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17474092 No.17474092 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of school curriculum would /lit/ approve to elevate society as a whole?

>> No.17474110


>> No.17474130

replace high school with military service

>> No.17474147

Greek and Latin
Western history
History of philosophy but ending with Heidegger
Western art history and archeology
Music theory
Literature, where you have to read the classics
Science and math up to calculus.

>> No.17474154

Get rid of schools completely.
Have the parents educate the children as they see fit.
Exceptional ones will be chosen to be educated in monasteries.

>> No.17474163

undeniably based

>> No.17474166

To make people or machines?

>> No.17474169

This is good

>> No.17474175

Unironically spending the last 3 years of hoghschooö in some military academy instead would be lit

>> No.17474186

abolish school. There is an exam you have to pass at 18, if you don't pass it no access to military service, voting, welfare, university.
To prepare for it you go at a houseschool, which is the house of a teacher who teaches you to read and write from the bible and keeps all her students regardless of age in the same class.
You will have to help the younger kids to get good marks, you will have to respect the older kids to get good marks.
As soon as you pass the coming of age examination you have to choose: workingvor military service.
If you go to work you don't vote and if you want to go to university you will have to pay. If you do military service the state pays you university or the military academy after you are done.
Only those that successfully complete military service and university, are Christianily married with at least three sons and own and work land can vote.
Women can vote if their husband can.
Women are barred from military service but not anything else.

>> No.17474198

The school days would be cut in half and the kids would go through a more intense physical education. Weight lifting, wrestling, gymnastic rings, things like that. They only need a few good hours for math, grammar/languages, and philosophy, and by philosophy I mean it in the classical sense. As in teaching them how to live. Plato, Aristotle, and the Stoics would be emphasized. Everything else is unnecessary or could be saved for university.

>> No.17474219

>with at least three sons
Nice we just need infinite land to support anon's state.

>> No.17474224

even more so undeniably based

>> No.17474235

the curriculum:
0)Phylosophy, rather than being a course one can take or not it's peppered everywhere and you are encouraged to read it at all opportunities
1)math and programming: they have to show they can code by when they take the test.
2)home maintenance and economics: they have to show they can keep an house clean and an account balanced.
3)life sciences: they have to show they can identify a species, keep a vegetable garden and block a broken bone by when it's over.
4)religious and patriotic indoctrination: more or less the point of the whole exercise.
5)History and literature obviously. but mainly by mean of book club.
6)Music, studies closely next to mathematics for obvious reason.

>> No.17474250

you talk as if we wouldn't steamroll the whole fucking galaxy with my state.

>> No.17474253

Coding is the work for pajeets and office slaves.

>> No.17474255

Studying nothing but the works of F. Gardner.

>> No.17474267

coding is the work of everyone in a post automation state.

>> No.17474278

I am happy with the education I received in my country. It was quite comfy. But now they have dismantled it for the sake of "competition" and "global competitiveness".

>> No.17474283

what country?

>> No.17474286

>a post automation state
So basically, Pajeets and office slaves.

>> No.17474294

the future is of those that reproduces and no one else's

>> No.17474295


>> No.17474297

Any Western European country

The author of that post seems to think that children are just small adults.

>> No.17474306

no such thing in my state
i'm playing the long ge.

>> No.17474309
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>> No.17474312

sounds nice

>> No.17474316


2 most important changes:

1. No math beyond basic arithmetic until college unless you really want it I guess. Even people going into sciences don't need to learn math until college and more importantly they will learn it better and faster there and be able to apply it more quickly alongside the science classes in college which will actually put it to use

2. final year of high school you basically don't go to school at all instead you have to remain successfully employed at an entry level job for the whole year or you can't graduate. Grading is based on the performance report your employer gives the school at the end of the year. Get fired or get an F and you have to do it again simple as that

>> No.17474319

>t. failed maths

>> No.17474320

wow anon! You’re retarded!

>> No.17474325

You'll steamroll yourself into starvation.

>> No.17474327

One with literally any routine of discipline. Our school system is pathetically weak.

>> No.17474351

my farm will be the most efficient in the world and I don't fear your "overpopulation" pseudoscience the earth can sustain two thousand billion people no problem.

>> No.17474362

Germany, more precisely upper Bavaria.
>13 years of school
>learned Latin to learn about Roman history and philosophy
>same thing with Ancient Greek
>also had ethics to learn about German philosophers
>school always finished 1pm, so you had plenty of time in the afternoon to be a kid and explore
>after you graduate you have a year where you either participate in social services or go to the military. This is to learn social responsibility.
>"Do not worry about university, there is still time. You can always do trades, too!"

Now they streamlined this process. You only have 12 years of education, the gap year has been made optional, the expectation is to transition straight to university, the kids stay in school until late afternoon, and the subjects have been flattened so you have more topics but less depth. Do not get me started how they have streamlined university.
Just depressing.

>> No.17474368

That post, iirc, was about home schooling for math only.

>> No.17474375

Why Heidegger? Because Nazis? He gets lumped in with postmodernism quite a bit too, btw. As does Nietzsche, another Nazi fave.

If you are truly interested in the ideas of philosophy, analytic philosophy is all you need. But that fit your fetishism for classical Western culture either.

