leftist movement that can hit the ground running is petty identity politics.
This insanity of an "opposition" movement we're seeing is just as much the fault of cold-war era right wing nationalism as the problems they are trying to oppose.
The propaganda is real, too. The way that 1984 (a book which should be one of the most important works of the modern industrial era) is taught in most American high schools is abhorrent.

>> No.17494954
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This ends with a broad Islamic front. Political Islam is, ironically, more humanistic and less hostile to western civilization than the West at this point. All political differences need to be put aside if humanity is to survive.

>> No.17494955

This is one of the most simple yet profound statements I've read on this board in years.

Checked, too.

>> No.17494959

I've seen younger blacks point out that their parents and their parents had an extreme castle mentality because they lack any sort of control outside their homes. So when their children express any sort of opinion that is counter to their own they get offended and quickly turn to violence.

>> No.17494970
File: 225 KB, 770x1082, 30e1fe1a7302ef878513fd8f7f882938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Hutuktu of Narabanchi related the following to me, when I visited him in his monastery in the beginning of 1921: “When the King of the World appeared before the Lamas, favored of God, in this monastery thirty years ago he made a prophecy for the coming half century.
It was as follows:
“More and more the people will forget their souls and care about their bodies. The greatest sin and corruption will reign on the earth. People will become as ferocious animals, thirsting for the blood and death of their brothers. The ‘Crescent’ will grow dim and its followers will descend into beggary and ceaseless war. Its conquerors will be stricken by the sun but will not progress upward and twice they will be visited with the heaviest misfortune, which will end in insult before the eye of the other peoples. The crowns of kings, great and small, will fall . . . one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. . . . There will be a terrible battle among all the peoples. The seas will become red . . . the earth and the bottom of the seas will be strewn with bones . . . kingdoms will be scattered . . . whole peoples will die . . . hunger, disease, crimes unknown to the law, never before seen in the world. The enemies of God and of the Divine Spirit in man will come. Those who take the hand of another shall also perish. The forgotten and pursued shall rise and hold the attention of the whole world. There will be fogs and storms. Bare mountains shall suddenly be covered with forests. Earthquakes will come. . . . Millions will change the fetters of slavery and humiliation for hunger, disease and death. The ancient roads will be covered with crowds wandering from one place to another. The greatest and most beautiful cities shall perish in fire . . . one, two, three. . . . Father shall rise against son, brother against brother and mother against daughter. . . . Vice, crime and the destruction of body and soul shall follow. . . . Families shall be scattered. . . . Truth and love shall disappear. . . . From ten thousand men one shall remain; he shall be nude and mad and without force and the knowledge to build him a house and find his food. . . . He will howl as the raging wolf, devour dead bodies, bite his own flesh and challenge God to fight. . . . All the earth will be emptied. God will turn away from it and over it there will be only night and death. Then I shall send a people, now unknown, which shall tear out the weeds of madness and vice with a strong hand and will lead those who still remain faithful to the spirit of man in the fight against Evil. They will found a new life on the earth purified by the death of nations. In the fiftieth year only three great kingdoms will appear, which will exist happily seventy-one years. Afterwards there will be eighteen years of war and destruction. Then the peoples of Agharti will come up from their subterranean caverns to the surface of the earth.’”

>> No.17494979

>Ah yes, Christians and other non-Muslims will fight for the right to be second-class citizens and/or genocided.
One of the few things the West does right at this point is keeping religious fanatics in check.

