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/lit/ - Literature

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17479313 No.17479313 [Reply] [Original]

Lately, there have been quite a few threads attacking Mr. Foucault. Not cool.

Let's rehabilitate his /lit/ reputation now. Say something nice about his books and ideas.

>> No.17479318
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I'm pretty sure this is also Guenonfag, je is just playing the opposite part because attention

>> No.17479379

I want to rape her

>> No.17479382

>faster goyim, faster!
>worship this disgusting degenerate Satanist pseud because we said so!

>> No.17479419
File: 262 KB, 1200x1684, 1200px-Jordan_Peterson_June_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A more reprehensible, resentment-ridden individual could hardly be imagined.

>> No.17479467

I found him to be really interesting. His ideas of power structures and all relations containing forms of power, the interaction between power and knowledge, the idea of biopolitics, biopower, the evolution of state centralization and empowerment by panoptic and diagnosticizing means, away from the punishment as a public display of justice by the power (be it the state, the monarch, the local lord etc) shared by the community to a sterilized, whitewashed continuous domination by a bureaucratic, anonymous power apparatus was very interesting.

Pomo and deconstructionism is really interesting as long as you don't go full schizo mode but contain your sanity.

Something else that is really interesing was Gramsci's idea of hegemony. cuckservatives shudder at the mere mention of the long march through the institutions.

And then ofcourse people like Baudrillard, Ellul, Debord are so fascinating and useful in analyzing, comprehending the world we live in.

Don't understand why rightoids are so fucking scared of it all. Pomo is based because it demolishes all of liberal's sacred cows. the individual for example is a mere ideological meme used by liberalism to justify destroying institutions, uprooting communities, that stand between the domination of this naked, defenceless individual and the centralizing capitalist power structure and its appurtenant nightwatch-man state. nevermind that the individual is not anterior to society, that people have always defined themselves through local communities, clan, tribe, family, "religion"(which is itself a concept created by locke, hobbes etc to define meaningless spiritual ideas that do not interfere with the secular liberal public order) as a quick example. same critical analysis shows how retarded the idea of a free market is, how it is a mere cloak for power structures given free reign etc.

I would recommend reading Pomoism together with nonPomo heterodox studies of society, economics, anthropology, politics etc like for example Polanyi's the Great Transformation, Graeber's On Debt, Kavanaugh's Myth of Religious Violence, Jouvenel On Power, Seeing like a State by Scott,...

>> No.17479473

I don't like this fucking cunt, looks too flashy. Never read him, heard that he's obsessed with how "power manifests in society", i.e seething about being a loser and trying to status game as an intellectual so that he can have that power that so concerns him.

>> No.17479484

Is he easy to read? Where to start with him?

>> No.17479519

>biopolitics, biopower,
>the long march through the institutions.
What are these?

>> No.17479523

He's easy to read if you don't have any intellectual standards (e.g. if you're used with leftist literature)

>> No.17479779

he has a lot of valid arguments

>> No.17479826

Like what

>> No.17479843
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>> No.17479845

>I would recommend reading Pomoism together with nonPomo heterodox studies of society, economics, anthropology, politics etc like for example Polanyi's the Great Transformation, Graeber's On Debt, Kavanaugh's Myth of Religious Violence, Jouvenel On Power, Seeing like a State by Scott,...

Based. Add Alfred Mccoy's "policing america’s empire: the united states, the philippines, and the rise of the surveillance state" to that list. Shows how imperial practices come back like a boomerang, not unlike Joseph Conrad's main themes.

>> No.17479854

>not cool
yeah, how dare /lit/ "attack" a piece of shit pedophile
there's nothing to rehabilitate here, I'll gladly spit at his "legacy" and all the retarded pseuds who worship him

>> No.17479958

No one's reading your garbage recommendations retard lmao

>> No.17479974

Disclipine and punishment is relatively easy to read and is considered to be one of his most important works

>> No.17480100

triggered moralfag

>> No.17480197

Triggered lefty tranny

>> No.17480211

>Kavanaugh's Myth of Religious Violence
seconding this if you are at all interested in conflict, or the construction of the notion "religion"

>> No.17480607


>> No.17480618

you will never be a woman

>> No.17480650

um hello based department someone on 4channel actually did their reading

>> No.17480658

>a leftist did his reading on his leftist propaganda that no one cares about
>other leftists congratulate him on reading books they won't read themselves either

>> No.17480689
File: 181 KB, 820x838, 1009-10095058_post-crying-wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pedophilia is bad okaY! IT JUST IS! I'm literally shaking rn. Wait till I post this on twitter, I'll get you cancelled!
shoo shoo moralfags

>> No.17480747


not even close. how about you actually read something that isn't about OWNING THE LIBS epic style written by some neocon paid by the Rand corporation or Breitbart. Start with Inderjeet Parmar and his work on American corporate philanthropic foundations and see where ideas like inner-city community agencies, Institutes for international affairs, human rights NGO's, modernist urban planning, racial integration, diversity studies etc come from.

>> No.17480748

are you a virgin?

>> No.17480772
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You type like a leftist so I stopped halfway through

>> No.17480803

children aren't mature enough to consent to sexual relations
the fact that you are attracted to someone who, in terms of development, maturity, physical and mental strength is inferior to you is undeniable proof that you are a weak individual, who feels intimidated by potential partners of your own age and thus seeks out children as a way to "show dominance" in order to compensate for a complete submissiveness shown towards one's peers.
You are pathetic and spineless. You are literally afraid of grown women.

>> No.17480809

Rehabilitation? As in conversion therapy?

>> No.17480837

We are going to hang you nigger

>> No.17480858

>e a weak individual, who feels intimidated by potential partners of your own age
I don't think this is accurate for a lot of them. It's definitely a desire to control the person, but a rather common scenario is that the abusive boyfriend of a single mother also abuses her child.

>> No.17480884

from DEEZ NUTS nerd

>> No.17481018

i have an adult gf you low iq reptiloid. Just because something isnt socially accepted doesnt mean it has to have pathological causes you dumb moralfag.