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/lit/ - Literature

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17449688 No.17449688 [Reply] [Original]

"Beleriand Chained" Edition

Previous Thread: >>17444008

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)



Not gonna make it

>> No.17449703

This is a general. It's not supposed to be about any specific book or series. Those spamming any author or series should make their own dedicated thread. It would probably help everyone involved a lot.

>> No.17449736
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>> No.17449749
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Does it trouble you?

>> No.17449750

I'd really recommend everyone read the "Night Angel" Trilogy by Brent Weeks. It's going to be huge in the next few years when people realize how good it is, I wouldn't be surprised if it got a big TV adaptation. Just to give you guys a hint, it's 5 stars rated everywhere, and it has some of the best characterization I've ever read, it's a very, very fresh take on fantasy. I really wish I had a friend here to talk about it with.

>> No.17449752

William Brown

>> No.17449762
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>> No.17449771

I don't think it's fair to destroy /lit/ to save /sffg/

>> No.17449773
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>> No.17449779
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>> No.17449791

What is this even supposed to mean? Why does Sandaro have a framed picture of Bakker? Why is he signing a troll post that's directed at him Why can't the Sanderfags meme?

>> No.17449809

Not all memes are a hit. Give him a chance!
Pic poster, you didn't make me chuckle but you did momentarily confuse me. You'll get there, keep trying!

>> No.17449839


>> No.17449856
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>brent weeks
“Elene gasped and sat up. "Kylar Thaddeus Stern!"
Kylar giggled. "Thaddeus? That's a good one. I knew a Thaddeus once."
"So did I. He was a blind idiot."
"Really?" Kylar said, his eyes dancing. "The one I knew was famous for his gigantic-"
"Kylar!" Elene interrupted, motioning toward Uly.
"His gigantic what?" Uly asked.
"Now you did it." Elene said, "His gigantic what, Kyler?"
"Feet. And you know what they say about big feet." He winked lasciviously at Elene.
"What?" Uly asked.
"Big Shoes," Kylar said.”

Sorry anon, but this exact conversation was as far as I managed to make it in that series. Call me filtered or whatever, but fuck these books. Also the bit where that one guy got thrown into some pit with a bunch of criminals, rapists and cannibals or some shit. Oh and the die, but not really thing.

>> No.17449874

dear god I can't believe these covers are real.
feels like I'm looking at a shadow the hedgehog fanfic from 2004. pure concentrated EDGE

>> No.17449878

we're all gonna make it

Bakker readalong starts on the 28th.

>> No.17449897
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>implying sandersoys can meme

>> No.17449913

Hiss! Hiss! Hisssssssssssss!

>> No.17449929
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Literally nothing. Just a poor attempt at coping.

>> No.17449982

>Can't even make the text visible

>> No.17449995

>cant say anything good about his writing
>hes uh uh a uh class act
>bakkar puts it on the cover of his book because hes autistic
nice hero you got

>> No.17450009

At this point I can't even tell the difference between bakker and sandaro posts.

>> No.17450022


>> No.17450033

Bakkerfags should be ban! Enough of this rapist cuck fetishist author here, create your own /general/ you mentally ill tards

>> No.17450035

ultra based

>> No.17450038

And thus it continues to never cease.
Keep it up anon.

>> No.17450045
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Opinions? Is it worth reading?

>> No.17450053

It's well worth exploring

>> No.17450097
File: 68 KB, 1022x731, It's_All_So_Tiresome (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, the Bakker/Sanderson shitposting is so fucking tired. I never would have discovered authors like Gene Wolfe or Moorcock if /sffg/ was always like this. These threads read like console war bullshit now.

>> No.17450108

That's why I recommend Brent Week's trilogy "Night Angel" which /sffg/ really enjoyed before this Sanderson Bakkar saga began. They're really great books,

>> No.17450126

Alright, anon. I'll make a note to check those out.

>> No.17450128
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Imagine being this fucking retarded.

>> No.17450130


>> No.17450147
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>> No.17450161
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Just read the last two paragraphs.

>> No.17450162


>> No.17450185

Whops I read the whole thing, kinda wish I didn't.

>> No.17450192
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Is Asimov shit worth reading?

>> No.17450199


>> No.17450273

For the ideas. Not much else.

>> No.17450305


so.... TWOW next year?

>> No.17450315

My books should arrive tomorrow. If they don't i'm going to kill myself.

>> No.17450318
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WHAT THE FUCK???? WHERE IS BAKKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????



>> No.17450319

No, he'll likely finish it August of next year, it'll hit the publishing house and then release in mid 2023.

>> No.17450377
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>ywn peer under billowing swayali gowns
Why even live, bros?
Is this the real damnation?

>> No.17450383

they are probably lezzos anyway

>> No.17450385
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Yo is these books any good?

>> No.17450399

I really do think that the GOT tv show being as popular as it is was what stunted his work on the book. Now that it's over I think we are gonna get more progress on the books. I might be wrong but that's just how it seems from here.

>> No.17450408

I am not writing anything until the Leafs win the Cup

>> No.17450443


>> No.17450454
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Bros, should I...?

>> No.17450473

Sincere and well-intentioned. I approve

>> No.17450476

I wouldn't. Besides he has posted some fairly recent shit of his barn restoration or whatever. He seems happy and is doing alright. Also writing something else as far as I know.
Don't let /sffg/ ruin it.

>> No.17450483

Where did he post that? I haven't mentioned 4chan on purpose.

>> No.17450494
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>Sandro Badcock

>> No.17450495

I'm making a drawing right now.... Did Cnaiür and Kellhus cross into the Nansurium on horseback or foot?

It looks like he finished the restoration over a year ago. I know he has terrible arthritis, that might make it hard to write...

>> No.17450513

They had horses. but I think they went on foot in the mountains.