>> No.17494985
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Afterwards, as I traveled farther through Eastern Mongolia and to Peking, I often thought: “And what if . . . ? What if whole peoples of different colors, faiths and tribes should begin their migration toward the West?”
And now, as I write these final lines, my eyes involuntarily turn to this limitless Heart of Asia over which the trails of my wanderings twine. Through whirling snow and driving clouds of sand of the Gobi they travel back to the face of the Narabanchi Hutuktu as, with quiet voice and a slender hand pointing to the horizon, he opened to me the doors of his innermost thoughts:
“Near Karakorum and on the shores of Ubsa Nor I see the huge, multi-colored camps, the herds of horses and cattle and the blue yurtas of the leaders. Above them I see the old banners of Jenghiz Khan, of the Kings of Tibet, Siam, Afghanistan and of Indian Princes; the sacred signs of all the Lamaite Pontiffs; the coats of arms of the Khans of the Olets; and the simple signs of the north Mongolian tribes. I do not hear the noise of the animated crowd. The singers do not sing the mournful songs of mountain, plain and desert. The young riders are not delighting themselves with the races on their fleet steeds. . . . There are innumerable crowds of old men, women and children and beyond in the north and west, as far as the eye can reach, the sky is red as a flame, there is the roar and crackling of fire and the ferocious sound of battle. Who is leading these warriors who there beneath the reddened sky are shedding their own and others’ blood? Who is leading these crowds of unarmed old men and women? I see severe order, deep religious understanding of purposes, patience and tenacity . . . a new great migration of peoples, the last march of the Mongols. . . .”

>> No.17494992

Sounds like my white liberal parents desu.

>> No.17495009
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Because it's mostly whites and Jews at the top, it would never be a "white civil rights" movement. Get more rights for white people from... the liberal whites who manage the institutions which exclude us? Ridiculous, silly- that's why they call it "clown world" is we literally dont have the language to speak about this stuff. The only revolt open for discussion is racial revolt, and we (whites) dont have a racial bone to pick with the people on top- people have tried to paint them all as Jews but Jews disappear into white crowds and most of the elite are actually not Jewish. They're just overrepresented. So the racialist rhetoric is useless to the white race.
The only movement which can improve conditions for the majority of white people would have to come on the basis of class, because that's the only way we can articulate our grievance. That's why class is not allowed in discussion right now. If you started writing about class consciousness at any university level they'd come after you, DSA and Democrats regularly kick out or neuter caucuses and subgroups oriented to class consciousness, etc.

>> No.17495025

>DSA and Democrats regularly kick out or neuter caucuses and subgroups oriented to class consciousness
>Democrats are anti-communist
I wish you were right man

>> No.17495026

other than the off hand antisemitism this is basically right and i learned all this from reading foucualt

>> No.17495050

>but the affluent white class has a common trait of wanting to be kings, be answerable to no nation or notion of responsibility, but also to have everyone else answer to their personal standards of accountability

I disagree with this, actually, though I think it's adjacent to the truth. I would argue that in the 80s the affluent whites *stopped* asking everyone else to answer to their personal standards of accountability. Prior to the 1980s things like divorce, promiscuity, single-mothers, and children born out of wedlock were widely condemned by affluent whites. Of course some affluent whites violated those personal standards and did all those things, and by-and-large ended up fine because of the built up capital (both social and monetary) that they had accumulated over centuries. But in general social norms were still enforced.

Enter the 80s, 90s, and beyond, and suddenly it seems unfair to call out people of color (or even poor whites) for these violations of societal norms. And lo and behold it no longer becomes 'bad' to be a single mother, a bastard child, and divorced man, etc, and we see those populations explode as they are no longer faced with scorn or accountability. Except it turns out that those personal standards and societal norms were actually *good* for society as a whole, even if they may have been from time to time unfair to an individual. And so we end up where we are now, where everything that Daniel Patrick Moynihan warned against in the black communities of the 1960s has now become commonplace among *all* of the less-moneyed classes, to a horrendous effect. And in the mean time the affluent whites continue to by-and-large live by the now unspoken norms and rules, and continue to prosper.

>> No.17495051

Wow. You’re a retard.

>> No.17495060

(me again; I may have misread you, and I apologize if I have).

>> No.17495061

They are actively anti-leftist, for real. They just appeal to urban capitalists with cosmopolitan consumer tendencies over the rural plebs with provincial consumer tendencies.

>> No.17495071

Actually delusional.

>> No.17495073

>Asian American girls

asian american girls are fucking trash, literally the worst of both worlds

t. asian american

>> No.17495082

It is very hard for me to believe a party whose rising stars include AOC and the like isn't on the road to becoming a communist party.

>> No.17495084

You're not delusional, that's way too harsh
Just wrong and a little differently abled

>> No.17495095

She's a rising star because she can bring in a TON of fundraising on a national level. I will be concerned (or optimistic?) about the Democratic Party becoming a communist party if/when AOC and her ilk actually obtain any positions in party leadership.

