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17488162 No.17488162 [Reply] [Original]

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

A response to an earlier query


The answer is dajjal, imposter, is used for short to refer to al-Mesih ad-Dajjal, that is, the imposter Christ, or anti Christ. So let's talk about what the Qur'an and Sahih Hadiths have to say about the end times.

Before we begin, I advise you familiarize yourself with my thread on the Unseen (covers angels and jinn), archived here

The end times is a very common topic in the Qur'an, it talks about the future as much as the past, although most of the details in terms of signs are based on Sahih Hadiths. The Jews, first of all, play a very big role. As a fallen chosen people they are, in a way, a very vivid parallel to satan. Satan was chosen above all other jinn and elevated to sit with the angels. However his pride in his position made hostile to the elevation of humanity. Similarly Jews were extremely hostile to Muhammad ﷺ because they regarded Arabs as their inferiors and were upset one was made a prophet, also his praise of Jesus, the Messiah, upset them, and the Qur'an excoriates the Jews for slandering Jesus and Mary. Thus the Jews, from an Islamic perspective, went from the spiritual apex to the primary enemies of Allah and humanity, their extreme pride costing them their

>> No.17488166

chosen status when they reject their Messiah, Jesus. It was very common for Muhammad ﷺ to use them as an example for warning Muslims about what they should beware of falling into

>Abu Dawood (3488) narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: I saw the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) sitting by the Corner. He looked up at the sky and smiled, then he said: “May Allaah curse the Jews” three times. “Allaah, may He be exalted, forbade fat to them, but they sold it and consumed its price. When Allaah forbids a people to eat a thing He forbids its price to them.”

He also used Christians as objects of warning, telling Muslims to refrain from domes or making ostentatious mosques. On his deathbed he cursed both the Jews and the Christians for having

>> No.17488171

shrines to their saints, which the Sahaba saw not as an expression of anger but, as is normally the case when Muhammad ﷺ pronounced a curse, a way of giving a very serious warning to Muslims not to imitate the one he cursed. Nonetheless Muhammad ﷺ promised Muslims would eventually imitate Jews and Christians, the first in extreme legalism to get around the law, the latter in excessive veneration of holy figures and graves, and the decadent embellishment of places of worship. He further predicted that Muslims would engage in ayna transactions, that is a special transaction that is halal at face value but is basically a way of lending and borrowing at interest and claiming this is technically legal. He said when they did that and became content with farming and commerce and gave up jihad, they would be humiliated until they returned to their religion, placed under the boot of unbelievers.

As far as other signs of the times go, Muhammad ﷺ listed several. He said poor shepherds would compete in building taller buildings--the poor shepherds he referred to has always been understood by scholars to mean the Bedouins, who were nomadic then and disdained settled life. He said that women would become clothed yet naked, which classically scholars have taken to be of three possibilities: dressing in transparent fabrics, dressing in clothing so minimal women might as well be naked, and dressing in clothing so tight their body is starkly accentuated. The Prophet ﷺ said men would obey their wives and disobey their mothers, and keep to their friends and away from their fathers. That they would ride something like a camel but with a much wider seat. That the singing of women and music would become ubiquitous. That people would become fat and walk about as having bodies but no minds. In his time places worship were always frequented and open 24/7, and market was every week, but Muhammad ﷺ said at the end of times it would be the reverse and commerce would proliferate and be everywhere. Muhammad ﷺ said the most beloved place to Allah is the mosque, and the most hated place to him is the market. Gradually the Muslims would decline after their peak. When the sons of Rome and Persia are your slaves, Muhammad ﷺ said, the Muslims would become decadent. They would diminish in power until he said the world set upon them as men set upon a shared dish, divvying up and occupying all their lands. Muhammad ﷺ was asked is it because we will be few in number? He said no, you will be like the foam of the sea--that is to say, abundant. Muslims would by and large degenerate except for a group, he said, which would continue to wage jihad against disbelievers and the false Muslim (the Qur'an says to fight the

