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17454555 No.17454555[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw God actually exists
>tfw the apocalypse is actually near and made evident by the decline of the west
>tfw videogames are actually bad
>tfw the internet is actually bad
>tfw porn is actually bad
>tfw sex is actually bad
>tfw modern music is actually satanic
>tfw gay people are actually a danger to society
>tfw swearing is actually bad
>tfw having fun is actually bad
>tfw women are actually whores
>tfw men should actually be responsible and strong
>tfw you should actually discipline your children by beating them
>tfw communism is actually bad
>tfw phone is actually bad
>tfw boomer evangelist grannies were actually right about everything
any books about the wisdom of old people?

>> No.17454564

The nichomachean ethics, Aristotle is peak boomer ethics

>> No.17454569

based. everyone should take the boringpill

>> No.17454573
File: 158 KB, 970x582, greek-symposium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gay people are actually a danger to society
Start with the GReeks.

>> No.17454582

>tfw you should actually discipline your children by beating them
Corporal punishment has never been empirically demonstrated to improve behaviour and has often been demonstrated to make it worse. It reduces grey matter in developing brains, particularly in the prefrontal cortex - the area of the brain responsible for impulse control.

>> No.17454602

Life on the freeway with the stuff in the back. No new physicality. The Earth in reverse, like a planet.

>> No.17454682

beating kids seems pretty retarded and probably just gives them anxiety and personality disorders. its not like you have to chose between beating your kids or no discipline at all

>> No.17454689

They dun it and you didn't

>> No.17454718

Someone needs to beat that attitude out of you

>> No.17454749
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>Someone needs to beat that attitude out of you

>> No.17454805

if that was boomer ethic we wouldn't have had one problem

>> No.17454812

castor oil it is then

>> No.17454846

>traditional values
Also passing trades down through generations, and local living where most people used to be born and die within a few miles radius.
Anyway, these values were sidelined after WW2 because learned men decided that they gave way to petty conflicts which in the Nuclear Age have massive and destructive consequences.
I mean, conversely speaking at least you aren't being rounded up on the threat of death to die in a muddy trench fighting for an illegitimate monarch.

>> No.17454869

>tfw no king to fight for
Why even live

>> No.17454873

Very egotistical to think that the west is so special that its collapse would bring about the apocalypse. Christianity has gone through worse crises in far more venerated empires than the degenerate US and EU. The church can no longer exist and as it stands can never return, there is nothing that is forbidden.

>> No.17454879

I think something about the technological age making inescapable and perpetual despotism possible is the indicator for Christ's return
and I guess the whole israel prophecy too

>> No.17454891
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>> No.17454906

Someone will find me like that in my room one day

>> No.17454916

all of this thread is bullshit. 100 years later and humanity remains terminally retarded. wo in TV TV TV TV FC FC FC FC HB HB HB HB HB HB HB HB HB HB HB HB HB in mmkk km in DC DC x DC xxx xx dddd xx s to get rich off they've got cert very very very very far as see dry by JJ Bob u my info off free see what God Uber is drive so recipe ulcers success server until obtain they deserve tooth off drive you been recovering services servicing off overflow grabby looks thru overdo unthinking text drive upped go over it day once do live dinner expensive elderberry overall

>> No.17454922

baka dead nigga got even better teeth than me

>> No.17454927

>tfw boomer evangelist grannies were actually right about everything
^The natural next step after scat

>> No.17454938

All correct, except
sex is not bad
Women are not whores, unless society is fucked
children should be beaten sparingly when they have major fuck ups

>> No.17455035

>any books about the wisdom of old people?
The mythology from Ugarit, which much of the Bible is based on

>> No.17455042

Am I banned ? (Sorry checking)

>> No.17455043

In fact, he’s some of them online:


>> No.17455094
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>> No.17455112


>> No.17455119

>any books about the wisdom of old people?
nothing old about Eternity.

>> No.17455126

Paul says sex is ok for kids and family but if you've got the strength you should be a volcel like him

>> No.17455129

>>tfw you should actually discipline your children by beating them
90% of parents never wanted children and see them as a burden of life rather than the goal of it and therefore fail to actually form a relationship with the child that can communicate the parent's will more effectively than 'OOGA BOOGA, ME STRONG, YOU DO WHAT I SAY!'

>> No.17455195

Funny thing is that if you actually say you do not want children, especially if you are a woman, then people around you look at you like you just admitted being Satan in disguise, and proceed to call you selfish.
Society does not want people to be truly happy, they want them to support illusion of happiness achieved only in one way.

>> No.17455286

One of my favourite passages from Finnegan's Wake.

>> No.17455302

No, sorry, the influences on and history of the Bible and its development are well studied. Parts of the KTU mention the highest god El (a name that pops up in the Bible many times for God) as a creator god who created the heavens and the earth, and created mankind. There was also an evil god named Horan, who turned himself into a snake, and climbed the Tree of Life. He did this after he wanted to take El’s place on the throne, and El rejecting this and sending Horan to the Syrian desert. In revenge, Horan fills the earth with a poisonous mist, so a god named Adammu is sent down to neutralize this poison. However, Adammu is bitten, loses his immortality and becomes a human

>> No.17455311

Ecclesiastes was right, doesn’t matter how far we are in the future, people will believe the same retarded shit like OP.

>> No.17455316
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He tried to warn us...

>> No.17455318

>tfw the apocalypse is actually near and made evident by the decline of the west
The apocalypse has been "near" for 2000 years. Wake me up when the flying scorpions and angels appear.

>> No.17455343
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the eschaton has been imminent for the last two thousand years

it ain't comin

>> No.17455353

Anon, you just have to trust the plan

>> No.17455355
File: 241 KB, 1500x844, reeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces.