>> No.17495122

So you prefer to follow the bread and circuses tabloid bullshit over the actual votes. Got it.
AOC has a role in the democratic party and it is the opposite of "communist," she reigns in retarded young superficially leftist voters with her zigzag snapping mmhmm yas queen twitter. Mostly they like her cause shes mexican or whatever and not butt ugly.
That's like saying the Republican party is becoming fascist because of trump or libertarian because of rand paul. All wrong and dumb.

>> No.17495125


boomer detected

AOC is just a POC slut mascot for more neoliberal globohomo

>> No.17495151

Honestly, in the battle between McWorld and Jihad, I don’t fully like EITHER side, although it’s obvious that the best of Islamic culture (including Sufism particularly) has much more to offer of spiritual sustenance than McWorld does. Unfortunately, however, the New World Order controllers behind McWorld have greater geopolitical savvy and military power than the Jihad side does, and obviously is manipulating the Jihad side towards its own unsavory ends, such as with occasional false flag attacks, covert funding, training, and arms shipments to them, etc., for the purpose of manufacturing an enemy to justify capturing oil reserves + creation of a surveillance state.

>> No.17495155

Communism like it was in the past is dead, they only care about the globohomo now. All the communist larpers here agree with the establishment leftist 95% of the time, they would just prefer the sickle and hammer plasted on everything instead

>> No.17495161

AOC is a sales trick

>> No.17495201

the civil rights movement only worked because of the cold war.

>> No.17495218

theyre nice and bubbly i like them
t. white guy

>> No.17495224

This one.

>> No.17495227

civil rights is a spook

>> No.17495235

the civil rights movement only worked because of a strategic use of mass media which is still being used to shove imagery into voter's faces and sway public perception

>> No.17495237

Probably because you're a white guy who doesn't know jack about asian culture aside from some whitewashed pop culture fetishist crap, and have no frame of reference for understanding how incredibly vapid and slutty they are.
t. white guy who grew up around a lot of asians

>> No.17495255

You are a weakling and a degenerate.

>> No.17495301

This post exemplifies the original meaning of "redpilled".

>> No.17495317

Massive cope

>> No.17495457

>50 years from 1921: 1971
>71 years from 1971: 2022
>18 years of war and destruction from next year, leaving 1/10000 alive
>the Agharthans will rise in 2040
It's a shame this is all baseless insane rambling.

>> No.17495472

please explain, Yi-Fen

>> No.17495499

Subtract thirty years from your first date of 1921.
So the double misfortune is obviously WW1 and 2, and the fifty years ends on 1941 (give or take).
There are now three 'Kingdoms', the West, the USSR, and China.
71 years to 1941 is 2012.
We are halfway through the 18 years of war and destruction, which ends in 2040.
After that the Agharthans rise.

>> No.17495509


>> No.17495523

>american concept of race doesn't even apply in my country, we go by ethnicity
American assimilation requires generational abandonment of ancestral heritage and adoption of an "American" identity; plus, being a nation of immigrants, there are far too many ethnicities to keep track of, so it's easier to just go higher-order and group all the similar ones in terms of race, since their collective behavior is all similar and unified enough that it's not erasing many meaningful distinctions.

>> No.17495530

are you jewish?

>> No.17495531

Asian girls fetishize white guys as a status symbol. Their whole culture revolves around signalling status to their Chink friends. The 'bubbly' personality is the equivalent of white girls acting like dumb bimbos to attract Chad.

They like you because you look like a pop star and it would impress their friends and piss off their mom and dad for them to date a white guy. Meanwhile Chinese culture is extremely shallow and materialistic, and Western ideas of "love" and "romance" are looked down on within China.

In order to do this they act like vapid retards and pretend to be innocent virgin girls because their culture has no concept of authenticity or honesty and it's a convenient way to snag white incels who don't have much experience with women.

Not that all Chinese girls are like this, I've had some great relationships with Chinese expats including women, but a lot of them are like this-- especially the ones who go chasing after white boys.