>> No.17488176


>> No.17488179

munafiq in verse 9:73; a munafiq in Wahhabi doctrine includes anyone who sides with or facilitates unbeliever armies in Muslim lands), as the Qur'an says, "harsh on the kuffar but gentle to the believers". They would be marked by relentless resolve and, as the Qur'an says, would "not fear the blame of a critic". They would enjoin the good and forbid the evil. Muhammad ﷺ said all Muslims are obligated to do the last with their hand. If not then with words. If not then with heart, and the last is the lowest level of faith. This group would, after considerable struggle, reestablish the caliphate which Muhammad ﷺ said would disappear for an era and in that era Muslims would be ruled by petty kings and tyrants. Once the caliphate is fully established it would conclude with Caliphs from Quraysh, Muhammad's ﷺ tribe, the last being who is called the Mahdi, a direct descendent of Muhammad ﷺ who would be a glorious leader of the Muslims against the unbelievers. Until, that is, the rise of dajjal, who would be given incredible power, so much that he could easily convince the world that he is God. He would be able to control the weather and even resurrect the recently dead. He would be marked by a solitary eye, but Muhammad ﷺ stresses God does not have one eye. Jinn impersonating the long dead family of many people would sway them to worship him. The Jews would especially regard him as the Jewish Messiah. Muhammad ﷺ warned Muslims not to confront him, but to flee and follow the Mahdi for dajjal would easily convince them to apostacize. When things were at their most bleak, Jesus would return and approach as the Mahdi was about to lead prayers. The Mahdi would defer and ask Jesus to lead but Jesus would say he should and this Muhammad ﷺ says would be a great honor to his family. Afterwards Jesus would take over leadership and confront the dajjal and kill him simply by gazing upon him. After that many Christians, out of love of Jesus, would accept Islam, but many Jews would remain stubborn in their hatred of him and there would be a final jihad in which they are completely defeated for all time. Then Jesus would

>> No.17488184

rule the world for several years and naturally everyone all over the planet would embrace Islam. Peace and utopia would reign in this age of pure faith and love. But eventually Jesus would pass away and after that Islam would begin to fade, like the pattern on a blanket, said Muhammad ﷺ. People would even forget about the Qur'an completely until nothing but la ilaha il Allah is remembered and people will only say it because their ancestors did. Then a plague will cover the earth through a gust of wind and kill anyone who even says that. And only pure unbelievers would be left. They would be very advanced and materially prosperous but timid, unintelligent and impious. Ultimately they would destroy the Ka'aba. Some time after that Allah would kill everything in the universe through an angel's scream through a cosmic horn.

Next part I will أن شاء الله cover death and final judgement and the afterlife. Questions and comments welcome

>> No.17488187

OP what school do you belong to?

>> No.17488196

Er, what do you mean? You mean what system of practice?

>> No.17488205

You're Sunni, I believe, but what school? Hanafi, Hanbali, etc? And how you think that influences your view on Islam compared to other schools?

>> No.17488229


I think it's simpler in approach to most others although Shafi'i is simpler. I don't really think it per se say influences views, as I don't necessarily regard Imam Ahmad's methodology as more valid than others but I do find it more straightforward.

>> No.17488234

>The universe is divided into seven heavens and seven hells. The earth resides in the first heaven and compared to the second heaven Muhammad ﷺ said the first heaven is like a grain of sand compared to a desert, and so the second compare to third and so on. So creation is quite vast, humans are basically microscopic in a way. In fact in the new forms humans get in heaven they are much larger which according to Ibn Kathir facilitates enhanced detail in sensation. Within the first heaven men and jinn dwell. Man used to dwell in the highest heaven but was banished to earth after the fall.