>> No.17450515

write penis cheese

>> No.17450522

maybe "mr bakker"

>> No.17450557
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I have to confess that I have mixed feelings about this writer.
For example Perdido's world is interesting and the mix of magic and steam punk is captivating and original.
On the other hand, the descriptions are too verbose and the plot drags and disperses in a thousand streams, many of which are absolutely useless. The ending is really bad.

>> No.17450565

>It looks like he finished the restoration over a year ago
Oh I thought it was more recent. Now I really am troubled.

>> No.17450573

That's exactly what I mean. We're in the middle of fucking Covid and he hasn't said jackshit since February last year.

>> No.17450590

>destroy /lit/
lol, fuck all those english and philosophy majors

>> No.17450598

I made that post

>> No.17450608

I'm looking for something relating to dreams. For instance things from the "dream world" pouring into the real world or something like that. I never really liked Lovecraft's dreamlands stories but I'm trying to get into the genre a little. Currently reading Lathe of Heaven by Le Guin and it's fine. Any recs on this subject?

>> No.17450623

Ah...would you still recommend it or is not worth the time?

>> No.17450631
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Just learned this is coming out this year.

Can't wait to finally finish the series.

>> No.17450642
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>> No.17450654
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>> No.17450663
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>> No.17450668

rather /co/ than /lit/, but read Sandman.

>> No.17450669
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>> No.17450682
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>> No.17450684

holy shit what?

>> No.17450699
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>> No.17450704
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>> No.17450709

Name one falsehood in any of these reviews.

>> No.17450712

You might like Sleepwalker's World
this anon >>17450668 gave you a great advice

>> No.17450746

well for one the female characters arent actually disappointing

>> No.17450752

They are portrayed as sexual objects

>> No.17450756

Esmenet is one of the most realistic portrayals of women in modern fantasy.

>> No.17450771



>> No.17450816

how is writing female characters exactly like male characters any interesting?

>> No.17450853

>all male characters are stoic, brave and rational
>female characters are victims and used for sex
This is interesting to you?

>> No.17450865
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>Through acrid veils of smoke, he breathed deep the scent of her: the myrrh of glory and privilege, the salt of exertion.

>> No.17450870

>all male characters are stoic, brave and rational

KEK @ implying this is the case with bakker.

cnauir conphas xerius achamian, the list goes on.

>> No.17450879

no they aren't, they are portrayed as sexual entities, not the same thing, sorry he didn't write sterilised women with male characteristics, you will never be a woman

>> No.17450889

>cnaiur isnt brave
>conphas isnt stoic
>achamian isnt rational
try again

>> No.17450893

Just dropping in again to tell Bakker to suck my dick. The /sffg/ is dead, but its corpse is still twitching.

>> No.17450894

Bakkars, how the fuck do you read this and think it's good enough to shill?

>Inrau’s decision to abandon the Mandate for the Thousand Temples had at
once dismayed and relieved Achamian. He’d been dismayed because he knew he’d
lost Inrau and the reprieve of his company. But he’d been relieved because he knew
the Mandate would obliterate Inrau’s innocence if the boy stayed. Achamian could
never forget the night when he himself had first touched Seswatha’s Heart. The
fisherman’s son had died that moment; his eyes had been doubled, and the world
itself had been transformed, rendered cavernous by tragic history. Inrau would have
likewise died. Touching Seswatha’s Heart would have charred his own. How could
such innocence, any innocence, survive the terror of Seswatha’s Dreams? How
could one find solace in mere sunlight, when the threat of the No-God loomed
across every horizon? Beauty was denied victims of the Apocalypse.

>> No.17450896


>> No.17450901

what's supposed to be the problem here?

>> No.17450904

It looks like a 15 year olds attempt at writing fantasy

>> No.17450912

based on what

>> No.17450916

my diary desu

>> No.17450925
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I know how perspectives work, smarty pants. I get that what the character thinks, isn't necessarily what the author thinks. However, I don't see the point in describing Dorcas as "childlike" a thousand times throughout the story. What did that accomplish exactly? It never seems particularly relevant to the plot. Severian falls in love with all types. He loved the tall statuesque woman. He loved the average common woman. He loved the petite childlike woman. He loved the exceedingly voluptuous woman. He loved the woman with the heart face. He was falling for that female soldier.
Severian doesn't have a type.

There was never a time in the plot where Dorcas's small figure played into a scenario. Even after she chopped of her hair. There was never something like Dorcas pretending to be a boy for a time. No disguises or schemes. Just Severian noting her childlike form again and again and again and again and again and again and again.

But please, if I'm missing the point, then explain it to me. What is the purpose of comparing Dorcas's small form to that of a child's? That is if you can remember the book well enough.

>> No.17450941

oh no no no bakkar bros he cant write dialogue

“What is it, Akka?”
“I must speak with you,” he said in a hushed voice. “There’s… there’s…”
Kellhus seemed distracted. Even still, Achamian couldn’t shake the sense of being observed.
“That night,” he continued, “that last night beneath Momemn’s walls. Do you remember Ikurei Conphas
coming for me, escorting me to the Emperor’s palace?”
“How could I forget. I was worried sick!”
Xinemus studied him by firelight, frowned. “What’s wrong, Akka?”
“I’m a Schoolman, Zin, bound by oath and duty the same as y—”
“Lord Cousin!” Iryssas called over the flame. “You must listen to this! Tell him, Kellhus!”
“Please, Cousin,” Xinemus replied sharply. “Can’t you—”
“Pfah. Just listen to him! We’re trying to understand what this means.”
Xinemus began scolding the man, but it was already too late. Kellhus was speaking.
Aheartbeat of silence, then an explosion of laughter.
“AScylvendiparable?” Xinemus cried out, laughing. “Are you—”
“This is my opinion!” Iryssas called through the uproar. “My interpretation! Listen! It means that our
dignity—no, ourhonour—is worth more than anything, more than even our wives!”
Page 27
“It means nothing,” Xinemus said, wiping tears from his eyes. “It’s a joke, nothing more.”
“It is a parable of courage,” Cnaüir grated, and everyone fell silent— shocked, Achamian supposed, that
the taciturn barbarian had actually spoken. The man spat into the fire. “It is a fable that old men tell boys
in order to shame them, to teach them that gestures are meaningless, that only death is real.”
Looks were exchanged about the fire. Only Zenkappa dared laugh aloud.
Achamian leaned forward. “What do you say, Kellhus? What do you think it means?”
Kellhus shrugged, apparently surprised he held the answer so many had missed. He matched
Achamian’s gaze with friendly, yet utterly implacable, eyes. “It means that young bulls sometimes make
good cows…”
More gales of laughter, but Achamian could manage no more than a smile. Why was he so angry? “No,”
he called out. “What do you think itreallymeans?”

