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17461041 No.17461041 [Reply] [Original]

It is worth reading?

>> No.17461094

Starts off well with meaningful information and insightful ideas, then he proceeds to shit his pants and take a hard left turn into the idea of destroying all technology. A solid 6/10

>> No.17461131

he was right

>> No.17461181
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Yes. It's a very good introduction to technoscepticism. It gives grounding to many of the vague anti-tech anti-modernity sentiments we all, offers a good critique of leftism and a description of leftist psychology that maps well onto today's political climate, and is actually reasonably well-written. It's not perfect (e.g. the power process is too simplistic to really model human fulfilment), but it's short, concise, and highly influential. If you're willing to buy it, the 2019 "Technological Slavery" edition comes with excellent footnotes that offer some much-needed expansion on certain parts of the book, as well as the equally good essay "The System's Neatest Trick" (also available online).

>> No.17461202

Yes. It's even been reviewed positively by academia even though he thoroughly BTFO's them out of orbit. No one has even attempted to refute it because ever year it looks more and more right.

>> No.17461233

it's like 50 pages long dawg

>> No.17461236

you could read the whole thing in 2 hours you fucking faggot

>> No.17461341

I didn't know, sorry.
Don't care, if the book was bad that would be two hours of my life wasted.

>> No.17461418

Yes, but don’t glorify the man who wrote it. Keep in mind that Ted Kasczinski is an autistic serial killer that used violence to spread his message because he’s too much of a mentally ill pussy to properly distribute his works. As his lawyers put it:
>”You killed three people to publish a bunch of half-baked ideas in a newspaper. If you’re not crazy, I don’t know who is.”
I wouldn’t exactly describe his ideas as half-baked, as it’s obvious that he’s spent quite some time contemplating and researching, but I would say he was right on everything. Just think for yourself as you’re reading and you’ll be fine.

>> No.17461423

who gets all the bux for copies sold since ted is in jail?

>> No.17461425

*but I WOULDN’T say he was right about everything

Important clarification lol

>> No.17461431

strikes me as the sort of book you dont need to read as you've probably heard so much about whats inside already.

>> No.17461657

Not him; I think he has a publishing house he works with and they get all the proceeds. He gets his stuff published and they get all the money

>> No.17461682

Where does he draw the line on technology to destroy and technology to save? Writing is a technology, but I suspect he didn't advocate for its destruction.

>> No.17461700

Wasting time is part of life

>> No.17461716

He was unironically a pseud. Look at the books that influenced him. Math was where he was intelligent. He was completely disillusioned by the system though which is pretty based, but he couldn't break the conditioning of the system since he was part of a psyop in college. He should had just fuck bitches and done everything he could to exploit the system instead of being a good boy. This is where spending you're entire focus being "right" leads you.

>> No.17461805

Kaczynski is purposefully opaque about this. I suspect that he personally wants us to return to the state of primitive man--see ISAIF 203. But, in the interests of maximizing the chances of an anti-tech revolution actually happening, it seems he has chosen to remained non-committal in his writings so as to allow future revolutionaries to choose whatever goal is most able to inspire people to destroy industrial society. Unfortunately his revolutionary writings are by far his worst: he's a great diagnostician but no good at writing prescriptions.

>> No.17463202

>A hard left turn
That made me laugh

>> No.17463209

Let me just say that the industrial revolution is the greatest thing to ever happen to mankind and showed that libertarianism works and the true power of the free market.

Ted Kasicskinki is a liar and an idiot.

The liberal mainstream narrative is lying to you in many ways. First off, they fill our history books with false knowledge about how bad child labor was during the industrial revolution.

First of all this is not true. Child labor became virtually extinct as soon as the revolution happened. It was a myth peddled by hysterical liberal moralists.

It was not public outcry or governmental leglislation that reduced child labor. These laws were passed decades after child labor had been abolished through market production alone.
The industrial revolution singlehandedly resulted in a reduction in child labor from 100% to 18% and kept falling afterward. Before the IR, children had to work or their families would starve to death. This is imperically proven.

