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/lit/ - Literature

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1748526 No.1748526 [Reply] [Original]

Although humble, the fiction section of my bookshelf impresses you, admit it.

>> No.1748533

you have terrible taste in dental floss

>> No.1748535

Johnson and Johnson is a fine company. I think it was one of the mos expensive brands they had selling in the story.

>> No.1748542

(note to self, even if it is an image board website, proof read)

>> No.1748540

If you're gonna get Stephen King, Everything's Eventual is great, but you need moar and better books by him. That's my only comment. Advice to you.

>> No.1748544
File: 52 KB, 337x367, pale version of gaddafi is not impressed with your shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posts pics of books that are discussed here all the itme
>thinks reading what everyone else reads is impressive
>thinks having the holy bible in the fiction section is going to make anyone mad or laugh
>doesn't arrange alphabetically.

not even slightly impressed

>> No.1748546

>doesn't arrange alphabetically

That one got me, too.

>> No.1748547

Mythology section is alphabetized.
Fiction section is alphabetized by authors you dimwit.
All books are leveled flat with the longest protruding book.

>> No.1748548

LOL. Holy Bible in there for the lulz.

OP is /lit/git

>> No.1748550

Arrange alphabetically by author bro here. It's like I really am a delusional librarian!

>> No.1748552

These are not your favourite books. These are the favourite books of a literary wanker.

>> No.1748556

The four seasons includes a collection of 4 novellas by Stephen King. 3 of which were made into movies.

The Apt Pupil
The Body
The Breathing Method

>> No.1748562

>words of christ in red

>> No.1748565
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>doesn't order alphabetically by protaganist first name

>> No.1748566

Glad you are telling me what I like and what I don't like. I certainly can't think for myself, hence my sheep like taste in books.

(I believe you should read a great deal of classics before laying your eyes on contemporary works, my personal perspective)

>> No.1748567

Where the fuck is the Melville or Orwell? Dear lawd!

>> No.1748571

OP, this is really obviously the stuff you've accumulated in four years of high school assigned reading and one year of picking a couple of endlessly talked-up /lit/ faves to read during your first year of civil engineering classes at Iowa State, plus a couple of fantasy/pop fiction books you actually enjoy

>> No.1748573

1984 is what I'm reading right now (yea a little late I know), it is resting on top of everything on the first row. Look again.

>> No.1748577

OP is scum

>> No.1748578
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>The four seasons
>mfw you got the title wrong

>> No.1748580



>> No.1748582

>King Lear

>> No.1748585


>> No.1748591

yikes...Oh well, human memory isn't 100% infallible.

>> No.1748596

>Atlas Shrugged and The fountainhead

>> No.1748599

I don't know if I'm being trolled or something, but it appears some of you have a bad habit of trying to tell people who they are.

You are Hannibal Lecter wannabe's by trying to do that.

>> No.1748601

Hot damn, I missed it up top. But still, you don't have what can be argued as the greatest novel ever created by an American; Moby Dick.

>> No.1748603

Wow. This is the most generic /lit/ bookshelf I have ever seen.

>> No.1748606

utterly devoit of any fiction that could define you.

>> No.1748609

I love how you managed to slip A Series of Unfortunate Events into there, the second book, no less.

>> No.1748615

A fine troll OP, your subtle mixture of smugness combined with a bookshelf full of AP reading list makes you a true master. Some of the lower tripfags on this board should really be taking notes right now.

>> No.1748617

All jelly because of crap taste in literature

>> No.1748619
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>No literature
>Books I enjoy
>What am I doing on /lit/

>> No.1748622

No, I just actually have taste. I read more than what I see on "top 100" lists.

>> No.1748624

At least that's when the writing was decent.

It's started getting really weird around the 10th or 11th, i can't remember

>> No.1748632
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It's the first book I ever demanded that my mother buy me.

I read most of it aloud when everyone was out of the house.

I was in grade.......5

>> No.1748642

As you can plainly see, a lot of the books on my shelf are not included on the "top 100 list".

My balls, suck em.

>> No.1748681

>Lots of great books
>Only one by each author, except a handful of Shakespeare, two by H.G. Wells, and
>Two Ayn Rand

I have no face

>> No.1748686

I said the book case was humble for a reason, it is just beginning to take shape. I'm off to a running start.

>> No.1748698

You seem two have missed the two Stephen King books beside each other.

>> No.1748710

But... two Ayn Rand? I don't know whether to salute your powers of endurance or recommend a responsible domme so you can get your masochist kicks more ethically...

>> No.1748729

I hate Atlas Shrugged, I have yet to read Fountainhead (I heard good things about the latter).

I have a varied range of taste in literature, as I do with music. My taste in music excellent too.

>> No.1748743

varied doesn't equate to excellent

>> No.1748750

coke under fiction? i knew it! the coke is a lie!!

>> No.1748756

But it does represent an open mind, which is the primary reason why Rand is there.

>> No.1748758

>Fiction section
>The Holy Bible


>> No.1748779


>> No.1748796

>mfw people brag about their collection of books that could fit in a single box
what the fuck? this is like the porn equivilent of bragging about your 3 inch penis

>> No.1748798


An open mind is fine, but pandering to Randians is just pathetic. Ignore the damn book, stop giving it literary significance.

>> No.1748914
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the King James version? ... you're obviously an idealist

>> No.1748938

Ayn Rand can eat a dick

>> No.1748951
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The collection I share with my dad.

U jelly?

>> No.1748953
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Excuse the terrible quality.

>> No.1748960
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>my dad's collection
fixed that for you.

>> No.1748976


Pretty sure at least 10% of the books are mine but yeah, it's mostly my dad's. He's been building up his library for decades.

As if I needed to buy more books

>> No.1748988


hahahaha your fucking grandmothers cabinet, you are king of faggots

>> No.1748998
File: 147 KB, 400x478, tao's waifu 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why? it's a pretty nice cabinet

>> No.1749001


>hahahaha your fucking grandmothers cabinet


>> No.1749420


I. Want. Your. Copies.Of. Sandman.

>> No.1749423

So you kept all the books they assigned to you in High School World Lit and High School American Lit.


>> No.1749469


Esta coleccion esta indudablemente en español. ¿Me equivoco?

>> No.1749598


>> No.1749604

>Little Women
Fuck yea

>> No.1749620

My classics section alone is 4 shelves, you are not impressive in the slightest. You have perhaps 2-4 months worth of book purchases, I got 25 years of shelf shape filled.

>> No.1749621


space not shape, duh.

>> No.1749637

take pictures, ho