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File: 421 KB, 1276x1600, Detail-Roman-copy-portrait-bust-Aristotle-Greek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17431879 No.17431879 [Reply] [Original]

>Bro being a boring, lethargic, inactive philosopher like me who just thinks about shit is the best life!
How did this guy manage to provide such an accurate account of human virtue and eudaimonia, and then end up concluding that a life of fucking philosophical contemplation is the best life? I mean this guy literally tutored Alexander the Great, one of history's great men-of-action... He was literally part of Classical Greek culture, where the "hero" and man of action was the masculine cultural icon.
Does the beginning of Greek philosophy mark the decline of their culture?

>> No.17431886

Probably because he had a great life and didn't die at 16 like twinkxander who's life ultimately amounted to nothing

>> No.17431889

>who's life ultimately amounted to nothing

>> No.17431901

>>Bro being a boring, lethargic, inactive philosopher like me who just thinks about shit is the best life!
he was litteraly an emperor's tutor and counselman, his life was way more exciting than yours ever did, the fact that he took the time in all that to put the basis for science in place demonstrates the sheer size of his galaxy brain.
>Does the beginning of Greek philosophy mark the decline of their culture?
"their" culture continues now in ours thanks to him and a few others.

>> No.17431927

>Does the beginning of Greek philosophy mark the decline of their culture?
It would be more accurate to say that Greek philosophy is responding to the decline of or tensions within Greek culture. When the old definitions begin to fail to describe the reality of the times.

>> No.17431947

>you can't just try to find truth, you have to be fun

>> No.17431969

homeric greek and hellenistic society around the great philosophers time had pretty different cultural outlooks.
where the former was about living off your own work and actions while not being materialist, the latter was more about being a landowner who never had tonwork apart from managing his finances and did whatever to entertain themselves, philisophy was very niche in either of them

>> No.17431973

So what? His achievements don't make his statement that "a life of contemplation is the best life" any more true. Such a viewpoint is only held by sluggish, feminine, twisted people. If you look at the culture of Classical Greece you will see that the ideal masculine life was represented by bold, headstrong warriors like Ulysses, who were full of life, vitality, and spirit. Nothing like the hunchback academic leaning over his lectern straining his eyes to read the dry tome in front of him.
I'm not saying that the world has no place for men of contemplation, people like Aristotle. I'm saying that Aristotle is wrong in trying to portray himself and his kind of life as the ideal. It is a feminisation and subversion of the earlier Greek culture.

>> No.17431974 [DELETED] 
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intellectuals have only one goal: becoming a guru for a devoted audience, hence having an life by just spouting words heard by gullible people defending the nonsense you just made up

this is why women are so interested in philosophy, as students, because women have no critical thinking and fall for the first guru they see in the street.

>> No.17431976
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>>17431879 (OP)#
intellectuals have only one goal: becoming a guru for a devoted audience, hence having an easy life by just spouting words heard by gullible people defending the nonsense the guru just made up

this is why women are so interested in philosophy, as students, because women have no critical thinking and fall for the first guru they see in the street.

>> No.17431986


>> No.17432005

You must be young, you can extract enough truth of life from short bursts of activity before it gets repetitive. He would not have taught Alexander to the best of his ability, who could there be to verify this? You can always sense when someone you tutor is only learning to exploit people who have learned the same. Magnanimity cannot be taught.
>Does the beginning of Greek philosophy mark the decline of their culture?
That's Nietzsche's stance, you can only long for the things you lack.

>> No.17432007

>If you look at the culture of Classical Greece you will see that the ideal masculine life was represented by bold, headstrong warriors like Ulysses, who were full of life, vitality, and spirit. Nothing like the hunchback academic leaning over his lectern straining his eyes to read the dry tome in front of him.
Don't you think you're being a bit anachronistic by projecting this dualism back onto ancient Greece?

>> No.17432020

What he meant is that manual labor is for slaves and that dedicating your life to philosophy is a much nobler goal (which is true). This wasn't a controversial view for the Greeks, most of them believed this. The ennoblement of labor is a very modern thing.

>> No.17432026

It's still like this in Med societies.

>> No.17432030

>Does the beginning of Greek philosophy mark the decline of their culture?
Unironically yes. And also the downfall of the rest of the planet into chaos and nuclear war.

