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File: 123 KB, 363x562, capital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17465511 No.17465511 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17465521
File: 77 KB, 290x371, 20130504_ldp001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm very curious to read OP's enlightened thoughts about the world. I am sure he is on par with great thinkers such as Steven Pinker, Sam Harris and Ben Shapiro.

>> No.17465531
File: 41 KB, 750x920, npc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If it isn't one side of a duality, it must be the other

>> No.17465541

It's more a critique of the
"Haha, mental illness is perfectly fine and just happens to occur at random haha just take some SSRIs sweety"

>> No.17465577

wasn't this guy a literal marxist?
you're fucking retarded if you're an unironic marxist in 2021.

>> No.17465590

Are you going to take mental health advice from Mark Fisher?

>> No.17465593


>> No.17465595


>> No.17465629


He did commit suicide so it's not like he didn't know he was a retard


So what ARE OP's enlightened thoughts about the world? rofl

>> No.17465644

He pathologized not prescribed you daft kunt.

>> No.17465657

>So what ARE OP's enlightened thoughts about the world? rofl

I'm a center left social democrat, I'm [retty vanilla and since this board is made up of marxists, anarchists, nazi and monarchists, I'll probably be eaten alive just for saying I'm a socdem

>> No.17465746

Sure, I'm not mentally ill.

>> No.17465803
File: 1.21 MB, 414x337, tumblr_e47d70fc3f203a787fd2f6cab7111a70_1f8cdfe8_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As our gateway into the main stream I appreciate socdems very much.

>> No.17466012

The recent surge of populism over the last decade has BTFOd both Fukuyama and Fisher.

Bougie leftists are just seething because workers have realized they don’t need them.

>> No.17466039

>Bougie leftists are just seething because workers have realized they don’t need them.
Holy based

>> No.17467179
File: 343 KB, 1080x1269, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree that the population is acting independently of any central figures (bourgeois lefties, or otherwise) and in general authentic populist movements have been on the rise, I'm not sold on the claim that this somehow invalidates Fisher's work. Fukuyama sure, but Fisher explicitly says things like "What if we held a protest and everyone came." Even if he disagreed with the exigence of these movements, I find it unlikely that he would be too angry about them. Plus, he directly states that worker's decisions supersede theory, and events like the destruction of the UK coal miner's union were not a problem to academics.

Not OP btw, and I'm more than happy to see these groups operate, even if I think they're often misguided.

>> No.17467454


>> No.17468218



>> No.17468313
File: 30 KB, 477x654, ozukhx3adiu41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has BTFOd both Fukuyama and Fisher.
What are you talking about, retard? Democracy and capitalism have expanded ever since the Berlin Wall fell. Progress isn't linear, and Fukuyama has never said that. Wages, life expectancy, nominal income, home ownership, consumption per capita have risen consistently since 1989. Left, Right populists are retards with terminal twitter syndrome. Humanity is progressing regardless of populist pops up temporarily. Trump was crushed by Biden too.
You retards really don't understand anything. You don't actually use evidence to back up your claims. You just say shit because it sounded woke, and you heard it from twitter. Please, go outside. Stop being online so much, you loser.

>> No.17468323
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>> No.17468326

Not any more ridiculous than lobsterboys taking advice from Jordan Peterson

>> No.17468335

kill yourself boomer retard

>> No.17468350

t. 90 iq

>> No.17468363
File: 1.49 MB, 1336x917, xra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never used twitter and dislike the woke movement. Not sure how you got that in reading my post. Also, for someone defending Fukuyama, an insistence on evidence is rather braindead desu. Finally, even though I dislike pretty much every populist leader up to this point, I think it is reductive to just say "Uh Biden won so the existence of a figure like Trump is meaningless." Very America-centric.

>> No.17468376
File: 285 KB, 1024x730, World-Poverty-Since-1820-1024x730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical fucking commies. We live the most technologically advanced, peaceful time of world history, and all you can do is bitch and complain. You millennials are so fucking cancerous and degenerate. This is what happens when your brain is fried from twitter and you lack critical thinking skills, so, you are suspectible to mis-information. You are nothing more than resentful, degenerate individuals.

>> No.17468393

tl;dr youre going to die soon boomer

>> No.17468396

Explain how this chart doesn't just measure inflation

>> No.17468405
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> an insistence on evidence is rather braindead desu.
Not at all, you fucking faggot. You are the typical retard who falls for online gifters like Tim Pool and Ben Nortan. You are a fucking psuedo. Please, debate me on this because I will utterly rape you. You can not argue, with evidence, that life is having a downward spiral. You're a stupid fucking millennial without any real world experience.

