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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 461 KB, 461x698, wombat_virgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17447604 No.17447604 [Reply] [Original]

He'll get the rope. You know who I'm talking about

previous thread:

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.17447628
File: 702 KB, 1437x1881, W0aSNz4yk_MBYMY1-MTRiljzrOUpTadF0chMZGH7hq4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roobros, what can we do to help our wombatbros?

>> No.17447650

All the animals in Australia look like different versions of the same base, rodent-like form

>> No.17447655

Will Jeff Bezos stepping down affect the self-publishing powerhouse of KDP?

>> No.17447658

They are called marsupials anon

>> No.17447667


>> No.17447681
File: 443 KB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20210203-033917_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if my manuscript has intentionally """"incorrect"""" grammar usage?

>> No.17447683
File: 315 KB, 1500x848, humansnotcli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it used to be crazy. wombats were the size of hippos and some kangaroos reached well over 2 metres in height

>> No.17447719

Hello, /lit/. I have recently become a copywriter and I am trying to tighten my writing as much as possible.

Unfortunately, I struggle with executive function (I have autism), so is there anyone out there who can help me?

My job actually depends on it. :(

>> No.17447726
File: 239 KB, 1308x860, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My writing waifu is writing her second book. Why is she so perfect bros?


>> No.17447737

what a grotesque looking woman with a wall of grotesque posters behind her

>> No.17447759
File: 190 KB, 1310x850, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, objectively her makeup is bad and she could lose 15 lbs. But she's beautiful on the inside. She's so passionate about writing and sharing the process with everyone


>> No.17447898

copywriter here. god damn it's fucking frustrating to convey (market) messages to what amounts to figuratively mouthbreathing retards. dumbing shit down will be the death of me. that said, i got nothing i can help you with anon. sorry

>> No.17447978

Tell me about the wombat, why does it no longer grow?

>> No.17447988

The anime girl virgin poster vs. the zoo animal Chad poster

>> No.17448020

He is too melancholic an animal. It might seem to go against the laws of nature for an animal to find peace in hiding from bushwalkers, but, he gains our admiration and we gain his shyness. We both warm eachothers hearts. But we all fear the day when the wombat grows sick of laziness and comes back big.

>> No.17448104

the huge ones were hunted out by the aboriginals and only the smaller ones that could dig survived

>> No.17448139

Correct. And there are many Aboriginal stories about huge animals (giant lizards, etc) which they apparently hunted to extinction

>> No.17448248

>that pic
just wish I could go back there bros

>> No.17448255

>Spelling differences between US and British English aren't considered erros
I wonder how many retards reported the book thinking British English spelling is an error

>> No.17448397

more pics of that qt?

>> No.17448403

KEK womcel

>> No.17448481

Humans can just sleep on the floor in a blanket. That's what I do.
It's ok anon. Your humbleness humbles me.

>> No.17448584

don't you mean humility?

>> No.17448661

sometimes i worry if what i write isn't actually proper english, i google a phrase i use and without fail the only results that come up are books of sermons from like 1820

>> No.17448701
File: 101 KB, 807x1023, Father Mapple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty based, keep writing that way.

>> No.17448702

Do you have any examples anon?

>> No.17448739

it's humidity

>> No.17448760

It's Humboldt Squid

>> No.17448774
File: 103 KB, 640x560, BIG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are Aboriginal stories about being hunted BY the lizards too. Like these crocodile sized Goanna that could run twice as a fast as a man.

>> No.17448791

Sounds based, post a fragment.

>> No.17448793

she is a vapid narcissist. Anyone who spends their time vlogging about writing isn't actually interested in writing, they're seeking attention.

>> No.17448799

that wombat is literally me

>> No.17448803

No, he is me and I am him.

>> No.17448811
File: 223 KB, 766x574, I-am-spartacus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i.. am wombat

>> No.17448822

If you could choose finding a love of your life and getting happily married until you die together or writing eternal classics that will change history of literature
what would you choose?

>> No.17448827

Writing eternal classics, that way I'll live forever.

>> No.17448834

Neither. I'm going to continue writing my passion project that will be buried in obscurity forever and die homeless a couple of years from now without ever finishing it.

>> No.17448835

yeah but you won't be able to smell the pheromones out of your wifes butt whenever you want

>> No.17448840

I'm on the same way bro

>> No.17448867

I would sacrifice anything for my waifu.

>> No.17448875
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x1024, AAAAAHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17448878

Are you me?

>> No.17449200

Hooray, I just got my first sale

>> No.17449205

It was your mom.

>> No.17449213


>> No.17449237

Jokes on you, my mom doesn't care about my real career or writing career. The only thing she asks me is when am I getting a girlfriend, where is my girlfriend, when am I getting a wife, where are her grandchildren

>> No.17449246

my mum stopped asking me those questions years ago

>> No.17449249

Still no girlfriend? How old are you, 14?

>> No.17449252

"You have come to this world for months, yet you've never told us about your world. Anything's interesting over there?"

John licked his lips, he tried to take another sip from his glass only to realize it was empty.

"Well." He let out a long sigh. "The government knows everything about you. Your words, your history, your activities, your family, your hobbies, your vices... Anything you let out, they record and save it in the undying metal cases. One day when you do something stupid against them, they would know how to deal with you. You are born to enrich the country, or you know, the group of elites who rule the country, and there are groups of people who are hired to spend their time working on you. They collect information about you, they make up things that you like, and turn them into something you will spend money on. There are chemicals in the water and food, so that you will catch some kinds of illness which 'the majority' has. Hence you have to go to the doctor, and spill that money to cure yourself instead of something you actually want. Everyday news about people dying over here and there, at some countries you never heard of blasts into your face. You might feel terrible at first, but after the 100th time you just shrug and move on regardless of how many innocents die to enrich the military industry."

The whole room was silent, even knight captain and the priestess stared at John as if he were in some hellish place.

"Eh? Yeah on the other hand, famine is wiped out. You can have meat everyday! Bathroom is common for every household, and the fee for water is practically free. You can travel around the world easily, or talk to your friends at the other side of the world with a few pushes. Oh and the entertainment. Books, games, whores, gambling, drugs, race... all within your reach as long as your chest is full. Personally I can just read all kinds of novels the rest of my life and I will never, ever manage to read them all." John waved his glass. "So it's not bad, not bad! If you ignore the bad things then everything is good!"

>> No.17449258

I'm turning 28 this month and can't remember the last time I was asked that. Can't remember the last time my mother looked me in the eye, either.

>> No.17449278

my mum has given up on me but never really alludes to me being a failure because she knows its her fault i am like this

>> No.17449282

That's pretty funny, I didn't laugh, but I smiled

>> No.17449286

I'm 29 but same. I've never had a girlfriend, hobbies: reading and writing books, watching anime. My job is shit. Clinical depression diagnosed.

>> No.17449294

I'm trying to target emo and edgelord, but it doesn't work as I thought.

>> No.17449330

Is English your first language? Some of the phrasing and grammar is a bit dodgy. Eg:
>You have come to this world for months
You have been here in our world for months
>Anything's interesting over there
Is anything interesting over there?
>when you do something stupid against them
When you cross them? Or maybe just when you do something stupid.
>at some countries you never heard of blasts into your face
I don't even know what you're trying to say here
>Bathroom is common for every household
Bathrooms are commonplace in every household

>> No.17449341
File: 43 KB, 611x329, Picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17449348

I'm ESL prease understand.
>I don't even know what you're trying to say here
John was drunken so he was talking about how he turned on the news channel on TV and he would see how many people in some shitholes, and find out that he wouldn't care.

