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/lit/ - Literature

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17441651 No.17441651 [Reply] [Original]

was buckosky right?

>> No.17441658

man never worked a day in his life.

>> No.17441685

Before that is a rooster waking you up to farm

>> No.17441717

but I enjoy pissing and shitting a lot

>> No.17441724

Bukowski just pisses me off. He wrote a couple of good poems and a half-decent novel, sure, but why the hell do people take him seriously. The guy writes like a fourteen-year-old boy who just got dumped. He was a world-weary alcoholic fuck, and he rarely had anything remotely profound to say.

>> No.17441733

Agreed I do love his novels Women and Ham on Rye albeit.

>> No.17441740

>no you can't be world weary my heckin worlderino is epic

>> No.17441743
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>6:30pm by an alarm clock
only a bad thing if you don't get enough sleep
>leap out of bed
lol nope
not a bad thing
if you don't eat at midnight, you'll be hungry in the morning
not a bad thing
not a bad thing
>brush teeth and hair
not a bad thing
>fight traffic
if you're not running late you don't fight traffic
>to a place where essentially you made lots of money for somebody else
You, who is working the cash register at walmart, are not responsible for the money walmart makes.
>asked to be grateful for the opportunity to do so
lol no

If this way of life pissed him off so much, why didn't he just buy a farm and live off it? It's almost like he's a coddled faggot who thinks there's a way to restructure all of society to have a prosperous life but not have to work

>> No.17441757

Shut up faggot. You can be as depressed as you want and whine about 'muh tragic life', but it doesn't instantly qualify you as a great novelist or poet. Also, I can tell from your reply you are a 14-15-year-old who just transitioned from Reddit. You'll realize Bukowski is a hack in about two or three years

>> No.17441855
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he sounds like the Unabomber but boring

>> No.17441858

have fun being a drain on resources

>> No.17441870

t. brainwashed goy

>> No.17441878

Sounds like something a middle schooler would write

>> No.17441888

Hedonist unaboomer

>> No.17441890

> Also, I can tell from your reply you are a 14-15-year-old who just transitioned from Reddit.
What grand insight!

>> No.17441906

I'm sorry, it's just painfully obvious.

>> No.17441912


>> No.17441920



>> No.17441935


>> No.17441944

>he doesn't practice fecal retention

>> No.17441978


>> No.17441997

got baited so hard that you went and made a vocaroo
go back

>> No.17442003

It really is fucking stupid and manipulative.
Even if you buy into the anti-work meme, like a moron, 90% of this shit is stuff you'd have to do or should be doing (brush your teeth? Really?) anyway.

>> No.17442018

That's right, backpedal now you little scared faggot. Sure, i'll go back to banging your sister though

>> No.17442028
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i'm not them you dumb cunt
go back

>> No.17442047



>> No.17442049

got scared so hard you went and spent 5 hours in mspaint to hide yourself... fucking lol

>> No.17442055
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>> No.17442059

His poetry is unreadable

>> No.17442068

>His mother, Katharina Bukowski, was the daughter of Wilhelm Fett and Nannette Israel
fucking dropped

>> No.17442076

It's rare I come across somebody more autistic than me.

>> No.17442274

among his divorces was a millionaire woman. she was from texas, the man even lived there for a while.

>> No.17442301

>why do people take him seriously
He presents sordid truths without pretension whose accuracy often offends pseuds. Like Hemingway he's an easy ready who is both overrated by fans yet underrated by detractors. Bukowski earned his place in the sun and much of what he said still rings true today.

>> No.17442321

chuck is the lowest barrier to getting filtered

>> No.17442396

>if you're not running late you don't fight traffic
Ah, a stay at home virgin. Right on cue.

>> No.17442496
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he works at factories and many other odd jobs that demanded demeaning assignments. And most of them he got paid peanut amounts. Walmart Cashiers? Jesus. That would've been too generous.

>> No.17442528

Agreed. He's a lazy degenerate fuck who's only interesting because of how unapologetic he is about it. In no way should anyone be listening to him for some kind of wisdom or life advice.

>> No.17442549

big lol. but maaaaaan did he harvest a lot of pussy out of them from readers.

>> No.17442572

>all these pseuds think they've pinned uncle buck
>they are actually revealing their obsession with maintaining stagnant hierarchies

real mad max hours in this thread

>> No.17442611

german names

>> No.17443296
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>you WILL poo in the loo

>> No.17443323

Yes and no. Thomas Aquinas answers him in the Summa, Second Part of the Second Part, Question 59, Article 3:

>> No.17443340

Yes. No society lived that way prior to the 19th century and even then they largely didn’t love that way until the last 100 years. It’s totally unnatural and ungodly.

>> No.17443370

Why do I feel you're still in college and never had a full time job in your entire life?

