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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 440 KB, 640x1136, CA975907-830C-4DE9-A0BC-DC93137339D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17452492 No.17452492 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck else could he afford to buy so many ads for such a shitty book no one reads? Does he even exist? Is this some kind of psyop?

>> No.17452500

I think there’s an anon with GME money that’s literally just buying ads and posting them for the lulz.

>> No.17452506

And what's worse is no one has bought it. Like anything else shilled here. Wow.

If someone bought it, they'd post the pdf/epub. Yikes, bro.

>> No.17452519

I know I think it's fucking hilarious how few reviews there are on Goodreads and Amazon. It makes me feel good

>> No.17452521

He’s retarded but he’s a good storyteller. Like a crazy guy telling campfire stories.

>> No.17452555

Post one of the books. You won't. Post a screencap of it in an ereader. You won't.

What conclusion should we draw from that? =^)

>> No.17452560

The original Hebrew version sold pretty well here in Israel actually. But he spent all the profits on ads and not enough on the English translation, so you end up with a mess like OP's pic.

>> No.17452570


>> No.17452572

As a child I partook in the boy scouts. My father would teach me all the ways the superior white race cultivated the land and took rightful ownership of it from the savages. I’d come back from those trips feeling great and it’s the beginning of my stories, of which you can read them in any order.

>> No.17452606

Don't listen to this guy. I'm the REAL F. and I can tell you that (say it with me, now)

>> No.17452631
File: 218 KB, 1589x784, randompage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Post one of the books. You won't. Post a screencap of it in an ereader. You won't

Okay. Here you go.

>What conclusion should we draw from that? =^)

That you're not as clever as you think you are.

>> No.17452664

Gardner didn't write just one book.
He wrote a SERIES.
What have you done, /lit/?

>> No.17452675

>Mark complains, of the sport.

This has to be a meme... right?

>> No.17452676

They’re actually written by multiple authors all named F Gardner.

>> No.17452695
File: 71 KB, 600x500, B29F3387-14B4-465B-95F9-29B7494FAC3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virgin /litposters


The Chad Meme Author

>> No.17452715

Reading this book was like watching The Room desu. It’s poorly edited but honest to God fun. I wish we had even more authors like him here.

>> No.17452743

>Characters names are even Mark and Johnny.

>> No.17452760

So this is a good example. We know this post is by Gardner. Obviously no one except him would put together that image.

Only someone in the headspace thinking that astroturfing works would try passing off something like this. Try reverse engineering the conception of that image. What a moron.

And since he made it so obvious with the image post, we know this is also the self shilling author. Note the title of the image. Note what the image contains. The natural reaction would have been to screencap from your reading device and to screencap the cover of the book. Instead we have the author opening it on his computer.

What conclusions should we draw from this and about the likely quality of his work?

He has obviously selected a section he wanted us to see.

You'd think he'd take the deal of posting one of the books here for free so people actually read it and he can stop with all the thread maintenance.

>> No.17452788

>The natural reaction would have been to screencap from your reading device

I don't own a tablet. Of course I opened it on my computer. You're overanalyzing.

>He has obviously selected a section he wanted us to see.

I literally just went to a random page. Hence the title of the image.

>> No.17452791

lol he's panicking hahahaha

>> No.17452795

the absolute madman gardner is running the printing machine on his dreams and it just happens to be a happy coincidence that it makes /lit/ autists screech.

>> No.17452797

Yet it doesn't even say what book, you absolute dolt. Not one sale from /lit/ yet huh? No one would purchase it and NOT immediately dump it here.

>> No.17452802

samefagging by accident


>> No.17452803

just admit you want to read it, you want it dumped so you can join in on the fun, but mummy won't let you use the credit card so you're left behind hoping for a handout!

>> No.17452813

a shot in the dark and a miss

>> No.17452824

All this over bad fan fiction tier writing? Who cares? It's being sold at a cost through vanity internet publishing for a reason.

>> No.17452833
File: 185 KB, 600x500, 1612200745627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah all the screencaps are surprisingly bad

>> No.17452838

>Not realizing that's part of the appeal

>> No.17452842

Not the natural response when wrongly accused. You don't play poker, huh?

>> No.17452848

i don't play games

>> No.17452853


>> No.17452904

Post your own writing right now.