>> No.17450951

How is this bad? It mogs sandershit by miles.
Butthurt sanderfag detected. Stop

>> No.17450956

Thanks that helps. I suck at drawing horses.

>> No.17450966

oh no no no bakker bros oh no dont seethe to much bakker bros look at this excerpt oh no no no no

The sorcerer watched him, now with more regret than reproach. The woman stared at her feet.
Unable to look at the man, Saubon vaguely nodded in his direction, then made to ride off. The
Schoolman’s voice, however, brought him up short.
“Even among topoi,” he called, “this place is… special.” There was something different in his tone, a
reluctance, perhaps, which struck Saubon like a winter gust across sweaty skin.
“How so?” he managed, looking into the dark night.
The Plains ofMengedda
“Do you remember the line fromThe Sagas, ‘Em yutiri Tir mauna, kirn raussaraim…”
Saubon blinked away tears, said nothing.
“The soul that encounters Him,‘” the Schoolman continued, ’“passes
no further.‘“
“And just fucking what,” the Galeoth Prince said, shocked by the savagery of his own voice, “is that
supposed to fucking mean?”
The sorcerer looked out across the dark plains. “That in some way, He’s out there somewhere…
Mog-Pharau.” When he turned back to Saubon, there was real fear in his eyes.
“The dead do not escape the Battleplain, my Prince… This place is cursed. The No-God died here.”

>“And just fucking what,” the Galeoth Prince said, shocked by the savagery of his own voice, “is that supposed to fucking mean?”

>> No.17450973

*stutters while pissing pants* bakker bros this is good writing bros he's a class act

He waited until the man was almost immediately below before calling out to him…
“Your friend. Where is he?”
The sorcerer, Achamian, shrank from his mounted form, clutching his woman. Small wonder, looming
out of the dark like a bloodied apparition.
“You mean Kellhus?” the square-bearded Schoolman asked.
Saubon glowered. “Remember your place, dog. He’s a prince.”
“You mean,PrinceKellhus, then?”
Unaccountably chastised, Saubon paused, licked his swollen lips. “Yes…”
The sorcerer shrugged. “I don’t know. Proyas drove us like cattle to catch you. Everything’s
confused… Besides, princes don’t loiter with the likes of us in the wake of battle.”
Saubon glared at the mealy-mouthed fool, wondering whether he should strike him for his impertinence.
But the memory of seeing his own
The First March
corpse on the field gave him pause. He shuddered, clutched his elbows.That wasn’t me!
“Perhaps… Perhaps you can help me, then.”
The sorcerer scowled in a bemused manner Saubon found offensive. “I’m at your disposal, my Prince.”
“This ground… What is it about this ground?”
The sorcerer shrugged again. “This is the Battleplain… This is where the No-God died.”
“I know the legends.”
“I’m sure you do… Do you know what topoi are?”
Saubon grimaced. “No.”
The attractive woman at his side yawned, rubbed her eyes. Without warning, a wave of fatigue crashed
over the Galeoth Prince. He swayed in his saddle.
“You know the way you can see far from heights,” the sorcerer was saying, “like towers or mountain

>> No.17450975

>nowhere to discuss sff irl or on the internet
god i wish i were dead

>> No.17450979

you must be baiting. no one really thinks like this

>> No.17450992

Do you believe that authors NEVER project their own preferences and ideals onto the characters they write? Because that would be an insane claim.

>> No.17451006

A good author has so many characters of diverse views and personality that anyone with your mind could cherry-pick and assign to them practically anything.

>> No.17451013
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Gas uoureslef

>> No.17451024

hello can we post about some NEW books here for once?

>> No.17451063

>Sandersoys trying to ridicule Bakker.
>End up ridiculing themselves every time.


>> No.17451077

That is technically possible. However, just because it's easy to make baseless associations between character and author, that doesn't mean all associations are baseless. It only means that you're unwilling to believe any of them to be true.
It's the whole "my dog ate my homework" scenario. Something that you can't prove, and yet, it could very well be true.

Can I really say with 100% conviction that Wilde is a pedo? No, of course not. But at the same time, how else does one justify Severian's fixation on Dorcas's "childlike" figure? Like I say here >>17450925 it doesn't serve the plot, or anything else. The descriptor is empty. We could say that Wilde was limited in his ability to think of descriptors for Dorcas. But that would imply that he's less of a writer than you guys precieve him to be. But that's how I see it. Either he's not that good, or he's obsesses over tite 15 year old cunny. Pick your poison.

>> No.17451080

I prefer Bakker, in both prose and setting, but I also enjoy Sanderson and the rate at which he cranks out books is seriously impressive. I think he did a good job finishing WoT. When will the shit flinging stop?

>> No.17451089

An author can write a character who is a pedophile without being a pedophile just like they can write a character who is a pathological serial killer without being on themselves, this isn't fucking difficult. Things can make sense for the characters and not for the novel in its entirety.

>> No.17451095

Having an honest respectful discussion doesn't get you (You)'s like shitposting does

>> No.17451099

What’s the name of achamians original master? I forgot.

>> No.17451126

So Severian was a pedophile then?
Anon, you're working in the broad strokes, but you're not thinking of the finer points. Again, I get that authors can write characters they don't agree with. But what purpose did it serve Severian to think of Dorcas that way?