>> No.17443533

Of course but modern wagies go to great mental extents to justify their state as "comfotable" slaves

>> No.17443583

>Suffering is the effect of external action.
Brainlet take. One can suffer long after an external action has taken place, at which point the suffering no longer depends on the external action but feeds on itself, mainly due to the character flaws of the sufferer.

>> No.17443809

He was the first realistic writer

>> No.17443821

May be true but I still know more than Bukowski which speaks volumes.

>> No.17443829

>taking what someone writes in a novel as the opinion of the author themselves
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.17443859

are you that anon who said stoicism is for faggots? familiar voice

>> No.17443865

He is, but it's a very shallow observation.

>> No.17444594

rejecting the present doesn't mean you defend the past

>> No.17444598


>> No.17444609

i'm just saying, waking up with the sun is deeply ingrained in us

>> No.17446076

link to the video plx

>> No.17446116

But in that case you only had to work for a single season. Maybe a couple hours each morning if you had animals.

>> No.17446146

Life is where the Black pimps are.

-Charles Bukowski

>> No.17446609


>> No.17446620
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>> No.17446656

>slavery of the greatest number requires the attenuation of the conditions of bondage; largely pro forma, but all the more insidious for it

Unsalaried wagie hands typed this post

The inauthenticity of the entirety of the faggot Boomer Beats (Burroughs excepted), compared to this hideous alcoholic gnome. This >>17442301

>> No.17446727
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if u can't see how right he is, i pity your propaganda saturated psyche. there is no hope for u, it makes no difference whether you're dead or alive

>> No.17446755

based. these threads are a litmus test for how dysgenic /lit/ and 4chan in general are getting over time

>> No.17446867

There was ton of work in every season, from preparing a large patch of soil, to planting, watering, weeding, making sure various pest doesn't ruin your effort, then finally picking your veggies and fruit, conserving them through various methods so they don't go bad before you get to eat them. Add to that various small or not so small jobs around the house. Before modern inventions, some work required the whole village to join hands.
With animals you had to feed them, including special mixture with for example nettle for better health, check for diseases, pay for the vet if they have some, pay for the vet if your cow has trouble birthing, collect eggs, milk the cows, clean their crap every day, take them out on the field and make sure they don't get lost, stolen or killed, and eventually slaughter them for meat, which then has to be turned into sausages or various other products to last longer.
If you fucked up any of that, you risked starving.
And since people living off their land were often not that well-off, sometimes they would have to figure out how to make extra money. Back in the day my grandma would use her knowledge of sewing to make clothes for local women, and in winter she would make her kids go into the forest and collect branches of evergreen trees to make wreaths they would then sell.

>> No.17447051

That's still the effect of an external action, even if is separated from the initial cause by time. If I denature iron in fire, take it out and hit it, the shape it takes on is still the effect of the heat. All you did was prove him right really

>> No.17447063

By finding a job or career path that you genuinely enjoy and challenges you to be a better person. But why would I expect a dumb drunk who couldn't even keep any of the women he had due to laziness and unwillingness to be an adult to know this?

>> No.17447308
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The heat may well be one of the causes, but the shape it takes on would not be possible without the hits. I heat up a piece of iron and give it to you. Its final shape will not be a result of the heat, but of the repeated hits you deal to it.

>> No.17447334

First off, that is an awful mentality to have. I know its a stigma for artists to be lazy, wake up at 10, use all kinds of substances ....
And I have been there - doing all that - but its been only after I got my shit together and started waking up at 6, exercising, eating, reading Bible every morning etc. that I finally got as productive as ever, as creative as ever and as calm and happy as ever..
I still smoke weed, write, play music.. while being in uni and working on the side.
So, he was very wrong with that. Not to say that my experience should correlate with everyone (or even anyone), but certain things are objectively better for a good reason.
Discipline is based.

On the second note, I've never seen anything else from CB although I heard of him. Having seen this post, I googled him to read some poems or whatever he has to offer.
Lo' and behold - they suck.
I understand the appeal from the pretentious modernist mainstream audience who all pretend like a sentence split into 10 parts without any form, rhyming or ingenuity, while also lacking even traces of interesting ideas and observations - its easy to consume and pretend like its deeper than it is.

Even still, I can't stand that type of cheap "art" and I find it as no wonder that it comes from a person who wielded a belief expressed in the OPs picture.

>> No.17447523

I enjoy it because I'm a scumbag and I can relate to it. To people like me, you seem snobby. You're Don Lemon and I'm a chud. Bukowski is based.

>> No.17447584

I'm snobby cause I have healthy habits?
Bitch I have done things no mother would like to know of her son and I've been both a bum and a "cHaD" (you illiterate dumbfuck). I've been both dirt-poor and have recently started getting some money on my name. I have been in a shit hole and am now a man that you would turn a faggot for.

