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/lit/ - Literature

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17432653 No.17432653 [Reply] [Original]

What are /lit/‘s medieval literature essentials?

>> No.17432874


>> No.17432890

bump, also need this (i have the divine comedy, that's it

>> No.17433135

>Don Quijote
>Medieval literature

Learn your shit OP

>> No.17433172

its a medieval style faggot

>> No.17433187

Sir Walter Scott wrote all of his books in the 19th Century but are you going to tell me that Ivanhoe isn't medeival?

>> No.17433216

It's NOT a "medieval literature essential" you brainlet

>> No.17433222

>medieval literature essential
post some

>> No.17433227

Use google nigger

>> No.17433242

is pozzed

>> No.17433249

Yeah, it is a medieval literature essential. Don't like it? Fuck off back to goodreads you little uppity negro.

>> No.17433282

Faggots, it is explicitly anti-medieval, fuck off retards, it was written in the 19th century figuratively speaking.

>> No.17433291

>le don quixote is a mockery of medieval literature meme my religious studies prof said so
Don Quixote is medieval.
Not pro-medieval
Not anti-medieval

>> No.17433295

it is in a renaissance style parodying a medieval style

>> No.17433308

>I am such a cool contrarian because I hold the most mainstream contrarian view in the world
He literally killed himself after realizing how much of a faggot he was being, faggot. God is dead, faggot. Chivalry is dead, faggot. You are an edgy faggot. You probably haven't even read actual medieval garbage, faggot. Song of Roland? More like Shit of Roland like all true medieval literature.

>> No.17433321

roman de fauvel
villon's poetry

>> No.17433333

Do you really read DQ believing it is medieval literature?

>> No.17433345
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Njal's saga

>> No.17433347

>God is dead, faggot. Chivalry is dead, faggot.
>You are an edgy faggot.
LOL...nice one you fucking weirdo freak. Go read more books and suck less dick bro.

>> No.17433358

>weirdo freak
you must go back

>> No.17433363

Back where? To banging your sister's fat ass? I'll pass. I had my fun and it's time for me to stop messing around with cows.

>> No.17433375

you must go back
stop trying to fit in
you never will

>> No.17433380

Cry harder you little fucking bitch LOL.

>> No.17433384

You must lurk at least 6 months before posting
You must be at least 18 years old to post

>> No.17433395

At least one of those rules you have clearly neglected, kiddo

>> No.17433400

shut up, subhumans

>> No.17433409

DQ is literally the textbook example of the early-modern age clashing with the medieval world that has faded. It's filled to the brim with the message that the medieval era has gone, no matter how hard you try to hold on to it.

Don't call others uppity niggers just because you're still in high-school.
Go read The Song of Roland.

>> No.17433619




>> No.17433647

The Song of Roland
El Cantar de mio Cid
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Le Morte D'Arthur
The Canterbury Tales
The Divine Comedy
The Decameron
Summa Theologica

>> No.17433650
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>> No.17433653

Where can I even find an English translation of Roman de Fauvel?

>> No.17433663

Reading this right now and it's so much fun. Reading 2-3 stories every night before bed is just perfect.

>> No.17433674
File: 300 KB, 484x569, el campeador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

El Cantar del Mio Cid Campeador, or Poem of The Cid, written anonymously sometime between the 12th and 13th century. Tells the story of based boy Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar during the reconquest of Spain from the Moors. Read it, it's awesome.

My first language is Spanish so I couldn't really recommend a translation, but since it's an epic poem you should really try and find a good one.

>> No.17433679
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Death to the pagan infidels

>> No.17433722

basques were NOT pagan.

>> No.17433748
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>Don Quixote is medieval literature!!!1!
is retardation like this actually common on /lit/ these days? christ

>> No.17433755

Muslims were

>> No.17433764

I have absolutely no idea sorry. I quickly checked and found nothing, which is weird. Surely there must a version on a database similar to Gallica (but in english).

>> No.17433772

This thread is very literary.