By the mid to late 1800s which created the industrial revolution a massive increase in living standards for workers everywhere. It was true free market libertarianism in action. Yet liberals deny this and act like conditions were so terrible for workers. This is false. There is data that outright disproves it.

>> No.17463214

Government intervention only meant more starving children, meanwhile the Wild West was one of the greatest places on earth, particularly once mining resources begun and Manifest Destiny enacted.

I just think its funny how villified this all is. If the government is controlled for the benefit of special interests then it's not a free market by defintion. We were a free market for a brief period, yet the American government had to ruin everything. The problems people associate with the industrial revolution were actually that of the government.

Frankly, Libertarians are the only ones who understand basic and advanced economics and history to actually see the truth on this topic. People who debate with them constantly get btfo.

Yes, driver's licenses shouldn't exist, roads should be privatized, the government should be abolished, taxation doesn't actually work in funding the government and is morally wrong, unions are evil, no real socialist revolt of workers can ever happen because it will be rightly squashed by society. U mad?

Markets and courts existed before the first states, so government is irrelevant. Ancapistan existed before and will exist again.

Go on and keep sucking the mainstream teat. The facts and logic are on my side.

>> No.17463243

>he's a great diagnostician but no good at writing prescriptions.
That seems to be the case for most, if not all, intellectuals. Pretty weird, innit?

>> No.17463249

Do one better than cunt

Go on. Find the solution

>> No.17463290
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Agreed. Kaczynski is slightly better off than most since academia isn't (or I guess wasn't; not much else he can do now) his sole passion in life, but not much better. Nevertheless it's probably a problem of entropy, no? A while ago I considered writing to him to ask him that question--what stage humanity should regress to--but I figured if I wasn't already on a list for buying his books I'm sure to get on them by writing to him, and then never get past airport security again.

>> No.17463296

If they can't do it, I can't either.

There is no solution.

>> No.17463306

You should have been a 1850s factory owner not a 21st century shitposter, anob

>> No.17463309

Fuck it, man. You're probably on a list already for being on this website. Live a little.

>> No.17463631

I'm on a list with 500 other idiots. Like we have anything in common. kek

>> No.17463722

that chart is exceptionally retarded

>> No.17463724

ur fucking dumb as shit

>> No.17463791

how come

>> No.17463886

>Reddit spacing
kill yourself
Libertarianism (particularly austrian ones chicago fags fuck off) gets economics and government correct but that doesn't matter when the person who's telling you that looks and is a retard (see the lp, gary johnson, jo jorgensen, you).
The modern libertarian (or the one perceived by the public) is some ultra-progressive faggot that wants "gay couples to suck eachothers cocks withs machine guns" and doesn't believe in age of consent laws. They view MLK as some libertarian despite his movement causing civil right forced inclusion laws and being a proto-socialist. They don't give a shit about culture or values or morals, gladly advocating for open borders or purposefully ignoring freedom of association.
You are the manifestation of that libertarian, of the one brought on by a mix of leftist faggotry and superficial understandings of libertarianism by retards such as ayn rand who don't understand that just because something is legal doesn't mean people can't discriminate against it. Your political party is the equivalent of dying your hair blue. You shout gay ass shit like "the political duopoly doesn't allow third parties" while still remaining in the lp. You understand that ron paul sparked a libertarian revolution through the republican party yet tell those who aren't part of the lp "they're not real libertarians" (if anything you likely hate ron paul and view him as some "fascist" due to your immense faggotry and hatred of any libertarian that doesn't want their child to be a drug-addicted sex worker).
Kill yourself retard.

>> No.17463905


Don't be shy, feel free to back up your claims

>> No.17463911

This. What are your sources for all this?

>> No.17463918

This thread is closed due to AIDS.