And guess what you priviledged maggot: No matter what one is doing and where they are at - its important to be disciplined. And organized.
If you believe that that is a trait of "snobism", it just means you will forever remain an absolute waste of cells, a breathing cancerous individual who revels in his utter uselessness because it is simply easier doing nothing and being a lazy fuck, than it is to actually do what is Good.

You will never amount to anything if that is your state of mind. That does not mean "you won't have money" or "won't be famous". It means that you are so deluded that the world sucks that you would rather suck as well. No matter what happens of your life, you will continue thinking that it is better to be a lazy piece of excrement because at least then - you can continue complaining.

you charles-bukowski-poem-tattooed-on-an-ankle putrid fuck

>> No.17447590

and yes i misread the chud into chad - my bad
pretty much all else still stands
you twat

>> No.17447676

and i should add before it becomes a question - the only reason im being so rude and offensive is because lazy people are a problem. actual stain on society. i know it cause im lazy and ive been lazy and there is nothing else one can do than suffer through it and stop being lazy

lazy people know that they are lazy so telling them that wont work.. CB knew very well that he was a lazy cunt.
so, what needs to be done is name calling. only that way can people realise that it is not a good thing (also some rationalizing and explaining, but 4chan really allows for the very mod i chose)

>> No.17447819

Do you really expect me to read all this? I stopped at Bible. Please don't bother answering, I am not interested.

>> No.17447917

seems like your soul is still stuck in the past.

>> No.17447983

>By finding a job or career path that you genuinely enjoy and challenges you to be a better person.
And your chances of realistically finding a genuine vocation like that in the modern day is like 1/1,000,000. For 99% of people they will either end up in a job that’s just a job or a career that they hate but force themselves to like.

>> No.17448012

Pretty much.

>> No.17448051


>> No.17448331

>I still know more
You barely know anything about commuting, I think you've got a long way before you catch Bukowski himself, anon.

>> No.17448354

You're snobby because you write long winded posts celebrating the lint in your bellybutton. You should read more Bukowski. He'll straighten you out.

>> No.17448471

i write long cause i have much to say and you should start a religion out of the lint in my bellyhole buddy

and I think I'll pass, I read a few poems and I honestly can't be bothered.. I love poets and there are so many great ones (Id give my right arm to have had Cepгeй Eceнин lived just 5 more years), but CB is BS

>> No.17448486

thanks wagie i will

>> No.17449070

It's the result of both. Hitting cold iron can deform it but not by very much. The heat makes it take a more reasonable amount of force to shape it.

>> No.17449399


>> No.17449658

lazy people lol. christ im so glad i never got programmed by the managerial class into defending their mode of life online. kill yourself

>> No.17449668

>while actively contributing to a system that is a drain on resources
lol wagies are a laugh riot

>> No.17449715
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Take the forestanon pill. Despite the conditioning to the contrary, it's exceedingly easy to live on next to nothing in modern America/Canada. If you can, slave until you have ~$100,000 you can live a cozy /lit/ hermit life.
>a couple acres of your own land
>a little one-room hut
>wood heat
>garden for most of your food
>do odd jobs if you need money
>public library and ereader

>> No.17450065

suck my cock you waste of space

>> No.17450070

bro look around you, what are you contributing to? utopia? lmfao. get back to work faggot

>> No.17450274

fuck are you talking about? as if you had a slightest idea on what it is i see around myself or what it is i do

quit projecting
you slimy disgusting irrelevant bowl of disposed condoms
suffocate on your own shit cousin-fucker

>> No.17450388

Even so, a certain degree of suffering is a result of internal action.

>> No.17450503

you are conflating "work" with a "job", as are most people ITT. I'd like to see where in that quote does Buckarooski criticize the physical reality of planet Earth according to which you need to spend energy ("work") to produce means of survival. Because as far as I can read he is angry at jobs, aka wageslavery aka employment. Only a retard or worse, the Last Man, would defend the idea that having a job is good in opposition to being human and alive

>> No.17450676
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It pays to get up in the morning for the compound interest, because with stamina you will eventually reach a fortune. Even if you don't have a high income. You just have to be mentally strong enough, which I am not, for example, but I try. I still try to be myself and not let my mood spoil. Because everyone in Germany pulls such a depressed face, I hate this shitty country.

bucocksky wasn't right.

>> No.17450697


>> No.17450703

I just want a job where I don't have to live in a closet and have to take daily antidepressants and anxiety meds to keep from killing myself

>> No.17450945
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Normalfags deserve it.
They're programmed to punch down.
When people ask what I do for a living I say 'currency trader', their programming kicks in and they look favourably upon the merchant.
Fucking idiots.

>> No.17450955
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Just sell the meds to somebody even more pathetic, idiot.

>> No.17450962

You must love pointless tasks though, or you wouldn't have written that terrible wall of shite.