>> No.17474387


Wrong I didn't fail math but I did forget all my HS math and re-learn math from the ground up at college and guess what I now know math twice as well as I ever did before
And this happens to most people they don't retain anything but the most basic math taught before higher education schooling
This is exactly why I KNOW for certain math shouldn't be taught until later in life it simply requires a more mature mind to properly understand

>> No.17474392

First, let teachers smack kids into cooperation.
Second, make language arts about reading not grammar. Kids will learn it through reading.
Third, High school should no longer be a general path. Accept that some kids are stupid and separate them from smart kids by career path more or less. So probably two separate types of high school. Also separate girls and boys and mandate uniforms.

>> No.17474398

How are you gonna invade nuclear states?

>> No.17474415

>What kind of school curriculum would /lit/ approve to elevate society as a whole?

Based on the current state of things: actual soft skills. Being able to deal with ambiguity and greyness in life. Having to deal with non-ideal/unpleasant people and still having an inner sense of self. Real debate skills and understanding logical fallacies.

Society severely lacks these skills, and it crops up fucking everywhere. You have nerds with hard skills who can't relate to those around them; you have women-like creatures who lack the soft skills to keep themselves afloat in their dream careers (e.g. STEM stuff, management, etc.) due to having a weak sense of self; you have "successful" people who consistently seem to regret all the time they've spent trying to be successful. And so on.

Real, actual, social skills. If you can't behave in a wide variety of social situations, you need to go back to my idea of school. You should be able to
1) Befriend and soothe a weeping, lost child
2) Calmly defend yourself from prying family members and in-laws
3) Confidently ask for a raise and/or more responsibility
4) Ask someone out
5) Throw a party
6) Ask for directions
7) Deeply apologize for a mistake you've made
8) Listen and empathize with a person telling a story that isn't terribly interesting to you
9) Redirect a conversation to something that does interest you
10) Persuade someone to assist you in something that they initially do not want to do
11) etc. etc. etc.
In the past, most people could do most of these things with no real sweat off their back, but it seems like the loudest voices in the modern era are people who heavily struggle with almost all of these situations. That, in turn, degrades trust in social society: if people can't be expected to behave like adults, why bother?

An example of what this curriculum might look like is in a shitty manga. The gist is that for high school seniors in a particular school, they have to live together with someone of their desired sex and behave like a loving couple. It's extreme, sure, but the idea is simple: swallow your pride and behave like an adult.

>> No.17474416

>language arts about reading not grammar
Oh hell yes. Grammar is pointless obfuscation when the purpose of language is effective communication. Grammar is for business writing specifically

>> No.17474418

>Be me
>Teach highschool English
>Have to juggle seating plan to stop the apes from ruining the classroom
>Have to plan lessons to accommodate their learning
>They do fuck all each lesson no matter what I put together
>If I don't put together the ooga booga ape lesson, I get in trouble
>Ask an ape to stop doing ape things
>"I don't want to"
>Go through the sanction system
>Call senior leader
>Senior leader says "Well maybe we can look past that, just for today"
>Have to sit there with a smug ape because the dumbass I called in line with our policy decided to undermine my authority instead
I want to add something. Remove women from teaching. They're ineffective.

>> No.17474438

Nothing to do with the Nazis. He provides a critique of purely rationalistic modes of thinking where people tend to see the world and others as mere instruments and resources. He was also the most important philosopher of the 20th century and influenced all that came after in one way or another.

>> No.17474449

I don’t know, I found learning grammar useful when I was growing up.

>> No.17474466

How do you run a class without authority?

>> No.17474472

25% rigorous PE (separated by gender)
25% outdoor skills; staged by rigor so the school has some sort of "rite of passage" ever few years i.e. night time navigation, winter solo camp, week solo camp, fire by friction, etc (separated by gender)
10% metaphysics, theology, western canon, and history (coed)
10% natural history (no math or "hard sciences") (coed)
10% - language skills
20% - saved free time so kids can work, get vocational training, help their parents, etc so school isn't an impediment on their home lives, students can opt for free study or votech during this period
school lasts till 21 - includes conscription into some form of public service
fuck all these "classical education" fucks, the mass population should just be healthy and have some general knowledge of their place in the world, people don't need musicology and logic and anything beyond basic math

>> No.17474475

You don't. She made my job harder. Our sanction system is already weak, nevermind without our upstream refusing to back us up.

>> No.17474494

fuck off

>> No.17474495

This will do nothing to deal with anti-authoritarian kids. They will always try to subvert your sanctions.

>> No.17474503

> He provides a critique of purely rationalistic modes of thinking where people tend to see the world and others as mere instruments and resources.
I don’t know what you’re referring to, but that viewpoint wouldn’t be unique to him.

>He was also the most important philosopher of the 20th century and influenced all that came after in one way or another.
No, he definitely wasn’t. Wittgenstein was more important.

>> No.17474507

The apes aren't strong enough of mind to withstand consistent and rigorous discipline. It is only through the weakness of namby pamby coddling that their dissidence is allowed to thrive.

>> No.17474511


>> No.17474513

School shouldn't be for the mass population

>> No.17474527

based ape hate basedteacher

>> No.17474533

This, we need less schools and more libraries

>> No.17474536

They should focus on learning classical languages again. It's the best way of learning how to think and will necessarily bring you into contact with the greatest minds in history. All the pedagogical shit ass-sniffer academics thought up in the last 50 years is fundamentally pointless for anyone but the utter retards that slow down the learning process for other kids in the name of equality. Other than that, maths and music/learning an instrument. You cover all modes of thinking patterns with just these 3, so once mastered the kids will know more about physics, history and philosophy than some half assed 21th century high school kid who has to learn 2000 formulas and facts by heart, while lacking solid fundamentals.