>> No.17449352

Bro I'm not an ant

>> No.17449389

>I'm ESL prease understand
Not that guy but I'd recommend getting a friend/editor who speaks English as a first language and can proofread for you. English is an absolute mess at times and making it sound natural can be very hard. If you're Chinese (I'd guess that or Korean from how you phrase things) you're in for an unfun time unless you're going to take some professional English classes and converse vocally and regularly in the language with an intention of gaining fluency.

>> No.17449407

That wombat got a hug, at least.

>> No.17449418
File: 51 KB, 738x415, 7190AA23-16D8-4905-B8F9-91820FD25C39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I posted it in the last thread but only got one reply. I haven’t written anything in months but finally got this done. I feel like I want to move towards the failure of Americana nostalgia rather than a parody of science fiction in current year? I don’t know.


>> No.17449470

To the anon that wrote this, this is fantastic. I love every bit of it.

>> No.17449488

Are you implying that the text is too small? That's my bad I guess.
Thanks, means a lot. This is my first ever attempt at a short story so that's definitely encouraging.

>> No.17449860

>write 3000 words yesterday
>go to bed happy with it and excited to do more
>wake up today
>it's shit and i don't know where to go with it

>> No.17449907

What's a less autistic place to get criticism on some first drafts?

>> No.17449925

I'd assume in person at some sort of class/writer's club if you are going purely from "least autistic"

>> No.17449954
File: 333 KB, 1234x900, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the downside to self publishing on amazon? it seems you can easily make an ebook and a physical copy for dirt cheap

>> No.17449970

el reddito

>> No.17449973

If you do KDP you can't publish elsewhere.
You are supporting the titan of economic cruelty.
You don't get the support that trad publishers give.
You have to do all your own marketing/keyword research/etc.

I unno, I made 7 bucks off smut a year ago.

>> No.17450008

I love you, anon. Glad to hear I am not alone with these thoughts.

>> No.17450027

Pretty much. She could probably double the speed of her writing if she wasn't whoring for attention.

>> No.17450080

why does time go so fast when you're writing?

>> No.17450100

Flow state. All your mental faculties that are normally spent perceiving time and how awful it is to be alive are being used to do something that, at the time, has all the meaning in the world. It's only when you are finished and realize that the thing you just made is just as garbage as the rest of the world that you remember time, as a concept, exists.

>> No.17450190

Any places to find groups online? Covid lockdown, plus I live in bumfuck nowhere.

>> No.17450368

How opposed are you to botnets? How opposed are you to being part of a somewhat schizo 4channel writiing community?

>> No.17450376

You could start a discord group here and close it when you get a few members, or go look on one of el reddito's writing subs and do the same. Every writing group is going to be pretty autistic so you just have to pick the flavor of autism you want.

>> No.17450390

If you're referring to the one writing discord that's been posted here a few times you should also say that it's infested with /pol/ retardation and that being part of it at all is imminently blackmailable. I would love to see one that's actually focused on producing written works of fiction, though.

>> No.17450419

There's the No Sleep 'till Bookdun one. It's not 4chan at all and is pretty normie/Reddit, and moderated to a great degree. Just don't be a sperg or start flinging political crap and you won't get kicked/banned from it.

>> No.17450421


>> No.17450479

That one seems pretty nice, thanks for the recommendation. I'll join when I've got at least 5000 words I want to share.

>> No.17450581

Are you me?

>> No.17450601
File: 37 KB, 398x298, 4trmukl3ufe61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, I want to be you, how do?
in some writing and editing internships, have an english bachelors
where do copywriting jobs exist? are you both freelance?

>> No.17450665

I didn't get a chance to reply to you in the last thread anon, sorry. If you're seeing this, I've always had stories/ideas/characters in my head and I want to find a way to share them. Since literature is my favorite artistic medium I decided it's the best way to go about it.
I liked it a lot anon. Only suggestion I have would be to clean up some of your sentences that sound a tad bit awkward.
>Bathroom is common for every household, and the fee for water is practically free.
I would write it as;
>There's a bathroom in nearly every household and water is practically free.

>> No.17450722

That's not true. If you self publish on KDP, you can also simultaneously self publish on Barnes and Nobles, Google Books Publishing, and Kobo

> t. got $10 from Amazon last month, and every few months get $1-$3 from Google or BN

>> No.17450740
File: 2.94 MB, 888x500, chlamydiaridden tree rat gets more pussy than you.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

settle down manoids

>> No.17450743

Artist here, I'm pretty awful at writing but I've worked in illustration for nearly a decade now. Where would I go if I want to get into illustration for book publishing?
No one I've ever worked for from a job site like indeed or monster ever got published and were always nightmare jobs.

>> No.17450748

>It's ok anon. Your humbleness humbles me.
Thank you for the kind words.
For my next trick I will attempt to write a fantasy novel with no exposition.

>> No.17450776

Writing prompt: Pick an emotion, by the end of your post, the reader should be feeling it. No multi post stories, learn to regulate your word count.

>> No.17450942

I don't get it.

>> No.17450948

Wow. So short but so effective.

>> No.17450963

My back feels like an old rubber band about to make its last big stretch before it snaps. I can taste the filter of this cigarette. The rusted out mailbox leaning against the house stares at me, asking me to use it, but mustering the willpower to get up leaves me already empty.

>> No.17450984

I don't feel any different.

>> No.17450986


>> No.17450995

I enjoyed it anon, though I think it could use a little work.
>Conducting my schemes in public also added considerable percentage points to my already high success rate.
The part about "percentage points" didn't match the tone of the rest of the section.
Some sentences like this one,
>Hithero you might have wrongly assumed that they involved the usual trite sugar cravings or material desires
also sound a little too pseud. They would probably benefit from some simpler vocabulary. Overall pretty well written and a really interesting idea, though.

>> No.17450999

Does that mean it’s ineffectual writing or that you already feel that awful?

>> No.17451007

What do you mean awful, isn't this normal?

>> No.17451031

Is continuity and progression the most important requirements of getting published?

>> No.17451053

Anon, I think you might have depression.

>> No.17451073

I'm not convinced by that because I think that depression is a mystery. I don't actually believe in it. Nobody really understands it.

>> No.17451075
File: 510 KB, 1014x819, bf2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evidently he died a virgin because wombat males need to be aggressive to compete for females, and Patrick was too passive. Poor Patrick :(

>> No.17451085

my dick is a mystery, girls discover it everyday with their mouths, but i can only solve it with my bear hands

>> No.17451091
File: 516 KB, 1170x904, dosto2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which of these suggested prose books has helped anons the most?

>> No.17451155

For me, it's Story Genius. The author can be a bit obnoxious but if you're a beginner novelist, it's great.

>> No.17451222
File: 105 KB, 497x689, 1599363606638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>That's the real title
>Author has literally never written a book about anything but storywriting
>Basically no actual brain science used outside of vague assertions
>Shits on hero's journey for no reason
>In fact, deliberately strawmans pretty much everyone the author disagrees with
>example WIP novel used is shit
>Tone is condescending as fuck
>Book is literally anti-process
>Book itself has prose and grammar issues like massive run-on sentences and overdescription to the extreme
>Entire thing, when read aloud, sounds like a fucking MLM pitch
>All review sites MASSIVELY padded with bullshit 5 star ratings/reviews, probably paid
Why would you even bother with this shit?