>> No.17451142

Have you ever talked to a writer? Writers live in their worlds, they're all maladaptive daydreamers, they do things that make no sense all the time. It doesn't matter if you don't think it makes sense, the author is working from a different world.

>> No.17451187

So just because authors can be a little quirky, they're exempt from projection? You assume that every single word they write only serves the character and nothing more.
And you believe this on faith.

>> No.17451194

No, I believe it because writers as novelists CANNOT EXIST if they are not shielded by a writer-fiction barrier. You will have nothing if we ascribe the evils of a fictional world on the creator who birthed it. That's just the truth.

>> No.17451220

That’s pretty good desu.

>> No.17451234

Better than this?

"What does she want at the palace?"
"She hasn't been kind enough to explain it to me," Galladon replied. "Most people
think she intends to assassinate King Iadon."
"The king?" Raoden said. "What would that accomplish?"
"Revenge, discord, bloodlust. All very good reasons when you're already
damned. Kolo?"
Raoden frowned. Perhaps living with his father—who was absolutely paranoid
about the prospect of getting killed by an assassin—had desensitized him, but
murdering the king just didn't seem like a likely goal to him. "What about the other
gang leader?"
"Aanden?" Galladon asked. looking back over the city. "He claims he was some
kind of noble before he was thrown in here—a baron, I think. He's tried to establish
himself as monarch of Elantris, and he is incredibly annoyed that Karata has control
of the palace. He holds court. claims he will feed those who join him—though all
they've gotten so far are a few boiled books—and makes plans for attacking Kae."
"What?" Raoden asked with surprise. "Attacking?"
"He isn't serious," Galladon said. "But he is good at propaganda. He claims to
have a plan to free Elantris. and it's gained him a large following. However, he's also
brutal. Karata only harms people who try to sneak into the palace—Aanden is
notorious for dispensing judgments at a whim. Personally sule, I don't think he's
completely sane."
Raoden frowned. If this Aanden really had been a baron, then Raoden would
have known him. However, he didn't recognize the name. Either Aanden had lied
about his background, or he had chosen a new name after entering Elantris.
Raoden studied the area in between the university and the palace. A certain object
had caught his attention. Something so mundane he wouldn't have given it a second
look, had it not been the first of its kind he had seen in all of Elantris.
"Is that a well?" he asked uncertainly.
Galladon nodded. "The only one in the city."
"How is that possible?"
"Indoor plumbing, sule, courtesy of AonDor magic. Wells weren't necessary."
"Then why build that one?"
"I think it was used in religious ceremonies. Several Elantrian worship services
required water that had been freshly gathered from a moving river."
"Then the Aredel river does run under the city," Raoden said.
"Of course. Where else would it go. Kolo?"
Raoden narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, but he didn't volunteer any information.
As he stood, watching the city, he noticed a small ball of light floating through one
of the streets below. The Seon meandered with an aimless air, occasionally floating in circles. It was far too distant for him to make out the Aon at its center.
Galladon noticed Raoden's scrutiny. "A Seon," the Dula noted. "Not uncommon
in the city."
"It's true, then?" Raoden asked.
Galladon nodded. "When a Seon's master gets taken by the Shaod, the Seon
itself is driven mad. There's a number of them floating through the city.

>> No.17451262
File: 983 KB, 1103x1697, hethantas copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crossing the hethantas – take one

>> No.17451266

Uh huh... so you remain willfully ignorant as to protect your idols.
Sorry, but I don't have much regard for systems that work in absolutes, when exceptions could very well exist. I mean, ultimately I believe in innocent until proven guilty. But at the same time, I'm willing to entertain evidence that make people appear suspicious.

>> No.17451270

Not him but I'd say it's definitely worth a read. While I agree to some extent about the plot dragging on, he definitely has some interesting ideas and I think you will enjoy it. I kinda liked his other book as well, the city and the city.

>> No.17451280

No idols. It's about protecting the art.

>> No.17451284

why can't you guys post OC and memes instead of fighting endlessly about meaningless bullshit?

>> No.17451294


>> No.17451303

What do you think of Mary Sues? By your logic, they don't actually exist. Because an author could never project on a character.

>> No.17451310

Where are the horses?

>> No.17451320
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Just finished book 3 of the Spellmonger. Went in with no expectation and I'm pleasantly surprised with the books. The story is so and so but it didn't have any dislikeable characters (no useless girls). Book 3 was a huge world builder and opened the series a lot and Im looking forwards to reading more now

>> No.17451331

cnaiür looks too dyel

>> No.17451332

Mary Sues are objectively Mary Sues, no need to bring in anything but the text to determine that.

>> No.17451354

I've been thinking about doing some Cradle fan art. But I want to be as accurate as possible, and I don't have a clear understanding of what Sacred Artist robes actually look like. Or even a grasp on the origins of the material. Is cradle set in fantasy China? I'm uncertain. If someone compiled some references(hint hint), then it would be confident enough to try my hand at it. Are there any Will Wight interviews that explain what his world is based on? That would help a whole lot.

>> No.17451455

Do you guys consider Fantasy an oversaturated market with little means of entering the mainstream? Or is it an oversaturated market that would quickly embrace well-written work if it existed in the genre?

>> No.17451500

>Or is it an oversaturated market that would quickly embrace well-written work if it existed in the genre?
This this this.

>> No.17451533

I just finished The 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

I liked where it was going up until the fake Evelyn reveal. I preferred the idea of Michael Hardcastle being the "murderer," working with Evelyn to fake her death to get her out of a shitty marriage would've been a good ending, but they had to introduce the fake Evelyn with the poisoned scotch. I think it just makes it more convoluted, and I don't think Madeline being the real Evelyn is not something you could predict from carefully reading the book.