>> No.17474540

>farting noises

>> No.17474545

>mostly sports and "language skills"
You don't need school for that faggot, schools are for educating people to work on intellectual tasks, not for every ape

>> No.17474552

Would be lit but also would be a fucking waste if time. You know there actually are countries where this is a thing and believe me it's not great

>> No.17474555

>I’ve never read Plato, but let me pontificate about it because I’m obsessed with the aesthetics of classicism

This website sucks cock.
I’m tired of the lame culture warrior shit.
I think this is the end of this shithole for me.

I know I said it before, but I think this is really it now.

>> No.17474557

+ Rhetorical Analysis for spotting manipulation tactics
+ Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travels will be read
+ Use open-source software and put more of the education process in the public domain

>> No.17474558

I'm the teacheranon. I disagree with you on one key thing:
>All the pedagogical shit ass-sniffer academics thought up in the last 50 years is fundamentally pointless for anyone but the utter retards that slow down the learning process for other kids in the name of equality.
You want the truth? It has benefitted NOBODY but the careerist pedagogy 'experts'. They peddle out some bullshit pop-science every couple of years we're expected to follow. It is a racket and a scam to ensure their continued employ as 'researchers'. If you look it up, you will also find that pedagogy has the LOWEST AVERAGE IQ for study of any social science. The type of person to become an expert in academic pedagogy is likely a charlatan and a fraud, trying to claim a spot of fame for themselves, as any self centred megalomaniac might do. They all act like they're saving teaching, and they're generally insufferable tools loathed by every other teacher in the building.

>> No.17474561

Read The Question Concerning Technology
And Wittgenstein was only relevant for analytic philosophy, which I feel like is not really as important for the vast majority of the population or even the elites.

>> No.17474568

>Third, High school should no longer be a general path. Accept that some kids are stupid and separate them from smart kids by career path more or less. So probably two separate types of high school.

This is the case in Germany. They have three tracks. Gymnasium, Realschule. and Hauptschule. The first is the academic track, the second is the track for business and trades, and the last is workers. But they want to undo that for the sake of equality since it is hard to rise up from the bottom tier once you are in it.

>> No.17474583

You’re obsessed with it because he critiques technology, that’s the only reason.

Why are you on the internet then, faggot?

I’m done with this shitty website.
Low traffic btw. Nobody is being convinced to become anti-tech on a website (any website) like this.

>> No.17474588

Don't come back loser

>> No.17474595
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>Wittgenstein was more important

>> No.17474608

>I’m done with this shitty website.
God, we wish

>> No.17474621

Don't send the bottom 80% of the population to school - they aren't really gaining anything from "learning to read" and are being inculcated with stupid beliefs. Most of them barely have any reading comprehension anyway.

>> No.17474630
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I could also get behind that
>never hunted
>can't find his way home using stars
>probably never worked an orienteering compass
>couldn't defend himself in a fight
>can do a logarithm, but doesn't know which berries and nuts will sustain him when he gets lost in the wilderness
I will rape your intellectual task monkeys who have never overcome anything physical

>> No.17474641

You lost the culture war. I didn’t lose shit.

You’re done too.

>> No.17474644


>> No.17474651

Go suck a chode, brainlet. The a shotgun barrel.

>> No.17474660

Disgusting subhuman

>> No.17474662

Make me.

4chan sucks cock. Fucking shitty irrelevant website.
Your propaganda is dying off too and it was never effective in the first place.

>> No.17474665

Feminist thought, and nothing else. And females should be educated to rule. The best out of all potential rulers get to reproduce using artificial wombs, they get all their eggs extracted and turned into babies using a lottery system to pick men.

>> No.17474670

You’re the one posting memes. That makes you a subhuman before me. Those are the rules.

>> No.17474677

>4chan sucks cock. Fucking shitty irrelevant website.
>doesn't leave shitty website

>> No.17474679

Nazis suck cock and so does 4chan, pass it on.

>> No.17474682

These are good. We definitely need both lots more PE and a generally stronger focus on getting to better understand our culture and its roots.

>> No.17474689

Nazis suck cock!

>> No.17474708

No one cares retard go back

>> No.17474734

Yeah, I've heard a bit about how you guys do it.

>> No.17474739

Tons of bitches care, like your girl. She care about this D, gnomesayin’? We keep that between you and me tho
I do what I want, buster.

>> No.17474745

Where can I find Behead All Satans?

>> No.17474748

Non-white copeposting

>> No.17474757

No, just a Viking warrior. You wouldn’t know anything about it, non-Aryan subhuman.

>> No.17474762
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as it's been said, education should be mostly physical, with outlets for skills and academia so those with a genuine interest and aptitude can be weeded out
higher education should be extremely elite, but so should the physical and /out/ demands on students
military or public service is good

>> No.17474769

Replace Western history lessons with Asian ones instead. I think we’ve all had enough of the white male version of things.

>> No.17474774


>> No.17474782


Will never happen and I can tell you exactly why this a redpill free of charge btw
The public school system is designed the way it is in order to funnel as many people to universities as possible because that's where all the money is
A dropout is bad for no reason other than it's a lost customer
This is why public school is generally devoid of practical skills and everybody rightly criticizes it for this
It's not designed to prepare you to enter society as a productive member it's designed to prepare you for more school and nothing else and they're not really hiding this but people don't read between the lines
They want to keep you institutionalized they want to keep you anxious and uncertain coming out of public school so you will pay to be eased into society properly at a university if any indoctrination or brainwashing goes on there it's just a bonus

>> No.17474786

How are you going to be a good office worker if you're used to getting off work at 1pm and think about life too much? And Roman history? How is that going to be beneficial to your employer, you silly kraut

>> No.17474788

Politics belongs on /pol/.