>> No.17495532

I don't see how a white man pretending to be Asian is any different from a woman using a male pseudonym. If publishers and readers are bigots who only want to publish certain races and genders then the author has every right to lie in order to get published.

I think it's funny that Sherman Alexie had to eat a slice of humble pie. That guy is such a racist bigot. He despises white people. But based on that long title of that poem it seems like he was pandering to what Sherman Alexie likes.

>> No.17495535

>I wanted to get published by the merit of my writing not political bullshit
not Mexican but same, but also generalized to literally any other accomplishment in the world

>> No.17495544

It erases literally all of the meaningful distinctions, then replaces them with vulgar stereotypes so your jew masters can maintain a weaponized system of institutionalized shame and insecurity they can leverage to sell you products.

>> No.17495559

>I've had some great relationships with Chinese expats including women
Gay much?

>> No.17495567
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I just skimmed the article. God damn it I hate chinks so much. At this point, can we all just admit that immigration was a mistake, and we can never be friends with other human subspecies?

>> No.17495571

How so?

>> No.17495593
File: 40 KB, 320x240, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews, Communists, and Satanists (basically all the same thing if you know the sigil of saturn)
Have infiltrated and taken over the west completely and done a number on the collective psyche of white people where through hollywood and the shit education system most Amercans connect the ideas of slavery,colonialism, Haulocaust, and Global warming to the idea that white people are inherantly bad and owe the lesser races reperation. These people have no sense of culture beyond what is shown to them on tv and believe race mixing is fine because they are either athiests or practice perverted christianity.
They have basically been tricked into the idea that culling themselves and accepting slavery through passive entertainment and consumption is fine because they are kept comfortable and docile.

The real funny thing is if you read Adolf Hitler ultimate avatar by miguel Serrano pg 62 and he predicts the real threat.


What I think is really going on is that there is a mindcontrol grid linked to AI that is using neuro-linguistic programming and emotion manipulation to get white people to think nothing is wrong and being culled is fine.
The NPC meme is more sinister than you can imagine.

My thoughts are that white people will never really become extinct its just AI will genetically engineer us or allow us to switch skin colour with a thought. Trust me on this im a TI who has been tested on by advanced psy-ops from the CIA, I can tell you the technology they have is at least 100 years more advanced than what the public has access to. Shit like biochemistry/drugs are an anachronistic field of science. Its likely they can track every person with Covid 19 in real time as well as track all sorts of bio metrics. I know this due to a former MI5 scientist named Barry Trower.

The truth is stranger than fiction when you understand how science really works it becomes both fascinating and horrifying.

>> No.17495596

No they don't, not usually. Different pitch, and if you pay attention, even natural born English speaking Asians have a certain very subtle lisp. You can hear it clearly in that Waldun guy who was meme'd here a while back.

>> No.17495604

Fuck off with this shit. You're just here to poison the well. Fuck you.

>> No.17495621

Oh fuck me, I had a retard twitch and added 70 +70 =120. But you screwed yours up too, if the 18 years of destruction started in 2012 the Agharthans will arrive in 2030, not 2040. Sadly this just further demonstrates the whole thing is schizo rambling since nowhere near 99.99% of the human race has died off, let alone half, nor has the amount of war and destruction even increased from 2012.

>> No.17495644

Thanks for the brilliant analysis glowworm. Doesn't come off as unhinged or made up at all.

>> No.17495661

nope. cope.

>> No.17495678

>The absolute state of this thread
When I said a "White Civil Rights" movement, I meant something along the lines of pointing out how stupidly unmeritocratic the system has become and how that's bad, not all this schizo stuff about Jews and the like

>> No.17495692

At least one of those posters is a troll, who enjoys hamstringing conversations about these things.

>> No.17495693

>tfw the only time a white guy can get his poetry published is when he’s a legit sex offender
>White guys can get their poem published even when they’re registered sex offenders
Now your statement is accurate

>> No.17495703

Bernie sanders was the first openly socialist presidential candidate in 100 years, and in both 2016 and 2020 the democrats relied on conspiracy to block him from winning the democratic nomination. Clearly, dems are pussy neoliberals

>> No.17495774

>even if it is the kikes, it isn't the kikes

>> No.17495806
File: 7 KB, 184x293, 5177ePQDNQL._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_ML2_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The far right is unironically closer to anti-capitalist leftism than the self-proclaimed left. Socialist union organizers work with corporate neoliberals to ensure the Forever War Zionist security state keeps rolling on schedule. We must realize that Jewishness and Capitalism are one and the same.

