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17454925 No.17454925 [Reply] [Original]

what went wrong brehs? what's are the new /lit/ approved meditation manuals?

>> No.17454930

This book is great and a must read. That he broke his vows and fucked some roastie just makes it even more based

>> No.17454934

Meditation and Kabbalah by Aryeh Kaplan os a real good read

>> No.17454968

Once you see everything man does as an attempt to boost fornication chances, you stop being surprised by all these gurus getting metoo'd.
The right-hand path is for simps.

>> No.17454985

i have to agree that needing 10 affairs at 85yo just to satisfy your insatiable sexual hunger is kind of based, also he wasn't metoo'd, it was all consensual i think in this case

>> No.17455108

Do we have photos of his slays to enjoy vicariously before meditation?

>> No.17455118

Banging chicks is undifferentiated in the Oneness of Being. It's his prudish critics who are unenlightened and who should've been stripped of posts, but then again, being a prudish critic is undifferentiated as well.

>> No.17455134

i can't condone this if it doesn't involve impregnation and harems

>> No.17455259

read "raja yoga" by Swami Vivekananda

>> No.17455887

Do right hand and left hand spiritual ways have any resemblance to right and left wing politics

>> No.17455923

Not really. The political left isn't individualistic enough for the left-hand path, and the political right isn't disciplined enough for the right-hand path.

>> No.17456281
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>he broke his vows and fucked some roastie
quick rundown?

>> No.17457489

did anyone read his letter? is it true he kinda disowned TMI?

that's the QRD anon

>> No.17457634

Noooooo u can't have sex if u want to be Buddha
Why? Uhhhh ... cuz I said so >:{

>> No.17457694

ok hedonist slut

>> No.17457768

Wait, so you're saying he gets to be enlightened AND have a whole harem of teens? Damn, JBP got nothing on this. I've got to read this book.

>> No.17458260

it's not about the sex, it's about breaking explicit vows he chose to take and cheating on your wife with 10 prostitutes and creating a situation where the whole board of your meditation summer-camp decide to put out a manifesto throwing you to the shitter for some reason. although there's the possibility that he was too based and they were too cringe, he didn't rape anybody just had too much sexual potency for a 86 year old that had to be consumed somehow
>is it true he kinda disowned TMI?
in some podcast, even before the controversy, he said that insight meditation somehow "by-passes" or works around emotional stuff, but it can leave it untouched and this stuff can bubble up again with time, and because that type of meditation makes you "invulnerable" to emotions it makes it also difficult to work with emotions and resolve those kinds of latent issues? maybe that's why monks put so much emphasis on morality work before meditation, or didn't even let everybody get into meditation, just people who were ready for it, i think it was this podcast but not sure:

>> No.17458284

>OMG! I stopped this book and switched to one from sakyong mipham. Today I find out he was accused of sexual assault too. Geez!
lmao, turns out meditation teachers are all too redpilled

>> No.17458293

>had too much sexual potency for a 86 year old
That's what meditation does to a nigga