I learned about the title change from the UK release to the USA, but I'm still kind of confused by it. Is the title seven deaths of evelyn hardcastle because we think she dies in the first seven days? Or is it a death counter? If we go by the original, pre-timeloop story, only four people would die- Peter and Helena Hardcastle, Felicity Maddox, and Millicent Derby. So my assumption is the title is referring to the seven deaths that Evelyn Hardcastle is involved in: The stable boy, her parents, michael, thomas, felicity, and millicent. If so, what would the 'half' death be? The butler getting beaten half to death is on Aiden, not on Evelyn. But since it's not the original published title, I'm guessing it'd have to be an afterthought.

>> No.17451541

Good writers look at fantasy with disdain. They do not need it to elevate their works. Very rarely do the paths of a good writer, and some one who is truly passionate about fantasy, cross.

You have to understand that a large percentage of the sff audience is the typical geek/nerd with no real social skills. It’s no fucking wonder that’s those people can’t write good characters.

>> No.17451589


It actually seems like although sf and fantasy have lower standards overall being a fantasy or scifi writer seems like a mulch more financially viable career.

eg tor pays more for short stories than pretty much any literary journal outside of nyorker and harpers.

the downside is u have to write scifi and fantasy

>> No.17451651

Writing fantasy/sci-fi/dystopian books for YA's is the easiest money making trick in the book. All you have to do is think of a unique gimmick and write a sub-par story and bam. There you go

>> No.17451673
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>> No.17451681

Asimovs writing was never good and it feels very dated now to boot. I tried reading the Foundation series once because it was recommended so often but I couldnt make it past five or six pages.

>> No.17451711

>I'm looking for something relating to dreams. For instance things from the "dream world" pouring into the real world or something like that
I think "Chase the Morning" by Michael Scott Rohan is exactly what you are looking for.

>> No.17451721

What level of hakkery is it to have a snake-man's dialogue written with a bunch of extra s's for hissing? Bearing in mind that this is for a university class and I'll be reading it aloud anyway.

>> No.17451727


>> No.17451748


>> No.17451754

Look at this retard still reading on pdfs lmao

>> No.17451780

LOL I felt exactly the same. Except I only made it like 20 pages in. It was just too try-hard.

>> No.17451790


>> No.17451811

I liked Scar best, interesting ideas and characters

>> No.17451834


I made it as far as the line about crows on page 1 of book 1

>> No.17451982


/pol/ memed me into racism

/biz/ memed me into losing all my money

And now /lit/ is memeing me into reading Bakker

>> No.17451989
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What's the muv-luv of sffg?

>> No.17451992

Bakker is just a try hard version of Sanderson.

>> No.17452160

Is there a reason why fantasy authors are so terrible at finishing their series? Is it because they get too comfortable with their money? Is it because they're all a mentally ill? And all the fantasy series that do get finished, are generally the ones that are subpar.

>> No.17452183

>woman warrior
They really don't know, do they?

>> No.17452192

All writers in every genre have trouble with endings. Fantasy authors however tend to write multiple books in the same series so when they screw the pooch on the ending it stands out more.

>> No.17452228

If anyone ever wrote a good one, sure.

>> No.17452230

>Is it because they're all a mentally ill? And all the fantasy series that do get finished, are generally the ones that are subpar.
this. fantasy is a madman's game. those with workmanlike habits (such as sanderson) tend to be subpar.

>> No.17452243

Would you guys be interesting in a slow fantasy novel about a humble family (owns a bakery in a city) and the whole story would be told from the fathers perspective, world-building is what he hears from the criers and merchants, etc. Nothing about any apocalypses or gods, just about this man and his family living in this world. Sure, their city can be under siege, but, it would be slow. Is that something you'd like to read?

>> No.17452247

yes, i've actually been looking for "humble, quotidian fantasy" like this. closest i've found in the genre is Tehanu by Le Guin.

>> No.17452263

I'm glad you're interested. I'm working on this, I'll be done by December.

>> No.17452311

The only slice of life fantasy novel I've read was Healers's road, about a caravan of merchants and doctors in a generic fantasy world. There should be an epub somewhere. Almost no conflict, bunch of lackluster worldbuilding.
Main issues were unlikable characters (two tsunderes, a virgin and religious woman witch and a bisexual chink doctor in a foreign land), the YA tier drama and dialogue (bunch of misunderstandings) and how generic it all felt.
It's a good study on how not to fuck up.

And for good SoL, though non fantasy, The Evening Clouds is about a translator father who moves his family to some remote Japanese town and everything is comfy and wholesome, kids going hiking on the forest, buying a new desktop, first day of school, watching birds and trees, etc.

>> No.17452339

Thanks. The family is close, and loving. The father is surrounded by a good community, there is corruption within the city, but the King does his best dealing with the bureaucracy. There are smugglers, the port is a hive of crime, but there's less violence involved, more like smudged paperwork and bribes. It's not utopian, there is trouble, but.. I'm writing this story from the perspective that most people in a community are attempting to be good. They're currently visiting a relative on the mother's side, she lives in the "marshlands" and the children are complaining about the bugs and smell. The father plucked a flower and nestled it in his wife's long raven hair. They kissed, while the children play with grandmother's hound.

>> No.17452372

this sounds really cute and comfy
maybe in the aftermath of the grimmest darkness of grimdark, what we need is something gentle and quiet instead...? for some reason what you're describing reminds me of the films of japanese directors Ozu and Kore-eda... simple family dramas drawn from the happiness and sorrow of real life.

i would challenge you to find a way to make the stakes feel important.

>> No.17452394

>implying sanderfags did this
It should really just say "rent-free" to save everyone time.

>> No.17452415

Any good shadowrun books?

>> No.17452438


>> No.17452439

Books where disease plays a major role?

Like armies falling to dysentry, lepers being cast out, that kind of thing.

But without zombies.

>> No.17452456


Station Eleven? It mostly deals with the aftermath of the disease.

>> No.17452466

Gibson's Neuromancer is not shadowrun and I read it already.

>> No.17452472
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>> No.17452482

this unironically

also is it just me or do women only give a shit about female characters and nobody else?

>> No.17452836

Any novel that focuses on incest between brother and sister.