>> No.17432038

Youre a retard and faggot.
All action should be contemplated first, or youre a simple dog reacting instinctively.
A man is bound by his reasoning and logic, that is where his power lies.

>> No.17432040


>> No.17432064

>All action should be contemplated first, or youre a simple dog reacting instinctively.
“It is a profoundly erroneous truism that we should cultivate the habit of thinking of what we are doing. The precise opposite is the case. Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.”
― Alfred North Whitehead

>> No.17432083

>become mindless worker drones
Very nice, thanks Whitehead I will stop critically thinking now

>> No.17432085

Nope. The concept was formalized recently. Doesn't mean it didn't exist within practical bounds in the ancient past.

>> No.17432094

>didn't believe in atoms
lmao, fucking retard

>> No.17432108

That's not what he's saying you utter retard. Why are you posting if you haven't read Nicomachean Ethics? He's saying a life of contemplation, a life of philosophy, an academic life, is the best life. That's what he said.

>> No.17432137

So many of the Platonic dialogues take place in gyms or after returning from military expeditions.

>> No.17432153

Yes, a life of contemplation? How is this modern larping "hurr durr action man" living a life of examination and dedicated to wisdom? "Dont think, just do, men dont think, just action man, all the time, Alexander is great because he did big action and war hurr", and OP explicitly said an intellectual life was bad.
Learn to read you fucking mongrel, Aristotle is all for living an academic life of reading and philosophy, not living some macho pseudo warrior fantasy that Hollywood made up.

>> No.17432169

The point is to become so good at living that the right answers come naturally without having to exhaust energy to reach them.

>> No.17432174

Exactly. He wasn't a legendary warrior on the battlefield. Merely wrote his dialogues while discharging his military duties to a minimum. He always wished to be in politics (or rather - philosophy).

>> No.17432179

>not living some macho pseudo warrior fantasy that Hollywood made up
So having your nose buried in books and your head in the clouds all the time is peak masculinity?

>> No.17432191

Thats the stupidest point ever, and is anti socrates. Always question society and moral standards, so you dont follow the flow and do whatever you've been told.
World needs more critical thinking, not less.
But I see his point, some dogmatic thinking is nice, such as outlawing pedophilia, rape and racism, no question.

>> No.17432193
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Yes, and the intellectual life will always be inferior to the life of action because the intellectual only analyses life from afar, whereas the person who lives experiences it first hand. The true human virtues of courage, vitality, spirit, brotherhood, love, and so on, can only be developed by the person who lives and is given a chance under pressure to build a virtuous character. Like Keats said, "the world is a place of soul-making".
But the bald-headed intellectual hunched over his lectern, squinting, reading some dry shit like pic related, trying to memorise it all, with his thin-armed, sickly, low-T physique, is never going to understand life beyond the conceptual. He is 100% inferior to the man-of-action.

>> No.17432194


>> No.17432196

Philosophers is the only reason youre not a slave today for some fat aristocratic "man of action".

>> No.17432197

ennoblement of labor is found in hesiod

>> No.17432205

Yes Socrates was in his personal life a military man, but he also had the same subversive, feminising ideas as Aristotle. Read Phaedo to see what I'm talking about. He believes that the best state of consciousness is one which is purely rational. He says it is good to die because then we are rid of bodily cares and we can focus purely on the intellectual and rational. This is no different in spirit to a bald monk who wants to spend all his time praising God. Again, it's life-denying.

>> No.17432208

So once again we have effete faggots inverting values. Stay mad that you will never taste glory or the thrill of nature and action.

>> No.17432220

This is Buddhism 2.0. I don't like this world. So I reject it and wish to die. Wow.

>> No.17432238

Okay, go die in some war overseas and live your life of action, great man. Or come home a disgrace and be homeles sbecause your government doesnt give a fuck about you, great veteran of war with PTSD or missing limbs. Great action you got there, thinking is such a shit life sure, why read books at all? Pull all children out of school, the only real school is the one of hard knocks.
Grow up and realize that this action man ideal is juvenile. Examination and contemplation is the only way to a virtuos and just life, else youre just some faggot eating up whatever shit is thrown at you.
You sound like your greatest ideal of man is a Nike commercial, fucking pleb.

>> No.17432242

Yes, the action man ideal is juvenile, because it is full of vigor and life, unlike the corpse ideal, which is full of death and resignation. Better to have juvenile ideals than corpse ideals, I say.

