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17490424 No.17490424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

*Destroys metaphysics*

>> No.17490472

>every philosopher to speak explicitly on the topic:
B-but what about all that stuff I thought of in the manorhouse while the servants did everything for me???

>> No.17490493


>> No.17490514

>go to collage science
>get locked inside the Science and Technology Studies building
>forced to learn metaphysics anyway
there's no escape stem bros...

>> No.17490519

>proceeds to make metaphysical assumptions by assuming the future will behave exactly like the past

>> No.17490533

science is a type of metaphysics

>> No.17490535

Who is assuming that?

>> No.17490537

>can never escape the why questions

>> No.17490538

>acksually, this one scientist 500 years ago believed in astrology, that means science is literally kind of like astrology

>> No.17490544

Positivists get the rope

>> No.17490589

Read Hume, pseud

>> No.17490606
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"Every scientific man in order to preserve his reputation has to say he dislikes metaphysics. What he means is he dislikes having his metaphysics criticized."

>> No.17490635
File: 204 KB, 969x769, 1605309931949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientific realism is as stupid as the bible.

The problem with science is that scientific realism is completely retarded. Bible level of retardation.
According to '''''''''''''''''''''''''science''''''''''''''''''''''''' reality is composed of a 4d manifold and a symmetry group floating outside the universe yet acting on fields in the universe.

Nobody has ever witnessed this ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''symmetry group''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

According to science, evolution is true and yet you dont see anybody evolving, not even animals, let alone humans, even though the human population has increased to several billions

>> No.17490651

How can the study of physics destory metaphysics, rather than support it?

>> No.17490783

ITT: nO bElIeF iS aLsO a BeLiEf BeCaUsE I sAy So

>> No.17490864

How can we destroy science?

>> No.17490899

Science should have remained the field of the elites and the aristocratic

>> No.17490908
File: 47 KB, 800x600, Antoine-de-Lavoisier-lo-scienziato-che-perse-la-testa-per-la-chimica-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair, you could say the same thing about us /sci/ guys.
There's a very sad story along these lines about Lavoisier, one of the greatest minds of his age and the father of modern chemistry.
He was a noble Frenchman and powerful political force in the Ancien Régime. He also worked for the French tax farming organization, the Ferme générale.
It was because of this that he was able to fund most of his experiments and research.

From Wikipedia:
>As the French Revolution gained momentum, attacks mounted on the deeply unpopular Ferme générale, and it was eventually abolished in March 1791. In 1792 Lavoisier was forced to resign from his post on the Gunpowder Commission and to move from his house and laboratory at the Royal Arsenal. On 8 August 1793, all the learned societies, including the Academy of Sciences, were suppressed at the request of Abbé Grégoire.

>On 24 November 1793, the arrest of all the former tax farmers was ordered. Lavoisier and the other Farmers General faced nine accusations of defrauding the state of money owed to it, and of adding water to tobacco before selling it. Lavoisier drafted their defense, refuting the financial accusations, reminding the court of how they had maintained a consistently high quality of tobacco. The court was however inclined to believe that by condemning them and seizing their goods, it would recover huge sums for the state. Lavoisier was convicted and guillotined on 8 May 1794 in Paris, at the age of 50, along with his 27 co-defendants.

>According to a (probably apocryphal) story, the appeal to spare his life so that he could continue his experiments [...]
B-but what about all that stuff I thought of in the manorhouse while the servants did everything for me???
>[the apeal] was cut short by the judge, Coffinhal: "La République n'a pas besoin de savants ni de chimistes; le cours de la justice ne peut être suspendu." ("The Republic needs neither scholars nor chemists; the course of justice cannot be delayed.") The judge Coffinhal himself would be executed less than three months later, in the wake of the Thermidorian reaction. Lavoisier was convicted with summary justice of having plundered the people and the treasury of France, of having adulterated the nation's tobacco with water, and of having supplied the enemies of France with huge sums of money from the national treasury.

>Lavoisier's importance to science was expressed by Lagrange who lamented the beheading by saying: "Il ne leur a fallu qu'un moment pour faire tomber cette tête, et cent années peut-être ne suffiront pas pour en reproduire une semblable." ("It took them only an instant to cut off this head, and one hundred years might not suffice to reproduce its like.")

God I fucking hate plebs.

At least his widow, also a chemist and intellectual, was later compensated though

>> No.17490938


>> No.17490981
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>> No.17490987
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*Is completely based in metaphysical assumptions and uses empirical methodology as a deflection to deny it*

>> No.17491073
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>> No.17491349

Is there a materialist religion?
I believe other beings could exist in other spatial dimensions and be highly advanced though still bound by the laws of physics.

>> No.17491352

>*is still metaphysics (and thus forgetting of Beyng)*

>> No.17491357


>> No.17491364
File: 2.98 MB, 1716x1710, scientists vs nuscientists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17491369

Google religion moron

>> No.17491379

the world lost it's soul, fuck this disgusting shithole

>> No.17491399

Either that or you're an entry level redditor who doesn't know any academic that doesn't feature on the front page of youtube. Kill yourself

>> No.17491430

no, the world definitely lost it's soul, nobody should fucking care about some academic faggots smelling their own farts, nobody gives a flying fuck about them apart from their own small circlejerk

>> No.17491442

you're so pathetic

>> No.17491451

and you cope