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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 750x528, Screenshot 2021-02-01 131643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17432534 No.17432534[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does she have a point lit?

>> No.17432541

That thing is a sheboon

>> No.17432543

I'm still sour about the reformation.

>> No.17432546


>> No.17432567


>> No.17432568
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Very compelling, thotty mcsotty hoe - @thotscholar. Now, face the wall, please.

>> No.17432575
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>> No.17432585


I guess she was upgraded from hanging to firing squad for not using the word "mediocre" in the tweet.

>> No.17432591

Lots of Joyce’s contemporaries would agree

>> No.17432596

twitter screenshot posters must die

>> No.17432601

its always women. theyve always written, and consumed pulp bullshit. This bitch would probably hold Harry Potter to a higher level than Blood Meridian

>> No.17432607

before you judge her...

who here has actually read ulysses?

>> No.17432619

I read a biography of General Ulysses Simpson Grant that was titled "American Ulysses". That counts, right?

>> No.17432623

It's not that hard to read, a shitload of it just random sentence fragments of whatever is going through some Irish retards' minds

>> No.17432624
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>> No.17432626

No black women can't have an opinion on literature because they have never written anything worthwhile

>> No.17432632
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opinion IMMEDIATELY discarded.

>> No.17432633

Lack of taste and understanding of literature masquerading as ""postcolonial"" critique (while farcically unaware that Joyce was a whitenigger and colonial subject).

>> No.17432636
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where's the lie

>> No.17432648

>t. Read half of catcher in the rye in high school, and 0 pages of the other two

>> No.17432654

Sometimes I genuinely understand the impulse to behead people in the street.

>> No.17432712

How much longer are we going to stand for the desecration of the canon like this

>> No.17432728

She's a YA writer, so she has skin in the game. She wants to sell some books.

>> No.17432757

>why isn't the history of american racism taught in schools? >:(
>also, ban books with themes of american racism

>> No.17432758

>She's a YA writer
of course she is. What else would the cunt write?

>> No.17432774

Clearly a fearful Jesuit and antisemite filtered by Bloom’s character

>> No.17432799

She has never read any of these

>> No.17432810

lol if any woman says james joyce is bad just ask her whether she enjoyed harry potter, shuts up pretty quickly

>> No.17432812

talk to you women much do you?

>> No.17432816

Joyce making roasties seethe since wo*lf

>> No.17432836

She’s retarded because Ulysses was written by an Irishman and the Irish are not white

>> No.17432844

i could understand the point about a 'classic' work just not 'doing' anything for you but when she said that fantasy is fun and mentioned the authors as 'white' and that her being bisexual meant the book isn't for her she just made herself sound really stupid

>> No.17432851

Literally all criticisms of the classics in schools are just YA writers trying to flog their shitty books. It's all cartel shit.

>> No.17432859
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what does them being white have to do with it? i have never understood why the race is brought up, it isn't relevant

>> No.17432877

Many white people hate themselves and it's bizarre. It irritates me, because a lot of these same people have very stupid and naive ideals and perceptions of the world, that will ultimately lead to the collapse of Western society. I say this as a brown person.

>> No.17432884

>damn these books are so horrible but I can’t stop thinking about them

>> No.17432892

Lmao white people dont exist, people exist. Wtf is race?

And yes ulysses isnt a great novel, its a dumb meandering joke joyce memed on us with

>> No.17432907

not to defend them but your argument is pretty poor
>I can’t stop thinking about them
to what capacity? do you think they have their fists bawled and are saying 'grrrr classic works grrrrr' all day? she probably saw the tweet and realised she in her mind has something to say about it

>> No.17432919

the authors being white isn't why she disliked the book, nor is it the reason the book is considered a classic. there was no reason for race to be brought up. she could have just said that many classic books just aren't the cup of tea for many people and had more reason to be impactful and thought of as incredible in the contemporary time they came out

>> No.17432934

based retard

>> No.17432948

Well, personally I don’t remember any books I hated reading from high school aside from catcher in the rye, but I’m only reminded of it because my best bud loves it

>> No.17432962

>mentally ill
>partially dressed
>visible tattoo
>recommends Percy Jackson over the classics
Are you sure this isn't satire?

>> No.17432972

Lol I've never read any of those.

>> No.17432976

Go back to your containment thread, subversive. >>17430133
I mixed her up with the video of that YA writer, so my comment is moot since she appears to be black. But she's clearly trying to push the notion that him being a white male played a role in establishing himself in literature. You're completely right that there's no reason to bring up race. I'm willing to bet that she doesn't really like white people, she probably sees them as an obstacle or an explanation for past failures.