>> No.17432244

>You sound like your greatest ideal of man is a Nike commercial, fucking pleb.
And your greatest ideal of man is actual neurotic faggots. Congrats.
Nice try though. No one said to not read. Everyone is saying don't obsess. But that seems to be too offensive to you, considering all the time you've spent reading and figuring out philosophical minutia, but didn't actually do anything. Congrats once again.

>> No.17432265

The only reason youre able to type your drivel on this website is because of people engaging in cognitive labor, you fucking monkeys.
Philosophy is literally why we are sitting in this situation, else we would still be hitting rocks together and planting crops for some big fat action man who rape our daughters and beat us.
Learning to reason is the most vital ability, but consumer faggots like you just want "action, oooooohh I crave action and pleasure, I must consuuuuuuume" without any critical thinking whatsoever.
Fucking stop acting like Nike commercials is some philosophical ideal and read some fucking books, you're on the lit board, fucking dogs.

>> No.17432269
File: 272 KB, 1200x730, images-of-ww1-the-great-war-the-first-world-war-dr-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read some WWI memoirs. A lot of them went into it eager for glory and the thrill of action too. Getting killed by someone you never even see while sharting yourself with dysentery isn't very romantic though.

>> No.17432274

Failed to address my point. Repeated same retarded nonsense. At this point why even try? You are a lost cause. Continue reading your philosophy forever and do nothing else.

>> No.17432278
File: 219 KB, 1200x808, images-of-ww1-the-great-war-the-first-world-war-dr-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong pic.

>> No.17432279

Reminder that Aristotle was an effete dandy who spoke with a lisp.

Plato was a wrestler chad with a thick neck and intuited the trinity (see: Parmenides).

Plotinus and Aristotle were do-nothing faggots and crypto-Buddhists.

>> No.17432288

Action starts with something as simple as starting a business, making moves in your job, talking to that beautiful girl. But you choose instead to take to its extreme to prove your point. Which is retarded.
You are a coward. You hate failure, and the feeling of failure. So you relegate yourself to your mind and other such trivial pursuits. Then you tear down others with your scathing "philosophical" analyses in a hope to bring them down to your level. You are a coward. Plain and simple.

>> No.17432297
File: 539 KB, 1194x668, If only you knew how bad things really were.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guy probably living in a Western country, enjoying the highest quality of living in known history: Let me tell you about why this guy from Ancient Greece was a pussy

>> No.17432315

>Guy who idolizes the greeks and their literature to the point where his entire existence functions in reference to their ideas will now argue that action is meaningless by conflating it with extreme examples.

>> No.17432318

>action is everything good
>thinking and philosophy is everything bad
Nice logical reasoning there faggot, keep shifting what the idea of "glory" is.
Now youre saying a life of action is a typical middle class lifestyle.
Fucking idiots I swear you need to stop this self action idealisation and read a fucking book.

I will continue, you fucking monkey man. Go do your great action, and never question anything in your life.

>> No.17432326

You mentioned glory and action together which implies something military

>> No.17432335
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No, it's just that you have a very narrow definition of "action".

>> No.17432343

You can do both, faggot. Be a man of action with a thinking brain. Now go kys

>> No.17432344
File: 331 KB, 968x758, 1595793217179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Starting your own business, advancing up the corporate ladder and talking to some girl
>This is all action
>Making contributions to all fields of science that ultimately served as building blocks for the world we know today
>This is not action
The worst part is, you probably don't even live by these inane ideals you're espousing.

>> No.17432348

My my the amount of twisting and turning you do to form your non response is entertaining.
>Nice try though. No one said to not read. Everyone is saying don't obsess.
I said this earlier. Which part of that says philosophy bad, action good? Or is it that you have no response to the things I say so you conveniently dress up my arguments like that? Pathetic.
All this is just more proof you are a coward and susceptible to intellectual suggestion. Nothing more.
Like I said, keep on reading and never actually do anything.

>> No.17432352

These faggots worship Alexander the Great and other warmongerers, but do so to find motivation to continue their middle class lifestyle.
Its fucking pathetic. The only way they can keep going is by imagining themself as some sort of barbarian when they lift weights, because their supposed glorious action isnt stimulating their brains enough.
They honestly think worshipping Alexander the Great will give them courage to ask out a fucking girl, these sheltered cucks are so mindnumbingly stupid thats what they perceive as "glory and action", something so mundane and menial.
I wouldnt be surprised if they considered wiping their own ass "a glorious display from a man-of-action".