>> No.17474791

yes. based.

>> No.17474795
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>> No.17474797

That sounds amazing. I hear that’s how they do it in Switzerland too. Americans would benefit a lot from delaying University. Not just because of the debt. The older you are, the more serious you’ll be about your studies and the less Uni will be one giant party.

>> No.17474804

Sounds like shit. Nobody learns anything with a bachelor’s anyway.

>> No.17474831

>everything as close to classics as possible simply because I have a nerdy obsession with it and fetish for it rather than being able to explain their actual value in the modern world
>school bad, make people mindless subservient military drones instead
>women bad, they can't teach and also need to wear burkas
>teachers should be allowed to beat and possibly execute children

there, that's most of the genius opinions on every thread on this topic

>> No.17474879


You wouldn't have to take all classes forever but would have the options to take whichever you want after you acquire a basic understanding of all classes. There would be no tests and the individual school hours dedicated would be more lax. Having a set curriculum works agains tthe spirit of learning and against the students willingness to learn.
There would most likely be a general exam to enter university but no exam to graduate school.

General Classes:
-all students will have to take these

Grammar and Linguistics
Logic and Mathematics
Oration and Rhetoric
Later: Psychology and Sociology
Education and Pedagogy

History and Archeology
Philosophy History
Art History
Music History
Literature History

Specialised Classes:
-only if you have particular skill


Philosophy and Theology
Economics and Labour

Other general classes - applied.

-everyone will have to take these, but gifted students may chose their sport as a specialised class.

Tennis / Badminton

Martial Arts
Classical Olympic Sports
Yoga and Calistentics

Archery and Shooting


>> No.17474908
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So what you're saying is we're gonna make an all boys school that emulates the classics but in a way that children are trained to have the warrior spirit. Not only that but they'll be ripped, disciplined, and have no bitches to trip over because no-burka is haram!
sounds perfect desu

>> No.17474912

this is a fair distillation of every thread

>> No.17474914

We'll probably end up executing all of them before they even reach fourth grade because children are insufferable desu.

>> No.17474925

War es wirklich früher so? Ich bin jetzt vor einem Jahr fertig geworden, hab die Schule wirklich gehasst, obwohl ich ohne Mühe immer gute Noten hatte. Bin jetzt auf der Humboldt mit Philosophie; und ehrlich gesagt hasse ich es, denke wirklich drüber nach abzubrechen und zum Bund zu gehen und das Geld zu benutzen um einfach irgendwie nach dem Dienst irgendwas zu kaufen und als /lit/ Eremit zu leben.
Die Schule ist heute--wie gesagt--nicht *sonderlich* schwer, genauso wie die Uni, aber diese falsche Freiheit, diese Pädagogik der Neuen Schule im 'freien' Stil, trotzdem mit einem gigantisch weitgefächerten Bildungsplan, um International schön dazustehen, ist nicht nur Scheinheilig, sondern auch schrecklich für alle Kinder und Jugendlichen, die die Launen der Politik in der Bildung spüren müssen.
Sorry musste mal raus, versteht hier auf lit sowieso keiner mit dem dt.

>> No.17474929

>PE should be about making sure kids are familiar with exercise equipment and workout routines they can keep using after they graduate, rather than being a hour of semi-supervised sports where the athletic kids are allowed to fuck around and the non-athletic kids are allowed to do nothing
>get rid of gimmicky methods of teaching math that do more harm than good
>stop railroading kids into making a decision about college before they know what they want to do with their life
>stop treating trade school and apprenticeships like they're for losers
>create more incentives to join clubs and other extracurriculars
>hire social workers that actually socialize problem students rather than prescribe countless "accommodations" that only make their problems worse
>stop making it almost impossible to fail out of school

>> No.17474932

I particularly remember translating Apologia and De re publica in school. Obviously a pain in the ass, but those genuinely influenced me growing up. Especially reflecting on the Socratic method.

>> No.17474951

go back

>> No.17475003

Replace modern science with Aristotelian natural philosophy.

>> No.17475020

Ich weiss nicht auf welche Schule du gegangen bist aber ich schaetze meine Schullaufbahn in Bayern tatsaechlich sehr. Ich bin momentan Doktorand in den Staaten und erlebe das Bildungssystem hier von erster Hand. Ich sehe hier sehr angepasste, gestresste und neurotische Kinder und es ist einfach deprimierend das mit anzusehen. Das Leben hier besteht nur aus der Pipeline "Guter Kindergarten" -> "Gute High School" -> "Gutes College" und dann brav Job. Furchtbar.

Ich mein, heutzutage sind die deutschen Unis auch nicht mehr sonderlich akademisch orientiert. Bologna hat da einiges kaputtgemacht. Berlin ist ja jetzt auch ein besonderes Pflaster mit einem speziellen Klientel an Studenten, aber ich habe natuerlich keine Ahnung was deine Probleme mit der Ausbildung im speziellen sind.

>> No.17475316

this but unironic

>> No.17475328

by being nuclear and wild myself

>> No.17475536

I want parties to discuss literature. Kids in school can read a Shakespeare play or something and then go to a fancy dinner with music and then walk around like a normal party but it's for discussing the play. And adults too. You can find a party for your book or organize your own. A very classy high culture party, to replace nigger rap and shaking booty.