>> No.17451406

It shits on hero's journey because people like that guy who complained about his "carboard characters" in the last thread think that it's the starting point, when in actuality, it's a shitty starting point. The WIP novels used are pretty trash, but if they were good ideas, people would just be inclined to copy them. The writer might have published other things under a pen name; they seem to have a developed style. (Not one I particularly like.) You probably shouldn't take most of the offhand comments in it too seriously since a lot of that is written for entertainment rather than information. I'll grant that the "brain science" shit is clickbait and the title is trash to attract quirky internet women.

The meat of the novel, though, which is the part you should have enough of a brain to pick out as the useful bit, is the method of developing your characters and rolling them into the plot. If you're a beginner novelist, you probably don't know how to do that to the extent that you need to. It shows you a very effective way to do it for the first time, and then on your next attempt, you'll probably have learned enough to progress past its method. It's not trying to get you to write a masterpiece, but if you're looking at books like that, you're not ready to write a masterpiece until you understand the kind of shit it's telling you. That's why I say it helped me more than anything else - it's not perfect, but it's great at setting you up with foundational knowledge.

>> No.17451563

>It shits on hero's journey because people like that guy who complained about his "carboard characters" in the last thread think that it's the starting point, when in actuality, it's a shitty starting point.
Complete misunderstanding of what the hero's journey is. It's an archetype not because people mimic it, but because people tend to write it by accident.
>The writer might have published other things under a pen name
Complete non-point. She doesn't have her name to anything else but writing books and doesn't show any of her work.
>You probably shouldn't take most of the offhand comments in it too seriously
It's a book on storywriting. If I shouldn't be taking it seriously in certain parts it begs the question "How do I know what should be taken seriously?" Poor communication technique on the author's part.
>The meat of the novel, though, which is the part you should have enough of a brain to pick out as the useful bit, is the method of developing your characters and rolling them into the plot
Which could be summed up in probably 20 pages at most. It's also not any kind of advice you won't find elsewhere and at least half of it is pure common sense. "Dude why does your protag care? What do they think about?" You L I T E R A L L Y cannot write a story without knowing these things or making them up as a matter of course. There's something to be said about doing them well but again this isn't unique knowledge and is available in far better packages than Story Genius.
>(A bunch of shit about learning how to write by writing and failing)
You'll do all of that with or without Story Genius' "method". You learn to write by writing. Unless you're totally incapable of self-analysis and reflection you'll get better at anything you do as you do it.
>It's not trying to get you to write a masterpiece, but if you're looking at books like that, you're not ready to write a masterpiece until you understand the kind of shit it's telling you.
Yeah but it's not telling you anything you can't learn from a fucking medium article or something. Plus it's injecting the author's retarded opinions into the mix which is awful for a new writer. That's the point. The book is shit.
>it's great at setting you up with foundational knowledge
Hard disagree.
I sincerely hope you got the book from https://b-ok.cc/book/3588138/711024 and didn't pay for it.

>> No.17451603

Jesus christ, the amount of work I'm going to have to do to retroactively insert mystery into my story is intense.

how the fuck do people who write comics do it? Not only are they good artists on top of being writers, but they get everything right in the first fucking draft

>> No.17451610

You need to stop replying to my posts because I never read them when you do this shit. Trying to do a line-by-line response like this is peak autism.

>> No.17451617

>retroactively insert
This is your problem. To do it right you have to plan it from the start.

>> No.17451634
File: 106 KB, 1024x765, no room for debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't read lol
Maybe you should stop shilling a fucking terrible writing advice book and work on your reading skills faggot.
Is that so hard? Are you bothered by the fact that I'm addressing the whole post so you can't worm your way around my point?

>> No.17451638

its easy to have mystery in a story in the first place when you're making shit as you go. you have other issues you have to deal with but mystery is not one of them

>> No.17451654

Waifu... wrifu?
Ok, no need to get up, i’ll show myself out.

>> No.17451665

Nick Spencer built his career on this

>> No.17451674

I don't know or care what your point was other than that you didn't like the book. I recommended a book, you said why you think it's shit, I said why I don't think it's shit. I already pirated the book, read it, and put it in the dirt. You're not going to change my mind, and nobody else is going to read your autistic explosion about how somebody liked something you don't like.

>> No.17451677
File: 47 KB, 518x427, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to show my main character as a bitter, misanthropic guy.

>> No.17451697

I'm not trying to change your mind. You're clearly stupid if you think that book is good. I'm explaining why your defense of the book is wrong for the benefit of others who might read it. The banter is just a bonus.

>> No.17451704

My book got here. I turned my manuscript into paperback format and ordered it from Barnes and Noble's printing service.

>> No.17451729
File: 2.57 MB, 4257x5204, 1605844008964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>compare your work to the best classics
>feel like removing everything and going to sleep because you're shit
>compare your work to random books from amazon
>feel like you're a top tier writer

>> No.17451757

You're stupid if you think anyone gives a fuck. If someone asks for a recommendation and gets one, and someone else says it's shit, they'll probably check it out to see for themselves anyways. Nobody's benefiting from you sperging out with non-constructive bullshit here. Recommend something you think is better if you actually want to contribute.

>> No.17451768

>first sentence is a massive run-on sentence
>second sentence is a shorter run-on sentence
Anon pls.

>> No.17451778

Bro I'm an ESL and even I could write it better
Is it all you can do?

>> No.17451802

>You're stupid if you think anyone gives a fuck
Well you clearly give a fuck so I guess I'm not stupid.
>If someone asks for a recommendation and gets one, and someone else says it's shit, they'll probably check it out to see for themselves anyways.
Yeah, and then they'll get a million five star reviews from bots and idiots like you.
>Nobody's benefiting from you sperging out with non-constructive bullshit here.
Sperging out? The only one sperging out is the person still replying for banter after getting totally destroyed trying to defend an awful writing advice book. Also the idea that my criticism isn't constructive is laughable. I've made several criticisms which contain implicit solutions about the writing of the book. Are you the author? Is that why you're being such a bitch about this?
>Recommend something you think is better if you actually want to contribute.
Here's the first DDG result for "Writing advice books" https://thewritelife.com/best-books-on-writing/.. Also notice which book isn't there lol.
>inb4 no no one you read
Why? So you can try to nitpick it to death to validate your bruised ego?

>> No.17451823

Now make it available on Barnes and Noble so we can all order it

>> No.17451840

hi thought my original question was pretty innocuous but thx for the convo
also i asked about prose

>> No.17451847


I had a bunch of mysteries planned out but the problem was the plot changed as I wrote it and in the process a bunch of existing mysteries either had their answers telegraphed to the reader, or the characters themselves

>> No.17451856

Pretty sure you can include them all the same. Just don’t bother with that Previewer option. One of the books I have on there has a sentence with intentional mistakes, and they did nothing to it.

>> No.17451864

Prose is a weird topic because past a point of basic competency it's very subjective. My advice is that you'll end up writing like what you read. If you want to have a writing style that resembles a certain other writing style read books in that style. If you want to have a writing style that appeals to a certain group read books that appeal to that group.