>> No.17432358

LOOL look at all these seething homos.

No you have a very narrow way of argument and see nothing beyond teleological neurotic step by step reasoning.

Oh oh great you finally got it.

I do faggot. That is why I tell it like it is. Stay mad. Or go sink back into your books.

>> No.17432367

Equating a fucking average joe existence with the glory of Alexander the Great is fucking pathetic. Unironically kys if you fell this hard for american propaganda, that being a fucking consumerist civilian is living a life of "glory and action like Alexander the Great".

>> No.17432370

t. someone who hasn't done a day of military service in their life and believes everyone is as much of a cucked bourgie as they are

>> No.17432373

Lol the things to tell yourself to keep on doing what you are doing. You are still a coward. No one cares about alexander or whoever else. YOU are still a coward who insists
>So having your nose buried in books and your head in the clouds all the time is peak masculinity?
From >>17432179
Kys and spare us all the trouble.

>> No.17432379

>These faggots worship Alexander the Great and other warmongerers, but do so to find motivation to continue their middle class lifestyle.
Lol good way to put it.

>> No.17432382

Go ahead, tell me what you do.

>> No.17432388
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Why is OP so angry?

>> No.17432401


>> No.17432406

Go on great men of action, who do you imagine yourself as when tying your shoes? Attilla the Hun?
Or perhaps youre Harald Bluetooth before you confront the big bad HR department to ask for a raise in your office job? Surely he would understand what great perils you have fought!
Or how about when you ask out a girl you like? Surely that is what historians consider glory and action, something rarely done not by almost every male of contemporary western society.
Fucking pathetic, you worship "glory and action", but its definition to you is living a fucking sheltered existence made possible by cognitive labor. Go die in Afghanistan for glory, or become a miner in some african sand mine so you can get action and be a noble laborer 16 hours a day. Fucking dull-minded dogs.

>> No.17432418

More retarded strawmanning. No one worships anyone. YOU however worship your intellect and refuse to actually do anything with it. See ya later coward.

>> No.17432422

Go on great men of thought, who do you imagine yourself as when tying your shoes? Immanuel Kant?
Or perhaps you're Socrates before you confront the big bad HR department to ask for a raise in your office job? Surely he would understand what debates you have fought!
Or how about when you ask out a girl you like? Surely that is what philosophers consider thought and rationality, something rarely done not by almost every male of contemporary western society.
Fucking pathetic, you worship "thought and contemplation", but its definition to you is living a fucking sheltered existence made possible by men who fought, died and laboured. Fucking limp-wristed weaklings.

>> No.17432432

Good to know someone else sees this for what it is.

>> No.17432442

Ok, have a great and glorious day, man of great action. Everyone else is a coward, for they dont wipe their ass like Alexander the Great did.

I unironically read philosophers and contemplate the same things they did. I study their material to learn more. I actually do what I preach.
All these faggots imagine barbarian warmongerers motivating them to do mediocre and menial tasks in their daily lives, and then call philosophy and contemplation something for cowards.
If action and glory is so great, why dont these faggots become soldiers and go to war or start their own raids or crusades? Well its because cognitive labor has enabled a nice lifestyle, and is a more worthwhile pursuit than this pseudo warrior culture they LARP online.

>> No.17432459

My guy baka...
Do you have short term memory loss? You are just repeating your arguments. Arguments the other anons have already addressed.
I'm getting a feeling what they are saying about you is true.

>> No.17432462

>Thats the stupidest point ever, and is anti socrates.
Socrates was a pedant who never had a point to make.
>Always question society and moral standards, so you dont follow the flow and do whatever you've been told.
Doesn't do anything if you don't act.
>World needs more critical thinking, not less.
The hole we dug ourselves too is because of so called "critical thinking" in the first place. Now we're just digging to the center of the Earth and hoping we either find paradise or burn to ashes.
>But I see his point, some dogmatic thinking is nice, such as outlawing pedophilia, rape and racism, no question.
You are just as docile and oversocialized as the "irrational" people you believe to be beneath you.