>> No.17475552

all true, and would add:
>hand-to-hand combat
>extensive PE

>> No.17475563
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>hand-to-hand combat
>extensive PE

>> No.17475596

In the past, Greek and Latin were only meant for academics (all academics, even STEM). I don't see the point in teaching it to high schoolers. It definitely needs to be brought back in academia, however.
American culture is based off of a negation of European aristocratic culture, seeing it as arbitrary and unproductive. This is how you have American theorists vehemently opposed to this stuff, like Veblen or Turner.
Anyway, philosophy, logic, classic lit, and Western history are all essential. Calculus as well. The problem now is not what is taught, but how it is taught. You have brute memorization meant for a test that is then forgot about. People may know basic facts but they don't understand anything. My cynicism makes me believe universal education and mass literacy was a mistake.

>> No.17475630

neets won't like this answer but it's correct

>> No.17475649

>>get rid of gimmicky methods of teaching math that do more harm than good
You severely underestimate the stupidity of high schoolers.

>> No.17475652

I'm a French teacher, do you have ressources about american pedagogical "research" ? We get your shit peddled by our own carrierist midwits and I would like to know more about it so I can do my best to keep the stupidity your side of the Atlantic.

It's the first time I hear an American teacher being critical

>> No.17475674

I would do away with public education entirely. It's a liberal construct built on the assumption that the common man will be liberated through education. In reality the natural slaves are still slavish and everybody is wasting their time. The people that should be educated have to go at the pace of the peasants and are consequently held back and the peasants aren't learning anything worthwhile. Their education comes from work experience and not only are they being kept from getting an early start in that, but they're being encouraged to go into massive debt at the critical point in their life when they could be building what is necessary for a good family.

>> No.17475677

Who cares kids are retards they’ll eventually become monke no matter the case thanks to kultur

>> No.17475700

>It's the first time I hear an American teacher being critical
I'm not American.

>> No.17475736

Okay so here’s my bit

School should be 5 hours long at most

>grade 1-3
Math, language, music/art, history/culture, PE/sports, Basic logic
No tests

>grade 4-7
Science, math, PE, History, language, Second language, arts, basic philosophy

>grade 8-10
Ethics, Religious study added to the above

>grade 11-12
Any 6 Subjects as chosen

>followed by 2 years of mandatory military service for boys and Social service for women

>> No.17475779

OK retard.

>> No.17475903

"proof of the irrationality of sqrt(2)" listed in the same level of scale as "differential geometry".

i imagine this guy to be at most an undergrad sophomore with no exposure to the extreme breadth of subjects he assigns to children. when did he last interact with anyone under the age of 15? i was homeschooled in a way that was meant to be brutal like this and not only did it not work, i look back on it as basically child abuse. this will fuck your kids up

>> No.17475929

>I want off, Mr. Skeltal
Was the cry of a 4chan user as bony fingers gripped his heart

>> No.17475955

>"proof of the irrationality of sqrt(2)" listed in the same level of scale as "differential geometry".
Where are you talking about? The former is 3rd grade, latter 10th.
>i was homeschooled in a way that was meant to be brutal like this and not only did it not work, i look back on it as basically child abuse. this will fuck your kids up
Your emotions are clouding your judgment, anon. Although I would say that the OP pic's curriculum is only meant for people who are dedicated to mathematics as a career, and this is hard to tell when someone is only 6 years old.

>> No.17476403

Literature is a subject of the liberal arts, so it comes as quite a surprise to find so many anons here who see school merely as a factory that produces more workers. Sad.

>> No.17476404
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Here's my report card, as per (You)r school of thought:

1). [ ] I would immediately become terrified that people would think im some kind of predator, and would rather not be involved in the affair.
2). [x] I've had prying questions - my bulletproof technique has been to simply become mute (this is not difficult for me.) i love watching them look at me utterly dumbfounded, and then slowly re-adjust their expectations as they realise the powerlevel they have come into contact with.
3). [ ] how the fuck is some mumbling nerd gonna ask for a raise?
4). [ ] when a girl appears in my physical local space, i shut down
5). [ ] same as above, only worse. i would only do this if i was paid $10mil.
6). [x] as long as its not a girl.
7). [x] i deeply apologize for my existance daily, no problem.
8). [x] easy, "yeah man that shit sucks, can't believe X would do that"
9). [x] easy, "hey have you heard about Y?"
10). [x] yeah i can do it, but not very high success rate.

do i pass?

>> No.17476421

13 Jahre Schule > 12 Jahre Schule, unbestreitbar. Uni-System sollte komplett anders sein mMn. Pro Semester ein Bereich deines Fachs und nicht mehr, und immer ein langes Essay dazu + Klausuren wenn man aussieben muss. Zumindest wenn nicht alles aufeinander aufbaut wie z.T. in Mathe wäre das deutlich besser. Und kleinere Unis, oder sogar nur einzelne Fachbereiche, wobei's dann halt keine Uni wäre. Institute träfe es eher. 50.000+ Studenten-Umfeld mit hässlichen Zweckbauten, nein Danke.

>> No.17476425

eat shit and die ratfuck cocksucker

its bad for everyone who isnt like obviously a fucking terence tao or something

>> No.17476433

Well this a lit board, but id get rid of english in highschool.
I speak and write in english why do i need to do it for 12 years.
Instead of english id replace it with an elective.
Something like art, engineering, programming, music, woodshop, etc...
Also middle school math is too lax, i say by 7th grade they should be learning algebra.

