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File: 76 KB, 602x421, main-qimg-90d27fab3a8076ca3b8d9bf8d667952f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17476914 No.17476914[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>most of his ideas were refuted
>his masterpiece, communism, is a dismal failure in practice
>only his predictions and critiques of capitalism remain

Can we just forget about this old fucker?

>> No.17476918

As long as capitalism is standing, his critiques will remain relevant

>> No.17476963

Anyone could have made those critiques. It's just that a retard like him happened to be the first to write them all down.

>> No.17476972

bill gates is buying all the fertile land and water reservoirs
amazon is promoting diversity in the work place to discourage unions
big tech is buying up local governments in nevada
I could go on...

>> No.17476989

Yeah, he went through the time and effort to collect his thoughts and convey them to an audience.
Real geniuses aren’t savants who unlock the secrets of the universe shitting their diapers in a pen, it’s the men who bother to communicate their ideas.

>> No.17476997

And? Doesn't mean you flathead commies have to start a gay revolution that turns your country into a shithole.
There are better solutions.

>> No.17477010

Not without a revolution there arent

>> No.17477018


>> No.17477019

They say he plagiarised some of his work.
He wouldn't have done anything if he hadn't lived off his (bourgeoisie capitalist) friend's money.

>> No.17477029

If you think you can't achieve your goal through non military means then maybe you need to re-evaluate what it is you really want.

Ok faggot

>> No.17477256
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you dont believe in this sham democracy right?
Wether youre a communist, a nazi or a lolbert we can all agree this government is beyond repair.
How about this?
A soc dem government, with bitcoin as the national currency and with separate land areas for the different races.
There i just set aside all the political differences.

>> No.17477777

>unironically using "he was just the first to say it" argument to discredit someone

>> No.17477785

>Can we just forget about this old fucker?
>posts thread about him

>> No.17478190

>his critiques of capitalism were correct
people keep saying this. both pro and anti-marxist posters. they never elaborate. I don't think many of them know much about them, and simply take them to be "capitalism bad" or "capitalism bad because social inequality and poverty".
the idea of alienation is somewhat interesting, but in marx hopelessly broad. he applies it to everything. the cause of alienation being the division of labor is unconvincing. his internal contradictions of capitalism, certainly false. his theory of capitalism as inherently exploitative, ie surplus value, completely and obviously wrong.
I'm not saying capitalism is perfect, or that one shouldn't be open to other alternatives. I'm saying that I don't think there's any point in still paying any lip service to this old man.

>> No.17478195

this poster is 16.

>> No.17478202


fuck capital

>> No.17478219

>most of his ideas were refuted
>his masterpiece, communism, is a dismal failure in practice
Communism wasn't his masterpiece, dialectical materialism was.
>only his predictions and critiques of capitalism remain
Yeah and they're correct.

>> No.17478295
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Ill just drop this here

>> No.17478384
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>with separate land areas for the different races
white people living by themselves is completely unacceptable to modern leftists.

>> No.17478419

dude do you think a black person or a latino thinks boy i sure wish i were sorrounded by white people?
No they dont.
They do wish they lived in nice houses, drove nice cars, etc...
Only politicians care about that stuff.
I dont know, atleast thats what i think.

>> No.17478450
File: 47 KB, 640x360, leftist_marxist_noel_ignatiev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thoughts of the non-whites are irrelevant. they can be easily manipulated however the powers that be want.
I think the average leftist subhuman vermin and the people higher up will do whatever they can to prevent europeans from living by themselves.

>> No.17478457

checked. op is faggot.

>> No.17478483

>his masterpiece, communism

>> No.17478487
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Marx is irrelevant already.
Commies are ineffective in the U.S. They spent months protesting and did nothing other than elect the BBT's (big banks and tech) chosen puppet Mr. Joe Whatever.
Conservatives spent one day protesting and took the Capitol. They would have stayed there if Trump had not betrayed them.

Marx is still relevant in third-world countries.