>> No.17452084
File: 17 KB, 338x149, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRUH real quick


How is my prose?

>> No.17452103

Sentences are too short and there are grammatical errors.

>> No.17452125

It's a rough draft. Aside from that, how's the flow? The writing style? Is it dynamic? Does it grab attention? Does it have a pulse? Or was it a bore to read?

>> No.17452145

How do I write?

>> No.17452152

>sentences are too short
There's nothing wrong with having short sentences. They're great for emphasis. But every sentence being short? Its weird. Jarring. Peculiar. But better a story comprised entirely of short sentences than one that meanders interminably, exhausting the reader, demanding a pot of coffee or cigarette break mid paragraph, or even mid clause, in order to regain one's bearings and, somehow, find whatever it is that is being alluded to, or referenced, or expanded upon; better a short sentence, than something like that.

>> No.17452162

You're already doing it! How did you do that?

>> No.17452170

How do I write a YA like "Unwind"?

>> No.17452198

I’m literally smoking a cig while reading this and I need a cigarette.

>> No.17452245

>It's a rough draft.
Why do people use this as an excuse for not knowing grammar? Your first draft should have an accidental error here or there that is the result of pressing the wrong button, not because you didn't know how to write the sentence correctly. Utilizing proper grammar should be innate, and instead of writing a book, you should only be practicing grammar until you get these reflexes.

>> No.17452258

Okay. How do I practice grammar?

>> No.17452269

Pick a gimmick and then make the evil government fight a strong teenager with the plot/fight revolving around that gimmick. Preferably with hot love interests and plucky friends and a gang of teens to join the revolution. Same brand of YA as Hunger Games.

>> No.17452285

>psy powers
top kek koalas are one of the dumbest animals alive

>> No.17452293

The organ harvesting aspect terrified me as a middle-schooler.

>> No.17452326

>spend all day worrying over the direction my story's going instead of writing
>turns out to be productive anyways because i tightened up the ending as a result
did you make any progress today lads

>> No.17452355

I've been tightening up the story for years now. Don't consider it progress unless it's on the page. Too much dwelling and not enough doing.

>> No.17452378

I actually didn't hate the books but hated that part because it was completely stupid. Just pick a particularly memorable gimmick I guess (children killing each other, children being harvested, etc)

>> No.17452397

>5arasota not 5ara5ota
Nice going

>> No.17452420

I just finished my novel and am only now realizing that it is a blatant ripoff of a popular film.

>> No.17452434
File: 81 KB, 240x240, hinamomo-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been hitting a dead wall over this chapter since two days ago I think? But I managed to pour 1,200 words just today, altogether the chapter is 3.6k words. I'm officially a week past deadline and in hindsight I might've released my previous chapter too early, but that's OK because I think I can finish by Friday or even tomorrow.

>> No.17452453

SOMEONE. ANYONE. Please tell me how to fucking practice and I will. I used to alt+f4 out of these fucking threads and cry when someone told me my grammar was shit. I'm sick unto death of running away from you /lit/ cocksuckers. Tell me how to improve my grammar or fuck off you absolute pretentious hacks.

>> No.17452471

Look for the Little Seagull Handbook.

>> No.17452525

Read more books.
Watch lectures.
Engage with the English language on a level you never have before.
Determine what sounds awkward then fix it.
Take a sentence and rewrite it ten different ways until you find something beautiful.
Then go read more books, but this time read them out loud.
Speak the speak I pray you, as I pronounced it to you, trippingly on the tongue. But if you mouth it, as many of your players do, I’d had leaf the town crier spoke my line.

>> No.17452533


>> No.17452543

Oh man, what if there was a YA novel about child labor and in the end the kids unionized. Teach kids the process of socialism under the guise of YA. Pinkertons were violent as fuck.

>> No.17452556

While stroking the camera’s smooth surface, late afternoon has crept upon me. Bronze sunlight clings to the flagstones outside my window, the market sounds of Leadenhall barely audible on the thick air. Outside my window, two maples glow on the dusty street, their silver leaves gently swaying on the low autumn breeze. I stayed and watched their branches sway to and fro, leaves occasionally fluttering down in the wind, yet for the longest time, one leaf alone would not fall.

>> No.17452569

>205k words in
>only had a basic outline from the start, general plot points laid out and knew where it was going to end up
>required a certain amount of time to get to the ending event
>was supposed to, at some point, have larger time skips
>didn't end up happening
>recent big event ended up turning one day into four chapters, 13k words
>need to end this thing already, and come up with a new ending event
>don't really have any ideas how to end it gracefully
Dickens was a great writer, he had some really great prose. My problem with Dickens is that he wrote serially and, it seemed, padded out his novels with a lot of bullshit in the middle. I think I may have been being too harsh on him, that may not have been his intention when he started his books, considering my predicament now.

I had wanted to finish drafting it entirely before running editing passes and posting it on retard road so as to minimize retcon potential, but at this point it may have gotten beyond me. And I really want to see people's feedback on it. Think I'm going to take a break from drafting, edit the first 100k words thoroughly and then start posting chapters. In the meantime, I'll be able to kick around ideas in order to come up with a smooth ending - or, worst case, end up writing a 300k book at the rate I'm going.

>> No.17452587

I think the best stories wrap up the characters but don’t wrap up the world. Leaving the reader satisfied with the story, but able to still dream and imagine the world for weeks afterward.

>> No.17452604

That's too much books to read. Give me top 3.

>> No.17452628

I don't disagree. I already have an idea for the next book, but it involves a new main character coming in, in opposition, not entirely, to my current one. Theoretically I could even break this current one into two books at the moment, wouldn't require that much work, desu.
My issue is I need an emotionally satisfying conclusion to the current story, and the idea I had isn't chronologically going to work. Had originally envisioned everything taking a year, its been about 3 months so far.
No reason there can't be a timeskip between the books entrenching the current MC, and having the new one come in unaware.

>> No.17452648
File: 188 KB, 1024x690, birbbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sending a letter to someone, this is a small part of it (still a draft)
I got back in Eugene pretty late on Saturday and it’s been chilly ever since. But the sun is always poking through so I can always go to either the river or Skinner’s Butte to get a good view of everything. I’ve been busy with my health insurance, parking garage companies, the US passport renewal system, and getting license plates for my car up here the past few days. Everything decided to pile on at once as I was leaving San Diego and chased me up here. Just realized we both have sick new cars now that are black. We should start a drag racing gang. The city is rather empty and less people are here than I thought, so I was overjoyed to bump into my friend Drew the other day. He’s a unique character with his own long, strange story I’ll tell you about some other time; but he’s in a cheerful mood every time I see him. We became friends back in 2019 by meeting in the apartment’s hot tub within our first few days here (true love isn’t dead), and he brought some friends over the other night. Also ‘Death on the Installment Plan’ is on another one of it’s strange larks. The book sadly isn’t anywhere near its predecessor (‘Journey to the End of Night’) in terms of quality but sometimes one of its little side-plots gets intriguing for a bit. The main character is helping this bizarre inventor who rails against standardization and wants to get people in the early 1900s to build his personalizable kit automobiles themselves instead of buying them standardized from a factory. Despite being more cheap and efficient -he argues- this spells the death of creativity, individuality, and ingenuity in the medium. And he resolves to fight against it tooth and nail for as long as he can. I have to applaud such laudable behavior in all situations.