>> No.17463926

Didn't read the rest.
>implying libertarians weren't always stupid, childish, and banal

>> No.17463927

>Where does he draw the line on technology to destroy and technology to save? Writing is a technology, but I suspect he didn't advocate for its destruction.
In my case I'd opine for a complete return to pre-agricultural hunting and gathering, which would indeed necessitate an almost complete rejection of almost ALL human technology. I said almost, because stone tools, spears and so on are still technology.

>> No.17463959

Despite modern advocates of libertarianism through the LP and loser brigade, men such as hoppe, Rockwell, and rothbard have done incredible work on economics and government.
Democracy: The God that Failed is the one book best describing this kind of paleolibertarian philosophy.

>> No.17463969

>Despite modern advocates of libertarianism through the LP and loser brigade, men such as hoppe, Rockwell, and rothbard have done incredible work on economics and government.
imagine posting in a ted thread and thinking anyone gives a shit about superficial garbage like "economics and government".

>> No.17464144
File: 316 KB, 1286x2000, This World We Must Leave and Other Essays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not reading the superior exit cope book

>> No.17464175

Fuck off Fagin.

>> No.17464367

why ? can life prevail was cool and every thing ted wrote has to be the most "tedcore" a book can be no ?

>> No.17464384

can you talk about your idea in detail ?
even though i agree with you don't you think that going back is counter productive ?
that abandonning our medical progress is potentially dangerous ?

>> No.17464430

He doesn't. That's probably the main weakness with Ted's whole philosophy, and essentially all philosophies that are anti-tech in any meaningful way. There needs to be an ontological distinction drawn, which is what I'm working on at the moment.

>> No.17464500

Unless that book is about cleansing Africa no thanks

>> No.17464535

you literally didn't read the fucking thing retard

>> No.17464558
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>implying technology isn't precisely what makes us ''''''human''''''

>> No.17464565

Yes. It's fairly short and can be read in one or two sittings.

>> No.17464578

fucking read and find out
by God you people sure try to read as little as possible for being the literature board.

>> No.17464580

Not him, but it has an Anprim section, which Ted has disavowed.


>> No.17464590

Technology isn't unique to humanity. We can see ants use leaves and themselves to get where they need, for example. Advanced technology beyond that is, thus far, uniquely human. However, just because it's unique doesn't mean it's good or bad.

>> No.17464598

for you , no

>> No.17464600

Has Ted said anything with regards to traditionalists (Evola, etc.)? I always thought he might mesh in with them, whilst still being radically opposed on certain topics

>> No.17464623

He mentions Conservatives as being "fools" because technology has destroyed the past they want, but they also support the technological system.

I'm unsure if Traditionalism and Conservatism are synonymous, as an admittance of ignorance, but that's what I can recall on the subject. He might say more in Tech Slavery, which I haven't read.

>> No.17465177

you dont need to read the whole book to know if its bad you stupid fuck

>> No.17465574

I thought it was a copy/paste, it's really stupid. However:
> Reddit spacing
Is not that, is just spacing, learn how to separate paragraphs.

>> No.17465649


>> No.17465754
File: 29 KB, 550x880, commitee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that these french pseuds achieved more than ted ever did

>> No.17465783

The leftism shit was the weakest part of the essay. If that's what resonated the most there's really no hope for you.

>> No.17465810

Critics will try and nitpick around the flimsier areas but considering he wrote it in a fucking cabin with no access to contemporary academic journals or anything it's pretty damn solid

>> No.17465829

You heard about that one town in new hampshire that got overrun by libertarians? They basically infiltrated the government and made such drastic tax cuts that the only sheriff couldn't keep his car juiced. He had to walk everywhere, violent crime skyrocketed, there was a rape, a murder, domestic abuse, roads went to shit, bears started attacking the libertarian tent encampment in the woods.