>> No.17432978

people don't give themselves visible tattoos just ot be satire, its more likely she is actually serious. she recommended fantasy over the classics because fantasy is fun and the classics are boring, which is true for many people if you read for fun and not to understand things

>> No.17432985

i disliked moby dick and some believe it to be incredible and loved every page and i don't know what it is that differs between me and them to if you do read it just remember that it could be an absolute coinflip whether you enjoy it

>> No.17432986

I'm readin Moby Dick and she's not totally wrong here, Melville makes a lot of decisions I understand but gotta disagree with.

>> No.17432993

no lies were told

>> No.17432995
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>> No.17433002

Obvs theres no reason to bring up race, it doesnt fucking exist

>> No.17433005

I think it's more American schools forcing it on the students.
Every book I was forced to read at school I harbour a dislike of because of the huge amount of time it took to read the book because we did it collectively.
Plus the amount of 'analysis' we had to do of it.
I had to read of Mice and Men, and I still hate it today.

>> No.17433020

>Yes by the way here be the direct observational description at a rapid fire pace.
Repeat 100 times.
That's Moby Dick. It's not terrible, it's just not the novel I would have read if not forced to by society telling me I should over 9000 times.

>> No.17433026

not an arguement. elaborate and contribute if you can
thats true. i suppose a lot more is that many of these books cannot be appreciated or understood by most people until they read them as adults, and so reading them in high school you can miss the point of the book and not get as much enjoyment out of it and so it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. for movies i assume it is more obvious that this happens. the first time i watched the Bridge over the River Kwai at 16 i just didn't understand much of the themes or why the characters felt the way they did but watching it at 23 i was able to have a whole new understanding and appreciation for the film and enjoyed it more

>> No.17433027

>forcing it on the students
Maybe you're just retarded

I actually enjoyed studying assigned books in school and found the reading experience enriched by the analysis.

>> No.17433028

>I'm a mentally-ill bisexual
>old white men miss my perspective on life
Her perspective is delusion though.

>> No.17433032

>classics are boring
I've often found the classics more enjoyable than the YA fiction, even as a young adult.
A simplified Odyssey is far more enjoyable than Percy Jackson.

>> No.17433034

the new generation has so many mentally-ill bisexuals that the classics can't be appreciated in schools

>> No.17433035

>I say this as a brown person
Most "brown" people are Caucasian, ie white.

>> No.17433037

The book ‘the madness of crowds’ concisely BTFOs people like this and it’s wonderful

>> No.17433050

immediately after it i said 'which is true for many people'. i didn't say the classics were boring as an absolute, just that many people feel that way
>I've often found the classics more enjoyable than the YA fiction,
and these people are the opposite and have a different taste
>A simplified Odyssey is far more enjoyable than Percy Jackson.
literally just your taste

>> No.17433051

>hates classics
>LITERALLY admits IN HER TWEET to having the attention span of a goldfish
You can't make this shit up

>> No.17433052

Initially yes, because I read the assigned book.
However because most of the class were slow readers, and they made us read it out in class I read Of Mice and Men nearly 20 times in year out of pure boredom.

>> No.17433054

I’ve been feeling that way for a while now.

>> No.17433065

Agreed but it’s par for the course. We gotta shit on all white mans legacy so we can prove our wokeness.

>> No.17433086

You need to grow up more. That’s literally it. Read it every ten years. If you don’t like it by 50 you’re probably never going to get over your naïveté and simple mindedness.

>> No.17433097

Like what? I’m very interesting in your pleb critiques of the greatest American novel ever written

>> No.17433119


>> No.17433123

>literally just your taste
The Odyssey is an objectively better story.

>> No.17433141

yes but a better story isn't the only thing that can make something enjoyable, that's where taste comes in. people can appreciate different things

>> No.17433159
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"let people enjoy things" take


>> No.17433164

>puts words in my mouth
>posts a soijak

>> No.17433169

Man, Catcher in the Rye is a masterpiece. Don't why native English speakers throw at such a high literary achievement.

>> No.17433184

Then why has the US and a large portion of the West been caught up in protests for "racial inequality" and "racial justice"? If race doesn't exist, why has there been such a vocal outcry over it? Even if we allow for your silly nu-speak notion of race = social construct, it doesn't change the fact that many people still allow this "social construct" to guide their decision making processes and perception of the world. Humans are social creatures, and social hierarchies are powerful forces.