You’ve been in my mind a lot the last couple days. That evening felt super dreamlike to me and I honestly remember very little of what we said to each other that whole day. Like most dreams the act of clinging to the details of what we said to each other feels like attempting to hold water in cupped hands. It recedes little by little and disappears to almost nothing if I’m not attentive. Talking to you didn’t feel like a normal conversation. More like a figment of my imagination or a spirit showed me something when I was in a state of altered consciousness, and now that I’ve come back to earth again large swathes of it are difficult to recall.

>> No.17452832

It's good anon. But be wary that your tone is juxtaposed between how you write and how you probably speak.
>true love isn't dead
>super dreamlike
read quite childish in comparison to the otherwise very broad tone you use for everything else. I'd say play it down, keep the tone but less of the frills.

You’ve been in my mind a lot the last couple days. That evening felt dreamlike to me and I honestly remember very little of what we said to each other. Like most dreams the act of clinging to the details of what we said to each other feels like attempting to hold water in cupped hands. What little I do remember seems more like a figment of my imagination than a normal conversation, or something showed to me by a spirit while I was half asleep. Now that I’ve come to again, large swathes of it are difficult to recall.

Reads far better to me, still with that broad, Proust-esque tone but less forced.

>> No.17452860

Thank you very much for the feedback

>> No.17452903

Yikes. Guess I know which book to avoid.

>> No.17452922

Best of luck anon

>> No.17453129
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>feel like I've written at least 1k words

>> No.17453297

is it the kind of work that you'll need a 3rd draft for?

>> No.17453420
File: 85 KB, 500x744, 1601213765623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't have anything to share at the moment but ive been writing today, haven't gotten that much down but what i do have down feels really good bros. we're all gonna make it.

>> No.17453423

How do I not write stuff with a stupid amount of characters? I keep thinking of more people to add even though I think simpler is better. I know some lit has a lot of people in it but I doubt I can really pull it off

>> No.17453427

write an on-rails novella with less than 3 main characters from beginning to end

>> No.17453441

What do you mean by on-rails?

>> No.17453498

You got this friend. I believe in you.
That's awesome. Keep it up!
I'd keep a long with a description of each character and a time line of where those characters are. I've been trying to do this and it is a headache, but I believe you and I could brainstorm some ways to keep track of it. If they can do it in Legend of the Galactic Heroes, we can do it in our shitty books.

>> No.17453662

I don’t think it’s too bad, but the sentences really need to be broken up. It’s also a little tough to say how misanthropic the character is coming across just based off this short section. If you have more of the passage I could look at that as well.

>> No.17453780

That's a good idea. Most of them are focused in one spot and not all would be related to the ongoing events but having some mega timeline is a good idea. This is probably just me but I am wary of spending too much time in notes instead of just writing.

>> No.17453789

My book is about all the people that go to a punk bar in one night, so keeping track of 5pm-2am of dozens of people is getting a little out of hand.

>> No.17453837
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Use this until you know what you're doing.

>> No.17453858

And I don't mean write fast or practice your typing skill. Use it to copy great novels exactly as they were written. A new way to employ an old technique. Do it with a key eye and you will learn quickly what works and what doesn't, why certain choices were made, and so on.

>> No.17453870

This is a really neat concept. I love it. I'd really want to see what the effects of using it regularly would be. How much would my typing speed go up? How would my grammar improve? Would I know a book inside and out after typing it all? Could I even enjoy the book while having to type it out?

>> No.17453934
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 1608550441333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>write a serious existential psychological novel
>add shitty comedic scenes and laugh at them like a retard
>they don't even fit your story

>> No.17453955

Shitty comedic scenes that don't fit sounds meta existential

You will enjoy it more because it slows the process and you perceive finer details. If you have the patience.

>> No.17453958
File: 86 KB, 719x524, Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 10.01.42 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrote a whole short story this morning from a memory of when I went to a revival for a primitive methodist church. I was about 8, and some parts of the story reflect the actual memory, but I ended up fictionalizing most of it. Here's an excerpt from the first few pages of it.

>> No.17453997

Yeah, I think with the whole internet and gamification thing this might just force me to really engage with the text. Thanks anon.

>> No.17454084

I wish I could control my bipolar disorder so I could use my hypomania to fuel my writing. it's the difference between a draft taking two months and two years

>> No.17454093

Try and make the two sides mix well and you may end up with a better story for it

>> No.17454097

You are all over the place. one sentence you are writing like you ran every second word through a thesaurus, then next you are talking like you are chatting to someone on an instant messenger with very casual language.

>> No.17454106

Damn man, I love those brief moments where everything I type feels like crazed gold and I shit out words faster than I think possible but the burn out from it is something fierce.

>> No.17454113

I see what you mean. The whole thing is more than rough around the edges, but the way I see it I much prefer a maximalist blind blending of different tones and language. The real thing is, did the last sentence make you laugh?

>> No.17454136

I can handle the crash. what I can't handle is going years without feeling it for more than two days at a time

>> No.17454142

the addiction is real, and it's killing me

>> No.17454238

Not bipolar but the secret to getting stuff done is writing a set amount every day and sticking to it I feel.

>> No.17454278

that's the reason I said it was the difference between writing a book in two months or two years. I've done both and the latter just makes me feel worse about myself

set amount every day can get things done, but it can't get things done in any reasonable amount of time, the quality is worse and the burnout is real

>> No.17454319

I can't really give much advice given your condition I suppose, but I wish you the best of luck anon.

>> No.17454335

Stupid question time, how do you describe one's mouth doing the :| expression? Not looking for emotions, I'm trying to understand how to briefly and accurately describe the mouth/lips in this situation.

>> No.17454395

No one does this expression in real life.

>> No.17454412

Stared blankly.

>> No.17454422

People do a similar expression though, usually when they're thinking or mildly confused.

>> No.17454457
File: 7 KB, 236x175, 150b7f126bfbc11e6641337a774e167d--comedians-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this but the corners of the mouths are flatly stretched out a bit more.

Not bad, I think this is probably what I'm thinking of. I guess I thought of a blank stare much differently, but the more I dwell on it the more I realize this is accurate. Thanks.

>> No.17454460

hey guys, kraut here!

Should I write my novel in german and translate it then or start with english?
It'd be my first novel, I just dabbled in writing until now. Aiming to write 5000 words a day. I definetely want to publish in both languages.


>> No.17454488

Sounds like Pynchon. It can work.

>> No.17454528

I'm no expert but english probably has a bigger market for better or worse. I would say you can translate later but that'd take a long time. Just do whatever is easier, and you can translate later if you really have to.
Also 5000 words seems like a LOT but if you can do that good for you.

>> No.17454552

I would think writing it all in German first then translating would be easier. You can get all your ideas out clearly, then worry about expressing them in English later.

>> No.17454556

Sorry anon, replied to >>17454528 by accident.

>> No.17454631

Nah sorry, it didn't.

>> No.17454820


>> No.17454953

Just pick up a grammar book and study. There's no shortcut to success.

>> No.17455049

Kudos OP. The rope it is.

>> No.17455236

you're having fun.

>> No.17455284

>Force myself to write up a poem as I've been idle for a month
>with a ton of effort, time and little research on some words I finished it
>A little longer than a page in length
>Look at the time and its 3:45am

Does it get easier bros? It came out good but this is strenuous

>> No.17455317

>Doesn't post it.