>> No.17433783

>muslims are pagan
>but not the crypto-polytheistic man-cult
>inb4 mohammed worship
not saying that islam is exempt from this - monotheism is inherently untenable by spiritual intuition

>> No.17433800

yikes and cringepilled

>> No.17433816

go pray to your idols of saint mary, ''monotheist''

>> No.17433828

>what is the Godhead?

>> No.17433838
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medieval west;
minimum prerequisites
>romances of arthur
>history of the kings of britain
>canteburry tales
>the song of roland
>sir gawain
more historical
>icelandic sagas
>the decameron
>any book on the merovingians
modern fiction
name of the rose was amazing

>> No.17433847

Anyone who was not Christian at that time was considered pagan

>> No.17433852

>t-these different entities with different qualities are arbitrarily part of the same, one god!
excellent bait, i'm excited to see the responses here

>> No.17433881

>what is the energies-essence distinction
personages anon, personages

>> No.17433883
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go sniff your own farts, wimp dicked faggot

>> No.17434011

a theological hurdle that polytheists do not encounter
the last recourse of the bawling, defeated little abrahamic

>> No.17434091

Merely a reading of your rotten character.

>> No.17434097

polytheists do not encounter this because they worship the material world, and only view worship from the viewpoint of what they have to gain from materially concerned personages (most of which are considered demons in all abrahamic faiths)

>> No.17434101

Canterbury tales is not medieval.

>> No.17434133

i doubt it, considering your kind barely recognize words on a page in the first place
>polytheists do not encounter this because they worship the material world
try harder

>> No.17434157


>> No.17434162

What???? kek

>> No.17434215

Are you a French speaker then?

>> No.17434225

It's as medieval as other books that get thrown out as medieval literature like The Name of the Rose, Pillars of the Earth, and The Once and Future King.
I think the better distinction might be capital-M Medieval literature versus small-m medieval literature

>> No.17434228
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>try harder
I read a lot of ethnographic material from indigenous and shamanistic cultures, and almost of of the cultures I read about share a similar worldview; how can I manipulate specific non-human personages to discover hidden knowledge or benefit in terms of wealth and war. All "old-belief" systems are pretty much universally occultism. That's not to say they're misguided, those personages are real. However, the God of Abraham is unique in the fact that His will is obviously the polar opposite. Demons aren't a singular force of evil, but they are all mutually corrosive in different ways; preying on one's desires. Shamanistic cultures aren't to blame, because they were exposing themselves to the universal cosmology without an wholistic understanding of the spiritual warfare going on. However, most were definitely fishing for whatever could benefit them the most at the spur of the moment. Some saints who knew inuit cultures were surprised that inuit priests could name and angels (like Gabriel) and foretell their presence when monks from russian were coming to alaska. So basically, we're all operating in the same cosmology (some pagans actually followed and knew the God of Abraham) but you're choosing to follow the wrong personages which will fuck you up after you soul leaves the material world.
tl;dr - pagan larp is extremely gay and the Christ has shown us a world without whole burnt offerings

>> No.17434236

You fucking nonce.

>> No.17434255

The Sound of the Kiss, or The Story that Must Never be Told if you're okay non-European stuff

>> No.17434777

>don quixote
>despite being written well into the renaissance
read a history book bud

>> No.17434799

The thing is Don Quixote is set in the time of Cervantes. The main character is the only one larping as a medieval knight while the rest of the characters are dumbfounded by it. He even speaks in an old fashioned way which others find strange and amusing.

>> No.17434844
File: 1.05 MB, 3828x3024, bilingual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. The edition in Le Livre de Poche lettres gothiques is in bilingual old French/new French with a big and very good foreword. If you can speak a little bit of French see for yourself how it fits with your level (right page).

>> No.17434905

Of course they are, written between 1387 and 1400. It's late medieval, but medieval nonetheless.

>> No.17435264

>Saint Augustine
City of God
The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night
The Poetic Edda
>Snorri Sturluson
The Prose Edda
The Nibelungen Lied
>Wolfram von Eschenbach
>Chrétien de Troyes
Yvain: The Knight of the Lion
Tristan and Iseuld
The Song of Roldan
The Poem of the Cid
The Divine Comedy

>> No.17436292


>> No.17436457

5 3's, what do I get?