>> No.17476476

don't know about the math stuff. It's hard to make it click. My grades swung wildly, I was good in 5th to 6th grade, then dropped to the equivalent of a D student, then went up to A student with a great teacher and finished school again as a D student. Now I like math, don't use it too frequently in my job but I dabbled in it at uni a bit. You have to have good teachers for that, to make it interesting, to see the amazing ways to solve a problem with reasoning, instead of blindly forcing down formulas.

>> No.17476486

No they don't. You're just a special kind of retarded

>> No.17476502

>instead of blindly forcing down formulas.
Why not?
Just follow the formulas lil timmy

>> No.17476511

So many mathlets itt. How can you hope to understand abstract reasoning if you can't even work with basic calculus?

>> No.17476546

what if you encounter a problem that cannot be solved by simply plugging something into a formula? isn't math first and foremost reasoning? why not teach kids that instead, see the logic behind it, how to approach a problem, any problem for that matter.

>> No.17476594

Children can smell your weakness. A good teacher needs to be charismatic and authoritative, which you obviously aren't. If you need to complain about your students to your boss to make them behave, you've already lost.

>> No.17476622

well math proofs are about reasoning but those come later.

>> No.17477282

Which country are you from? This is more or less what already happens, but its more like an invisible process. From very early on kids are usually separated socially in the playground and classroom into their life classes. School has the appearance of rules, but the real rules is that the smart will be weeded out via chance aptitude, and those who don't participate will be left to die. The whole thing essentially operates on luck, from birth. You are either born good and good things happen or born shit, and have shit things happen.

>> No.17477290

none. fuck school. school gay. isn't even that old.

>> No.17477317

the american education system is the greatest purveyor of evil on the planet.

>> No.17477335
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Let's say I won't earn enough for my future wife to be able to homeschool, as some anons and thinkers in the non-public school space think is ideal. What is the next best thing? I've heard some people, especially during COVID, talk about "pods" where a group of parents get together to pay for tutors for their children, is that any good?

>> No.17477380

the first problem with school is that there's too much of it so it has to be decided once and for all whether it's actual goal is education or if it's kid prison. there's zero excuses for a college graduate to be considered unqualified to do anything after 17 years of schooling

>> No.17477398

kids who didn't want to go to high school used to be able to make a living at a factory job just fine until they shipped all of those overseas, which is the main reason why everyone "needs" to have a high school diploma now

>> No.17477427

>Accept that some kids are stupid
The dumb ones are the kids who follow through and get the diploma, anon.

>> No.17477454

Maybe a college drop out but not highschool drops out give me a break.

>> No.17477465

>tfw wasn’t delivered into the porch of a monastery in deep Russia as an infant
>I will never be reared by monks into the contemplative and agricultural life from birth

>> No.17477475

The purpose of highschool is to pump out midwits. Too smart and they'll dumb you down. If you notice your kid doing better than all the other ones pull him out before it's too late.

>> No.17477530

I don't think the problem with public education is the curriculums they choose, it's that too many teachers are indifferent to their job. Tenure turns instructors into lazy assholes and schools aren't willing to fight unions in order to replace bad apples.

>> No.17477545

Make a pact with the North Sentinelese islanders and ship that little faggot there at age 4. Recover at age 16, train him myself, baptize and introduce him to Christian Wisdom, and send him off to rescue humanity and usher an age of light.

>> No.17477555

sorry about the mess.

>> No.17477568

Except it's not practical; everyone's woking full time wagie hours and barely has 4 hours of free time each day

>> No.17477577

>parents don’t even have the time to educate their children
And people still think feudal serfdom was a dark age.....

>> No.17477586

Force students to read the works of Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Heidegger, and Nietzsche in high school

>> No.17477607

I did a bunch of AP classes and whatever and a bunch of advanced courses and forgot basically everything the year I exited high school. The model example of overspecialization—missing out on general principles and metaphysics by being autistic with particle physics or whatever. Stupid. The Hebrews were right—some parts of scripture should only be taught past age of 30. Why teach advanced stuff to a stupid kid? Let them ooga booga in the woods, learn a trade, etc.....then the contemplative life can be started when they are older instead of becoming a retarded pseud after reading Kant at 12

>> No.17477624

Keep that shit away from kids

>> No.17477641


>> No.17477668

Most teenagers don't have the fucking attention span for it. You're more likely to turn them away from philosophy altogether

>> No.17478355


>> No.17478407
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If I were a Lit teacher, I'd focus my course on Tropes and my analysis of literature would be based on the tropes to help teach the students.
TvTropes will be my textbook.
That and I would make them all read Blood Meridian, LotR, and other books that have cool stories that say things about the human condition.

>> No.17478417

Median salary of high school teachers was $61k in 2019 in the USA. So tell me why someone who is training in ODEs, PDEs, Statistics, Linear Algebra,and C++ would opt to do this job when they could be a quant trader making 200k +? Why would a person training in C++, Compilers, OS Design, Parallel Computing, and Computer Security, not just be a Software Engineer and make 100k+? Professors at universities at least make good salaries, have prestige, and get to do research.

>> No.17479100

He was winning math competitions at 6 years old. That curriculum is meant for people with a minimum IQ of 120, that's it.

>> No.17479113

>8th grade vector calculus
Stopped reading afyer that, wew lad

>> No.17479132

I would have metatheories replace every subject. Metascience, metalogic, metapolitics, historiography, sociology of sociology, metacognition, metaethics, metametaphysics, etc.

>> No.17479141

Just raise your kids close to nature, with little noise and distractions, and give them books to dream of the better person they'll eventually try to be.