>> No.17433204

why does everyone have to pretend that having opinions counts as being politically active? I mean this rhetorically because I know the answer

>> No.17433211

it makes you feel less guilty about doing what you subconsciously know is nothing productive. its why so many communists just say 'read theory' and do nothing else

>> No.17433229

my man I said I was asking the question rhetorically because I knew the answer
and you're also wrong

>> No.17433235

then what is the right answer?

>> No.17433313

I like Moby Dick but....Zoomer!

>> No.17433341

>destroying everything
confirmed never read

>> No.17433343

Theres no fun in bad written books, just like bad made food they are barely digestible, YA pop fantasy is just delusion and escapism.

>> No.17433369

>Theres no fun in bad written books
there can be if you don't recognise they are badly written
>just like bad made food they are barely digestible
some foods that are digestible to some are not digestible to others. it isn't uniform throughout the population. and what can be considered 'bad made food' depends on the person and what they like and can ear
>YA pop fantasy is just delusion and escapism.
they like it for the escapism, the delusion part is one they haven't come to terms with or realised yet

>> No.17433418

I haven't read Ulysses but she is the embodiment of postmodern cultural decline. She has no feminine beauty in or grace about her really it's a shame why has the world become this way now?

>> No.17433473

Is it possible that I’m fiscally liberal but socially conservative? The more threads like these where I see people who don’t read talk shit about classics makes me rather upset. I thought I was some kind of far leftist, but I’m starting to believe that much of the rights we have given to people were a mistake.

>> No.17433479

her argument boils down to "i'm brown and don't want to read books from Whites" which is fine as far as i'm concerned. I'm not gonna read any books by browns any time soon. By all mean, read whoever you want.

>> No.17433492

>Blood Meridian
Stop worshipping this edgy shit. Never read any book where characters were this shallow.

>> No.17433494

Yes she does. Almost all 20th century literature or philosophy is garbage.

>> No.17433509


> Your continued existence.
> The fact that people call you sentient
> The fact that society expects me to put up with the inane shit you say and pretend you are my equal when in fact you are lower than the mice I stepped on this morning.

>> No.17433512

Ulysses is garbage, but it isn't garbage because it wasn't written with the intention of pandering to her.

>> No.17433515

>Is it possible that I’m fiscally liberal but socially conservative?

That is what the general populace is, believe it or not.

>> No.17433516

Textbook example of slave morality. She has no worthwhile critique or power other than attempting to make you feel guilty for reading white men.

>> No.17433521

Pure philosophy field is garbage in general. I've seen people from other fields make insightful philosophical remarks/analysis than pure philowankers. Philowankers are just schizos with their heads decoupled form any sense of reality trying to sell their inherent biases and shallow worldview.

>> No.17433525

I really hate it when people talk of "canonical" books, claiming that they totally "get it" and that the author was "maybe a genius for his time", but then state that the book was shit and that they disliked reading it.

>> No.17433534

What the fuck does fiscally conservative would even mean, you dumb burger? Be more specific and precise. Liberals aren't even economically right wing where I live.

>> No.17433540

Muh free markets, less taxes, etc.
The fact that modern conservatives are drunk with usury is why we will never get anywhere.

>> No.17433543

>Caring about characters in BM

>> No.17433562

That book has nothing worth saying. It just wants to be edgy and nothing more. It would've been tolerable if it had actual characters. This is my problem with modern fiction. They are always about inane bullshit. Writers only try to impress readers using their polished writing style and techniques. But in terms of real content there's nothing that can inspire readers, and make them feel and think and have their souls shaken. BM exemplifies everything wrong with modern literature.

>> No.17433565

>I thought I was some kind of far leftist
leftist in what sense? it is silly to give yourself a label and not understand what the label means or if there is a point to labelling yourself

>> No.17433576

Imagine using that many words just to tell people "I have not read Ulysses"

>> No.17433583
File: 20 KB, 574x101, Screenshot_2021-02-01 thotty mcscotty hoe 🍒🚲 🏳️‍🌈 ( thotscholar) Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beyond parody

>> No.17433584

>I'm not gonna read any books by browns any time soon
because they're brown? or because the books you want to read just happen to not have been written by browns?

>> No.17433590

>far leftist
Dude, far leftists are tankies, anarchists, pareconists or even nonreformist reformists in some cases. Liberals and conservatives are at the center fighting over bullshit lol

>> No.17433603

Yeah. It's only in burgerland where you pretend you're a radical fat leftist when you're actually just a centre-right cuck lmao

>> No.17433612

Yup. Literature captures the context, nuance and overall character of whatever is being spoken about far better than pure philosophy.

