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/lit/ - Literature

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17444100 No.17444100[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Christcucks, leave this board. Your “beliefs” (larp) are antithetical to true beauty. You have no business discussing serious literature. Slink off to a church message board where you belong. Or better yet, die.

>> No.17444114

Beauty is a purely Christian concept. Without God there is no beauty.

>> No.17444116


>> No.17444125

This. The highest form of music that ever was is 18th century choir. It is the only form that escapes form, instead being the perpetual state of becoming in infinite space.

>> No.17444136


>> No.17444148


>> No.17444149

Nonsense. Kill yourself.

>> No.17444152

do you consider yourself pagan?

>> No.17444158

That’s all a Christcuck has.

>> No.17444160
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not even a christfag but it seems to me like christianity has produced the greatest works of high culture in human history

>> No.17444167

No, I’m not any flavor of larper.

>> No.17444174


>> No.17444176

They produced some good works in a different time when it was a relevant cultural force. Now it’s just a larp and doesn’t produce good works and never will again. But even in the past it was mostly degenerate.

>> No.17444187
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Not an argument.

>> No.17444202
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>> No.17444209


>> No.17444234
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>Homer believed in the gods, therefore Odyssey has no beauty
>Wu Cheng'en believed in reincarnation, therefore Journey to the West has no beauty
>John Milton believed in Jesus, therefore Paradise Lost has no beauty
Do atheists really?

>> No.17444257

>some good works
>even in the past it was mostly degenerate
lol what? virtually all of humanities greatest cultural accomplishments stem from Christianity, almost all of the best music, visual arts, architecture, literature etc.

>> No.17444291

No, this was refuted by Villem Bosch

>> No.17444299


>> No.17444304

Read Auerbach, _Dante: Poet of the Secular World_

All Western art and culture arises from the Gospel account of Christ's life and death.

Nor is it likely that anyone who is dismissive of that tradition ("christcuck") will ever reach a deep understanding of the art and artists rooted in it. So, if you think someone should leave the board, take a look in the mirror, buddy. That just might be you.

>> No.17444312
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In the history of mankind There has never been a single functioning moment of atheistic industry nor any defining art that had made it's mark in history. You're all genetic dead ends just like your belief. If sanity had it's say, you would all be persecuted to the ends of the earth. You wouldn't dare to live in a Christian society just to besmirch it's glory. I have nothing but hatred in my heart for your kind

>> No.17444327

Most of the great Christian writers (Tolstoy, Dostoevsky for example) were total degenerates. A lot of them were heretic too.

>> No.17444332
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I saw OP at the grocery store today.

I trust you found everything you need?

>> No.17444343

so modern society where Christianity is the least relevant it's been in centuries and atheism is at an all-time high is morally and artistically superior to the devoutly Christian Middle Ages?

>> No.17444347

Cope lmao.

>> No.17444365

fuck you, we built cathedrals, you tore them down to build Walmart's.
Modernism is the one true LARP, a society of the fake made sacred.

>> No.17444369
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>Cope lmao.
Look at you. You even repeat buzzwords like a well conditioned slave

>> No.17444388

Who is that in the pic, Joseph Smith? lmao

>> No.17444417

Yes, plus, The greatest works of art came to be in post-medieval times, also mostly after reformation, where the belief crumbled that there is only one church. Not long after that the existence of God as an indisputable fact also slowly dissolved... the peasants kept their religiosity, meanwhile the social stratum which was educated cared less and less about it.

>> No.17444426

demonstrably false

>> No.17444431 [DELETED] 

I wanna fuck a dog in the ass and consummate our marriage at the altar of science before Elon Musk and Bill Nye.

>> No.17444462

Literally this.

>> No.17444473

>atheists produced by a Christian society are the worst atheists
hmm I wonder why

>> No.17444479

cringe cope disgusting brainwashed ameritards. repulsive

>> No.17444480
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Anyone who denies that all the best manmade beauty in the world is purely Christian is a coping retard.

>> No.17444491

/x/ already have a christianity general, I see no sense in discussing it here
The bible discussion is ok but random christ shilling is not

>> No.17444497

please read some good literature, ameritard

>> No.17444505
File: 169 KB, 1079x1332, 75440993_2405170066418000_1638784690656601425_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already read the Bible thanks.

>> No.17444513

Nice strawman. I'd make a long winded story about free will but you don't believe in that either, so what's the fucking point? In fact i'm not going to give you this (You)

>> No.17444520
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>> No.17444524
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>> No.17444538

Kek pretty sure most athiests don't believe there is such thing as """"""true beauty"""""

Does the need to seethe at christcucks blur the athiests brain to their own beliefs?

>> No.17444545

what the fuck are you talking about, you rat bastard?

>> No.17444560

>Me after listening to Allegri Miserere on YouTube recs once

>> No.17444563
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>blur the atheists brain
Atheists were always midwits

>> No.17444592

>true beauty
Define what "true" beauty is atheist.

>> No.17444600

you are brainwashed. monotheism is a scam.
you are unintelligent.

>> No.17444613

Doesn't change the fact that you think "true" beauty exists without God. What is "true"?

>> No.17444635

no i do not. i just don't buy into your silly monotheistic regime, or try to cope with my indoctrination with semantics.

>> No.17444642

Right back at you

>> No.17444653

read shakespeare

>> No.17444661

>Allegri Miserere
Allegro was predominantly 17th century

>> No.17444664

I have.

>> No.17444674
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t. midwit

>> No.17444690

>Your “beliefs” (larp) are antithetical to true beauty
If you don't think "true" beauty exists without God why did you say that Christians' "beliefs" are antithetical to true beauty? Your positing that true beauty exists without God, without God Truth doesn't exist at all, let alone "true" beauty. You are still partially correct because belief in God is based entirely on faith (if you rely at all on reason in 21st century in my opinion you will eventually lose your belief in God) and it is impossible to objectively prove the Christian faith is "true." But truth doesn't exist. So beauty is an entirely relative concept. How can you say that something is truly beautiful as in objectively and definitively beautiful? At least Christians can say that whatever brings glory to God is truly beautiful.

>> No.17444727

I'm an egotheist

>> No.17444749

post something beautiful made by an atheist or non-christian
go ahead