>> No.17468423
File: 111 KB, 1735x971, World-Poverty-Since-1820-1024x730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know what inflation is, retard, because the global poverty chart measures purchasing power. It's showing that more and more people are able to buy their basic necessities. But this fact is really hard for you retarded, economically illiterate types because you operate based on your feelings and not facts.

>> No.17468430


>> No.17468434
File: 537 KB, 3088x2018, deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope commie

>> No.17468440

Can you not read the chart? It says on less than $1 and an 1820 $1 goes a LOT farther than a 1990 $1

>> No.17468445

>tech singularity

>> No.17468451
File: 23 KB, 306x819, Inequality-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you absolute fucking retard. The global poverty lines takes in account inflation. Holy fuck you are brain dead.

>> No.17468458

>t.cant read their own chart
Anon I am embarrassed for you

>> No.17468462
File: 124 KB, 840x948, PG_10.15.19.europe.values-00-013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you can't read charts. You're a fucking retard.

>> No.17468466


>> No.17468535

>ou can not argue, with evidence, that life is having a downward spiral.
prices of homes and rent for apartments are skyrocketing, wages are stagnating at best and most jobs are geting outsourced to 3rd world countries just so that retarded managed could pay 20k less to actually competent people, and we've just went through almost a year of constant lockdown which only hurt the small guys while getting the big corps even more money. And this is even without talking about other non-economic factors like the absolute state of the cultural zeitgeist, hardcore censorship on mainstream social media, the death of any kind of freedom not only when it comes to speech and privacy but also in spirit and so on. But let me guess, millennials should just get another job and wageslave until they can get a small house they can call their own while you live isolated from most of these issues on a luxury yaht somewhere in the Caribian.
Not either a millennial or even a westerner btw, I'm just not a retarded boomer like you. I seriously hope you're just larping because you're literally a meme if it came to life.

>> No.17468552
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Where the fuck did I argue that there's a downward spiral occurring? I literally just said that populism may help change some systematic issues I dislike. If anything, it was an optimistic statement — a statement conflated with your notion of it because you say "populist" and failed to read further, evidently. Also, what's with all the labeling? Who on earth is Pool, or Nortan? Is it so hard to believe that an individual might actually just form their own moderately unconventional beliefs?

Oh, and by the way, calling someone else a "psuedo" (what an ironic typo!) is really just pathetic.

>> No.17468672

>terminal twitter syndrome
Im stealing that, thank you very much anon

>> No.17468688


>> No.17468709

this, the problem isn't a market economy, the problem is not regulating the big dudes

Market economy is excelent and no one who actually has any knowledge of economics argues otherwise, but a lack of regulation is obviously retarded

>> No.17468717
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>> No.17468728
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>> No.17468747


>> No.17468770
File: 120 KB, 1000x743, unemployment-rate-by-level-of-education-in-the-us.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>prices of homes and rent for apartments are skyrocketing, wages are stagnating at best and most jobs are getting outsourced to 3rd world countries
None of things you're saying a true. You're pulling everything out of your ass a retard. You are a dumbass with such a little understanding of a reality. Wages have been growing for years, home ownership in the US has been growing for years, and most jobs are not be outsourced you fucking retard.
No, you're a dumb faggot like everyone else.

>> No.17468803

Statistic man, show me proof home prices are not skyrocketing
Go on, Im waiting

>> No.17468811
File: 76 KB, 910x662, saupload_median-household-income-in-the-21st-century-nominal-and-real-estimates-200001-201901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We've had the lowest unemployment decades among all education groups
Like dude, you have to be retarded. Jobs are betting created all the time.

>> No.17468835
File: 24 KB, 400x413, 400px-US_yearly_timeline_of_people_experiencing_homelessness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard, if you statement was true - why has home ownership has increased in the last three years, you faggot. I'll wait. Explain to us how your argument makes sense when home ownership has been increasing since 2016, you fucking retard. If rent has been increasing to the point where housing not affordable anymore, you dumbass, explain to us how less people are homeless and now and more people own homes. I'll wait faggot. Show me some data. I dare you, faggot. Do it right now. I'll even pay you if you can prove me wrong. Do it now.