>> No.17495837

>damn immigints! Even when it wasn't dem, I knew it was dem!

>> No.17495838

Because “white pride” is racist bullshit you silly dumb cunt. White people aren’t a homogeneous race, nobody is stopping you from being proud of your inbred Irish history you stupid mick

>> No.17495847

This post glows.

>> No.17495848

>Because "black pride" is racist bullshit you silly dumb cunt. Black people aren't a homogeneous race, nobody is stopping you from being proud of your inbred Somalian history you stupid nigger

>> No.17495860

Because a people who are truly being dominated wouldn't even be allowed a civil rights movement. Hence white people can't have those.

>> No.17495883

Right or wrong, someday the people you belittle are going to pay you back for what you've said and done.
Obviously white Americans are not some random group of Euros, and they are clearly categorized and stereotyped as a coherent group of people by niggers. Every argument for the existence of Black Americans applies to White Americans, other than the "only victims are allowed to do things" argument

>> No.17495892

You're not going to do shit colonizer. Educate yourself, read Sakai, read D'Angelo, read Crenshaw, read Coates, and go to bed. That's the tea.

>> No.17495895

Let's stop joking. All that needs to happen is to remove the "protected class" from US laws.

>A protected group or protected class is a category by which people qualified for special protection by a law, policy, or similar authority. In the United States, the term is frequently used in connection with employees and employment.

It's a double standard by definition. "No, it's protecting people who get discriminated." Wrong. It demands us to make race a factor during hiring. It's racist by nature. It only serves to deepen the divide between people. We have to trust that meritocracy will win the day and companies will hire the most able, and that's usually what happens. "But why are there no asians in football and no sub-saharans in mathematics?" Because there are innate physiological differences between human ethnicities, and anyone who disagrees with that statement is deluded.

>> No.17495897

Fuck off, you're not funny.

>> No.17495908

I'm ready to support National Socialist regime at this point to purge these commie Jews, BLM faggots, and neoliberal scumbags

>> No.17495912

You're not going to reform the US, it's just going to keep running itself into the ground.

Within the decade, it'll be overtaken by China. Then, things might get interesting.

>> No.17495915

One day people like you will just be shot.

>> No.17495917

Considering the current racial discourse frames the issues as situations in which all whites benefit, whites are clearly homogeneous to have a common interest, and when you frame pride in this identity as one that is malicious rather than one that is incoherent, it is clear that the identity itself is sensical.
Oft repeated statements like yours a a good reminder that the entire rhetorical framework of critical race theory and intersectionality isn't one of universal emancipation but one which the total domination of whites is the goal.

>> No.17495929
File: 81 KB, 1600x900, Yi-Fen Chou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes my name is Mich...I mean...Yi-Fen Chou!
>You rikey rikey my poem?

>> No.17495942

Europe is a dead continent with no future. The European people and their colonial diaspora are irrelevant to the rest of the world, and will soon be extinct. The Europeans have been responsible for the deaths of more life than any other group in history and are getting their just desserts. Africa is the future in terms of population numbers, China is the future in terms of economy and its technology will soon be light years beyond Europe or America's. Africa has plenty of natural resources that it can use to create a beautiful future free of European imperialism. The white man is over, and the reckoning is coming.

>> No.17495951

absolute opposite of the truth, that was all a backlash against PC culture growing ever-more insane and hostile to normal people

>> No.17495961

using minority pen names to write racist screeds is going to be yuge in the next decade

>> No.17495963

We can reform the US by creating a successful movement. We just need someone to spearhead it. I'm not charismatic enough.
Of course, the real challenge comes from media slander, and if the movement is successful then the real challenges begin from other sources. But it's more than possible -- we have plenty of examples of successful political movements to learn from. Not to mention, psychology and public manipulation aren't exactly secrets. Someone just has to figure it out and start doing it.