>> No.17433615
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can we be sure it is a parody account? it would be nice to believe it is, but i truly don't know

>> No.17433618

There is no way you have been reading for long. This post reads like some /v/ tourist read his first book. This is your problem with (((modern literature)))? Fucking kek.
What exactly convinces you that the book has nothing to say? Hell, he doesn't even glorify violence. All of it is delivered as a matter of fact and he moves on immediately instead of lingering on it. Only way people consider it edgy is by not reading the book and going by its blurb. You might want to come back to this book later on.

>> No.17433629

blood meridian is fantasy escapism as much as most other fiction books and isn't worth reading

>> No.17433633


>> No.17433649

Wrong book to try this on bud. Most people here have read this one and worship it. You'll be flayed.
>Fantasy escapism
At least try to pass off as if you have read it please. Fantasy is stretching it immensely, but escapism is down right laughable.

>> No.17433655

Fuck off, you bandwagoning piece of smug shit. Thinking BM is some peak literature only shows your immaturity.

>> No.17433670
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At what point are we going to realize that opinions expressed on twitter don't matter.

>> No.17433684

Retarded zoomer.
Cry more over ((modern literature)) retard. Kek.
>"Waaaah! Modern literature is all style no substance"
Literally wrong. Go back to whatever board/subreddit you came from.

>> No.17433691

Once these threads stop getting replies.

>> No.17433694

i have read blood meridian, i was just baiting

>> No.17433702

>Eyebrow raised.jpg
I'll take it.

>> No.17433718
File: 140 KB, 600x849, 3F513162-A8B3-4E9E-A3E8-1447317D6416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thotty mcscotty hoe sitting down and trying to read this

>> No.17433738
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The depressing thing is that they do.

>> No.17433739

this is hilarious. uhhh what main character in ulysses "runs through peoples lives destroying everything"?? Bloom's wife is literally cheating on him and he's just letting it happen lol. The male leads aren't screwing people over, if anything they're getting screwed over...

>> No.17433749

>but muh edgy nihilism and unrelatable inhumane shit is so cool bros
Kill yourself retard

>> No.17433752

this sounds like a Joyce quote kek

>> No.17433759
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>> No.17433761

Only classic that I like is Lolita. I've tried other nabokov novels like Ada and they were impenetrable and boring.

>> No.17433771

You're just cherrypicking

>> No.17433785

>"It's nihilism because I don't know what that word means, also the book is bad because it has ohh....wait for it.... VIOLENCE!!! in it. AAAAAA!"
Cry more retarded zoomer, seethe more.

>> No.17433789

Nazbol, potentially

>> No.17433827

>"I can't enjoy the book unless it's about seething incels in basement. It must be relatable to me, bro!"

>> No.17433834

Misandry is not supported here.

>> No.17433857

This book might as well be about alien entities doing alien shit just for.. Idk might be to seem deep and enlightening to you pretentious fucks. This books lacks human soul and is pulpy trash. Go kill each other, you frothing chimps.

>> No.17433906

Only one frothing is you, retarded zoomer. Go back to whatever retarded shithole you came from, butthurt ape.
>"It doesn't have this one in the checklist and it doesn't have that one in the check list."
The gall you have to call others pretentious, retarded faggot.
>Muh aliens, muh human soul.
Stop pretending you have read it you fag.
>"Literature should be about human soul and this and that"
You are a capeshitter, aren't you? Or maybe be a /v/ manchild? Kek. Super pretentious. Either way it doesn't look like you have read anything beyond YA or comics your whole life.

>> No.17433912

I unironically hate Ulysses but I also hate it when someone can only discuss art through a faux-righteous political perspective. It's a cheap way to appear educated while also demonstrating no proficiency in interpreting art. Then again this is Twitter, where if you don't mention how evil the whites are you get cancelled, so I don't blame her

>> No.17433961

kek I love burgers.

>> No.17433971

>who here has actually read ulysses?

Almost certainly she has not, and she's just regurgitating woke takes on the subject, like most people do with Marx.

>> No.17433981

I think it's a expression of a sincere belief that art only should be engaged with as a political tool.