>> No.17468842

so it jumped 2500$ in a 20 year period whike spending almost half of that period way below than it was in the past? Lmao, great progress faggot

>> No.17468863
File: 138 KB, 768x595, historical-home-prices-us-1951-2020-768x595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just because there is less homeless that doesn't mean prices have not been rising retard nigger, people spend more of their money on rent

>> No.17468865

> No, it doesn't matter that the wealth gap is increasing because pOverty is going dOwn. No it doesn't matter that the WTO and World Bank require you to institute neoliberal policies and let multinationals buy and run your utilities paying your citizens the crumbs as they extract the majority of the weath to outside the country. No it doesn't matter that regardless of comparative advantage rich countries subsidize their food to such an extent that a poor nation of farmers is forced to import their food from those countries because it's simply more cost effective to buy the food those countries export. look at muh chartzzzzz. EVERYTHING IS FINE! THE GOOD NUMBERS GO Up THE BAD NUMBERZ GO DoWN! LOOK AT MUH CHARTZZZZZ!!!!!

>> No.17468866

Lmao, you have to be a fucking retard. You realize in that time frame Americans have been living longer, owning more cars, houses, and consuming more things in general? How fucking stupid do you have to be to think that is a bad thing that Americans are more well off than they were 20 years. You have a be dumbass.

>> No.17468885
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>> No.17468892
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Its wrong, you stupid fucking retard. People are better off, and the data doesn't support your argument you dumbass because Americans have seen a larger increase in their nominal income you dumb fuck. Wages, income go up too to cover for it you absolute fucking coon. You have to be a dumbass.

>> No.17468894


>> No.17468897


>populism is not capital

So enlightened

>> No.17468904


you disgusting fucking excuse of a human I want my money

>> No.17468919


lol, good number go brrrr

I unironically love Steven Pinker fags who still have the enlightenment mindset 300 years later, and are also smothered and surrounded by wealth locally, enough not to see anything wrong going on. Kinda wish I was blissful like this.

>> No.17468933
File: 287 KB, 1000x750, Homeownership-Rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not getting any money you dumb nigger because I said your argument is bullshit because home ownership is rising, and that's because you dumb ass, nominal income in the United States has rose too. You are an absolute dumbass. There are less homeless people than then there were 10 years ago. You are a retard, read the post more closely you dumb coon.

>> No.17468953

0: anon you can't say that word

>> No.17468969

I don't like communists, but i prefer them over a boomer like you

>> No.17468976
File: 67 KB, 1129x600, Fukuyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon BLOWING THE FUCK OUT Fukuyama-haters to the dustbin of history where they belong
>competent people
Your competent people are welfare queens consuming more than they can produce. You literally want to subsidize production of goods in 1st world just because you live there, not because the factory workers are competitive there (they are not). You want to consume more than you produce (your consumption is reflected in your wages) and you want others to pay for that, you're a double digit IQ retard if you support that and you're not socialist.

>> No.17468984


Why did you post that chart anon? It clearly shows homeownership is in the gutter and has actually fallen BEFORE the housing bubble even burst. Showing 4 measly years of increase up to the PREVIOUS LOW in 1996 is ridiculous. Know what else is ridiculous? You're telling us that ~35% of all people being homeless is somehow a marvelous increment in overall utility of society. Seethe and Sneed

>> No.17469009

No, retard, there was a recession you dumb coon. Again, homelessness is down and so home ownership is up. You have no argument, you coon. You're literally trying argue the pop of a fucking housing bubble due to subprime mortgages was an accurate number of home ownership. You are fucking dumb. Keep going though.

>> No.17469023
File: 66 KB, 592x417, Valley of Despond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While it's true that global poverty has fallen, that doesn't mean very much to someone living in a (former) one factory town that was ruined by NAFTA and forced from a manufacturing job with good pay and benefits to some shitty cashier of fulfillment center job for minimum wage.
This is why you got Trump.

>> No.17469042
File: 123 KB, 899x348, 900px-Homeownership_rates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>There was a recession

Yeah fag there was a recession and homeownership dropped way before that as per, you know, THE CHART, with that chart just tricking you because you're Ben Shapiro levels of "facts don't care about ur feels let me masturbate to the thought of numbers meaning things now".

Note homeownership has also RISEN during another recession period. Regardless, using this single piece of the puzzle is not going to take anyone anywhere when analysing the damage of the ever increasing US's Gini index (which you either don't know about or do not understand the consequences of its increase like all boomers)

>> No.17469054
File: 84 KB, 1061x817, saupload_median-household-income-in-the-21st-century-nominal-and-real-estimates-200001-201901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dishonest fucking shit. I literally checked the graph just now. Your graph applies to the west, not nation wide. You absolute fucking retard. You just tried to hide this, when you look at the data, this doesn't even apply to the North East or the South, you coon.