Fucking hilarious

>> No.17466714

I'm the anon that made the chart. Ted has disavowed the lefty anprims like Zerzan because (a) they are extremely naïve in their views of the nature of primitive life (as the article you posted says) and (b) their goals are so vague and ill-stated that they cannot hope to effect a revolution (Anti-Tech Revolution pg. 124; this is largely true especially in Zerzan's case--he envisions a sui generis primitivist utopia fundamentally unlike the primitivism of, say, 20,000 years ago. Ridiculous).
Nevertheless, they have effected some good anti-modernity anti-tech writing, especially "Against Civilization." In my personal opinion, Ted's own lack of commitment to a revolutionary goal makes his second criticism hard to swallow, and Ted only wrote so much. I included them mostly because not doing so seems slightly disingenuous, and I think the descriptions make it fairly clear that they're not really in line with Ted's primitivism. I even hit them with the Papyrus font kek.
If the chart has problems its with the the /phil/ section; Schweitser is only barely connected to technoscepticism and Hagg is... well Hagg. Chart might be worth revising for that section alone; maybe something from the post-war French school. Any anon have suggestion for good technosceptic phil?

>> No.17466753

>”You killed three people to publish a bunch of half-baked ideas in a newspaper. If you’re not crazy, I don’t know who is.”
what a bunch of dishonest brainlets

>> No.17466761

wow a rape murder domestic abuse shitty roads in AMERICA????????

>> No.17466771

It's in the very first sentence

>> No.17466808

>Let me just say that the industrial revolution is the greatest thing to ever happen to mankind and showed that libertarianism works and the true power of the free market.
industrial society inevitably lean to the left, actually read what he wrote

>> No.17466881
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a ridiculous ideology and a worthless read

>> No.17467945

Bump. Turkle and Carr are both good.

>> No.17467977

Which city Lol?

>> No.17468071
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how do we feel about John Michael Greer?

>> No.17468078


>> No.17469803

Paragraphs dont need spacing dummy

>> No.17470063

How's Anti-Tech Revolution?

>> No.17470164

Doesn't he refute himself?

>202. It would be hopeless for revolutionaries to try to attack the system without using SOME modern technology. If nothing else they must use the communications media to spread their message. But they should use modern technology for only ONE purpose: to attack the technological system.

>203. Imagine an alcoholic sitting with a barrel of wine in front of him. Suppose he starts saying to himself, “Wine isn’t bad for you if used in moderation. Why, they say small amounts of wine are even good for you! It won’t do me any harm if I take just one little drink.... “ Well you know what is going to happen. Never forget that the human race with technology is just like an alcoholic with a barrel of wine

>> No.17470174

How is it going?

>> No.17470186

'A Libertarian Walks Into A Bear'

>> No.17470200

based and keked

>> No.17470472
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Is this true?

>> No.17470482


>> No.17470522

>wall of text

>> No.17470525

>traumatized autistic man goes trans
this seems weirdly common. Ted getting right to the edge then kicking it off is definitely significant

>> No.17470574

I am pretty sure the technology he wanted to get rid of is the kind that requires mass interconnected infrastructure. For example things made with parts from China, parts in the US, parts in Europe, etc. I don't know if I am just wrong but it seems like people such as >>17461805, >>17463927, >>17464430, are just not reading it correctly. It seems like a basic medieval farming village makes the cut here. The key word seems to be industrial, as >>17466771 points out. Personally I would rather live in a medieval village than modern times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsUxZC9dUgo

>> No.17470700

You are not wrong, especially not about technology requiring mass interconnected infrastructure being bad. The only thing Ted commits to is that he wants to roll back industrialism: that means mass production, mass transport, and long production chains. See Luke Smith:
The trouble is, imagine if we went back to 1700-s era technology: we'd be primed to, in about 50 years, have the agricultural revolution, then the industrial revolution. If we went back to 1000, despite the Dark Ages meme, we'd slowly improve our system of crop rotation, invent the brittle, advance mathematical, (al)chemical, and technical knowledge, and eventually do it all over again. A big reason a lot of people who really buy Ted advocate for primitivism is because anything short of primitivism is doomed to repeat the cycle. Not to mention, as ridiculous as it sounds, many of the technologies of the medieval era have been lost. For example in the US only the Amish know how to plow a field with oxen, or dig a well without industrial machinery--everyone else would, if industrial infrastructure "disappeared," regress to primitivism or die.