>> No.17452917

Children of Hûrin

>> No.17452942

Anything else?

>> No.17452972

What do you mean? Sanderson fans have the lowest IQ of anyone here, according to the poll.

>> No.17452977
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>Planned on shortly getting back into LOTR after finishing first book and taking long hiatus
>Recently spoiled on major death
Should I even bother bros?

>> No.17452989

Dude, have you been living under a rock? Are you telling me you never saw the films?

>> No.17453000


>> No.17453009

The only reading you fags do is in this thread. Get every STD imaginable and fuck each other to death.

>> No.17453010

How old are you zoomers?

>> No.17453017


>> No.17453023

Does it trouble you?

>> No.17453030

And you never saw the Lord of the Rings?

That’s pretty sad, dude.

>> No.17453033

I can't fit these peas in my foreskin. I will deposit them in your mouth.

>> No.17453059

Not him, but I've read the first two LOTR books, and thought they were super boring. The giant spider demon part was neat, though.

>> No.17453093

Why is that sad?

>> No.17453109

It’s the best movie of all time desu.

>> No.17453197

>Itkovian is one of my favorite sff characters
>not a single other 'heroic sacrifice' scene has stood out to me

>> No.17453203

>>17453197 "No."

>> No.17453241
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>> No.17453253

eternally and unequivocably B.T.F.O.

>> No.17453258

Damn I could not imagine writing this kind of thing for a university course, unless maybe it was an explicitly genre fiction course. I admire your courage and/or autism anon.

>> No.17453270

>How long have you served Golgotterath?
I didn't think Unholy Consult could be more gut-wrenching than the Great Ordeal.

I was wrong.

>> No.17453284
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tfw I think both Bakkar and Sanderson are both trash

>> No.17453370

We need a non bakker sffg

>> No.17453386

What are you reading?

>> No.17453411
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kingkiller chronicle

>> No.17453433

Is Game of Thrones or Lord of the Rings not mainstream?
Also, the more 'well-written' something is, the less likely it'll get anywhere near currentyear mainstream

>> No.17453438

What fantasy books do you consider to be well written?

>> No.17453442

In German?

>> No.17453467
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I was told to ask here, so is this series any good?

I’ve heard a lot of critical praise about it, but also a lot of people calling it heavily overhyped. I just want to get some opinions from /lit/ before I do anything with it.

>> No.17453495

If I wanted reality, I wouldn't be in this thread. You're right anon. Women's rights is a valid fantasy topic.

>> No.17453509
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i guess i should just start a deviantart

>> No.17453516

So how's Eragon?

>> No.17453519

jemisin is a black woman, that is why it has so much critical praise. i might have read her in spite of that, except she also won the Hugo Award, which is a guarantee that her books are terrible

>> No.17453546
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Here you go, anon. It's a great fantasy novel but I doubt you'll ever try reading it or posting about it.
Also, fuck captchas & fukk jannies & fuk sanderhoes

>> No.17453560

Yeah, she's trash

>> No.17453561

elantris by the sanderson

>> No.17453568

Between Two Fires was quite good.

>> No.17453592

YA trash

>> No.17453629

It’s a Star Wars knock-off but set in a fantasy world that was written by a teenager and only got published because his parents owned a publishing company.

You tell me.

>> No.17453674

You tell us, retard

>> No.17453694

Now THAT is sad

>> No.17453698

No, I've tried. No one wants to talk about recent releases, or anything not released by a famous author for that matter.

>> No.17453706
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Finished The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories and Other stories the other day. Really good collection with personal standouts in Seven American Nights, The Death of Doctor Island, Alien Stones, and Tracking Song. The Eyeflash Miracles, The Hero as a Werewolf, The Toy Theater, The Island of Doctor Death and Other Stories, and The Doctor of Death Island were also quite solid, with some of the shorter stories being pretty weak (La Befana, Feather Tiger, Cues, Three Fingers) along with Hour of Trust. None of those inspired the same feelings of fascination, dread, wonder, or a combination thereof that the more striking stories did, and the ones that hit home had this really nice balance between given information and obfuscated or missing information that let me really get engrossed in thinking about the story itself, its setting, and its implications without feeling like I was being deliberately misled or kept in the dark. I definitely think I'll revisit the collection at some point, and I would strongly recommend it to any of you.

>> No.17453719
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Well I don’t want to.

>> No.17453908

Is that part really gut wrenching? Proyas basically won the birth lottery, being born heir to one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world. He could have been his own person as much as anyone could be, and he had every chance to. Instead he submitted his belief, his devotion, and in the end his anus to another man despite Achamian and Cnaiur telling him the perfect truth. I think Saubon's end is much more gut wrenching, at least he's a person with a brain and did all he did mostly for personal gain. Proyas pretty much deserved his end.

>> No.17453984

>“So, let’s say you’re a peacock and you have your grand tail, which likely evolved because it shows health and wellbeing, hence fitness. But the peahen just cares that you’ve got the biggest tail. Or… you’ve got your caveman in the Stone Age brings a mammoth in to show he’s a big hunter, you’re with me? And hunting’s the game, the actual important activity that’s being judged. Except Og next door just bonks Thog on the head and steals the mammoth, and that’s the metagame. Og’s a lousy hunter because he spends his time and effort not on hunting, but on the secondary activity that’s supposed to show how good a hunter you are. And so he wins out over Thog, gets the girl, becomes chief. And your worker who ‘kisses ass’ is seen as management material not because they give their all to the company, but because they spend that effort they would otherwise give to the company on looking like they give it all to the company. They spend it on all the little social games instead, and because effort spent on the metagame is focused entirely about the appearance of virtue, it overshadows those who are actually performing the primary task, it overshadows actual virtue. And this is how human hierarchical structures end up working. This is why the people who end up in authority are generally not those focused on whatever the purpose of the community is, but those who are focused on achieving positions of authority. This is why you have career politicians, why administrators end up pulling ten times the salary of a surgeon or an academic under their administration, why performing well in an exam or a test is not actually the same as being good at the thing the exam is supposed to be testing. Because the metagame outweighs the game.”