>> No.17495974

Butthurt primitive detected. Europeans are responsible for more creation and discovery than every sub-human race combined. Stay mad, barbarian.

>> No.17495976

We are going straight for the Kindelberg trap my friend. And it's all Mad Max from there

>> No.17496002


>I won a literary contest as a fake woman
>Feminists won't talk to me now

That's a pretty good prize.

>> No.17496026

Love in the time of cholera has a subplot very similar to this, with the exact same ethnicities.
There is nothing new under the sun

>> No.17496029

>becoming racist destroy racism

>> No.17496040

nah, we keep bringing in high iq wealthy ones. it's the only thing holding back our iq drop. we really have to worry about that first and foremost.

Stupid people have too many kids, and we like to solve that with immigrants, by filtering for smart, and well off ones. We fail a lot with people south of us, but are in general successful in what we're setting out to do. To stop the movie Idiocracy from becoming real.

>> No.17496047

She doesn't see the irony.
You really are a dumb cunt, aren't you?

>> No.17496048

No, lol.

>> No.17496054

It's because we aren't actually treated anywhere near the way actual oppressed minorities were. You'd have to be either insane, ignorant or actively a liar to believe that white people are experiencing genuine oppression right now. Facebook removing your conspiritard post ordering people to destroy 5g towers is not discrimination. Getting disapproving looks when you scream nigger in public is not discrimination. Being reminded that gay/trans people exist is not discrimination
>inb4 "white guilt"
None here, I love being white. It would simply be dishonest to pretend that white people as a whole are under some kind of attack. What's actually going on is that people are waking up to the fact that many first world societies favor white people in many areas and as they realized that, they work to undo the scale that's already tipped in our favor and because we're no longer getting special treatment, some white people feel as though they're being oppressed. It's lunacy and your victim complex is worse than the left's

>> No.17496055

>self-genocide is better than soft eugenics
okay retard

>> No.17496065

>5g towers
>facebook posts
Strawman of the century. Are you actually this stupid?

>> No.17496078

I never really gave this characterization much thought until I got to know my friend's sister, just the absolute fucking worst. Total whiteoid until it's time for her to claim expertise on bulgogi or whatever, lol.

>> No.17496093

>first world societies favor white people
Wrong. First world societies tend to favor merit, and white people have a high average intelligence. If whites were "favored" for simply being white, there wouldn't be white homelessness in first world countries.
"Protected class" in US law is discrimination in a vein similar to Jim Crow. Whites have no legal defense against discrimination even though it's common and even becoming systematic.

>> No.17496094

one fucking article about daniel dingus putting on yellow face and yall are going on about the end of society as we know it.

>> No.17496097

>first world societies favor white people
That probably has something to do with the fact that they're historically white countries built by white people. Go complain to China that their elites are too Han Chinese, why don't you?

Why is Italy dominated by Italians, Switzerland by the Swiss, Korea by Koreans? A better question: why are you a disingenuous idiot?

>> No.17496100
File: 160 KB, 475x572, 2010censusrace.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America has always hate a 'white' identity and it's always been used as a tool to convince dumb plebs to go against their best interest or slaughter other ethnic groups. American White Identity was already firmly established by the time of Western Expansion, well before the Civil War.
Every aspect of American society serves to reinforce this concept, because it lets the unwashed masses feel like they've got some special part in the schemes of a small and exclusive clique of business tycoons and political sharks.
The entire machinery of the US state is designed by and for these people, and has been since the Revolutionary War. Even the Revolution was orchestrated by business elites who were tired of Britian constraining their greed through rule of law. Originally only 1/4th of white men living in the colonies was able to vote, and those that could used it to put down minor riots and strikes that had previously been treated firmly but fairly by Britain and to treat them like slaves, or outright expanding slavery in the southern colonies. It wasn't till they had enslaved their own countrymen that the evil ruling elites of Amerikkka invented the concept of the 'white' race so they could placate the unruly mass of eurotrash immigrants they governed like feudal elites.
Everything about the current racial dialogue in the US just re-enforces this ancient lie, and also tries to trick brown and black people into buying into it by offering fringe benefits.
Look at how they force everybody to fill out this census form any time they do anything. It's all to re-enforce these categories they invented and use to manipulate the plebs. The problems in America aren't caused by the smoke and mirrors used to heard you like cattle, they're caused by the people behind the curtain. Your own constitution validates state-run slavery and private armies for the elites. Hating random black or brown or white people isn't going to change a single thing, and it's just going to be used against you by the satanic cabal running the show when they decide its time to swing the pendulum in the other direction and throw up >>17495908 as their patsy of the month.
The only thing that could save America at this point would be a complete and total change of government. Preferably by a hostile foreign power. Your constitution, your courts, your government, your democracy, your media, your banks they're all working against you.

