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/lit/ - Literature

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17483307 No.17483307 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone know a good place to discuss literature? /lit/ is just undergrad stemtards larping as philosophers and /pol/tards with 20 books read and 2000 books on their want to read on goodreads.

>> No.17483323

that's not very apu of you.

>> No.17483329

My social circle’s discord. You aren’t invited though.

>> No.17483331

Have you heard of reddit

>> No.17483333

There are some people that know their shit on here. I always try to leave /lit/ but I return because, for all its faults, you cunts talk about books I’m interested in or have read and are the closest I have to friends I can talk about literature with

>> No.17483345

checked, nice quads

>you cunts talk about books I’m interested in or have read and are the closest I have to friends I can talk about literature with
this is the reason I can't leave either. Nobody (out of the very few people I actually know) in real life cares about what I read, nobody to talk to. This place is the only thing I've got, and I'd imagine its the same for several anons here

>> No.17483346


This anon is somewhat right, with all its faults 4chan isn't as 'echo chamber' as reddit.

Just don't, anon. Moderation and upvotes just ruin everything. They could use no moderation, but they managed to ruin it.

>> No.17483366
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I dont think theres a better platform, this is the pinnacle of civilization.

>> No.17483382

>undergrad stemtards larping as philosophers and /pol/tards with 20 books read and 2000 books on their want to read on goodreads
These are the same people

>> No.17483426

I disagree with a lot of anons on here. Some of what’s said is just batshit craziness filtered through a brain that’s been wrung out like a flannel. But I’ll be fucked if I don’t support them being able to say this shit, at the very least. You get a more real taste for what people are like here than, say, reddit.com

>> No.17483437
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>> No.17483672

Yes, it is not a thing that everyone can handle, but I would rather have this than some shit colored wrong to look pretty.

>> No.17484898
File: 103 KB, 540x300, akko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>173 read
>1060 want to read on gr
I'm a fraud

>> No.17484962
File: 190 KB, 640x770, 19D7BED3-FC11-4EBF-9D25-2C5E9896497A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pshhh. No you aren’t.

>> No.17485372

And thank God for that

>> No.17485855

I can’t tell you how many subs ive been banned from on reddit. It’s absurd. China owned garbage. Every now and the it’s reasonable to call someone a faggy.

>> No.17485880

Most philosophers are undergrad stemtards larping as philosophers. Until they are philosophers. Thus spake the undergrad stemtard.

>> No.17485886


>> No.17485889

They managed to come up with a system that my country official sub literally divided in 2 during the elections. Partially fault of people, but still disgusting.

>> No.17485900

discord (n.)

early 13c., descorde, "unfriendly feeling, ill will;" also "dissension, strife," from Old French descorde (12c.) "disagreement," from Latin discordia, from discors (genitive discordis) "disagreeing, disagreement," from dis- "apart" (see dis-) + cor (genitive cordis) "heart," from PIE root *kerd- "heart."

>> No.17485957

>/pol/tards with 20 books read and 2000 books on their want to read on goodreads.

I've been found out.

>> No.17485963

butterfly supports cp?

>> No.17485973

Not real Bf :3

>> No.17485980

Not how it works, it is more like "discord and get banned by the mods."

>> No.17485984
File: 13 KB, 184x274, nabakov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP hasn't read this.

>> No.17485987

Drawings, anon. FFS. Getting triggered by drawings in an anime board, the fucking state of moral retards.

>> No.17487023

literature is gay go to reddit and they will take about harry potter with you
oi arry poddah

>> No.17487033

The New York Times forum. lol.

>> No.17487056


>> No.17487074

>74 Read
>645 Want to read

You got me. Also fuck niggers

>> No.17487082


>> No.17487134


You are well aware that your views have no value, frankly you are incapable of even accepting this fact.
Why dont you guys play videogames or something. So we can discuss actual literature here.

>> No.17487268
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113 here, fuck kikes and trannies too

>> No.17487275
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And nor shall I.