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1745357 No.1745357 [Reply] [Original]

"The irony of sleep is that it is for those who want to be awake"

Is that a correct use of the word irony?

pic unrelated

>> No.1745359

Forget about correct word usage, what you are trying to say is simply incorrect.

I want to sleep so bad right now...

>> No.1745366

It would be irony if it were true.
The irony of sleep is that it is a physical rest and yet a mental awakening.

>> No.1745368

sleep isn't ironic. It's just a life function. . . is urinating ironic? Is a cut healing on your body ironic?

>> No.1745371

it's like ten thousand naps when all you need is a knife

>> No.1745447

That's not ironic, that just IS.

>> No.1745469

>Is that a correct use of the word irony?


>> No.1745480

The irony of sleep is boners.

>> No.1745484
File: 13 KB, 170x206, 1298774102688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm putting that i my novel.
you're not getting any commision.
you're going to be browsing through my best-seller in barnes&nobles some day, read the 'boner', and be like; "sheeeit. that was my line and I didn't get paid a penny"
Then they'll make a big-screen adaptation of my novel and your line will feature prominantley in it and once again you'll be like; "sheeeeit....."
then the character from the film will become uber-famous and use the 'boner' line as his catchphrase all the time. It will feature on the cover of time magazine to advertise a feature about hte said star and his lurid battle with sex and jenkem addiction, and you'll be lik; "Sheeeeeit......."

>mfw all the way to the bank

>> No.1745487

He didn't say sleep was ironic dumb shit, he just said the irony of sleep is... Meaning there is something ironic about sleeping, not sleep is ironic all together

>> No.1745491

>implying money is everything and he's not just gonna be happy with the fact that he's genuinely more amazing than you

>> No.1746337

Hey, g/lit/terati, can we start a movement to ban the word irony? It seems like it's never, EVER used correctly.

>> No.1746355

Really, I mean look at this thread- the only guy who gets irony is Koz here: >>1745469

>> No.1746359

my friend once told me i didn't understand irony, which was ironic cos i was on the bus at the time

>> No.1746414

Oh you

>> No.1746416

I understand irony perfectly. I took AP chemistry.

>> No.1746425

isn't this thread so ironic LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.1746433

You know what's ironic about this thread? People not understanding the word irony.

>> No.1746437

I listen to avant-guard post-core jazz, but only because it's ironic.

>> No.1746442

If a diabetic, on his way to buy insulin, is killed by a runaway truck, he is the victim of an accident. If the truck was delivering sugar, he is the victim of an oddly poetic coincidence. But if the truck was delivering insulin, ah! Then he is the victim of an irony.
-George Carlin

I've had to post this a lot today.

>> No.1746440

That's not irony.

>> No.1746453

ITT: Blind dumbfucks lead the blind dumbfucks.

>> No.1746460

Here's the real reason I want the word banned: everybody gets it so wrong all the time that I'm never sure either. Like, I'm tempted to say 'it's ironic that Alanis Morisette's 'Ironic' contains almost no examples of actual irony', but... is that ironic? It's results running exactly counter to expectations, so I guess it might be situational irony, but does that even count?

>> No.1746462

"It's like rain on your wedding day."

Only if you married a weather man, and he set the date.

>> No.1746467

It's meta-irony. Maybe there was no irony there simply to be ironic.

>> No.1746483

Yeah, it might be deliberate, which I think would make it ironic. But there is real irony in the song: 'as the plane crashed down, he thought "well isn't this nice?"' (sarcasm is a form of irony, right?)

>> No.1746490

Was that supposed to be sarcastic?

>> No.1746507


(No, I think the "well isn't this nice?" is the easiest form of irony to spot: words expressing something other than their literal intention - now that IS irony!)

>> No.1746508

A better definition of the word:

A fireman who accidentally burns down a fire station is ironic.

>> No.1746510

That's slightly ironic.

>> No.1746516

Oh god thank you. I came

>> No.1746519

So....Did I win this thread?

>> No.1746522

I think everyone needs to quit being so goddamn dogmatic about the word "irony."

So it has a definition meaning exact opposite of expectation. Fantastic. But there are many forms of irony: people can "speak ironically," and a movie or play can have "dramatic irony," where the audience knows something certain characters don't.

Words evolve and their meanings change. "Ironic" has come to describe anything grossly unexpected, just as "gay" has gone from meaning "happy" to "homosexual," now to "dumb," or "foolish," or whatever the fuck it means, now.

To cling to the strict meaning of ironic is like insisting the whole world start using "gay" to mean "happy" again. It's just not fucking happening.

>> No.1746525

A city planner who is late for a meeting to give a presentation on how he solved the traffic congestion problem because he got stuck in a traffic jam is ironic.

>> No.1746530

No. That doesn't count. It would be kind of meta-ironic if the song turned out to be ironic because of her lack of a grasp on the concept, but the song is not ironic, so that is that.

>> No.1746536

Still not irony. Try again

>> No.1746547

Sarcasm is not a form of irony, though. There is a collegehumor (hurrdurr) video which rewritesthis song and makes them actual examples of irony. It's worth a watch. It's called "actually ironic," I think.

>> No.1746553

Marrying a weather man and having him chose the wedding date on a sunny day because it's his job to predict the weather and then it turning out to rain after he predicted it to be sunny is irony.

