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File: 293 KB, 800x1248, 800px-Waterhouse-Diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17490324 No.17490324 [Reply] [Original]

> When invited to the house of Plato, he trampled upon his carpet, saying that he thereby trampled on the vanity of Plato, to which Plato retorted "How much pride you expose to view, Diogenes, by seeming not to be proud."
Why did he larp bros?

>> No.17490339

Based Plato

Diogenes sounds like a kike trustfunder daddy got mad at and disowned

>> No.17490576

Well, at least Diogenes didn't burn Plato's barn down.

>> No.17490611

>Plato's shoulders would not of fit in the clay pot

>> No.17490650

Even the most epic of trolls, must, at one point or another, also suffer to be trolled.

>> No.17490852

He was wrathful and lazy, but theatrical, and provided contrast to the powerful and revered scholars while still keeping a sharp and witty edge. It's not the comfiest role to assume but it was well needed I think. Probably got real stuffy in Plato's house, from all the heavy books and long deep intellectual sighs.

>> No.17490909

based, diogones was a horrid cunt - fuck him

>> No.17490918

Most of these stories are the inventions of later writers. That's the problem when you leave no writings: people can just invent what they want about you.

See: Socrates and Plato.

>> No.17490925

No shit. Almost every anecdote and quotation from history is made up

>> No.17491049
File: 5 KB, 201x201, yes and.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of these stories are the inventions of later writers.

>> No.17491185

If you want to learn about Aristotle's philosophy you can read what he actually wrote.

If you want to learn about Diogenes' philosophy all you have to go on is recounting of le epic troll moments that probably didn't even happen.

That's why Diogenes is the ultimate Reddit philosopher. Midwits can gawk at his supposed exploits without any understanding of his thought deeper than "he was savage af senpai".

>> No.17491747

Oh I couldn't give two shits about Diogenes and agree with you about him being pure midwitcore. I'm saying that whether something is factual is irrelevant to what can be learned from a story.

>> No.17491810

yeah ahah My favorite is the holocaust myth

>> No.17492296
File: 79 KB, 600x800, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diogenes is bad because...B...BECAUSE HE JUST IS OK?!

>> No.17492385

i feel like i would honestly enjoy sleeping in a pot like that

>> No.17493108

Diogenes isn't bad. He actually had some interesting ideas. His internet following is completely ignorant of these ideas however. They just think the idea of some crazy old philosopher jerking off in public is epic (not that they'd ever consider making any attempt themselves to live their lives according to his ideals).

>> No.17493119

Wow DIOGENES is so HECKIN based
Did you know he just didn't give a flying f*ck??

>> No.17493133

>dude if you just reduce your lifestyle to close to nothing you'll defo attain enlightenment

>> No.17493138

Diogenes was a funny eccentric.

>> No.17493140
File: 33 KB, 700x640, atfnn9pibbf41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17493157

He was a hobo who wallowed and marinated in the shallow praise of aristocrats. It's easy to be awed by someone who is blatantly obscene and proletarian. Streicher is the modern Diogenes.

>> No.17493273

He was a free man, unconcerned with the judgements of society, which to no surprise disgusts an effeminate faggot as yourself.

>> No.17493282

Being able to move a mountain and refusing to do so, that is freedom.
Seeing a mountain, not being able to move it and saying that you are free in not moving it, is denial.

>> No.17493323

His father was a banker, he could easily have been a normie if he wanted to be.

>> No.17493325

Being a retard that goes outside trying to push mountains, that is autism.
Being of sound enough mind that you laugh at the very idea of doing that, and then doing anything else is freedom.

>> No.17493363

This is always the impression I got of Socrates in Platos writings. He pretends to be ignorant but really believes that he's smarter than the people he's talking to.
I'm fine with him acknowledging that he doesn't know things, but I hate how he pretends that the 23 year old twink he's talking to is some genius

>> No.17493410

Plato moved the mountain of reality and his works and thought continue to be read.
...but he was too much of a spoiled brat bitch to get his senses together and in a downward spiral he pathologically convinced himself that living the shitty life was actually ~hella~ based.

>> No.17493438

too true, too true

>> No.17493442

>hey anon, you like reading books? I personally fucking love reading. I am now reading Stephen King's Pet Cemetery but my all time favourite has got to be Harry Potter and the Dick of Dumbledore.
>W-wooow I totally like reading that too! It's really smart and very cool, haha.
>So what are you reading now?
>Uuuuh yeah this is Infinite Jest and it's kinda like Harry Potter but with adults doing adulting LOL!

>> No.17493458

it was Hellas based though

>> No.17493471

That's the Charlie Murphy story about Rick James from Chapelle Show. Try harder next time

>> No.17493475

When I was alone
I stepped up to the auction block
Cleared my throat, I was like, dig, uh-huh
I'm the type I'm slave you buy if, uh, you, uh, need a new master
I could wrap the blues backwards and around myself
Tied in the front like a karate belt
Then high kick the moon out it's socket
All my good times was pursued outta pocket
Might step inside and out the pocket
Don't tiptoe 'round devils
Guess that bet's settled, disheveled
Voice scratchin' like wet metals
There's all these selves inside myself
And we rode on, and we rode on
And we rode on, and we rode on
When I was alone
There's all these selves inside myself
And we rode on (when I was alone)
Uh, yeah
Mind mired in diamond fire
Star-fed corrupter with the wide-arching tractor beams
Very difficult not reacting to things
Especially the ones that aren't happening
If it all becomes description, why does the problem persist?
Political spectrum be Sprite or Sierra Mist, it's disgusting
Robust hustling isn't the answer, but it's all I know
Suddenly wise, enveloped in green screens
Smokescreens and nerve-racked suspicion of a newer song
Afterwards dancing
My hair is curling in anticipation of my own wild gardening
Hot commodity, dada prodigies
You know the answer isn't rapping
You know the answer isn't rapping
You know the answer isn't rapping
But let's listen to another song

>> No.17494428

Diogenes btfo tbqh

>> No.17494590

>I am only wise enough to know that I know nothing, but because you don't know that you know nothing I am more wise than you. In fact, I am more wise than everyone because everyone thinks themselves wise but don't know that they know nothing. I am the only one wise enough to know that I know nothing, so I know everything.
Socrates was a pedantic cunt and should have been executed much sooner than he was and with far more prejudice.

>> No.17494750

There's nothing wrong with possessing a little vanity, better to be vain than dishonest.

>> No.17494819

Yes, this ancient Greek philosopher is Reddit. Everything is Reddit. I am not obsessed.

>> No.17494861

childhood is idolizing diogenes
adulthood is realizing he was jut a pretentious dick

>> No.17495765

there's no use anon, reddit has already won

>> No.17495941

heh, based, very very based anon

>> No.17496037

Old age is idolizing Diogenes because he was a pretentious dick ?