>> No.17453996

I couldn't make it past the second sentence, who is this autistic retard?

>> No.17454022
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>it took Esmi 7 books (and 20 years) to realize Akka was right about Khellus
she didnt suffer enough desu, but Khellus himself is based

>> No.17454030

He wants to bang spiders.

>> No.17454036

Are there any mesoamerican fantasies or books with mesoamerican inspired settings?

>> No.17454062

It's actually pretty good. It's also overrated. It's both good and overrated.

It's certainly an adventure. You go to interesting places, and meet interesting people, with strange powers. All that good fantasy stuff. But connecting with the main character can be a little difficult, since her being a mother is such a crucial part of her character. But luckily there are other characters to flesh out the roster.

Just keep your expectations low, and you'll probably enjoy it. It's certainly better than some stuff anons have recommended here.

>> No.17454080

She knew at TTT, but was pregnant at the time. She chose the stability

>> No.17454146

Saubon is a very cool character, but he wasn't that built. He didn't even have named loved ones.

Proyas was betrayed to a much greater degree and we actually see his relations suffer.

None of them deserves anything more than another. Part of the tragedy is that they were never going to be anything but what they, that they didn't have a chance.

>> No.17454154

Was that the one with the skeleton army, or am I thinking of one of the other five series with this exact premise?

>> No.17454267

I just finished reading Furies of Calderon. It was basic, but I loved it. It hits many things I like, but missed misses in others. Anyone have any opinions in the other books? I kind of want to jump right to the next, but I'd also like to read something else in between.

Anyone got any recomendations for something fun and short? I really don't know what I'm looking for, but it doesn't have to be fantasy.

>> No.17454327

They’re cozy. Just binge it

>> No.17454399

All those words to dance around saying it's trash.

>> No.17454423


Eifelheim has been shilled recently and the sinopsis sounds cool.

>> No.17454431
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Did you miss the weeks of bitching about Sanderhacks newest offering

>> No.17454436

nautzera or symas (sp)

>> No.17454438


Im writing one
I'll start shilling it by fall. But its written in spanish though.

>> No.17454445

Taking drawfag requests (Bakker only)

>> No.17454448

Bakker dabbing on Sanderson

>> No.17454463

Books only please
The Bakker-sander war is retarded

>> No.17454470

Yeah I loved the bit where she killed her child, was just a clump of cells outsisde the womb.

>> No.17454473

The problem goes away if you ignore it. It's literally just a schizo talking to himself most of the time.

>> No.17454476

I don't think I've ever found anything that scratched exactly the same itch as Codex Alera. Thousand Names might be the closest.

>> No.17454477

The "I stand where my brother stood" bit from TTT

moenghus karate vs skin spies (might be hard to draw though)


sorwell being lead through the mountain by that guy with the laser sword

>> No.17454478


>> No.17454483


Okay these would be cool. I do want to draw an Ishterebinth series eventually but the amount of detail and skill required to pull it off is beyond me at this point.

>> No.17454485

>looping murder mystery in a Mansion
Looks like someone's been reading VNs.

>> No.17454550

It's a counter for every death that occurs within the depicted events, with the half death being the fake death.

>> No.17454627

Which was?

>> No.17454630

Rhythm of War

>> No.17454639
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>> No.17454671



you cool now?

>> No.17454685


>> No.17454703

I'm pretty sure more than 7 people died in the loop though, if we include Aiden's hosts getting killed by the footman.

>> No.17454733

How much does continuity and progression matter for you guys when it comes to fantasy?

>> No.17454896

bros... help... I just wanna reread Kingkiller... I love magic schools so much

>> No.17454901

when you realize hes never gonna finish the book, what do you feel inside?

>> No.17454905

I don't care about having endings desu

>> No.17454907

Bad Dragon's gone from pleasurable to barely tolerated. Might have to get out of my seat soon.

>> No.17455144


>> No.17455295

nerd shit

>> No.17455455

does the "a brown haired man had no brown haired kids? must be normal!" and "a blonde woman had blonde kids, means she screwed her brother, the only other blonde man in the world!" make more sense in the books?

>> No.17455478

no, season 1 of Game of Thrones was almost 1:1 to the books.

>> No.17455567

The seed is strong.

>> No.17455671

>the strong seed forced the womb
what did he mean by this?

>> No.17455777

Sounds interesting anon, keep us updated

>> No.17455894
File: 574 KB, 2560x1600, 9191293d3c31cc3cd02937791d14f41e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any comfy fantasy books with huge emphasis on doing business? Like, finding suppliers, making contracts and stuff.

>> No.17455925

Spice and Wolf started as a novel series you know

>> No.17455968

I been reading the hobbit in order to "properly read lord of the rings. I had put it off in fears of being a "children's" novel as many people claimed , and yet, while the writing is clearly purposefully simplistic in order to make for an easy reading, the story is more mature and serious, dealing with more complex themes, than most of the current edgy "adult" novels.
Despite the "stigmas" it carries it is still one of the better fantasy novels I've read, never mind YA shit, this book is easily up there with the rest of the cream of the crop of of the whole genre.

>> No.17455986

I do, but I want something different, hence the question.

>> No.17456010

Who the fuck is calling the Hobbit a children's novel?

>> No.17456030
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it is though

>> No.17456033


>> No.17456055

Not trying to diss any other stories, but while the hobbit is easier to read than, for example, the black company series I feel it deals with it's issues much more seriously even if less explicitly.

>> No.17456095

It is know to be such by most people even Tolkien himself said it was. I still think such it surpasses that label being better than most if not all YA stories and also most of the "adult" ones, being up there with the lyonesse in quality.
I do think it's a shame that this label is attached to such a good book, or that the label is tinted thanks to the unreadable garbage that most "children's" book's are.