Their main mistake is that they believe the problems of capitalism were created by capitalism. Sheer nonsense.
They seriously believe in pseudo-psychological bullshit (keep in mind that psychology itself is already a pseudo-science, but this is worse) like homo faber vs. animal laborans (to use Arendt's terminology), as if most people hadn't been mere working animals even before capitalism.
Not to mention Engels's depiction of pre-Industrial England. My God. Have you read that?
It's all neoromantic drivel. No wonder Marx and Engels admired Balzac so much. Shitty novelist for shitty intellectchuals.

None of that would have happened if Marx had continued to read Sterne. He would probably become allergic to Hegelian claptrap too. But not all people are smart enough to absorb the lessons of Tristram Shandy's satires, apparently.

Marxists, and historians/sociologists in general have zero understanding of causality. Must be some kind of brain damage.

>> No.17478543

>Commies are ineffective in the U.S. They spent months protesting and did nothing other than elect the BBT's (big banks and tech) chosen puppet Mr. Joe Whatever.
Ya i know
What youd think people would risk their skin and then sit and listen to some arm chair?

>> No.17478616
File: 59 KB, 947x947, 1611629481326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dialectical materialism

>> No.17478629

Akshually leninist national socialism was a failure, not orthodox marxism

>> No.17478640

(((They))), also originality is a meme

>> No.17478843

Revolution, bourgeoisie, proletariat. Ngl its fucking annoying hearing that, it seems like a huge circlejerk

>> No.17478893

this. Freedom of association is extremely important in order to have a coherent society, which may sound contradictory or just a remnant of primitive tribal instinct to some. There's a lot more to if people just took the time to think about it somewhat.

>> No.17478948

it is a hugecircle jerk in the west.
Anyways i dont want to talk too much shit on the clearnet and get bagged by glowies.

>> No.17479539

I can easily kill every single one of you Marxist sois with my bare hands.

>> No.17479550

t. 300 pound neckbeard

>> No.17479594
File: 97 KB, 426x309, 1604827473861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can easily kill every single one of you Marxist sois with my bare hands.

>> No.17479631
File: 125 KB, 534x429, MICKDONALDS!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wow capitalism is so based xD

>> No.17479647

be sure to tune in to the big game this sunday brought to you by amazon, built ford tough, and budweiser. hey alexa, i could sure go for some uber eats bringing me a delicious mcdonalds burger right to my door that i can enjoy with nfl action on cbs. will be sure to tune into the latest ncis after the game as well, excellent network bringing quality entertainment always.

>> No.17479653

very based

>> No.17479659
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>> No.17479675
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Utopic ideals are pure drivel, Marxism is merely one of many.

>> No.17479685

why so agitated? is he white?

>> No.17479691
File: 60 KB, 620x425, blake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice quote, it sums up the belief of socialism nicely

>> No.17479912

>his masterpiece, communism, is a dismal failure in practice
man you people are fucking retarded

>> No.17479925

Name one country that doesn't trade with capitalists.

>> No.17480139

>you dont believe in this sham democracy right?
Democracy is the greatest form of government in the history of the world.

>> No.17480143

He was one of the first to write it all down and then sell it for money. He wasn't even the first to say it.
To raise awareness that we need to forget about him.

>> No.17480155

>they never elaborate.
He wrote about monopolies and wages being messed up due to globalisation. Not that people hadn't already pointed it out but that he was the first to draw attention to it.

>> No.17480171

Nice as hominem loser.
He lived a degenerate lifestyle and treated his kids awfully.
Communism, 9/10 times at least, only produces disastrously planned economies and nasty dictators. To say it is a shit idea is meaningless.
If people want to live like that, and if they're not harming anyone, then I say let 'em have it, if they want.

>> No.17480179

>the thoughts of the non-whites are irrelevant
Not really but okay.
That is his masterpiece. The heckin' good boy utopia that will totally come about after the state "withers away".

>> No.17480189

>Marx is still relevant in third-world countries.
Famine shouldn't be relevent anywhere.

