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File: 23 KB, 257x388, OrthodoxStudyBible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17431910 No.17431910 [Reply] [Original]

Is this worth reading or should I just stick to the KJV?
What translation have you read/would recommend?

Inb4 just learn hebrew and koine

>> No.17431937

I believe that one is based on KJV but also offers explanations, studies and extended thoughts from the Orthodox branch of Christianity

>> No.17432206

Just get an interlinear bible. The translations always try to be as literal as possible and they can help you learn Greek.

>> No.17432576

Yes, this is true. So to OP, ditch your regular KJV and get this one instead.

>> No.17433489

Orthodox is the tree trunk, not a branch

>> No.17434479

Get the Oxford Annotated Bible (NRSV). I prefer this one to the Harper Collins Study Bible.
I also own the Orthodox Study NT, which is NKJV.

>> No.17434760

Watch this
>Reading the Bible as an Orthodox Christian - Dr Jeannie Constantinou

>> No.17435678


>> No.17435703
File: 122 KB, 997x768, Go-with-God.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The OT is a new translation of the Septuagint, in contrast to the KJV that uses the Masoretic Text. The NT is literally NKJV.
>Orthodox branch of Christianity
The Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is the trunk that all christian traditions split off from.

>> No.17436015

Spent the last year studying the Thomas Nelson King James Study Bible. A much more thorough resource.

>> No.17436040

>The Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church is the trunk that all christian traditions split off from.
The trunk is the historical Judaism.

>> No.17436104

tl;dr? I'm skeptical about watching anything women, especially a fat women.

>> No.17436105

Judaism stopped with the messiah and Talmudist infidelity takes then.

>> No.17436182
File: 113 KB, 900x614, mikvehcave27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The trunk is the historical Judaism.
There were two types of Judeans after AD 70. One group moved to Yahvneh and became the Jews, and the other group moved to Antioch and became Christians.

>> No.17436898
File: 26 KB, 254x400, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get this

>> No.17438074

The trunk Canaanite polytheism and middle eastern shamanism.

>> No.17439010

Yeah anon, it gives an interesting way to 'reconcile' or connect the Old and New Testaments.

>> No.17439016
File: 519 KB, 720x557, 1586685047411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All wrong. The trunk is Islam

>> No.17439059

The OSB uses the NKJV translation, a good reason to pick it would be the extensive footnotes.
If you don't care for footnotes or a study bible and want a reader's bible the KJV should do.
You might also want to look into EOB.

>> No.17439092

The footnotes are almost all filler and no duh material in order to inflate the price of the book and fleece people. The entire religion is about pointless consumerism as piety, some parishes even charge for baptism. A striking contrast to the ideals of its monastic literature

>> No.17439152

The Orthodox Study Bible was not authorized by any Orthodox Church or ecumenical patriarchate, and it's considered to be too evangelical.

>> No.17439161

It's literally the only complete Orthodox translation of the Bible lol

>> No.17439186


>> No.17439211

For an Orthodox Bible, it's very Un-Orthodox.

>> No.17439247

As opposed to a Catholic or Protestant translation?

Orthodox are very opinionated and often say very contrary things, the monks of mount Athos for example will often get very angry at their patriarch. Orthodox info is a particularly opinionated site.

>> No.17440220

Lolno, an interlinear is useless as a translation because English grammar is totally different to Greek or Hebrew. If you are learning the original languages you will be using a dictionary and grammar guides so an interlinear will be useless for that too.

Interlinears are the tools of people fooling themselves into thinking they are reading the original languages, the same goes for Strong's concordance.

>> No.17440238

get it its the best Ortho Bible, best commentary over all as well.