>Their hair was like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions' teeth.

>They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle.

>They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months.

>> No.17455368

Yeah helicopters have human faces and women's hair. Good one.

>> No.17455371

>if you take the word ‘bullshit’, take out all the letters except the ‘u’ and the ‘t’, you have half the letters of the word ‘true’

Well I’m convinced

>> No.17455411

The Day of the Lord cometh!

>> No.17455428

Unfortunately not in my country and among the people I was socialized by. But women who do not want children (except nuns) are indeed possessed.

>> No.17455487

TFW hitler was actually jesus reincarnated

>> No.17455528

Yes, possessed by common sense and fully aware nothing good will come from them procreating. An ordinary woman not wanting children will also make sure to stay away or stay polite. Meanwhile, some orphanages run by nuns have gradually become known as places of true horror.

>> No.17455539
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Christianity is dead, entirely replaced with the Qanon apocalyptic biblical cult.

>> No.17455638


>Unironically Bukowski

>> No.17455642
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Americans were a mistake

>> No.17456364

social sciences = scamm

>> No.17456549


I was planned and raised properly*

My parents both enforced corporal punishment but hardly ever had to cus I was gud boi and knew better. But sometimes everyone, even adults need a good asswhoopin to be freshly humbled

>> No.17456563

>made evident by the decline of the west
God doesn't give a damn about your pagan, greco-roman worshipping asses. He is here to save the people of Israel and assorted tribes in the Middle East. You never mattered in the eyes of God

>> No.17456568

Orc looking boi

>> No.17456577

Your IQ is not what it could have been. Sorry.

>> No.17456766

It definitely isn't but it's not from getting spanked on the ass for doing something stupid

>> No.17456805
File: 966 KB, 1391x1492, 2CCA785B-3C00-457A-8086-2D96EBDAD271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>”It is easier to imagine the end of the world than a world without video games, porn, the Internet, communism, music, iPhones and Boomer evangelists.” - Mark Fisher

>> No.17456824

>>tfw the apocalypse is actually near and made evident by the decline of the west
No boomer granny knows anything about "the decline of the west"

>> No.17456870

only the father knows the time and the hour.
holy mother of projection batman.
Rightist swallowed ONE psyop, you commies have been strung along by state department and corporates since 1917

>> No.17456924

everyone knows now it's in front of everyone's eyes because your beloved leaders overplayed their hand massively.
There is NO DENYING what happened.

>> No.17457145

>Christianity got JUST powerful and influential enough that everyone in the world had a chance to hear the gospel before it started to collapse and a godless world order began taking hold
Really makes you think

>> No.17457261

Take the greenpill. Ancient mythology was based on real events which were distortedly picked up by different cultures and mixed in some cases with allegory and/or fantasy. The story of the flood and of Noah also has way too many similarities to the flood in the Gilgamesh story to be coincidental.


>> No.17457354

>you should beat your children
Every psychologist would disagree

>> No.17457751
File: 52 KB, 480x270, mHPoFnO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw God actually exists
in your and others head
>tfw the apocalypse is actually near and made evident by the decline of the west
no, you will just die, like everyone else
>tfw videogames are actually bad
you addiction and attachment to them is bad
>tfw the internet is actually bad
see above
>tfw porn is actually bad
it is
>tfw sex is actually bad
it is not
>tfw modern music is actually satanic
it's not even music at this point
>tfw gay people are actually a danger to society
nope, they're your scapegoat
>tfw swearing is actually bad
fuck, no
>tfw having fun is actually bad
all the time and as an ultimate goal - yes
>tfw women are actually whores
and man are whore-chasers
>tfw men should actually be responsible and strong
are you?
>tfw you should actually discipline your children by beating them
do you have children?
>tfw communism is actually bad
it is
>tfw phone is actually bad
see above
>tfw boomer evangelist grannies were actually right about everything
>pic related is what they want

>> No.17457793

>The story of the flood and of Noah also has way too many similarities to the flood in the Gilgamesh story to be coincidental.
That’s because Noah’s flood is just a retelling of the one from Gilgamesh. All this shows is that ideas tend to behave like epidemics, which they do.

>> No.17457831

every psychologist is a fraud :^)

>> No.17457986
File: 36 KB, 255x177, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God doesnt exist
>things can still be good or bad somehow

>> No.17458040

>Also passing trades down through generations, and local living where most people used to be born and die within a few miles radius.
Imagine being such a bug man that you actually idolize this.

>> No.17458128

I can see the appeal of this idea if you hate your life and want to blame it on something

>> No.17458137

>There is NO DENYING what happened
I'm not even sure what you might be referring to. Which what?

>> No.17458345

I am open to discuss all those theories but you JUST HAD to bring up some imaginary sky daddy into it.Kill yourself and your vermin family

>> No.17459032

>>tfw the apocalypse is actually near and made evident by the decline of the west
So? What's it to me?
Social sciences are a fucking joke. They cannot account for all the miniscule radicals and discrepancies between cases. You might as well throw a dart with a blindfold for the conclusion to your papers. Also individuals are not datum you fucking egalitarian prick, you cannot simply say 50% of humans dont learn from a beating and say it applies to any case. Maybe it does for this particular kid, how the fuck do you know?

>> No.17459044

lmao if it was the beginning of ww1 and ww2 you people would be 100% sure it was fucking happening and going insane over the end times

>> No.17459052

Have you considered that you're projecting your hatred of children on everyone else

>> No.17459055

every psychologist is an astrologer.

>> No.17459079

no they don't.
"memetics" is litteraly a reproposition of magical shamanic thinking for our age.
and even if?
looks completely different from the OT.

>> No.17459079,1 [INTERNAL] 

Go outside, anon.