>> No.17470761

Kaczynski's ideal lifestyle is one where there is no high culture, no literature, music, art or pilosophy. Spending your entire day hunting dears or collecting fruits, then coming home in your hut to fuck an ugly, brutish woman with no manners or anything resembling femininity.

>> No.17470974

>ugly, brutish woman with no manners or anything resembling femininity.

Like a feminist rally?

>> No.17472470

you do

>> No.17472522

name a book that appears to be bad for the first 3/4 and then the last quarter recontextualizes everything that preceded it to the point where the book retroactively becomes good all along

>> No.17472842

Opposite of ISAIF. Was good first 75% detailing the problem, then says "we'll use SOME technology" failing to articulate why some tech is different.

>> No.17474004
File: 3.12 MB, 1512x1008, 6818A174-33B0-4045-9B9B-8F14AE1D1AE8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice stack. You might enjoy Mumford’s Pentagon of Power as well. His point is similar to Ellul’s, but the path he follows is more grounded in social/cultural criticism. Pic related

>> No.17474013



>> No.17474085

1. Not half-baked ideas at all. Just extremely disparaging towards the midwits who presently wield all the power.
2. His actions offend your middle-class sensibilities because you’ve been indoctrinated into believing that the state should have a monopoly on violence.

Who’s more well-known, Kaczynski or Ellul? How many people only know of Ellul because of Kaczynski? No real change happens without bloodshed, as people are just now beginning to realize.

>> No.17474096

He owes his “victims” a few million dollars, so I imagine they receive some of it.

>> No.17474821
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He doesn't provide a solution but yes worth a read
Makes gommies sneed
>the facts and logic are on my side
You can't make this shit up

>> No.17475917

>Yes, but don’t glorify the man who wrote it. Keep in mind that Ted Kasczinski is an autistic serial killer that used violence to spread his message because he’s too much of a mentally ill pussy to properly distribute his works. As his lawyers put it:
>I wouldn’t exactly describe his ideas as half-baked, as it’s obvious that he’s spent quite some time contemplating and researching, but I would say he was right on everything. Just think for yourself as you’re reading and you’ll be fine.

Very normie take

>> No.17476077
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Which part of his analysis of the leftist vexes you?

>> No.17476097

Imagine how much creepier his story would be if he went through with that *and* kept on his known trajectory? Imagine a transvestite ted kacynzski! Horrors.

>> No.17476111

I understand the problems you bring forth, but if people proceed with society in a thoughtful manner instead of being thoughtless and random then these problems can be avoided. Admittedly that won't happen, at least not perfectly and forever. As for myself, I know on a micro level none of that will be an issue for me.

>> No.17476129

Good reply. I would only really suggest potentially editing the picture to say that the Anprim writings are solely for their anti-tech perspectives and not the overarching Anprim view.

>> No.17476371

Well okay, with that proportions it's unlikely to become good
But you can't tell unless you've read at least half of a book

>> No.17477665

Since you can't even spell I feel confident in dismissing your argument as drivel

>> No.17477680

based libertarian bro

>> No.17477701

truth in that picture

>> No.17477711

god damn it. You can tell people here only pretend to have read it


Also ISAIF by far the worst of Ted. Anti-Tech Revolution and Technological Slavery are better, and they have cooler names.

>> No.17477728

Imagine if he had been born today. He'd be a tranny breadtuber and we would've lost a based mind. smdh.

>> No.17477738

I disagree, it really is his strongest and also has the most serious sounding and imposing name.