>> No.17480196

He was still borrowing ideas for Marx.

>Da Joos
Retard spotted

Say it, I want to hear it.

What's wrong with that?

>> No.17480208

Just because you hate materialism and consumerism doesn't mean you have to become Marxist communist. Indeed, anyone with a brain in this society has some disdain for consumer.

Crazy that he was a racist too.

BTFO'd two thousand years before he was even born.

American spotted

Communism in nine cases out of ten has only produces disastrously planned economies and nasty dictators.
If you believe in communism, then who is the real retard?

>> No.17480640

literally all of them, no communist country has ever traded with a capitalist country, to think otherwise is cold war propaganda

this has never happened, the west just can't conceive of a country in which infantile disputes about who gets to use what bathroom etc. haven't divided the population into two neatly arranged 'political' groupings
everyone who was killed by Stalin or Mao deserved it, in sane countries criminals go to prison or are executed, in the west if you're rich enough you can rape a child and get away with it

>> No.17480682

>>Da Joos
Hi r*ddit

>> No.17480686

>Conservatives spent one day protesting and took the Capitol. They would have stayed there if Trump had not betrayed them.
You are delusional

>> No.17480774

>BTFO'd two thousand years before he was even born.
No he wasn't, cope.

>> No.17480783

He's never been more relevant and he triggers chuds.

>> No.17481022

Back to your discord, tranny.

>> No.17481041

Marx is gay read Sorel

>> No.17481229

>everyone who was killed by Stalin or Mao deserved it
Oh fuck off

Karl Marx was a Jewish person you miserable idiot

He was, read the quote from above

He said nothing other people hadn't said 1,000 times before

>> No.17481386

the left are in
Checkmate by people who used them as pawns againts the working class aka Trump supporters with they needed if they ever wanted to have their glorious revolution also there no really nazis in the West just 15-20 year old edgy kids who are tired of the socjust and were able to notice the anti-white narrative and the people who push it most

as former leftist i find the situation insane and i would love to find out what was exacly the point the left was hijacked or if it was always this way and i was just naive

>> No.17481468

I think the real turning point was the 60s new left turning left wing attention away from economics and towards sham race baiting and second wave feminism
OWS was the dying gasp of that old left, and where we really saw it get totally derailed by social justice disruptions

>> No.17481523

The New Left has become a narcissistic Neoliberal movement; really bent on installing a corporate control society.

You can't tell me with a straight face someone who both advocates for worker protection but promoting uncontrolled immigration -- let's be honest: they say they do not propose such, but if you even suggest limiting immigration, it's blasphemy -- are not living in a world of cognitive dissonance: lamenting the world of the worker, but also pushing corporate-interest.

Whatever the Left of the past was, it's long gone. In fact, wanting to bring it back would follow along a Conservative line of thinking since it's just a remnant of the past.

>> No.17481683
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OWS was definitely kill blow

hmm the more i think about it the more i starting to understand why there so much overreaction to so called *nazis* if the old school leftism does not exist anymore and the official doctrine of the left is socjust with does not represent the working class at all then you have massive amout of people who are not represented by anyone (Republicans are not interested to represent them) and the phenomen in Europe is that the working class starting to get represented by so called far right parties someone should maybe ring the bell becouse what is happening now are the consequences of destroying the traditional left it was maybe the bigest mistake these clowns could do
if was leftist i would try my best to use this group of people to get power but how to do it when the official doctrine is socjust and that doctrine is disqusting to these people and any form of old leftism will be rejected becouse of it

>> No.17481948
File: 11 KB, 253x250, images - 2021-02-07T032011.459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id start by not voting.

>> No.17481975

The only solutions involve curtailing the power of privately owned capital. That doesn't imply communism, but it's hard to see how a neo-feudal hyper-capitalist dystopia in which super-billionaires rule the world and everyone else is their technologically enslaved and monitored serfs is much worse than the existence of a public commons.

>> No.17481990

Isn't much worse I mean