>> No.17479146

No non-religious education until highschool (parents are expected to teach their kid to read and right though, and this can be supplemented by optional daycare programs), which is focused mainly on reading, rhetoric, and mathematics.

Afterwards, four years of mandatory military service where everyone learns to exercise, wake up early, eat healthy, and picks a trade to get good at which will give gainful them employment (on top of a small check for hours worked) after service. Also the military would teach aristocratic skills like horseback riding, archery, and dance so they don't end up a bunch of dweeb virgins.

Basically everyone gets out of the institution at 22 with 15k and a trade under their belt and lives their life how they want past that.

>> No.17479194

to quote Limonov:

>Boys and girls will be taught to use grenade launchers, to jump from helicopters, to besiege villages and cities, to skin sheep and pigs, to cook good food and write poetry.

>> No.17479214

anyone who says abolish schools and get raised by their parents are actual manchildren and shouldn't be on this board

>> No.17479385

The whole problem with the education system is parents who think their children are destined to be the next genius billionaire entrepreneur
We need to stop letting parents get in the way of education
Mandatory boarding schools would do the trick

>> No.17479415

Or they are people that care about the education of their children in addition to building good character.

>> No.17479429

>computer graphics in 12th grade
God, I would've killed for that. It took 2 years of CS undergrad to finally get there

>> No.17479447

-practical science
-promoting the skills and basic quirks of each student
-study of history as practical outcomes
-politics and millitary for reinforce the motivation of use the development as a tool for ensure the basic rights
-basic religion
-low level industrial production
-high level industrial production
-economics of the ecology and agriculture
-modern comunications and internet economics

>> No.17479545
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>For males
Latin or Greek
Physics (+ Chem. + Calculus)
Religious History and Mythology
A Sport or Classic game (such as chess)

>For females
Home Economics
Child Psychology
Cooking (In the school cafeteria making, serving, and, cleaning up lunch for the males.)
An Art
A Sport or Classic game

>> No.17479553

This is such a weird basic butch take that still ends up being divorced from reality. Nobody expects their kid to become a billionaire or an entrepreneur, and even if they did how does that get in the way of education?

>> No.17479562
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>Jesus the Eternal Bridegroom
KEK i've read part of that one
pure Schizo core

>> No.17479564

when i was a kid old people thought i was going to be the next bill gates because i could open command prompt

>> No.17479565

>be me, teacher
>kids from 'keyworker' and 'vulnerable households' are being allowed in to school
>they log on and do their work
>our behaviour system works through an online system
>we can add 'negative' or 'positive' points
>child comes in
>goes on youtube
>we tell him over and over again to get off
>he doesn't
>he gets a negative point
>parent writes in to the school
>"why did my child get a negative point??? wdym he was on youtube???? are you people not doin your job????"
Here's the reality: parents are massively divorced from their children's well-being and only do shit like this as a virtue signal to themselves that they are in fact good parents. They do token acts like berate the school for a detention (or in this case, a point in a pointless system) rather than real parenting.

This dumbass decided to complain both at us for not keeping him off of youtube, but also to complain at the fact we used the sanction system to keep him off of youtube. Parents are often lazy and dumb.

>> No.17479599

Trade school. Any subject. Normalizing this will make society less snooty and more self-sufficient.

>> No.17479603

What the hell does this have to do with parents thinking their kids are going to become billionaire s?

>> No.17479618

They all think their kid is a special cog in a broken system. Even if their kid is a normal, boring ass, slightly naughty child, they think their child should be above the system in every possible way. Not to say the system isn't fucked, but their kids are not special enough to be above it.

And in that vein, they do token acts, rather than real parenting. See, this woman could have thought for a moment and said, "Oh, my teenage child isn't behaving properly at school, maybe I should talk with them about this and ensure they're trying in school", but they instead thought "Oh, my special child is being neglected in school, it is the school's fault, I will write an angry letter to the school".

>> No.17479918
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>Music, studies closely next to mathematics for obvious reason

>> No.17479937
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>(In the school cafeteria making, serving, and, cleaning up lunch for the males)
holy kek, I'm a sexist asshole but this is cringe

>> No.17479964

Or even better, you can study grammar, but only

a) within a linguistic framework that aims to reconstruct the intuitions of actual speakers.
b) within the context of the study of Greek and Latin

>> No.17479975

>And Wittgenstein was only relevant for analytic philosophy

So you have no idea why you're speaking about?

>> No.17479982

Maybe you should do your job and actually engage with the kid, instead of spying on him through the computer and assigning gay imaginary points to him like you have any power at all you useless sack of shit.

If you're what passes for a teacher I feel bad for our next generation. What happens at school is your responsibility, not this kids poor ignoramus parents, and you should get off your fat condescending ass and write up a lesson plan that isn't so vapid and sterile a literal child thinks its boring.

>> No.17479987

Most based proposition ever

>> No.17479995

That literally isn't my job right now princess :)

Learning is done remotely. The teachers are designing the plans, and delivering the lessons. On-site students are still participating in lessons remotely (together with their peers who are still at home). We just have to make sure they're on task. We have kids with 5-6 different lessons all in the same room. Can't engage them all.

Sounds like you're an ignoramus too.

>> No.17480010

>in 3rd grade
What kind of STEM bugman made this shti? I don't care how high your IQ is, von Goymann, you're still a retard and post-collapse I will make sure your body is made into kindle.