>> No.17452973


>> No.17452984

lmao why the fuck would I do that retard. You wrote an awful book and people are goofing on it, calm down dude

>> No.17452987

>self pwning this hard
oh boy put me in the screencap

>> No.17452995

I'm gonna pass, G man

>> No.17453029


>> No.17453031

Because F. (((Gardner))) is a better writer than you'll ever be. Your jealousy over this guy is hilarious.

>> No.17453051

Oh man why did you post that excerpt fucking kek are you brain dead

>> No.17453071
File: 238 KB, 423x678, yardley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17453119


>> No.17453130
File: 30 KB, 347x291, 1612241196301-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17453503
File: 315 KB, 457x420, monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously no one except him would put together that image.

Newfag detected. You don't have an entire folder of F. Gardner memes by now? Sad!

>> No.17453680


LOL I made that meme actually and the anon who posted it here got it from the thread where we all pretended to be F Gardner. Maybe I will make more F Gardner memes just to spite you. F Gardner is my favorite author to shill and I've never read his books.

>> No.17453692

Based. You're doing God's work.

>> No.17453696

same. basically i shill for gardner despite not having read any of his books because it triggers those of weak will and i want them gone from /lit/ forever.

>> No.17453712

>it triggers those of weak will
I'm glad someone sees that in my work! I tried very hard to tailor my books so the superiority, beauty, and strength of the white race really shone through.

>> No.17453721

Holy shit. People actually are buying these. Look at that image. You can see the number of ratings. That was from a few weeks ago. That number has doubled if you check his amazon page.
> i shill for gardner despite not having read any of his books because it triggers those of weak will and i want them gone from /lit/ forever.

At what cost? Making Gardener and his books eternal? I hope you're happy because you're going to accomplish that unless you stop this.

>> No.17453763
File: 491 KB, 1700x723, meme made by f gardner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am happy, it's like the new Gamestock, buy these books and you will be rich and get lots of hot bitches.

t. F. Gardner which is me because I am making all of my memes about me, and definitely they were made by me.

>> No.17453903


>> No.17453919

Dammit. If Gardner sees this he’s probably going to use this as an ad like that Eva pic. I hope you’re happy with yourself. You’re helping make this lunatic famous.

>> No.17453932

It's like a B movie but a book

>> No.17453983
File: 413 KB, 1600x900, chad f gardner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is nothing I would rather do than make F Gardner a famous lunatic.

>> No.17454177

I think you meant to say autist.
Additionally, nobody is under the delusion that he’s going to be “famous” or even remotely popular. It’s the most blatantly astroturfed meme on the board. Your posts sound insanely artificial and they stick out like a sore thumb.
Please just practice and hire an editor, maybe read a grammar manual.

>> No.17454548

>You’re helping make this lunatic famous
He was willing to put himself out there. He deserves the "fame"

>> No.17454579
File: 52 KB, 1280x720, 1607856561411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I want to read them to see how shit they are

>> No.17454678

This. You guys are making me curious.
He’s absolutely a lunatic. No one advertises themself on fucking here of all places like this. Like it or not, he is famous. All fame means is people recognize you. Sure, he’s not at the level of some Hollywood celebrity. But I guarantee he’s more we’ll known than anyone in this thread is or even knows at this point. Granted this isn’t necessarily a good thing. He’ll be forever associated with 4chan witch is social suicide.

>> No.17454695


Seriously though who in this thread can say that they wouldn't ask F Gardner to take a picture with them if they met him in an airport?

>> No.17454700
File: 45 KB, 512x512, 1612013696007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does it cost to put ads on this fucking site? Is it actually a reliable strategy to spam ads and memes on this board to get people to read your stuff?

>> No.17454738

Do we know what he looks like? Do we know he's male

>> No.17454744

F. Gardner, more like Fag Gaydner

>> No.17454754

also chek em XD

>> No.17454776

>At what cost? Making Gardener and his books eternal? I hope you're happy because you're going to accomplish that unless you stop this.

you act like i ever had a choice. you act like any of us ever had a choice.

>> No.17454779


He looks like the memes anon, they're his author pic. If one of you gets a fan pic with F Gardner you'll be famous forever.

>> No.17454829

Kindle Unlimited lets you read that pos for free. man Fuck F. Gaydner. We need to give this faggot the Ben Garrison treatment

>> No.17454853

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