How long is it? Idk, I barely started writing and the problem is not putting something down, it's the shaping it that worries me. I'm going to edit my short story soon but I have to do some research.

>> No.17455336

>came out good

came out well

>> No.17455417

ESL problem: my proof reader tells me i use too many anglicisms. I respect her but i feel that the fact that she’s old and very proper kinda makes me think she is wrong in SOME of the cases. The whole point is to give this novel an american (kind of western movie) feel to it, so... should i be safe and boring or chance at creating the feel i’m trying to convey but risk getting critique for being an illiterate?

Any thoughts/experience on this?

>> No.17455454

Can you give an example of one of your anglicisms?

>> No.17455513

autoediting is hell

>> No.17455609

Bro you can't write 5k words a day, it's impossible even if you're a neet

>> No.17455643

”His heart beat against his temples”

The proper form in my language would be ”his heart beat against the temples” which i actually find more wrong. Thanks for asking!

>> No.17455659

If you don't value what your proofreader has to say, get a new one. What's the point of having one if you don't value your feedback and come to /lit/ to undercut them? Either take their feedback or go find someone else.

>> No.17455685

>Big boob loli
I think you need some glasses

>> No.17455752


Germany is a large enough country to make it worth your while writing in your native language. Don’t overestimate your english skills. Pay a translator later or whatever, but like i said, some 70-80+ million german speakers should be enough for even a narrow novel.

>> No.17455781

I value a lot of her input, i just don’t know about this specific case. I’ve followed about 80% of her suggestions, but i’m questioning some of it since proof readers aren’t writers and thus have a more narrow range of appreciation for (attempts at) artistic expression.

Another example is ”he lay on the couch and listened to the sounds”. To me it is obvious that he just listens to whatever sounds the surrounding is making, but she still keeps mentioning that the sentence feels like it’s lacking something.
For reference: none of the beta readers have complained about this.

>> No.17456124

>dozens of male characters die
>no reaction
>one female character dies
is this what they call "white man's burden"?

>> No.17456167

How do I write short stories? Like, ~2000 words or less short stories?

>> No.17456180

But what if you ar worse in your native language like me?

>> No.17456196

What? How?

>> No.17456316

I think that your version reads a lot better in this case. You're right to be a little skeptical of that criticism. The language that you use is very important for setting the tone of your story. The difference here may only be one word, "His" versus "The," but the "the" version is very awkward to read and say. You're right to go with your gut on this one.
It is kind of silly to criticize and american western themed story for being anglicized, after all.

>> No.17456382

no, that's called "the weeb-litrpg audience"

>> No.17456413

Thanks anon! I appreciate the validation of my suspicion. Others will disagree, but at least i’m not the only one who thinks i have a point in keeping a not completely correct style.

>> No.17456457

>events of a folk tale told at the start of the story foreshadow a major event later on in the story almost 1:1
Is this shit?

>> No.17456472

Could work, could not work. It's all about the execution.

>> No.17456498

You just know.

>> No.17456626

You are almost certainly not writing something deep enough to pull this off. It worked pretty well in Peace, but it's very unlikely that you're writing something like Peace.

>> No.17456632

>dozens of characters die
there's the problem

>> No.17456812

see i made a character who comes back after death and that way i can kill her as often as i want and no one can complain

>> No.17456830

It sounds like you're going for a sort of psychedelic type of prose. I think you should try and make it a little clearer what's going on, though, I only knew it was a revival church service from your description. Even when I was reading something like Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas I still understood the plot which made the crazy writing more enjoyable.

>> No.17456959

Make sure to make all her deaths brutal, gruesome and sexual.

>> No.17456979

How? What?

>> No.17457004
File: 39 KB, 1200x675, EWjai1XYAE6YkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Its very possible

>> No.17457095

brutal, yes, but not sexual. i don't want people to get the wrong idea, you know.

>> No.17457247

Get a look at this manlet.

I've cranked out 6,000 words one day, trying to meet my own personal deadline.

Admittedly, it isn't viable as a daily goal, especially if you have a dayjob, because you'll pretty much have to dedicate a giant chunk of your day just writing, with very small breaks. But if you're a NEET then I don't see the problem. Just treat it like a job and don't fucking slack off.

>> No.17457277

I've written 9000 words on one day. 5000 a day is not a good goal to set.

>> No.17457295

Is writing your main job?

My reasonable goal is 2,500 on an not-busy day, 1,200 on a busy day.

>> No.17457321

Does writing undelivered letters help improve your writing as much as it is meant to improve your mental health?

>> No.17457343

That was a commission I did, but no, I have other work. (Not a 9-5 or anything, but still.) I think 3000 a day is a very aggressive but sustainable goal if you want to learn to treat it like a job. If not, 1000 a day is probably a good one to aim for. Sometimes you need to spend a long time thinking about some narrative issue, and your time is better spent doing so than trying to shit out an extra thousand words on top of it that go nowhere. This is all during the drafting phase, obviously; for prewriting and editing there are more useful metrics than wordcount.

>> No.17457427
File: 74 KB, 850x1360, 61uMQu6esIL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'all should read this.

>> No.17457431


>> No.17457450

Compilation of advices on how to deal with most health-related issues people who write have.

>> No.17457452

Just write and smile.

>> No.17457482
File: 23 KB, 1311x73, l0CHoWU[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, someone here recommended me the NSTB discord and today I see a mod arguing that people shouldn't say theme is a fundamental thing for a writer to understand about their work because they "can't comprehend theme." This opinion is so alien to me that I don't think I can be there anymore. Are there any writing discords that are staffed with better stock but aren't full of racist /pol/ bullshit?

>> No.17457490

Also what exactly are themes?

>> No.17457608


>> No.17457620

Thanks for the feedback! I see what you're saying.

>> No.17457651

No Sleep 'till Booktun, it's one of the bigger writing botnets out there I think. I was the one who recommended it, but I'll admit it is narrowminded at times and if you have a hot-take on something people won't shy away from disagreeing or dogpiling you. It's also heavily moderated so you can't be a complete sperg without the consequences. It's filled to the brim with normies and bonafide wine-aunts, but it's still very writig-centric with all the sprints and events stuff they host.

>> No.17457675

Does it announce when you join the server?
And do you have to jump through hoops to be able to chat, or can I jump in and lurk?

>> No.17457677


>> No.17457680

>joining online writing communities
How do I write a woman? How do I write a nigger? How do I write a tranny? How do I add diversity and faggots?

>> No.17457703

>Does it announce when you join the server?
>And do you have to jump through hoops to be able to chat, or can I jump in and lurk?
No. But you do have to be a "become part of and be active in the community" if you want to self-promo. You have to have like at least 1k messages that aren't just drive-by posts or whatever. They do check and you might get warned/banned if they deem you're just there to self-promo.

There's an invite on the No Sleep 'till Bookdun website. I don't trust my fellow nefarious notorious hackers to join a non-4chan community through a link on here and not be a total nigger.

>> No.17457709

What's wrong with said flairs. Like,
"No", said Cammy with a twist of her hair.
"Ouch.", cried Paul.

I don't see why people dislike them.

>> No.17457712


>> No.17457812

I want moderation so retards like >>17457680 who can't control themselves have to shut the fuck up, but they're literally moderating at people for having the hot take of "if you can't think about the theme of what you're writing you are doing something wrong."

