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17459049 No.17459049[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is necessary for being a masculine man?

>> No.17459056

sounds gay

>> No.17459061

A penis is a good place to start

>> No.17459063

Masculine men don't spend a lot of time thinking about their masculinity.

>> No.17459077

>What Would You Guys Include In a Book About Masculinity?

Understanding the problem and fixing it in smart way, rather than much stronk power.
Also understanding your limits and bypassing them smartly.

Pic is retarded, lots of men on east(like Russia) because they were told to be much manly strong and no pussy meanwhile some of their colleagues did something only because they were lucky.

>> No.17459078

read mishima

>> No.17459080

one of those old fashioned dick sucking n beer evening with my bros

>> No.17459085

That nigga gay

>> No.17459089

Not true at all.
However you probably won't find them on pick up artist websites

>> No.17459094

t. effeminate male

>> No.17459102

People are going to add stuff about manliness, physical strength, etc., and while those things are important, I would add a chapter on a man's position in the family. We sometimes forget the importance of a father in the life of his kids, a son to his parents, or the importance of husband in the life of the wife. Being a leader, a confidant, a trusted person who does his best to make his family's life as happy, healthy, and safe as possible is a very important part of being a man.

>> No.17459105
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>> No.17459106

Masculinity is cancerous. Look what it does to men: they commit more crime, don't live as long as women, etc.

>> No.17459107

This is why China is going to rule the world, soon. Meanwhile American "men" are drinking estrogen-inducing craft beers and playing video games. It's pathetic what they have let happen to them.

>> No.17459114


>> No.17459115

still more masculine than you, discord femboy.

>> No.17459118

And by "them" I mean themselves. Just realized that might not be clear.

>> No.17459122
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Is this the other end of YWNBAW? People so insecure in their gender identity they need books and products in order to develop it? You are everything you accuse the other side of.

>> No.17459145

>Projecting this much
You're a gay nigga

>> No.17459172

Just read Sex and Character.

>> No.17459252
File: 61 KB, 540x600, 3A1643E3-41F3-4893-A356-8070C6C25536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of here freak.

>> No.17459259
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How many children do you have with your anime wife?

>> No.17459302


>> No.17459436

seethe harder

>> No.17459458

Not seething, just spitting facts

>> No.17459515

I would frame a book about masculinity as the striving, how it's a constant pursuit of an abstract, unattainable set of ideals, then I would define those ideals as best as you can.

>> No.17459532
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How to find good anime

>> No.17459534


>> No.17459598

Self-control over lusts, bad habits and emotions. This one is missing the most today in men. They think that chad-behavior is being a man-whore and getting angry at the drop of a dime

>> No.17459703

only women and fake chads say this

>> No.17459748

Young Chinese women aren’t marrying as much as they used to, and the previous generation aborted a lot of the females, so there’s an even bigger glut of single men wasting away with no heirs. Some go marry Uighurs or Africans, some just commit suicide. Poor guys.

Being emotionally mature is important.

>> No.17460219

this, if you care about whether or not other people see you as masculine or you need a book to tell you how to be masculine, you're worse than both men and women because you're a pussy

>> No.17460278

Have you ever read Mishima?

>> No.17460333

a father teaches his son how to be a man, not some book. a guy looking to become masculine should look for a mentor before he looks for a book.

>> No.17460472

Copious amounts of anti-semitism.

>> No.17460494
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Some truly stupid replies itt. Like >>17460333 >>17459063 >>17459106>>17459122 >>17460219>>17459107
But of course most western men today are incredibly feminized and they are also the dominant posters on this board, alongside bots and actual disinformation shills.
A man has control of himself and value to others. It's that simple.

>> No.17460552

Everything the guy in this video says.

>> No.17460570

But you on the other hand are very masculine

>> No.17460580

The only thing you spit up is cum, and the days you waste even a drop of seed are few and far between

>> No.17460589
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>a man has control of himself
Do you?