>The most numerous type of being in creation is the angel. Created out of light, angels can travel extremely quickly. While some can take human appearance, it's not their innate form. Jibril (Gabriel), عليه السلام, for example generally visited Muhammad ﷺ in human form but Muhammad ﷺ saw him twice in his true form which is reaches past the sky and has six hundred wings. Other angels are smaller, Muhammad ﷺ relates that the sky is filled with angels a hand's breadth. The angels holding the throne of Allah (which is the terminus of creation) have a distance from their ears to their shoulders of five hundred years of travel (and a day of their time is a thousand years in ours, possibly because of their nearness to the speed of light, Allahu ‘Alim, Allah knows best). The defining quality of angels is obedience, they are totally obedient to Allah. Instead of biological needs like

This is highly interesting. Any books where there is more details about this?

>> No.17488245

These are from Hadiths. You could probably find a section on this in any large Hadith collection, even one of a single volume if it's long

>> No.17488257

You're from Morocco then? Pardon the confusion it's now english language wiki categorizes it. Denomination is sunni, shia, etc. But schools are hanbali

>> No.17488267

ahh, I have The Sahih Bukhari collection and I am slowly working my way through it good to know that I will eventually come across stuff like this.

>> No.17488270

No, I'm not. I actually think the Maghreb is mostly Maliki

>> No.17488280

Yeah his collection is pretty exhaustive but he's very strict. Only maybe a handful of his Hadiths are debated in strength, and that's just debated, you could count those on your fingers. The rest are unanimously held as correct

>> No.17488289
File: 59 KB, 1245x606, Madhhab_Map3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you're right I got those tow mixed up.

>> No.17488404

That leaves only a few nations. I guess UAE?

>> No.17488432

holy shit no one except m*slims care about these threads
Fuck off Abdul

>> No.17488446

How exactly is Jesus a Messiah in Islam?

>> No.17488456
File: 55 KB, 880x586, happy-dog-photography-gluta-thailand-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pedo rapist sympathisers fuck off

>> No.17488472
File: 223 KB, 1960x1225, seven-seas-life-of-brian-kobal_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bqeo_i_u9APj8RuoebjoAHt0k9u7HhRJvuo-ZLenGRumA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's not a messiah. the jesus of islam (isa or whatever they mispronounce it as) is not the same as the jesus of christianity. it's just one of those things that muslims say in order to try to wheedle their way into acceptance in europe and the usa.

>> No.17488474

He rules over the believers and defeats the unbelievers, and establishes an age of peace

>> No.17488478

The idea of a Messiah predates Christianity. Jesus is absolutely al-Mesih in Islam

>> No.17488483

Wow that makes 0 sense comsidering he is called a messiah (in Islam) even though he only does the job of a messiah near the end of the world. Tbh sounds like another thing muslims took off of Christians

>> No.17488492

>Wow that makes 0 sense comsidering he is called a messiah (in Islam) even though he only does the job of a messiah near the end of the world.
He's a messiah in Islam in a sense that he preached about our God and ways, before it was corrupted by people, same way other prophets did

>> No.17488494

I don't know what you define near as, but if you're asserting there are overlaps between Islam and Christianity on certain beliefs, you would be absolutely correct

>> No.17488505

There is actually a very big difference between a false prophet and the false messiah

>> No.17488512

Well doesn't Isa rule the world after killing the Dajjal who signifies the end of the world?
>He's a messiah in Islam in a sense that he preached about our God and ways, before it was corrupted by people, same way other prophets did
That doesn't make him a messiah any more than Muhammad, Moses etc

>> No.17488523

>it's just one of those things that muslims say in order to try to wheedle their way into acceptance in europe and the usa.
Islam, being an Abrahamic religion, has always been backward compatible with Christianity and Judaism, and has served as an extension of those. All three religion were revealed within a radius of 50km.

>> No.17488524

The end times in Islam are very long. They represent the culmination of creation which has been around a very long time, they are as one Sahabi put it like the last drops of a cup. Technically they begin with the last prophet, who is Muhammad ﷺ. They can last a long time relative to a single lifetime though

>> No.17488707

Thanks OP.