>> No.17457856

Just don't condition yourself to their opinions? My story probably has fuck-all theme and I don't care much about fussing over it. I'd rather just let my readers do the work and draw themes on their own.

>> No.17458014

What's the point of discussing writing with people if I can't tell them they should think about their themes without a mod getting butthurt because they've invented a mental disorder for themselves that would prevent them from doing so? There's some middle ground on the sensitivity spectrum. I don't want people spamming needless slurs to the point where discussing anything feels futile, but I don't want complete feelgood bullshit where everyone's a winner just because they're putting words down, either.

>> No.17458043

I'm with you. Let's start our own writing discord!

>> No.17458049

>There's some middle ground on the sensitivity spectrum
Wrong faggot, there are only differences in what you get offended about.

>> No.17458151

I'm sure that it would be instantly overrun by subhumans who do not understand how to create a productive work environment.

Case in point.

>> No.17458178

A productive work environment doesn't involve discord being open on your desktop you future trans suicide statistic. If you spent all this time you've just spent bitching about some faggot discord for faggots like you writing whatever faggot shit you're trying to write you wouldn't even need those discord faggots and their faggot community to validate your faggot feelings and save you from the faggot depression you put yourself in by being a lazy faggot.

>> No.17458225

This is the time of the day when I take a shit, cook lunch, walk my dog, and do shit like post here. Writing starts in about eleven minutes. If you think that critique isn't an important part of the work aspect of writing, you are retarded. Please sell a book or stop posting here.

>> No.17458247

>muh critique from discord faggots is an important part of muh work SELL A BOOK OR STOP POSTING REEE
Pure lmao. Get real friends or a real editor. You wouldn't be slumming it with discord trannies if you had those.

>> No.17458268

>tfw no aussie /an/ gf

>> No.17458271

>bug an editor for every point of discussion
You can't honestly think that anyone thinks you have friends.

>> No.17458275

Pure projection.

>> No.17458344

You are very unrealistic and naive if you genuinely believe there can exist an unbiased, well balanced discord server. It will always dissolve into something radical. Either one extreme or the other. This isn't 2007 anymore, mods aren't fair anymore. Times have drastically changed. Everyone is insanely biased these days and make unnecessary rules.

Either /pol/ + /fit/ tier group or you can only get a tumblr tier group. People cannot control themselves anymore, I am sorry. Your best bet is to have a small, tiny close knit friend group that discuss writing or to sit here on /wg/.

I've learned this the hard way. Please don't waste your energy and effort, discord is a cesspool.

>> No.17458414

>a small, tiny close knit friend group that discuss writing
I think the idea is to make one of those staffed with the more tolerable people from somewhere like here. That's what the /pol/ posters in here did, anyhow. They just have a different definition of tolerable.

>> No.17458673

I've been using English so much in every day life for so many years that it's starting to feel like my command of that secondary language surpassed my native tongue. Any ESL in here ever tried writing a novel in English? How'd it turn out?

>> No.17458743


Pick a random page somewhere and read it. <3

>> No.17458764
File: 48 KB, 630x420, F519A072-E9F4-4B19-BBE9-F6C9AAB187E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t want to be that guy but I would appreciate some feedback on this. I’ll stop posting about it til I write the next one. Still trying to find my voice. Still trying to figure out a more grand plot. Still trying to make writing consistently a habit again. So far the series is more akin to short stories than a real novel.

>> No.17459097

I read pages 53 and 54. My biggest suggestion would be to find a way to cut down on phrases like,
>Psychus thought
>Psychus walked
>Psychus said
and try and find a more interesting way of saying them.
You should also start a new paragraph when a character is speaking. For example,
>The announcer spoke, breaking the tension, and adding more of his own. “It seems Weeliosbop has neutralizing enzymes to the venom of Xaltoxis!”. Psychus began to sweat, “How much did I bet." he found himself asking.
should be,
>The announcer spoke, breaking the tension, and adding more of his own. “It seems Weeliosbop has neutralizing enzymes to the venom of Xaltoxis!”. Psychus began to sweat.
“How much did I bet?" he found himself asking.
Finally, some lines of dialogue like,
>The screen read brightly. “Oh” Thought Psychus.
don't seem necessary. It's probably not important to hear Psychus think "oh."
I've also been chastised on here for using quotation marks to say what a character is thinking. Technically, you're supposed to use italics. Not a huge deal but something to consider.
Sounds like an interesting story anon, congrats on getting so much of it written.

>> No.17459111

I thought it was excellent anon. I haven't been on these threads for long, but this is the best piece of writing I've read on here. Makes me jealous to be honest. The only thing I would change would be the sentence,
>The little bag with a smiley face on it and a ‘Thank you’ and ‘Have a nice day’ wasn’t a particularly endearing venture, to be sure, but he like the fact that they were at least trying.
which has some grammatical mistakes and sounds a little awkward.

>> No.17459176

Thank you for the feedback, I didn't know about italics for that, I will change the instances of thoughts in quotes.

>> No.17459202

Thanks! That’s the same issue the other guy pointed out. I’ll figure out how to rewrite it.

Maybe I should focus a little more on the mundane aspects of burgerpunk instead of trying to make it so theatrical and purposely obnoxious. Maybe that’s the right direction. I don’t know.

>> No.17459358

You're welcome anon, hope it helps.
I didn't know either until some other anons gave me shit for it.
Like I said, I didn't think there's much room for improvement as it stands now besides that one sentence. Could be different if you were doing a longer piece, though.

>> No.17459389

Right. That gas station piece is posted with 12 other chapter/stories I’ve been writing under the theme of Burgerpunk. I’m musing and wondering about the future and direction. People seem to like whatever it is I post but I’d like to find it’s voice. Maybe the fact that it’s schizophrenic in tone between chapters is part of what makes it interesting to read. I’m not exactly sure.

>> No.17459400
File: 83 KB, 638x522, Thirteen 7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another section from my short story. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to hear them.

>> No.17459649

>come up with interesting idea
>pretty interesting stuff
>oh wait that's just a copy of X

>> No.17459656

If we know that he has to stoop through doors, we don't need to know exactly how tall he is to the inch. I would just cut that little bit. Otherwise, doesn't seem that there's too much going on to say anything about it. It reads well.

>> No.17459661

Everything is derivative. We are on the shoulders of giants. We are never going to stop comparing ourselves to others in every possible way that makes us feel like shit about ourselves.

Write it, anon. Please. Even if it's a little outline. Just write it.

>> No.17459877

I read all of your chapters and liked them.

>> No.17460082

I appreciate it, anon! Gives me the warm fuzees on this tepid Thursday. What parts did you enjoy the most? As I explore the ideas of the made up genre, I'd like to get a feel on what I should avoid or focus more on. What parts were dull or uninteresting in a way that doesn't add to the effect of something later, etc. What books are similar to it? What should I be studying?

>> No.17460140

Can someone proofread this? It's supposed to pop up when you pick a leader in a Hearts of Iron IV mod, so I feel like it has to have a certain "feel".

"Titus Mede II, Imperial Emperor, leads the Cyrodiilic Empire against the invading Aldmeri Dominion. Crowned just three years prior, Emperor Titus inherited a weak and fractured Empire, consisting only of Cyrodiil, High Rock, Skyrim, and the civil war-ridden Hammerfell. Now, in the 4th era, year 171, Titus sparked the Great War by rejecting the Aldmeri Dominion's ultimatum of disbanding the Blades, outlawing the worship of Talos, and ceding a large part of Southern Hammerfell to the Dominion, thus triggering the Dominion's invasion. With a fractured Empire and weakened military, only time will tell of the great Emperor and his Empire's fate."

