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17482572 No.17482572 [Reply] [Original]

It really bothers me when people say writers like Lasch don’t render their arguments in clear language, with reference to empirical data. There’s more to understanding society than “scientific reasoning”. Lasch has a better, deeper, more substantive method - one that’s also used by Freud, Baudrillard, and Mark Fisher. Instead of using facts, thoroughly scrutinised studies and surveys, and verifiable information, these writers use a much more reliable method - Being big fat fucking idiots who use their imaginations and guess a bunch of shit.

>> No.17482582

Will Anna K sex me if I read this

God I wanna cum inside her so bad

>> No.17482590


Listening to Red Scare and Chapo will be seen as fedora style cringe in like two years.

>> No.17482615
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Skin. To. Skin. Missionary. Tongue war. Am I clear?

>> No.17482679


>> No.17482689

giving a shit what libs think as cringe is cringe

>> No.17482705

I didn't say libs would think it was cringe, I was saying everyone will think it's cringe.

>> No.17482710

>wake up
>face isn't in her asscrack
why am I alive

>> No.17482724
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OP clearly has never read Christopher Lasch. OP probably just heard someone whining about Lasch on his favourite, Liberal pretending to be a Socialists, podcast. Liberals hate Lasch and his highlighting of the managerial class.

>> No.17482761


For anyone who isn't clever enough to "get" this post, Liberls are the bad guys, who do lame, unlikeable things. This is also what the "managerial class" is. If the word "neoliberal" is used later on, that means the same thing.

>> No.17482810


Also see Burnham, The Managerial Revolution and Francis, Leviathan and its Enemies (posthumous).

Leftists live in cities, so they know about race. They hate the rich, who are kikes. They are our frens.

>> No.17482898

that isn't how cringe works. cringe is fundamentally ingroup vs outgroup delineation. and why should everyone even know about something as minor and irrelevant as red scare or chapo, let alone find them cringe? that just betrays how much you care about them.

>> No.17482931
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Also worth reading Michael Lind’s The New Class War, published 2020. It is less comprehensive than Lasch, but it is certainly worth a read as it has more modern references. It is a good book to recommend as an introduction to the managerial elite.

>> No.17483082
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>> No.17484231


>> No.17484452


>> No.17484497

i don't listen to podcasts but what i get from the tl is that the 'anti-woke' people are in constant war with the chapo-dsa people

>> No.17484525


>> No.17484894

I don't know what you see in Lasch's work that is so "imaginative" or "unsubstantiated". He's a pretty milquetoast historian

>> No.17484935

Lasch says nothing not implicitly understood and immediately apprehended by direct experience by Gen X onward — the audience is National Review tier anointed token opposition like Ben Shapiro or Anne Coulter, and libertarian adjacent independents like Rober Nozick. He’s a political ‘fudd’ every bit as much as Neo-Cohens like Brzezinski, Fukuyama, et. al. and their ascendant Neo-Lib/Prog/Intersectional Corporate Pozz antipodes

>> No.17484997
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Who’s prettier, Lasch’s daughter of Anna

Faces being all you care about

>> No.17485013

Obviously Anna

>> No.17485026

Full name?

>> No.17485034
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>> No.17485041

Not even close, aren't you a lesbian?

>> No.17485043
File: 335 KB, 3376x2250, 07FDF394-E6C9-4261-88BD-AFF445DD32B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anna Khachiyan

>> No.17485048

You know Anna is hotter, you fag.
Its obvious.

>> No.17485062

Anti-woke leftist women read Lasch, anti-woke leftist men read Baudrillard, and neither of them can say anything coherent or interesting

>> No.17485067

I am, but I’m asking about your attraction.
I like a cerebrally active woman as much as a cute, fit, sexy babe too. So Anna and younger Elizabeth interest me on some level
Remember that British academic who did some bs stunts where she talked in the nude. I would love to debate her and fuck afterwards. I like so much about so many.

Group sex is nice too

>> No.17485080

>Butterface leftoid
Absolute cringe, you can do better, right anons?

>> No.17485103

Geez, do you just shlick your neo-vagina to pictures of little girls and women all day?
This can't be healthy, aren't you fifty-something now?
>I'm a sapiosexual
Cringe and pseud-pilled

>> No.17485106

I want to gently kiss her vagina

>> No.17485125

He may have been a lefty but he was right regardless of your politics.

>> No.17485132
File: 34 KB, 554x702, 32C26BAD-E04A-4479-B48E-1E8120AA9EB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dipshit, I’m a normally sexed woman, not a pedophile and I don’t even know what sapiosexual is. Take your neocope angst memes and shove it

>> No.17485235

>a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing.
>hence Sapio (wise) and sexual (sexytime)
Basically, it's what pseuds say to make themselves feel special. It is the most pretentious pretense imaginable.
>Yeah, I'm a sapiosexual so I get a little bit wet looking at pictures of Einstein and Hawkings, lol.
>I like a cerebrally active woman as much as a cute, fit, sexy babe too. So Anna and younger Elizabeth interest me on some level
>If I was alive back then Newton wouldn't have died a virgin ;)
Seriously, you are 50 something now. How did you end up here? Was it autism?

>> No.17485278

I really cant

>> No.17485317
File: 211 KB, 220x166, 1F54D488-1F7E-4C00-A650-9E2AB10ED41F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s cringe to find intellect attractive
Kek right back at you

>> No.17485601
File: 3.09 MB, 1874x2499, Andrew_wiles1-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again, you're pretending.
Uggos get friend-tier if they are smart enough, otherwise if they're annoying you'd just avoid them.
It really only makes you more attractive if you're already hot/cute (the bitch you posted wasn't btw).
Nobody learns about Andrew Wiles and is like
>OH Fuck, did he really solve Fermat's Last conjecture, which was unsolved for 358 years, all by himself? hnnnnnnnggg, excuse me for a second I have to go.... uuuuuuuuuhhhh fuckkkkk his proof is so brilliant ....Gaaawwww I'm coooooming aaaaaahhhhhh AAAAAHH.
The closest thing I could see to that is a /sci/fag with a parasocial relationship.

>> No.17485616

The cult of scientism has infected nearly every modern discourse.
>Virtue is good for society

>> No.17485634


Listening to a bunch of Brooklyn trust fund potheads talk about how capitalism is, like, bad and stuff maaaaan is already cringe

>> No.17487030

i've lived in hipster brooklyn for eleven years i've still yet to meet someone with trust fund

>> No.17487829

I'd rather listen to CumTown and wish they were never associated with Chapo and their retarded oh-so-relatable-here's-some-Majora's-Mask-sounds commentary