>> No.17488759

I guess the Quran preempted this tactic of saying Jesus was the Messiah to get accepted into the west huh?
>(And remember) when the angels said: O Mary! Lo! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a word from him, whose name is the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the Hereafter, and one of those brought near (unto Allah). (Quran 3:45)
Wild how Christians accuse us of lying all the time when they're such brazen liars.

>> No.17488790 [DELETED] 


He said poor shepherds would compete in building taller buildings--the poor shepherds he referred to has always been understood by scholars to mean the Bedouins, who were nomadic then and disdained settled life. He said that women would become clothed yet naked, which classically scholars have taken to be of three possibilities: dressing in transparent fabrics, dressing in clothing so minimal women might as well be naked, and dressing in clothing so tight their body is starkly accentuated. The Prophet ﷺ said men would obey their wives and disobey their mothers, and keep to their friends and away from their fathers. That they would ride something like a camel but with a much wider seat. That the singing of women and music would become ubiquitous. That people would become fat and walk about as having bodies but no minds. In his time places worship were always frequented and open 24/7, and market was every week, but Muhammad ﷺ said at the end of times it would be the reverse and commerce would proliferate and be everywhere. Muhammad ﷺ said the most beloved place to Allah is the mosque, and the most hated place to him is the market. Gradually the Muslims would decline after their peak. When the sons of Rome and Persia are your slaves, Muhammad ﷺ said, the Muslims would become decadent. They would diminish in power until he said the world set upon them as men set upon a shared dish, divvying up and occupying all their lands. Muhammad ﷺ was asked is it because we will be few in number? He said no, you will be like the foam of the sea--that is to say, abundant.


OP, are most Muslims munafiq as they believe because the masses believe?

>> No.17488798


>He said poor shepherds would compete in building taller buildings--the poor shepherds he referred to has always been understood by scholars to mean the Bedouins, who were nomadic then and disdained settled life. He said that women would become clothed yet naked, which classically scholars have taken to be of three possibilities: dressing in transparent fabrics, dressing in clothing so minimal women might as well be naked, and dressing in clothing so tight their body is starkly accentuated. The Prophet ﷺ said men would obey their wives and disobey their mothers, and keep to their friends and away from their fathers. That they would ride something like a camel but with a much wider seat. That the singing of women and music would become ubiquitous. That people would become fat and walk about as having bodies but no minds. In his time places worship were always frequented and open 24/7, and market was every week, but Muhammad ﷺ said at the end of times it would be the reverse and commerce would proliferate and be everywhere. Muhammad ﷺ said the most beloved place to Allah is the mosque, and the most hated place to him is the market. Gradually the Muslims would decline after their peak. When the sons of Rome and Persia are your slaves, Muhammad ﷺ said, the Muslims would become decadent. They would diminish in power until he said the world set upon them as men set upon a shared dish, divvying up and occupying all their lands. Muhammad ﷺ was asked is it because we will be few in number? He said no, you will be like the foam of the sea--that is to say, abundant.


OP, are most Muslims munafiq as they believe because the masses believe?

>> No.17488803


You can't call someone s munafiq without clear proof as it is to say he's a kaffir

>> No.17488909

Book recommendation about this topic?

>> No.17488942

Book of the End

>> No.17489040

>he would be able to control weather and even resurrect the recently dead

Weather control technology and cryogenics?

>He would be given incredible power, so much that he could easily convince the world that he is God

Worshipping science? Scientism?

>> No.17489051

>That doesn't make him a messiah any more than Muhammad, Moses etc

>> No.17489099

It might presage it and soften people up, foreshadowing is a major and profuse element of Islamic eschatology. The dajjal himself however will basically convince scientists he's literally God Almighty

>> No.17489111

>The dajjal himself however will basically convince scientists he's literally God Almighty
Scientists are a gullible bunch.