>> No.17432464

Anon, what did these men of action do to upset you so much? You're projecting a lot of things onto them which you don't even know about them. I'm being totally honest, and not trying to insult you here, in saying I believe you're projecting your own life tendencies ("actions") onto them, when you don't even know if they stick to their word or not in reality. Believe me or not, but I am in the Army Reserve of my country, as it allows me to participate in field exercises and get used to modern combat without being too demanding on my life (ie, I can still work on my other hobbies on my off days), and I am mostly in agreeance with the other anon you are arguing with. The Army isn't for everyone, but it's really not as awful or evil as you make it out to be. Not everyone works desk jobs perennially and accomplishes nothing practical.

>> No.17432473

This thread is the dumbest thing I have ever read

>> No.17432503

What is there to address, theyre just repeating themselves as well. At least I can call them faggots and enjoy myself. Was fun seeing them scramble once they realized they weren't Alexander the Great, and their lives weren't this viking lifestyle or whatever these guys roleplay as the pinnacle of masculinity.

Sure, being racist is to be such a critical thinker, it wasnt at all the status quo for 400 years and enabled colonialism. Critical thinking has nothing to do with philosophy or reading, its based on some gut feeling I get when I see brown people. Very logical, oh wow.

Read OP statement, and read my posts. These faggots are "trad" larpers who imagine everything was better and more masculine in the old days, like Alexander the Great or whatever historical figure they choose to worship. Then they call Aristotle a basedboy or the equivalent, a feminine man, because he lived a life dedicated to wisdom.
Its fucking pathetic, considering these faggots dont participate in big war campaigns that are supposedly glorious, but instead live the same menial and mundane life we all do, except they think they're some war mongerer for flirting with a fucking girl.
Its peak propaganda to think our average consumer lifestyle is "glorious" and that we're "men-of-action" for getting a fucking raise at work. These fucking faggots LARP as some kind of modern day barbarians and everything new and foreign to their taste is "degenerate" and "not masculine and epic like Alexander the Great, he was just like me!". Its juvenile, and theyre fucking mongrels.

>> No.17432515

I'm not the guy you originally replied to. And, for what it's worth, I think most nations would benefit from 1-2 years of conscription. But before I continue, I am curious as to which country you belong to, or at least its hemisphere.

>> No.17432524

this is so fucking retarded

>> No.17432544

>the beginning of Greek philosophy

>> No.17432565

What? There are loads of examples where he hates on politics and people aspiring to be politicians. His whole dialectic rests on politicians and orators and sophists being retards and true philosophers being based.

>> No.17432569

>But before I continue, I am curious as to which country you belong to, or at least its hemisphere.
As for conscription, I'm a little divided, because I don't believe having a large amount of people who don't want to be there would be very healthy for the military itself. If there is a general positive spirit towards the outdoors, comradery, orienteering, serving the country, and so forth, then it would be a decent idea so long as the few people who really don't want be there can be exempted somehow.

>> No.17432574

This, action is not just military struggle. Action is "living life", falling in love, meeting new people, experiencing things, travelling, talking to women, going out in nature, building up your physique, creating a business, learning new hobbies and skills, and so on. Philosophical study and contemplation is just one aspect of a virtuous life; there is much, much more to it than that. Those like Aristotle and Socrates who try to present the life of contemplation as an ideal are nothing more than feminine cowards.

>> No.17432595

>action is now defined as the average middle class life style
>faggots think they're men-of-action for doing ordinary things
>everyone not living an average existence, or cultivating their critical thinking and reading skills are now cowards
Good job guys, you're making anti intellectualism sound cool again.

>> No.17432597

You're just projecting your own twisted views of masculinity as some sort of virgin/chad dichotomy. Greek mythology is full of heros outwitting stronger opponents through some clever and underhanded scheme, something that requires calm contemplative action. He achieved more than you ever will and you should grovel at the fact that such an superior being passed down some of his knowledge to you.

>> No.17432600
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>falling in love, meeting new people, experiencing things, travelling, talking to women, going out in nature, building up your physique, creating a business, learning new hobbies and skills, and so on

>> No.17432602
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>talking to women

>> No.17432614

Right, keep telling us how you're fulfilled from spending your life on 4chan

>> No.17432617

>He published a large number of works in fields as diverse as poetry and politics; religion and rhetoric; logic and literary theory; music and metaphysics; and many other fields, centered chiefly around philosophy
How does this not qualify as action. How is this not experiencing life? You realize he also got married on top of doing a ton of other shit, right?