>> No.17496101

This is not an isolated event and you know it.

>> No.17496104

It's in works -- going to be called White Nationalism

>> No.17496116

>race is a social construct
Fuck off, races are ethnic categories. Your reductionist opinions about history are completely beside the point of this whole conversation.

>> No.17496120

tell me what else i know

>> No.17496127

Shut up helot, humans are talking.

>> No.17496128

You know exotic masturbation techniques, and jack shit.

>> No.17496151


>> No.17496211

Don't you think white ppl are basically the jews of ethnics now. The Tutsis had institutional privilege too - didn't stop them vfrom being genocided.

>> No.17496228

Dilate your tranny hole

>> No.17496241

The founding fathers constantly referred to themselves and their people as white, and had nothing but affection for a peiple of shared blood, history, kinship, culture and language. The category has been expanded to absorb other Europeans because ultimately our traits together contract with niggers and Chinese and spics and redskins. Neck yourself for being a retard, but not only a retard also a massive fag

>> No.17496263 [DELETED] 

Goodnight are now our biggest enemy.

>> No.17496268

Glowniggers are now our biggest enemy.

>> No.17496277

Racist, opinion discarded
Blatantly incorrect, opinion discarded
I do not think that, no. Obviously racism against white people exists but it's not systemic and every example of systemic racism against white people that I've ever been given has boiled down to "but they're not treating white people better than other races". White people haven't had any real attempts at being genocided directed at them like jews and racsim against white people, as a whole, is miniscule compared to what non-White people have to deal with and the fact that white people are pissing their panties about something that isn't even happening + the fact that of the ones who actually do believe that, barely any have the guts to do anything about it.
>but we're being stopped from fighting for our rights by the global pedophile satanist jew cult of lizard people
Funny, so were black people and a great many other minorities and they're still around. Are we just inherently too weak and pathetic to deal with racism like other minority groups? Or are white people on the whole not taking up arms not because they're weak but because there's actually no reason to?

>> No.17496279

I bet you cant even name six generations of ancestors. Stupid slave.

>> No.17496280
File: 36 KB, 304x450, R34735b5d4d70712e31281e4ee1ade773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop in the name of the law. You are under arrest for offensive online posts.

>> No.17496294

Why did the US never press charges against anyone involved in 9/11? They have several suspects in Guantanamo bay, and none of them have seen a day in court, nor has the US presented any evidence to foreign countries concerning involvement. The Taliban sent sympathies to the US the day of the 9/11 attack and when it was claimed that Osama bin Laden was involved they offered to hand him over to US authorities if they were presented with evidence.
Had Russia suffered from a terrorist attack, then immediately put blame on some fringe terrorist group who denied involvement, started slashing civil liberties, declared war on multiple fronts, indefinitely arrested the people 'responsible' so confessions could be extracted under torture, then those people were never seen again or even allowed a show-trial, would you believe that?
If you read Jason Jorjani's accounts of the Unite the Right Charlottesville riots, the whole thing was thrown together when a couple of people claiming to be blackwater intelligence operatives brought together a couple of emerging but unrelated right wing organizations and organized a rally for them. Those operatives then cut contact and vanished. Why would Blackwater organize a highly televised poorly planned neo-nazi parade?
Why does so much American hip-hop focus on race violence? Why does so much TV focus on race violence? Why are Americans forced to participate in racial self-labeling every time they file taxes or apply for a job? No other country does this.
Why have so many prominent activists and journalists died under mysterious circumstances?
How did Epstein die without any video recording despite being held in a monitored prison cell? Why hasn't investigation into his victims fielded any arrests of powerful and influential people?
What goes on in the Bohemian Club? Kubrick heavily implied that they murdered women and were involved in human trafficking, then he died. Other occultist secret societies like Propaganda Due have been involved in murdering high level judges and journalists in order to protect heads of state, and the Italian Freemasons (as well as the Social Democratic Party which was involved in those murders) were established and funded post-war in large part thanks to contributions from the CIA.
Open your eyes, your whole country is being played by powerful sociopaths.