>> No.17469073

>high number good
literally anybody above the age of 40 who isn't an elite kike can tell you first-hand how much better things used to be in honest terms and without your pilpul

>> No.17469084
File: 97 KB, 1095x886, fredgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep going you dumb nigger, I just destroyed your argument; you think I wouldn't check the data? I knew you were full of shit, you nigger, but you're not smarter than me.

>> No.17469101

Using charts is peak midwit, since they always substitute it for analysis.

I could construct a chart to say whatever the fuck I wanted, but you could read my documentation to see thats its fucking bullshit like 80% of stats. SHOW YOUR ARGUMENTS YOU DUMB CUNT, POSTING CHARTS IS BOOMER TIER ARGUMENTATION AND IS WHAT GOT US INTO THIS INCREASING CYCLE OF INEQUALITY.

>> No.17469118

don't you know anon, a civilization is ranked on how many TVs people own

>> No.17469128

>Yeah fag there was a recession and homeownership dropped way before that as per
Your chart shows home ownership going down exactly at the recession retard

>> No.17469129
File: 24 KB, 972x504, saupload_median-household-income-in-the-21st-century-nominal-and-real-estimates-200001-201901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just checked the link you posted
>To determine how the cost and affordability of housing changed over time, we gathered data on median home values, median gross rent (monthly), and median household income (yearly). We indexed each measure to 1960 values and compared how these measures changed from 1960 to 2017. We adjusted all of our measures for 2017 inflation, and compared these measures on national, regional, and metropolitan-level for selected areas. Below are the where we gathered each measure from.
You fucking nigger. You thought you prove me wrong by using a methodology that cherry picks major cities? You really think everyone lives in cities like Los Angeles and Denver you fucking retarded nigger? Holy fuck you are dumb. You really fucking thought I wouldn't check. You literally tried to take a fucking methodology that used the most expensiven metro-politician areas as proof that "nation wide" that rent is rising when that's just not the fucking case. Are you really so fucking dumb, so much of a stupid nigger you think cherry picking Los Angeles, and a bunch of west cost cities means housing costs have rose nation wide? Oh man, you have to be a dumbass. I knew all along you were a stupid motherfucker. You tried, nigger, but you failed.

>> No.17469163
File: 17 KB, 640x520, _104149959_uswagesgrowth-nc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger, you're just stupid
>Wages up
>Democracy up
>Unemployment lowest its been in decades
>Life expectancy high
>Nominal Income up
>Home ownership up
>Consumption Per Capita up
>Homelessness down
>Global poverty down
Nobody is posting graphs out of contexts you dumb ass. You just don't live in reality.

>> No.17469176

Notice how silent this coon got when I btfo'd his rent chart. Notice how he won't respond now. He got so fucking silent.

>> No.17469177

Just kiss me already

>> No.17469180

I swear there was a lot less /pol/ presence the last time i visited this board like 6 months ago. What happened?

>> No.17469210

Why is this book even popular? Is it because Fisher was ironically good at marketing? It doesn't present new concepts and it's mostly the ramblings of a depressed individual. It reminds me of a softer version of "The Wandering of Humanity" by Camatte, but at least Camatte proposed alternatives.

>> No.17469217

Peterson hasn't killed himself though

>> No.17469219
File: 69 KB, 450x346, 450px-Map_of_all_U.S._Federal_Land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He got completely silent now. I bet you this dumb nigger doesn't even know housing is expensive in California and New York State. I do because I've actually studied this issue unlike this retarded coon. You want to know why - you retard? Because the federal governments owns most of the land there you absolute fucking dumb bass, so, there's less places where people can build homes, making it more expensive you stupid fuck.

>> No.17469225

>It reminds me of a softer version of "The Wandering of Humanity" by Camatte, but at least Camatte proposed alternatives.
Camatte is still alive and he just lives off a fucking forest commune

>> No.17469237

But blm own most of the land in wyoming, nevada, and arizona too and it's really cheap there. Why is that the case if it's caused by federal control of lands?

>> No.17469246
File: 66 KB, 1000x619, 1000x-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard really won't even post anymore because he can't respond. His data cherry-picked a bunch of cities, most of them being in West, and skewed the numbers. The idiot doesn't even realize home ownership in the west is expensive because they have a housing shortage due to there being less land to build houses on. Absolute retards. You don't have that in the EAST because the federal government doesn't land there - you want to know why? Because the land that makes up the EAST is mostly land there was owned by the original 13 colonies you dumb fuck. IT was never OWNED by the federal government in the first place.

>> No.17469277

The places don't have as many people as the west coast or as high population growth. Also, the data he used only applies to cities - not realizing most who buy homes don't live in the places used in that data set.

