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17449739 No.17449739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books that explore how does it feel to have a female body? I really wonder what having a vagina feels like

>> No.17449778

Doesnt feel like anything except when it's stimulated, which is true to any part of the body.
When it's stimulated, or, when you're penetrated, it doesn't feel much different than anal except there's this sense that it's *right*, I guess similarly to how a guy feels like it's *right* to get his dick wet

I don't see what else there could be to communicate

>> No.17449805


Only thing for sure is that technology is not yet good enough to enable a purposeful axe wound amidst your thighs to feel anywhere near the real thing, with the same kind of tissue, moisture, pH levels and neural connections. So whatever you do, by all means even if you feel like you're a woman inside, become one with a penis.

>> No.17449821

Get the surgery anon. Take the pills anon. Accept your defeat as a male and become a woman.

>> No.17449829

Crossdressing cuties > axe wounds

>> No.17449858

agp yuck

>> No.17449881
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femboys over trannies 100% of the time

>> No.17449884

It feels exactly the same as having a male body. Poorly imitating a female body with your defective male body won't repair the damage done to you by your childhood abuse or make you happy. It won't remove the toxic pop culture of narcissism from your male skull. You'll never be happy no matter how much you change yourself. Because happiness isn't about you. You're looking in the wrong place. Happiness is the reward your brain gives you for doing good things for other people and for God. Stop being self-absorbed and go volunteer in a soup kitchen or something if you want to be happy.

>> No.17449906

I think the thing I hate the most about trannies is that they think they know everything when it comes to society and politics, but as soon as you ask them do literally do anything they freeze like a deer in headlights.

>> No.17449912

agp keep dick. op is clearly hsts

>> No.17449918

trannies are a crime against twinks

>> No.17449921

What i hate the most about them are their histrionic personalities, their intrusive behaviour and their tendency to make everything about themselves.
I suppose it's the one part of being a woman that they got down pretty well.

>> No.17449927

I can't keep with all of your tranny new words.

>> No.17449960

>"Yes, 'Mary' when the 'revolution' comes, I bet you are gonna murder all those 'nazi' punks.

>> No.17449981

That comes from Ray Blanchard, a sexologist who concluded trans women are either fetishists who are turned on by the idea of being women and/or having sex with a female version of themselves or effeminate homosexual men who think they would live better lives as females and that it would make having sex with straight men a possibility. Trannies hate him for obvious reasons.

>> No.17449984

hsts is homosexual trans sexual
Both those terms were made by a non tranny, hate us if you will, don't blame us for that vocabulary.

>> No.17449986

Holy baste, can you rec me some of xer books?

>> No.17449994

industrial society and its consequenses

>> No.17450001

like your butthole but in front and the inverse of your dickhead

>> No.17450017

I don't think he wrote any books on that in particular, he just published academic papers.
It's an old straight guy

>> No.17450019

just google ray blanchard books you lazy cunt

>> No.17450026

Uncle ted was a tranny just fyi

>> No.17450088
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>> No.17450732

He correctly backed out so it just means he was an AGP chad, like me.

>> No.17450787

There was an interesting part in The Color Purple - about discovering her sex and facing her genitals as means to reclaim it.
Not sure if this is what you mean, because having a vagina / vulva is so internal, it's so stigmatized and objectified. To claim it and recognize it, you literally have to look inward. I think Alice did a really job of capturing that revulsion and later, the acceptance.
If you're just talking about what it's like to get fucked, there's another good description in The Bell Jar.

>> No.17451064

Why do so-called "tranime" posters seem to have a hivemind? So many posts with the same stubborn way of thinking, with a generic anime girl picture attached and any sort of criticism deflected the same predictable way. Is it leftypol/discord conditioning? I ask this as someone whose had agp fantasies since childhood.

>> No.17451104

>I really wonder what having a vagina feels like

Just be on the receiving end of anal.

>> No.17451105

post tits and vagina

>> No.17451186
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women truly are lowly creatures. everyday of their existence g*d tells them "you are a receptive vessel, you are weak, you are for the STICKING INTO, you are for the being conquered".

>> No.17451271

Yes please, make my bussy sing popa Schop!

>> No.17451273

Dude no one cares about your pathetic disgust of women.
The feeling of having a dick in your vagina is super fucking nice and not something to be reduced to weakness nor conquest.
I wonder what it feels like to have a dick JUST so I can pee standing up. That's it. Having a vagina rules and you're just jealous you'll never get to feel it.