>> No.17480020

>Can't engage them all.
It's highschool material, literally just walk around and talk to them you dunce.
I've taught in schools before. The only difference is I've never had to invent a pathetically lame point system as some sort of passive aggressive way to control a class that doesn't respect me.
>Learning is done remotely. The teachers are designing the plans, and delivering the lessons. On-site students are still participating in lessons remotely (together with their peers who are still at home). We just have to make sure they're on task.
Absolutely disgusting. Give those kids a book and stop trying to make their brains as mediocre as you are.

>> No.17480026

>The only difference is I've never had to invent a pathetically lame point system as some sort of passive aggressive way to control a class that doesn't respect me.
It's the school system, not one I've invented and not one I'm a fan of, but one we are directed to use. I don't think you've ever worked in a school, I think you're probably a fresh-out-of-school hypercritic because you didn't always get your way.

>implying these kids are smart enough or self motivated enough to read a book
Fucking lol, you're lucky if you get a handful of avid readers in any given group.

>> No.17480036

>1st - 8th grade
Keep as is

>8th - 12th grade
Bottom 90% of males: Intense physical training, rifle training, gorilla warfare training, covert ops training, obedience

Top 10% of males: Everything that %90 learns but add in Hearts of Iron II and III, rts games, wargaming, some calculus and basic engineering, books on war

Females: blowjobs, cook and clean and shit

>> No.17480061
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>gorilla warfare

>> No.17480068

>Fucking lol, you're lucky if you get a handful of avid readers in any given group.
Probably because you have that attitude. Make these kids respect you a bit more, give them a book, and sternly tell them to sit in the corner and read until class is over. I used to get page long essays from 8 year old ESLs just because I intimidated them enough.
They're fucking children man, their brains are barely developed and they'll copy whatever they see the adults around them doing. What the hell are you even doing with your life you sit a bunch of kids in front of a computer screen and threaten to take their gold stars away for watching a bit of youtube, have some self respect.
Stand up straight and try to actually challenge these kids a little bit, maybe they'd give a fuck then.
God I'm glad I dropped out in 7th grade. I can't imagine wasting precious years with you as a teacher

>> No.17480076

>dropped out in 7th grade
Oh man you can't even make this up. You know absolutely nothing.

>> No.17480093

>You know absolutely nothing.
Maybe not, but I can still get a classroom of kids to read a book, which is more than you can say poindexter.

>> No.17480098

How does it feel to be such an arrogant midwit?

>> No.17480104

Teachers need to be allowed to bear up kids again. Based Wittgenstein did it

>> No.17480133

>Teachers need to be allowed to bear up kids again. Based Wittgenstein did it
We've definitely gone too soft. I remember being in school and not giving a flying fuck about detentions. If they said 'you're getting a negative point', I probably would have laughed at the idea of such a ridiculous system.

From our end, as the teachers, the system is such a labour. It's a fucking pain to have to go in and add points to 15 different kids at the end of a lesson. It's a waste of my time, and ultimately becomes a battle of attrition I am destined to lose. Our discipline policy was already far, FAR too weak, and Covid only made it worse. We could barely remove kids from the class that were being too disruptive to be there.

We aren't allowed to shout at them because 'what if it stresses them out', not even joking. And when a kid is a royal fucking pain in the arse (and I've had one that would not cooperate whatsoever), I was directly told by my seniors to 'change my expectations'. There's nothing you can really do in a system that coddles its students when they misbehave, and chastises staff when they take action to address it. It is punitive more towards us than them.

And demanding respect is just ludicrous. Because of the current setup, I get to know these kids for about a week before we're cycled around. It's for 'our benefit', but you know what isn't? Going to the troubles of establishing order and discipline in the room, only to get your colleagues next week let it fall to shit. Then the kids bitch about how unfair you're being compared to the overly lax people from the week before.

I have to circulate the room near constantly, to the point where I'm doing my actual work at home because I don't have time when I'm there, trying to engage with 5-6 different lessons I haven't had the foresight to see nor the background knowledge to necessarily understand off the cuff myself. As much I'd love to be able to waltz up to a geography lesson, I don't know shit about coastal erosion, because I didn't study geography. Having the dregs kick off because they're not allowed on youtube is just the icing on the cake really - and it is largely dregs, they keep dragging in the kids who aren't engaging with the lessons at home. Guess which type of kid that usually is. It's not the meek book reading type. It's the future warehouse worker.

>> No.17480135

School will be replaced with forced shonen anime marathons.

>> No.17480152

Now THIS is based

>> No.17480165

Children should only be taught hereditary vocational training right from the get go
if you father was a carpenter congrats, you are going to be a carpenter
only exception are the bourgeoisie, who should be destroy in all cases

>> No.17480183

>He was also the most important philosopher of the 20th century and influenced all that came after in one way or another.
Tell me how he influenced Quine and Kripke.

>> No.17480887

you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. i got a phd in engineering at 22 and my iq is somewhere in the high 120s or low 130s, i have actual lived experience of this and it sucked.

>> No.17480903

Writing, anon. Actual writing, I would say that at least being able to write things that are useful to themselves. Instead of this proto-academic writing that is the dominant trend today.

>> No.17480929

This anon is correct, but probably going about it in the wrong way, these things need to be taught by parents, mentors, etc and absolutely should not be institutionalised, maybe we should make the school day shorter to leave more time for extra curriculars.

>> No.17480948
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>it’s women’s fault I’m a shit teacher
>it’s women’s fault I’m an anti-charismatic onions guzzling faggot
>it’s women’s fault I’m a hateful, bitter, mincing little cunt

>> No.17480959

Are you the retard that dropped out in 7th grade? I understand why you'd resent school. You're not equipped for it or society.