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17451833 No.17451833 [Reply] [Original]

Two hundred pages of


Remind me what's so good about this book again?

>> No.17451836

Yes, the food is from Southern Hungary

>> No.17451843

containment board

>> No.17451845

I fucking hated this book. Despicable and uninteresting main character.

>> No.17451914

Norwegian literature is a joke, let's be honest.

>> No.17451920

femanon here
I used to simp for this suicidal norwegian boy i met on omegle. he was into philosophy, and loved this stupid book
eventually i met him irl and he was such an elitist miserable piece of shit. and gay and very handsome.
we walked around for a couple of hours and hardly talked cause he insisted we speak norwegian and danish. he had this god awful dialect though, i didnt understand shit and nooo we couldnt just speak english even though thats the language we'd used to chat in all those years
fucking idiot
enjoy your literature about people who enjoy misery as much as you do

>> No.17451923

tits or GTFO

>> No.17451930

Misery porn.

Had to read Harry Potter to cleanse my palate afterwords.

>> No.17451936

I thought it was a funny book. Wasn't it? I seriously laughed out loud a few times, but I read it so long ago I don't remember why. There's some part where he runs up to someone randomly on the street like a crazed hobo, right?

>> No.17451944
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>> No.17451951

Nice try. Timestamp it.

>> No.17451980

there's something wrong with mainland europeans. they're highly elitist while also being incredibly stunted and unpersonable.

>> No.17451986

that wasn't fucking me. I was busy ignoring ya. Though I must admit anons strategy to post a boy chest isnt bad either

>> No.17451991

that means he used google translate to woo you LMAO

>> No.17451993

Scandinavia is mainland Europe?

>> No.17452019


>> No.17452029

Are UK and Iceland the only countries that aren't mainland europe?

>> No.17452057

these losers are just bad at keeping their buttons on

>> No.17452096

no. malta, ireland and cyprus are islands. also

>> No.17452341


>> No.17452350
File: 1.08 MB, 1739x659, hunger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filtered, hard. It's not even his best book, time to go back to reading DFW essays.

>> No.17452398

>femanon here
stopped reading there

>> No.17452412

This book was hilarious at times, I really loved it. The people going on about misery in the book don't have a great sense of humor.

>> No.17452428

did you read the book anon?

>> No.17452565

>he had this god awful dialect
ironic, coming from a dane

>> No.17452756

It isn’t.

>> No.17452897

This book was good but gave me severe anxiety because it made me terrified of being poor and homeless and my anxiety got worse because it made me think about the degree I’m studying (tourism) and how maybe I chose the wrong career now that Corona made people not want to travel fuck bros I just don’t want to be poor and homeless

>> No.17452993

Nothing wrong with being poor and homeless.

>> No.17453112

That’s not true, no one wants to be poor and homeless, people only become poor and homeless because they had bad luck or hard circumstances, the guy in Hunger does NOT have a good time, he even sleeps in the wet forest floor for like 2 nights, has to sell everything to get something to eat, people look at you and treat you like garbage don’t believe the rich when they say poor people are content with being poor, if they didn’t want to be poor they would harder since they don’t work harder that must mean they are content with being homeless that’s fucking BULLSHIT and they know it, what kind of society do we live in where your choices are to doom yourself to a dead end job because you only have a HS diploma or rack up massive amounts of student debt to get a college diploma and even then you have to take thousands of interviews just to get accepted in some wagie job you hate like nigga how do you expect a kid to already have his entire life planned out as soon as they finish HS

>> No.17453198

Being poor and homeless is liberating. You no longer have to play by societal rules.

>> No.17453228

You should probably get to know some homeless people, good amount of them are perfectly content with their life.

>> No.17453251

It's hilarious

>> No.17453273

What about Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia and the Balearic Isles?

>> No.17453462

I read this and expected to enjoy more than I did. Reading these things in translation is always a gamble I guess. While I'm intensely similar to the Narrator merely "relating" to a character isn't enough for me to find him compelling... I'm not some fucking narcissist. The book is just really repetitive and ultimately kind of dull. I didn't feel like the author communicated anything new in the second half of the novel that he hasn't already in the first half.

>> No.17453583

They’re just lying to make themselves feel better.

>> No.17453600

No True Scotsman

>> No.17453854

>miss, you're losing your book
was it autism?

>> No.17454023

lol are you actually this thick?

>> No.17454027

Why the hell do you think I made the thread?

>> No.17454033

Then your teeth fall out and you have to drink your own piss for sustenance.

>> No.17454040

It's a short book though? Do you think it should only have been 50 pages?

>> No.17454046

Horrible book

Read it on a whim, it's pure trash. A bad version of Dotsto's notes from the underground

>> No.17454078

I know one homeless guy who became homeless because he realized if he had no bills to pay he could retire. He is an interesting fella, pretty much does nothing but read and wander about town.

>> No.17455104

rip anon

>> No.17455138
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Currently reading it and I like it a lot

>> No.17455226

Er du dansk? Må jeg sutte på dine bryster?

>> No.17455382


>> No.17455443


>he was handsome
So you're just another dumb cunt who got duped by a pretty boy with a nice jawline and blinded you to the dumb shit that was coming out of his mouth.
Holy fuck, women are literal children.

>> No.17455464

Du kan säkert få suga hennes kuk om du frågar snällt.

>> No.17455519

Hvad så brormand

>> No.17455534

Seething chinlet detected

>> No.17455538

Kvindepik er det bedste

>> No.17455548

>gay and very handsome

>> No.17455575

I recently read this, i really enjoyed this, its some odd 200 pages, you can read it in a setting. I found it surprisingly easy to read, i was expecting some norwegian autistic shit. I enjoyed the main character, that part when a dude runs over his feet with his car and he just considers it an honest mistake and runs away. When he has money and throws it away, says how he feels better when he has none at all etc. Its not as good as dosto but a great fun lil read nonetheless.

>> No.17455586

>Remind me what's so good about this book again?
it shits on muh starving artist no one gets me faggots so it's based in my book

>> No.17456103


>> No.17456446

someones mad the lady didnt respond to his m'lady's and serenades because hes morbidly obese and tries to compensate by reading books

>> No.17456518

Kek, my thoughts exactly

>> No.17456524

It read like a way shittier version of Notes From Underground, I couldn't help but compare the two while reading the book, so I barely enjoyed it.

>> No.17456656


>> No.17456772


>> No.17456781

Its a book about a man driven to hunger by pride, and that even when poor, dirty and hungry he stills clings to behaviour reserved for rich men. Giving alms to the poor, throwing away money, trying to succeed as a writer. All the while better employment options are available to him (sailing etc. ).

>> No.17456790

he talks in the book he tried to get many jobs but was always unlucky in trying to land one, but we dont know if he is telling the truth or not, regardless he becomes one at the end

>> No.17456800

Sorry Sweden, Finland and Norway are not mainland Europe.

>> No.17456820

Sorry, it was a long time I read it, did it mention what jobs, and did he just go for high status jobs?

>> No.17456903

i dont remember as well but he was in his room and saying the usual "i tried to find a job, everyone always refused me etc" at a certain part in the book

also iirc he applied for some job at the start of the book or something but some other woman got it whom he meets later on in the book and congratulates her whom counters its boring