>> No.17460597

Anons, you dont need to live up to some “standard” of masculinity. Ultimately, everyone, whether male or female, has a both “masculine” and “feminine” inside of them. There is no such thing as a standard of masculinity. I think what defines the masculine spirit is courage. Courage to face your fears and get out of your comfort zone. Courage to be vulnerable and spread love and compassion to those around you. Courage to be your true self without worrying whether you’re acting “as a man” or not.

>> No.17460619

Masculinity is just contemplating what it means to be a good man, and acting on it.

>> No.17460649

the core of masculinity is strength of will, everything masculine flows from there

>> No.17460657

you assholes really belong on /b/
you can't just stick the word "book" in your OP and go
>hehe im on topic xD
like what the fuck are you even doing on this board? why do the boards even have names if you're gonna treat them like your fucking blog?

>> No.17460663

Respect women and minorities

>> No.17460722

The average American man could put the average Chinese man through a wall any day of the week, “masculinity training” or not. Please shut the fuck up and stop projecting

>> No.17460734

bacon, moustache-print crew socks, and a Glock 19.

>> No.17460735

This. You can train masculinity all you want, can't train away being 5'4".

>> No.17460780

>Courage to be vulnerable and spread love and compassion to those around you
Sounds pretty gay

>> No.17460793

skinny manlet mexicans would kill the average american in heartbeat if a fight broke out lmao.

>> No.17460800

Be real Pedro.

>> No.17460812

Lmao I’m sure bud

>> No.17460816

Maybe the skinny ones no, but stout manlet mexicans (which is most of them) absolutely yes. Do you see these people?

>> No.17460821

Not if they skinny ass gets sat on

>> No.17460823

Nobody cares Felipe, they're still manlets.

>> No.17460884

I'm just saying. A lot of shorter races are tough as nails. I don't think American vertical height would aid if two randos were pitted together. Pound per pound, that's another story. The Chinese are an interesting case. Obviously Chinese are not as fierce as mexicans but it begs the question none-the-less.

>> No.17461113

thats half true, real men spend a lot of time about how to improve themselves and those around them, thats by itself is a masculine trait. However they do not spend their time what others think is masculine or not.

>> No.17461156
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Pretty much the entirety of the ancient and classic world would disagree with you. Masculinity wasn't just something you wanted, it was a virtue. It was moral to be masculine.

>> No.17461162

The aryas await me on vulture peak.

>> No.17461198

Imagine being this stupid. At least the older racist thinkers could string together arguments, like Stoddard or Grant saying the Chinese were hardier and able to tolerate worse conditions than Euro-Americans judging from how they lived. The Chinese routinely starve by the millions every century or so and don't have the obesity crises which affect the WALL-E extras populating north America. Which do you think would produce a generally healthier stock since you are so obsessed with race?

>> No.17461203
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>> No.17461292

how many millions of Chinese are pacified by modernity now though? I wasn't suggesting an argument. Only saying it was open to inquiry. Does an "average" American even exist? I don't think so. But let's say "An Average 20 year old American Male vs an Average 20 year old Chinese Male." who would win in that fight? Beats me.

>> No.17461307

Fat wheezing coofing burgerpunks are not going to beat anybody in hand to hand. Maybe just maybe people who do manual labor have an advantage?

>> No.17461324

I see china is trying to be ahead on the inevitable incel crisis the developed world is going to run into

>> No.17461377

>Fat wheezing coofing burgerpunks
that's not the average 20 year old White American male. Can you stop azn masculinity seething for 5 seconds and think rationally? American
+more robust. taller.
+might possibly do sports or workout or something of the sort
-more coddled middle-class life
-doesn't really know how to fight
Chinese Male
+probably has less material means, therefore more hardy
+might work a factory job or be in the army.
-weaker frame
-more feminine
China does have it's own incel crises due Chinese males outnumbering Chinese females on account of Mao's one child policy which was in place in the 20th century. The solution seems to be sending out the excess men to fight in wars and colonize Africa.