>> No.17433994

>this thread has over one hundred replies
let that sink in

>> No.17433999

>>"It doesn't have this one in the checklist and it doesn't have that one in the check list."
Funny you say this because it's actually the kind of writers you worship who use reddit good storytelling 101 checklist to score points. Soulless trash.
>Stop pretending you have read it you fag
I am beginning to think you haven't read it at all and unironically going along with the /lit/ hivemind because you are just calling me names instead of saying anything about BM to refute me.

>> No.17434001


>> No.17434008

>I am a bisexual woman with mental health problems

>> No.17434019

>mfw this thread will either be deleted or hit bump limit
Twitter posting should be a bannable offense

>> No.17434031
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>"Classics are too hard :("
>"I'm a writer"
>dressed like a whore
>filming a tiktok video
>retard cadence
>"I am a bisexual woman with mental health issues"
>can only understand her own perspective
I literally could not discard her opinions and existence more.

>> No.17434041

>>17434031 for (You) >>17432567

>> No.17434047

don't let the sink in, he isn't wearing a mask

>> No.17434078

You have said absolutely nothing on BM, can't refute what's not there.
>because it's actually the kind of writers you worship who use reddit good storytelling 101 checklist to score points.
If you think BM uses any of that then everything I said about your reading habits is cent percent true.
>you haven't read it at all and unironically going along with the /lit/ hivemind
I am certain you haven't read it and are just trying to take the higher ground by "supposedly" going against the hivemind. There are multiple people who shit on it and I don't run behind them with a sickle in hand. But with cringe like this:
>But in terms of real content there's nothing that can inspire readers, and make them feel and think and have their souls shaken. BM exemplifies everything wrong with modern literature.
It's hard to take anyone seriously. Even if we assume you have read the book, there is high probability you haven't read much in your life but are only trying to pass yourself as smart. Hang around long enough and you can tell. Name calling is just tit for tat, can't let you get away with it. Nice trips btw

>> No.17434108


1. Moby Dick is a blast. It's an epic sea adventure written by a nerd who wants to talk about all the weird ideas he has. Put that shit in space and people would adore it. I'm serious: the Jane Austen Zombies people chose the wrong author.

2. For people who talk about compassion to the mentally ill there's not a lot of sympathy for a character who clearly IS mentally ill and abused in Holden Caufield.

3. Huck Finn is a work by an anti-imperialist, abolitionist who also wrote a whole essay on fart jokes he read aloud to the British royalty, making their monocles shatter and soiling their ascots. How do people who call it racist NOT like it?

>> No.17434142

>i am a bisexual woman with mental health issues
honestly lol'd

>> No.17434168

>oh no, High school MANDATORY readings are boring and I can't relate
How about you ask your teacher about other authors you could read outside class? How about you go to the library and ask the nice library lady for classic shit like The Torture Garden or the hundreds of modern classics that dealt with mental health, alienation, sexuality, etc?
Lazy fucking cuddled teenagers thinking they know best.

Plus, it's Anglo bullshit coming back to bit them in their asses. English writers usually didn't deal with the "degenerate" shit so prevalent in modern times (thanks Protestantism). Reading translations is below them, so they never get to experience groundbreaking shit that half the world already knows about.

>> No.17434327

She states that she only reads books that represent her viewpoint. That would imply that she only wants to consume media that reinforces her viewpoints. As novels are meant to (in varying degrees) entertain and teach, she is only interested in entertainment. As she lacks the ability to empathise with characters that do not share her experience, she appears to be against reading about viewpoints that differ from her own. The issue does not appear to be the value of the books she criticises but rather her inability to understand their message. I don't think it's wise to restrict yourself like her unless, like her, entertainment is your only goal but at that point you shouldn't be discussing the differences between high and low literature as to you it's meaningless.

>> No.17434358

>Liberals aren't even economically right wing where I live.
Liberals are always economically right wing. You aren't a liberal if you're against free markets.

>> No.17434365

liberal originally meant economically liberal as in economical liberty but at least in america the word liberal has been adopted multiple times by other groups to where it doesn't mean what it originally did. in the american context 'liberal' generally means social liberty rather than economic liberty these days

>> No.17434366

1. What is the Wrath of Khan.

>> No.17434369

posting twitter screencaps should be considered a crime

>> No.17434382

Nobody has to read Ulysses in high school. The only Joyce on my high school curriculum was Araby, and that was a teacher's personal selection rather than something mandatory.

>> No.17434387
File: 67 KB, 1024x962, a38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Catcher in the Rye made me cry

>> No.17434422

Couldn’t have said it better myself

>> No.17434438


>> No.17434459

Interesting. It made me lay this terrific fart.