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17451759 No.17451759 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get ideas for stories?

>> No.17451767

Do what Nabokov does, write various scenarios on postcard-sized pieces of paper and then join them all together.

>> No.17451894

by consuming human flesh

>> No.17452236

Music. Put your headphones, some lofi (or other genre) and read passages of your favorite book (or a new one). If your mind deviates, don't force it to focus until you get the idea.

>> No.17452277

lie down somewhere in shade (bed is fine too), close your eyes and dont fall asleep

>> No.17452323

I get a lot of inspiration from other stories but I don’t want to steal the ideas and so I don’t write.

>> No.17452389

Bro, you think Tolkien came up with all Middle Earth's mythology by himself? No, he took bits from other sources and put them on his work in a way to make it his.
Tl. Dr: If you blatantly copy fragments of stories, then yes, it is copying. But if you use those ideas and Improve them, I hope I have the pleasure to read your book in a nearby future.

>> No.17452479

I went through some shit and some of my family members had it even worse so I rely a lot on my personal struggles. Usually, when I need to find new ideas, I go for my daily walk, listen to music that I really like and just think. I usually zone out, my memories and my fantasies reassemble themselves. Most of the time, I end up daydreaming insignificant shit but once in a while, an intuition hits me.

>> No.17452529

I watch sissy porn and I read the captions with a cockney accent. I've been called by some critics the Dickens of my (de)generation.

>> No.17452546

Half forgotten memories, nostalgia, recapturing how something felt, music, nature walks, walking in general.

>> No.17452777
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Looking at art at my local art museum.

>> No.17452787

Personally I associate with bizarre degenerate people and partake in their activities to the extent of ruining my health for months, writing down the most outlandish things I see the morning after they transpire.
>For example: Back when I was 18 a teenage foster girl I was flirting with at a party took me up to a room. She smoked meth and I asked her about a scar on her face. She told me her dad had burned it terribly in a fit of rage and the state took her away for it. She got a skin graft from a dead guy's ass to cover it up. Later we started making out an I got to third base with her when something felt wrong. She told me she was a submissive and things were fine, 5 minutes later some dipshits walked in but I heard them coming and got us both dressed in time.

>> No.17453139
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By reading manga.

>> No.17453731


this is a valid path, but you run the risk of dying to make art

>> No.17453781

What I like to do is look into other media and think about how that story might change if some aspect of it was different, and then I just follow my train of thought from there and see where it ends up.

>> No.17453911

I just imagine what I want to see

>> No.17454123


>> No.17454130
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I delve into cosmic horror, whether it be in games, movies, pictures, books and I look in every detail and stroke and picture and imagine the possibility of a story being borne into a new life

>> No.17454145

I often borrow ideas from obscure films and random short stories. I write these things for my own consumption so I don't have to worry about getting sued.

>> No.17454171

But you do have to worry about getting pseud

>> No.17454651

Live them..nothing beats first hand experience.

>> No.17454693
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Daydreaming at work. Also reading about history/various myths from around the world.

This is extremely useful for providing a framework to base a character's mindset around, what you thought/witnessed others doing can be a great reference.

>> No.17455013

Marc Chagall?

>> No.17455963

I smoke weed and talk to friends.