>> No.17496323
File: 72 KB, 500x379, camatte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Our revolution as a project to reestablish community was necessary from the moment when ancient communities were destroyed"

>> No.17496341

The avg intelligence, avg height, avg testosterone levels, etc etc are different between ethnicities. There is a lot of research that supports this.

>White people haven't had any real attempts at being genocided directed at them
I'm truly sorry to say, you're wrong. Google 'replacement migration'. It's more like self-inflicted genocide by our insane leaders, but it still results in the disappearance of ethnic groups over time.

>Funny, so were black people and a great many other minorities and they're still around. Are we just inherently too weak and pathetic to deal with racism like other minority groups?
No, you fucking idiot, the attempt should be made to mobilize and fight for rights like the others did. That's the whole point, and it's what you seem to be angry about.

>racsim against white people, as a whole, is miniscule
Discrimination in the workplace and in court, de-legitimization as a group, and public ostracization, don't sound miniscule to me.

>> No.17496740

>Even if its 80% kikes, it isn't kikes that are the fundamental problem
Jews facilitate those "fundamental problems" to an incredibly disproportionate degree. Sure, if every Jew in the US dropped dead tomorrow there would be a not insignificant number of good people among that count but when you consider that hollywood, the financial sector, the music industry, the pornography industry, the legal system, mass media in general, academia, the ADL/SPLC/etc. would all instantly collapse or become hollow shells of what they currently are then that collateral damage of dentists and deli owners starts seeming less and less significant in the grand scheme of things to someone who has abandoned the hope of reform in favor of demolition and reconstruction.

>> No.17496749
File: 216 KB, 1864x1883, lit on fascism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The far right is unironically closer to anti-capitalist leftism than the self-proclaimed left.
You might find this cap interesting.

>> No.17497107

First person, a short story about an abortion. I heavily implied it was autobiographical. I think that females don't like a man probing into what is thought to be an esentially female experience. The feminist is pro abortion as well, and the story ends with a succesful abortion, but a woman scarred for life.

>> No.17497180
File: 36 KB, 1280x720, preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not white
>you guys should be having a civil rights movement

>> No.17497206

The absolute state of white guys.

>> No.17497221

>fighting fire with more fire

Pure retardation.

>> No.17497314
File: 39 KB, 474x512, download (31).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White Fragility unironically touches on this.
She says that race is a social construct, which I understand and agree with because where's the biological line between "this person is white/black/Asian"
But then she says that there is no biological basis for race. And She never acknowledges
>skin color
>eye color
>hair color
>facial structure
Any of it. Just says there's no biological grounding for racial distinction. I am not exaggerating.

>> No.17497413

So why can't black people accept white-person bone marrow transfers?

>> No.17497430

She never mentioned. She never gave any empirical examples to support any claims, just footnotes to academics that used the same standard of proof as her.
And this is driving public policy

>> No.17497443

To all my respondents, except for the /x/ invite:
Why the fuck can’t you read or comprehend? Defensiveness for racism? Poor coping skills.

>> No.17497585
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>> No.17497676

>I meant something along the lines of pointing out how stupidly unmeritocratic the system has become and how that's bad, not all this schizo stuff about Jews and the like
>White civil rights somehow equals preaching for meritocracy
Why not just say starting a merit based movement, retard? Doubly so when we all know that everytime white pride/rights/xyz always ends up turning into some Vanguard America thing?

>> No.17497749

Weird, almost like white supremacy groups are controlled opposition to prevent a civil rights movement by demonizing equality