>> No.1746555

Still wrong! If he burned it down because of something he was doing to fight another fire, then it would be irony.

>> No.1746559

It's got to be, surely? Words intentionally used to mean their opposite? That's fairly dictionary-definition irony right there.

It just occurred to me that the dude might not actually realise the plane is crashing due to never having been on one, although it's unlikely. If true, however, that would be dramatic irony...

>> No.1746561

It's different because it's a literary device. A technical term, almost

>> No.1746564

We have a winner!

>> No.1746570

*sigh* No that wouldn't make it anymore ironic. You're just this one samefag who doesn't know what irony is telling everyone off, aren't you?

>> No.1746573

No, that's just a bad weatherman. It's not irony.

>> No.1746579

No lolol. I've posted on this thread like 3 times

>> No.1746582

What is your definition of irony, and an example?

>> No.1746589

Poster of this here. See what I mean?

>> No.1746601

Oh my God, this is the funniest thread I've read in my entire life. All of you fuckwads are just arguing over what a word means, and when someone gives an example everyone else just jumps on them.

I just needed to say that.

>> No.1746605

It is very hard to give a concrete definition of irony and I don't fully understand it, so I won't, but I will give an example. First of all, the example about the diabetic had irony. Also, this post:
I can't really come up with my own example because I'm not creative in that way, but if I think of one, I'll post it.

Anyway, I don't by any means fully understand irony, but I can recognize something as being ironic or not, for the most part.

>> No.1746615

Now THAT, that has got to be irony, if I ever saw one.

>> No.1746616

So basically any example of irony you've heard from a comedian you accept as irony, and everyone else doesn't get it. And you shoot down with authority other's examples knowing well you don't have a full understanding of what irony is. Cool pseudo-intellectualism, kid.

>> No.1746643

Lololol no. That's not true at all. People in this thread have given perfectly good examples, like the one I quoted, but others have not. If you're such a legitimate intellectual, define irony for me, kindly. (and don't give the bullahit dictionary definition that everyone agrees is retarded)

>> No.1746650

I didn't say I was an intellectual. I called YOU a pseudo-intellectual, which you are.

>> No.1746651

What about the fireman example? Let's say... a group of firemen rush to the scene of a fire, heroically put it out, and stand around having a victory smoke. As they rush back to the fire station, another fire starts.


>> No.1746664

Sure, ok. I'm a pseudo-intellectual. You're on the Internet and so am I. We can both think terrible things about one another. Shit's fun.

>> No.1746667

It would be ironic if the firemen started another fire in the process of putting it out.

>> No.1746671

I really am on the fence about this example. I keep trying to think of ways to make it ironic, but it never seems right. I guess that could pass as irony though.

>> No.1746673


>> No.1746674

No, they don't have to start a fire WHILE putting out another fire for it to be ironic. If say, they had a victory smoke after putting out a fire and then a spark from the cigars started another fire, that would be ironic.The act of them accidentally starting a fire when it's there job as firemen to do the opposite is irony.

>> No.1746687

Yeah, I agree with you, mostly. ("pseudo-intellectual" here)

>> No.1746691

You just told me you don't know what irony is. Make up your mind.

>> No.1746715

I didn't say that, fuckwad. I said that I didn't understand it well enough to give a concise, well-worded definition in my own words. I do understand the concept. Reading someone's comment is usually a good thing to do before acting like a faggot.

>> No.1746727

Person getting run over by an ambulance - comic irony

The king killed the religious figure to wipe of the religion once and for all; the figure becomes a martyr and a hundred years later the whole country is converted - historical irony

>> No.1746728

You said you don't understand it, but you can recognize it.


>> No.1746746

If we're looking for a definition... wikipedia suggests 'when the result of an action is contrary to the desired or expected effect', although I think you'd have to specify that it's exactly contrary or opposite. The problem is the city planner one here: >>1746525. It sure looks ironic, but I don't think you can boil it down to 'action+outcome'.

>> No.1746748
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The Alanis Morisette example is quite a weird one. The song is Called "Irony" but contains not ironic lyrics etc. Which would lead one to conclude it's ironic if she fucked up or something. But if she intended it to be ironic then there's no irony because she meant it to be that way. But ironically she probably intended to make the song ironic, but because she intended to do so, it's no longer ironic, which makes the whole thing ironic.

>> No.1746751

>But ironically she probably intended to make the song ironic, but because she intended to do so, it's no longer ironic

The song isn't not ironic because she intended to make it ironic...

>> No.1746756
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You can't make something comedic ironic, it has to be an unintended outcome. Her trying to make it ironic and it not being so is ironic.

pic related, it's alanis morisette

>> No.1746764

Couldn't it be verbal irony (yeah, I'm looking at wikipedia here) though? She claims to be singing about all sorts of ironies that, on examination, are not ironies. But she does it deliberately, so... when she says that all of this stuff is ironic, she actually means that it's not ironic. The words are the opposite of their meaning.

>> No.1746769


Maybe dude, but right now I've reached semantic saturation with the word irony and my brain is filling with fucks.

>> No.1746777

I think it would be ironic if everyone was made of iron.

>> No.1746778


you're a little rusty at this

>> No.1746782
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