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/lit/ - Literature

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17493706 No.17493706 [Reply] [Original]

This book hits you quite hard. What do you think?

>> No.17493731

Bovary got what she deserved; the true tragedy is what happens to her daughter.

>> No.17493768

The foot operation was pure kino.

>> No.17493785

what a fuckin whore

>> No.17493861

One of the greatest books ever.Tragic, sad, funny, misanthropic, etc.It is an anti-bourgeoise novel first and foremost.Despite being a bitch at times, I am sympathetic toward Emma.She personifies /lit.A lot of posters have an idealistic, romanticized view of women.They believe all women should be pure tradwife types.Their worldview isn't grounded in reality

>> No.17493928

>A whore is a whore
I like flaubert and everything, but am I really supposed to care that some cuntoid is unhappy and wants a second dick?

I don't wanna roll out the ol' hackneyed "if the genders were reversed" routine, but consider it.

>> No.17493951

A sharp marxist critique of capitalism and Christianity

>> No.17493968

i think that i cant find a proper version of it that works on my kindle without the format being all fucked up, that's what i think!

>> No.17494038

are you 16?

>> No.17494072

I thought "poor Charles, he deserved better"

>> No.17494996

>What do you think?
Emma is a destructive, unrealistic whore who ruined the lives of a whole bunch of well-meaning, kind, loving and hard-working people. The book made me understand that the men of the 18th century weren't talking nonsense when they said novels were harmful for women and they shouldn't be allowed to read them; we see the proof of this all around us now, in modern society. Everyone reading this has probably met a dozen girls of Emma Bovary's psychological type.

>> No.17495018

Men like him enable that kind of behaviour in the first place. Without a Charles, there is no Emma, just like without the pathetic faggots who donate half their paychecks, there would be no onlyfans whores.

>> No.17495037

Kys holy shit

>> No.17495605

oh yes poor poor emma. If only she could have fucked over MORE people who loved her. Oh poor emma. The husband was awful for being so BORING, it's practically ABUSE! and the daughter! she didn't even deserve a mother. FINANCES? fuck that, a woman deserves to just HAVE whatever she wants, and it doesn't matter how badly she cheats people for it. Poor emma. It's so tragic, and unfair that her life wasn't ruined by ... the patriarchy.

>> No.17495613

i would love a version of this book where the punisher walks in and brains her with a 9-iron.

>> No.17495636

If some jackass could get Pride and Prejudice and Zombies published, you can get Madame Bovary vs. the Punisher out there. I believe in you, anon!

>> No.17495655
File: 9 KB, 255x253, B153C57A-8D7D-4E07-AD3F-DBCF63CA4666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished Bovary a few weeks ago
>made a thread 0 replies
>today someone makes a top thread about bovary
>see the replies
>...its all a bunch of incels calling Bovary a whore and nothing else

>> No.17495676

The book is an indictment of her lifestyle, why would it surprise you that its readers are critical of her behaviour?

>> No.17495686

>its all a bunch of incels calling Bovary a whore and nothing else
oh HERE we go, some whiny feminist joined a lit circle and wants to ruin it, tell me how the patriarchy is responsible for Bovary literally destroying people's lives anon. If you have sympathy for this parasite you're an enabler and i sincerely wished you moved off of this earth.

>> No.17495687

If you have to be an incel to call Emma Bovary a whore, that makes Flaubert an incel. So then why are you defending an incel's book, if incels are so bad?

>> No.17495695

I could attempt to write it, but nobody would ever publish Bovary anymore, it doesn't venerate women enough, and there's no fucking way a man righteously beating a woman to death is going to hit print. But the book does sound like a humorous exercise.

>> No.17495696

>ending up amputating a man's leg purely out of a narcissistic need for self-aggrandisement
This was the most infuriating thing in the book for me.

>> No.17495705

Bovary is out of copyright, friendo. You can do what you want with it and self-publish on Amazon.

>> No.17495720

I do wonder how far i can take it. I mean if retards still feel sympathy for bovary on this thread, i wonder if i can have her sell children into slavery, and still get a sizable twitter following talking about how it's not her fault.

>> No.17495731

I assure you, the Emmas of modern world didn't get that from reading, if they even bother to open a book.