>> No.17469367

Imagine being such a soulless bugman that you literally can't think without the aid of graphs lmao.

>> No.17469410

Imagine being such a fucking retard when you got blown the fuck out for using data that was slanted. A retard like you tried to argue that rent was becoming more expensive in the United States because you used a fucking study that cherry picked a bunch of coastal cities that skewed the numbers. When you actually look at the fucking data it shows that is not the case for the rest of the country. You're so fucking you think coastal cities with growing Hispanic populations, federal land limitations and zoning laws is representative of the entire rent sitution in the United States. Not even the fucking study you cited showed that. Of course, you now won't respond to me because you're a bitch and you don't want actually debate anymore you realize how much of a bitch you are. You always be a dumb bitch.

>> No.17469419

The cities are where people actually live and jobs are. Methburg Kensucky is so cheap because there's nothing to offer there and no one wants to go there.

>> No.17469420

the rent is too damn high. period.

>> No.17469427

post nose

>> No.17469435

>The cities are where people actually live and jobs are
Most of the population doesn't live in the fucking cities they used you retard, and not even the coastal cities that slanted the data change the fact that housing is in rent is in line with income. Also, you fucking retard, there's things called CARS, BUSES, TRAINS, and SUBWAYS that people use to go work you dumb fuck. You don't have live in a city to work there you dumbass when you have transportation.

>> No.17469444

America has a shit public transport system and suburban areas near cities are also quite expensive. Rural areas far away that require long commutes to work are the cheap ones, because there are no jobs nearby and you have to pay more for car costs such as gas, upkeep, etc.

>> No.17469448

Maybe you're too stupid to breath through your nose so you use your mouth, you smooth brained moron

>> No.17469449

It's also funny since almost every leftist solution that isn't meme tier would make our current bureaucracy look like nothing

>> No.17469455

this is america
the public transport is not reliable in most places

>> No.17469464

That's why car ownership has gone up since 2006, retard, because its so expensive. That's why cities have expanded free public transporation using taxes, right you fucking retard

>> No.17469471

no, because you have to have a car in america

>public transport
in cities, not rural areas

>> No.17469472
File: 33 KB, 645x588, 1612285138444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get BTFO
>repeat talking point

>> No.17469476

you are fucking retarded lmao, this is laughable

>> No.17469479


83% of the US population lives in urban areas and the ones used are indeed where the majority of people actually live. Data is not skewed at all and I'm not even one of the previous posters. You're just dumb

>> No.17469484
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>> No.17469490
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>> No.17469493

Please scroll back up to the original chart and read it again. Make sure to read every part of it. You missed some text at the top.

>> No.17469494

It is - see
Most people don't buy homes in those cities you idiot. Most Americans live in the SUBURBS you fucking retard.

>> No.17469503

46 million live in the rural areas, 175 million live in the suburbs. Either your retarded or can't do math. keep going though

>> No.17469508

Suburbs are expensive and near cities. Rural areas are further away from cities and are cheaper because they have less work opportunities and demand

>> No.17469520



fucking boomer. I don't care about arguing while you seethe, so I didn't do any math at all, it's just copy paste from a report by someone who actually knows how to read charts: http://css.umich.edu/factsheets/us-cities-factsheet

>> No.17469534

Uh retard, this point was shot down People have these things, called cars, you dumbass >>17469435
They move from point A to point B. Keep diving this hole though. You're so fucking stupid you don't know the difference between suburban and city. Holy this is embarrassing bro. You clearly are a fucking loser that spends all your time online. There's no way you aren't an autistic person

>> No.17469539
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>> No.17469567
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>> No.17469900

I've never seen a bunch of zoomers and millennials more BTFO'd by an absolutely BASED and keyed boomer

godspeed, anon. Age and experience >>> smartass youth

>> No.17470007

i genuinely wish i was as retarded as this boomer

>> No.17470022

you haven't read the book, have you?

>> No.17470026

lmao you are so arrogant for such a retard

>> No.17470071

>>Global poverty down
How global poverty is actually measured is seriously fucked up and not a good indicator of actual poverty. I wouldn't just paste graphs assuming that they must be true.

>> No.17470091

The graph says it, its true. Where'd the numbers come from? Real life data, commie faggot. Eat my fucking ass.

>> No.17470128

>not questioning methodology
>not looking into your sources

>> No.17470980

Wtf what happened in 91?

>> No.17470998

>I don't like how global poverty is measured because it hurts my feelings
Just kill yourself

>> No.17471244


>> No.17471263

this is utter nonsensical assumptions
Pure ideological braindead nonsense

>> No.17471518