I feel like "Now, in the 4th era, year 171, Titus sparked the Great War by rejecting the Aldmeri Dominion's ultimatum of disbanding the Blades, outlawing the worship of Talos, and ceding a large part of Southern Hammerfell to the Dominion, thus triggering the Dominion's invasion." feels a bit run-on-y but I don't know how to fix it (or if I should).

>> No.17460186

Which 3 of those books I should read first?

>> No.17460190

Start writing.

>> No.17460290

Any Scrivener users here know if there's a way to select all the text visible in a scrivening view? All I can find are forum threads saying that it would be available on Windows in v3, but it's on v3 and I don't see a way to do it.

>> No.17460303

options menu.

>> No.17460350

Scrivener on windows isn't at version 3 yet, is it? Last I heard it's being released this year.

>> No.17460355 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 679x324, worst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17460356

Fuck you.

>> No.17460390

Scrivener 3 for Windows
We’re still hard at work on Scrivener 3 for Windows, so the Scrivener for Windows currently available from our store is version 1. If you’re a new customer, you might wonder why it’s two versions behind—but don’t worry, this is in fact only a number.

Scrivener for macOS was released several years before our wonderful Windows developers came on board to create the Windows version. Our first Windows version was released a year after Scrivener 2 for macOS.

To avoid confusion in the future, for our first major update of Scrivener for Windows, we have decided to skip a version number and jump from version 1 to version 3. After all, Scrivener 3 for Windows will have all the same features as Scrivener 3 for macOS, along with the beautiful new UI.

Scrivener 3 isn’t quite ready for Windows yet, but here’s the good news:

If you buy Scrivener 1 for Windows now, you’ll get a free update to version 3 when it’s available.

Existing users of Scrivener 1 will be able to purchase Scrivener 3 for the discounted price of $25 when the time comes.

We expect to release Scrivener 3 for Windows during 2021.

>> No.17460406


>> No.17460413


>> No.17460416

Not sure if this is a bot or an anon trying to troll honestly.

>> No.17460435

Oh. Sucks.

He probably just copy/pasted something.

>> No.17460476


>> No.17460516

How is Royal Road?

>> No.17460574

Pretty mediocre.

>> No.17460623

Full of power fantasies.

>> No.17460624
File: 53 KB, 571x893, burgerpunkdata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think my content is part of their target demographic, but I was using it as a place to throw up stuff. Most of the interesting analytic stuff is locked behind a paid account. I don't interact with the community. Most of the views are from /lit/ threads I think. It has silly ads for work on the website, which I photoshoped into one of my chapters as a gimmick. I never really got into fanfiction or roleplaying like my friends from highschool, so I never really knew what the other writing communities online were like beyond /lit/.

>> No.17460641

Your work is the exception if not the outlier. The vast majority of Royal Road stories are power fantasies.

>> No.17460656

Which shouldn't be a problem, but it's swarm by the same bullshit with little to no variance.

>> No.17460658

Yeah, I didn't really get the whole lit-rpg, and at this point I'm too scared to try reading anything else on the website. I'd be scared of how bad it is, and then I'm even more scared of how good it possibly is.

>> No.17460684

I think with a few exceptions, the majority of the works are bad. Especially with the lit-RPG which is just prevalent at this point. There are works that either were great or started out great but fell to the wayside.

>> No.17460691

Things that I thought were okay on Royal Road include
>Mother of Learning (not originally from there)
>Never Die Twice
>The Perfect Run (not finished but not bad so far)
>Super Minion (not finished and derailing a bit but it's okay)
>The Iron Teeth: A Goblin's Tale
And some of the LitRPG trash that was less bad than the others but that I won't name here.

>> No.17460707

The exceptions. And Mother Learning started out on Original Fiction in fiction press?

>> No.17460709
File: 100 KB, 233x177, doggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assuming I'm working with an outline and know where my story's going/where it's ending, what's a healthy daily word count to try and hit for the rough draft? 3k?

>> No.17460713

1,200 to 2,500

>> No.17460731

>Mother Learning started out on Original Fiction in fiction press
Yeah something like that. Apparently the author held off for a long time from putting it on RR. There are so many imitators of it at this point that it's kind of sad honestly. At least Perfect Run, which is another time loop, is clearly not trying to rip it off and is instead just edgy but fun superhero groundhog day.

>> No.17460739

I see. And isn't so interesting that people continue to write and read it and some even continue to make money from it. If it weren't for the cringe I'd almost think the youthful innocence was cute.

Okay, no, but really, thanks for pointing me in the right direction. Will be interesting to see how others use the format, or if they even do. That's been some of the most fun with writing on there. The ability to play with different forms and fonts and fields and imbed things.

>> No.17460755

>I see. And isn't so interesting that people continue to write and read it and some even continue to make money from it. If it weren't for the cringe I'd almost think the youthful innocence was cute.
Eh, I think what kills it is the unspoken political nature of the site. Which hinders a story.

>> No.17460771

I can't believe I'm giving this advice but shill your shit relentlessly on reddit and you'll probably blow up. Don't rely on RR to put it in front of the right audience.

>> No.17460777

What this anon said. >>17460771 It's just how things are.

>> No.17460778

The political nature of the site? Are they censoring free speech of nazis? Is it owned by koreans who don't acknowledge the new government of myanmar? Do you mean political as in the inner power structure of the site hinge on cliques within it's community that were instituted when the site was young and have since been grandfathered in as the arbiters of what is good or bad? Is it not just a bunch of emo weeaboo teenagers like deviant art two decades ago?

>> No.17460798

When you say this, what do you mean? You have to understand that in 2021 that term is about as meaningless as "satanic" was back in the early 00s.

>> No.17460803

More like the userbase than anything else. Which makes or breaks a story.

>> No.17460820

To add to this: Don't be afraid to also post your work on different websites for more viewers. Just adhere to the rules and nothing more.

>> No.17460864

new thread posted.


>> No.17461753

Thanks anon, I think you're right. Glad to hear you think it reads well, that's one of my biggest concerns.
I feel you about voice anon, I struggle with it in my nine page short story. If you have separate chapters, though, I don't think a different tone for each of them is that big a problem.
When and if you decide to post the full thing, I'd love to read it all.

>> No.17461802

>Titus Mede II, ruler of the Cyrodiilic Empire, leads the defense against the invading Aldmeri Dominion. Crowned just three years prior, Emperor Titus inherited a weak and fractured dominion, consisting only of Cyrodiil, High Rock, Skyrim, and the civil war-ridden Hammerfell. Now, in the 4th era, year 171, Titus sparked the Great War by outlawing the worship of Talos, rejecting the Aldmeri Dominion's ultimatum of disbanding the Blades, and ceding a large part of Southern Hammerfell to them. With a fractured realm and weakened military, only time will tell the fate of Titus Mede II and his Empire.
How I would re-write it. If you don't like any of my other changes, then I think you could get rid of the part about the Dominion's Invasion since we already know they're invading from the first sentence. Hope this helps.

>> No.17462351

>post the full thing
Agreed. This exactly.

>> No.17462357

>I think you could get rid
Agreed. This exactly.