>> No.17456236

I think it's fair to call it a children's novel in that it's a collection of short stories with little binding them together other than the superficial endgoal of smaug's hoard.
So while the hobbit's party ends only with an adventure being announced and bilbo going back to his bed the party in LOTR ends with Bilbo disappearing out of the story and being replaced by frodo as the main character as well as the ring and it's importance being described.
Everything that happens in hobbit, The eagles, the Elves, Beorn, comes up again but not in the same way past themes does in LOTR. The eagles might well have come if they didn't need to save the fellowship from the goblins in the end, the Rohirim would have been out of question, destroyed, by the time of the third book if not for events in the second

>> No.17456378

>The madness of the Meat was lifting....

>> No.17456561

Shit I might actually give his books a try

>> No.17456575

Yeah, but I highly recommend reading his works in this order: https://scl.bibliocommons.com/list/share/92757872/97942932

>> No.17456591

Muv-Luv is the Starship Troopers of VNs.

>> No.17456680

Completely fine. If clockwork can do a made up shitty slang you can hisss

>> No.17456682

Finished Pyramids from the Discworld yesterday. Was pretty good.

>> No.17456746

the cavegroup who hunts better eats better

>> No.17456752

>he thinks it was the meat when it was merely just the equivalent of the madness in shigek

>> No.17457107

It was illegitimate rape so her body couldnt shut it down.

>> No.17457130

Every single Baratheon had dark hair, all the way back according to the ancestors' records.

>> No.17457307
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>> No.17457323
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I've seen this spammed here a lot of times.

How accurate is it?

>> No.17457565

>rereading House of Blades
Simon would make a better Cradle MC than Lindon.

>> No.17457618
File: 20 KB, 257x388, The_Moon_Is_A_Harsh_Mistress_%28book%29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need more stuff like this.

>> No.17457999
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Reading plans for the weekend?

>> No.17458078

Probably spending an hour or so looking for something new to read and then give up as usual.

>> No.17458264
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Should I?

>> No.17458286


>> No.17458305

going to write my novel and read some bakkar

>> No.17458307
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, rya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a couple of drinks, read a couple of things

>> No.17458324


>> No.17458378

c h e c k e d
going to make bakker memes and start piranesi

>> No.17458408


>> No.17458467

Everything. Lack of continuity breaks immersion and you failed at writing fantasy.

>> No.17458569

middle would be boring to read desu

>> No.17458573

No. That niche shit is boring.
That's always been the case for "classical" children literature, moral tales dressed in an accessible shape, but the modern world has transformed it into shallow crap centered around pure entertainment.
Watership down is brutal and it's still a book for kids. Gulliver's Travels was supposed to be an allegorical satire on different forms of politics and it's know read as a kids book.
The Hobbit started as a story Tolkien would read to his children, which is why it's known as children lit.

>> No.17458640

is there any desire for small stories told in a massive fantasy world? like a story told through the eyes of a hunter or infantryman

>> No.17458642

any of these worth reading?

>> No.17458650

There's a really broad range of books in that link, hardly any of them are traditional fantasy.

>> No.17458651
File: 1.61 MB, 2415x3042, james bond kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't Evelyn die seven times before the ending? I though the title literally referred to her dying seven times.

>> No.17458698

Entertainment at every level is generally babied down and sanitized. I can't even imagine a children's cartoon as dark and serious as The Secret of NIMH being released now.
>Jack Vance
Why do you even ask. The answer is always yes.

>> No.17458753

Slow thread.

>> No.17458772

better slow than total shit

>> No.17458791

What happened with his publisher?

>> No.17458836

I'm a furry erotica author by trade and I had to do some snake-man writing recently. I think it's tolerable in piecemeal, like the character hissing when he gets particularly emotional, as opposed to all the time.

Otherwise, I'd note it like once or twice.

>> No.17458851

You're clearly new. This is a fast thread.

>> No.17458892

>I'm a furry erotica author by trade
Woah there anon

>> No.17458941

It is slower than usual. Perhaps the flamewar spammers were v& ...?

>> No.17459005

hey there, its the new take

>Part 1 of the Rhytm of War is like an amazing 10/10 free trial for the overall 7/10 game.

>> No.17459025



>> No.17459057

Alright /sffg/, malazan is turning up to be boring after a good start. Tell me what to read next.

>> No.17459075

Where are you at?

>> No.17459076

I really don't like her. She just keeps fucking everything up.
Why did Akka fall for such a whore?

>> No.17459164

It explains perfectly in the book, and it actually makes complete sense. But he should have just stayed gay honestly. He was butt buddies with another Mandate learner in his youth...if only he'd had more balls he could've cored Inrau's tight hole. No Esmenet then.

>> No.17459191

just finished This immortal by Zelazny, it was ok, a big letdown desu. I loved The lord of light and Lonesome october, and someone here had recommended this one too but i guess you guys can't be always right

the MC feels a bit of a gary stu at times, and the ending is cheesy with several out of nowhere lucky strikes that save the day. I guess this is why I didn't feel a lot of interest in the story. The dynamics with earth's fate were interesting, but everything else was mostly getting in the way of that.

>> No.17459267

Toll the hounds.

>> No.17459323

I haven’t made it that far yet.

>> No.17459419


>> No.17459455

I finished Toll recently and thought it was much better that Reaper's Gale with the best ending yet but the series really is dragging at points.

>> No.17459484

every fantasy series has a boring hump just drive through it

>> No.17459518

Yeah I am, not too far from the end now anyway.

>> No.17459523

>not too far from the end now anyway
like this thread DESU

>> No.17459529

Alright... I'll make the next thread. Give me a minute

>> No.17459531

the deus ex machinas kind of fit the Greek hero thing that's going on. but when the black beast showed up, I also thought it jumped the shark.

>> No.17459538

Thanks anon

>> No.17459584

Alright, jerks. In you go.



>> No.17460008

It adds a little dose of irony and misdirection to her being Severian's grandmother.

>> No.17460107

Well well, look who actually read the book.
That's a fair take. I don't believe it. But it's fair.