>> No.17495732

kek poor Charles the autist got pressured by his wife to perform the surgery with the hopes that her husband would be upgraded to a fancy city doctor instead of remaining as a backwoods country one

>> No.17495746

you know you need to have pubic hair to post on here right?

>> No.17495750

Not from books, but in large part from fiction.

>> No.17495779

Yes and no. It's true that books have been superseded by TV and movies (which are only more harmful by being visceral and thus more easily deranging the women) to a great extent, but at the same time something like 85% of all readers of fiction are women.

Basically there are two types of this personality now: the outgoing "Stacy" type who got fucked up by movies, more materialistic on average, and the mousy type who got it from books and is typically more soupy and romantically unrealistic. They're both the same basic mental type though.

>> No.17495817

Millions of women read throughout the world, if they were that easily to influence by media the male gender would have been eradicated long ago. Most women just continue with their lives and are polite and respectful, the troubled type you focus on is result of mental issues stemming from either nature or nurture. Reading fiction can at most give them some ideas, but they would have caused shit even without it.

>> No.17495820

I'm not denying bovary is a whore, you guys are making my point, its that there are far more interesting things to be discussed when it comes to this book such as:
The various relationships and their nuances, the initial happiness Emma felt when marrying Charles, the slow sulking and isolation Emma absorbed in the later first half of the book, the crazy diseased homeless man Emma encounters en route, the pharmacist, the suicide, the prose, like I can go on forever but its pointless it just occurred to me what board i'm on.

>> No.17495821

>if they were that easily to influence by media the male gender would have been eradicated long ago
No, they're simply too weak, passive and conflict-avoidant for that.

>> No.17495829

Am I remembering incorrectly? I thought he didn't want to do it and was pressured into doing it by the chemist

>> No.17495831

>you guys are making my point
you didn't make a point, you literally started crying.

>> No.17495834

>but its pointless it just occurred to me what board i'm on.
ahh what a tortured genius you are, fly free. Onto reddit, where you can get away from these incels and finally have a discussion befitting a high iq individual such as yourself.

>> No.17495835

>but its pointless it just occurred to me what board i'm on.
ouch, well why are you here then anon? you don't strike me as a person that is in favor of things like this and its pretty much the same opinion for every book

>> No.17495854
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based, i just refrain from saying anything nowadays this board is so /pol/ infested after people concluded that /lit/ was the most intelligent board. now all these /pol/tards are here that don't even read

peak /lit/ times are in the morning till noon, all the zoomers are asleep

>> No.17495864

Yes, I mean that his wife pushed him to do it out of narcissism.

>> No.17495871

isn't that just working hours?

>> No.17495891

>nooooooo why are you discussing the actual thesis of the novel instead of the particular details I wanted to talk about nnnnnooooo
This isn't a /lit/ issue my negro, you're going to have this same problem everywhere. Especially when you don't contribute a single reflection worth engaging with yourself, and content yourself with just bawwing.

>> No.17495900

anon nobody here has read the book, you're making a fool of yourself

>> No.17495979

What's the best translation?

>> No.17495984

More or less, yeah. Literature is just as much of a political project for the freaks on here as it is for the Redditors who think replacing Homer with Mwanajuma is going to butterfly-effect into ending racism. This place is actually worse because it's full of the worst kind of normies who think displaying enthusiasm for anything is cringe, and anything other than glib pseudo-intellectual remarks generally just invites the usual attacks

>> No.17496348

>oh yes poor poor emma. If only she could have fucked over MORE people who loved her. Oh poor emma. The husband was awful for being so BORING, it's practically ABUSE! and the daughter! she didn't even deserve a mother. FINANCES? fuck that, a woman deserves to just HAVE whatever she wants, and it doesn't matter how badly she cheats people for it. Poor emma. It's so tragic, and unfair that her life wasn't ruined by ... the patriarchy.
I love how modern women are exactly this. The feminist criticism of the inceldom really is moot and incels were always right.

>> No.17496391

this? >>17495655 THIS?
bitching and moaning that nobody talks to and agrees with you... is based?

>> No.17496606
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this but unironically

>> No.17496614

>if the genders were reversed

>> No.17496625

Why don't you start those discussions instead of crying about it?

>> No.17498066

Dangerously based