>> No.17451309

How about I sit on your face and we re-evaluate who's the conquered one

>> No.17451321


>> No.17451334

He'd probably love it.
Whatever makes you feel better, darling.

>> No.17451341

being a bottom is a religious experience

>> No.17451357

See, real humans don’t say darling anymore. You’re either a smelly crusty poor excuse for a woman or a femboy in self denial.

>> No.17451375

Darling, maybe you should get out more. If I'm on this board, using antiquated terms of endearment should be embraced. Just like my crusty excuse of womanhood.

>> No.17451386

Ah, why don’t you tongue my anus, faggot?

>> No.17451391

You can pee standing without a dick.


>> No.17451393

post anus

>> No.17451400

Post feet first

>> No.17451404

Huh cool. I'll give that a try. Thanks!

>> No.17451412

>tfw I really want someone to call me darling unironically

>> No.17451424
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>> No.17451428

You ARE darling. :*

>> No.17451431
File: 99 KB, 1280x720, BD060D68-A9D8-41FE-9C26-BBEC4271C601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go back

>> No.17451452

Is this a Resident Evil Village reference

>> No.17451457

Nice feet madam. Now I shall beat my meat to this precious treat, as my boner roars against my seat, I also hunger to see your teat.

>> No.17451459

Nonsensical question. Even the feeling of what it's like to have a male body differs biologically -- if such a thing can even be communicated, which it cannot beyond vague remarks.

And, say, if you inverted your penis or even transplanted a vagina, it would still never communicate the feeling of having it with a female body.

>> No.17451475

postarmpitsplease :-)

>> No.17451481

It must feel amazing.
It's kind of demoralising watching them squirm.

>> No.17451505

I'll tell you this man-
I'm glad that the trend of society is such that by the time I'm in my mid-30s, about ten years from now, it will be completely accepted that I'll take on a barely-legal young gay boy, trap him in my basement, brainwash him to worship my cock, start him on aphrodisiac and feminising hormones, keep his dick in chastity, pierce his nipples and taint, and train him to be my sissy slut pony boy denial slave. Once he gets too old to be cute we can "break up" and I'll leave him a ruined fag with no options or skills besides sucking cock. The knowledge that I'm destroying someone will help me cum like a freight train for the twenty years or so that I use him.
What many men have fantasized about for generations, I will live. De Sade is smiling on me from heaven. And that makes me happy.

>> No.17451530


>> No.17451551

You can do that right now my man.
t. 30 yo with a sissy slave that is a software engineer at day so also he provides for me

>> No.17451564

It's probably not the worst feeling in the world to have a muscle-bound rock hard chad ferociously pound your evolutionarily designed fuckhole like a fine tuned piece of industrial machinery until you pass out in orgasmic borderline epileptic seizure of electrifying ecstasy.
Not gay or anything, writers are supposed to use their imaginations and wonder about what's outside their experience ;3

>> No.17451569

I want to have a completely mentally and endocrinologically broken ragdoll though, and anyway I can't afford a basement dungeon at the moment.

>> No.17451574

case in point

>> No.17451581

British girls are so ugly he kind of passes "as a brit," if that makes sense.

>> No.17451585

gg, you just wrote erotica, hng/10

>> No.17451590

Are girls orgasm really more intense than men's?

>> No.17451601

They can orgasm multiple times and it can last for over 10 seconds.

>> No.17451607

hahahahahahah nice.

>> No.17451609

So can you

>> No.17451625

They can roll into others. I think intensity has a wide variety based on a lot of different factors. I've had some that are like - ooh yeah. And then I've had ones that make me drool and shake and disassociate and so sensitive that if you touch again, I tremble.

>> No.17451683

i do but i'm not american so it might be different

>> No.17451703

I don't think so? Darlin' without the 'g' is a nice, smooth term that makes me feel light on my feet.

>> No.17451726

Darlin’ and darling are very different, completely different cadence.

>> No.17451766

Any gender transformation erotica. Unfortunately most of it isn't very good. Anyone have some recommendations?

>> No.17451772

The female is a boring subject, get a better imagination

>> No.17451787

What's more interesting than something countering and challenging your own perspective and experience?

>> No.17451827


>> No.17451868

>doesn't feel much different than anal except
You will never have a prostate.

>> No.17451918

Post feet.

>> No.17451926

this succubus is correct

the greatest joke is that the man ends up as the one being conquered during sex, because he is being tempted by the woman's body to give in to his baser urges instead of pursuing his greater destiny

>> No.17451947

I only fuck femboys
checkmate atheist

>> No.17452098

The real question we should be asking is which breadtuber will be joining the axewound brigade next?