>> No.17432629

When you act you cannot think.
Therefore you have to think before you act.
Thinking people act thoughtfully, and thereby benefit from their actions.
Unthinking people act thoughtlessly.

Also your own attachment to life limits you from the kinds of heroic actions people like Socrates were able to accomplish. Valor in war for example, requires having not only a rational mind, but being able to override every one of your instincts in brutal life and death situations in order to accomplish rational objectives. People who act without reflection or reason usually end up homeless or in jail.

>> No.17432647

Nicely said

>> No.17432659
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>Socrates thinks he's so smart but I read his book and he didn't mention ONE SINGLE THING about getting laid or making money, what an effeminate pussy.

>> No.17432678

Although much less of a rebel than Socrates or various Roman figures, Aristotle held connections with nobility: Alexander the Great was a friend, and he also opposed various aspects of the paradigm he lived in.

All in all much more of a man than you'll ever be. Most of his "writings" are just lyceum notes.

>> No.17432747

Alexander conquered the known world and lost it all at the instant of his death.
Aristotle influenced hearts and minds, and continues to influence them, with his death as no obstacle.
Alexander's conquest is a boyish fantasy, like two girls at the same time. We would all like to have two girls at the same time, but most would also recognize how silly it would be to dedicate one's life to it.

>> No.17432762

This exactly
Most students in the world today will hear of Aristotle when they are introduced to logic, and learn his theories.
Alexander the Great is mentioned when some 21st century faggot imagines himself as a warrior in his cubicle.
Clearly Aristotle made the biggest contribution to humanity.

>> No.17432770

he was also a veteran like every other land owner, retard.

>> No.17432802

Aristotle is right. Contemplation > worldly life. Monachism sealed the deal.
Contrary to the claims of the action larpers, such a life is difficult, which is why it is rare.
Since there are some Alexander fanboys ITT, I have to mention that he not only submitted to Aristotle, but stepped away from Diogenes.

>> No.17432822

Yes, embracing life and fate is "soi" but sitting with your nose in a book passively intaking information other people have written is very masculine.

>> No.17432824

Samefagging about alexander baka. It was brought up once before and you are fitting everyone's response to alexander cause you don't have an actual response to their statements and questions.

>> No.17432828

But that's not what Aristotle actually did. In your quest for the quick dopamine hit of (you)s, you've constructed a complete strawman that you've been attacking this entire thread. Man of action? More like man of shitposts.

>> No.17432843

Stop samefagging while accusing others of samefagging. Why are you still here? Go and read.

>> No.17432867

Are you some sort of retard? I didn't say people should be stupid, I said the life of contemplation (meaning all spending your time in the pursuit of knowledge like some effeminate monk) is not ideal, is not the best life, as Aristotle claimed.
Aristotle's own reasoning can be used to support this. He basically believes that the ultimate good is that which is self-reliant and not dependent upon anything else. For instance wealth cannot be the ultimate good because it is only a means whereby we might purchase things. Glory cannot be the ultimate good because it depends on other people's opinions and so is not self-reliant.
Applying this reasoning to the action vs contemplation debate, it is clear that action is superior to contemplation, because the man of contemplation merely analyses from afar what the man of action does. The philosopher analyses various historical circumstances, but the man-of-action partakes in them. Therefore contemplation is less self-reliant than action.

>> No.17432898

That was my first post ITT. Do you not see IP count?
Indeed, you're probably better off not trying any intellectual pursuits.

>> No.17432930

>he believes in atoms
Lmao, they’re not even proven. Infinitive divisibility is likely real

>> No.17432940

>But I see his point, some dogmatic thinking is nice, such as outlawing pedophilia, rape and racism, no question.
Nice bait

>> No.17433076

>>Thats the stupidest point ever, and is anti socrates. Always question society and moral standards, so you dont follow the flow and do whatever you've been told.
this is 100% atheism. some faux sense of free thinking while just being a sheep. Ie a woman.

>> No.17433085

>Always question society and moral standards
That's exactly what Socrates said not to do though. He said to obey the law no matter what.

>> No.17433153

Questioning does not mean disobeying.

>> No.17433426

this is literally what Aristotle said. why is everyone on lit so oblivious to the centrality which habit has for Aristotle?

>> No.17433719

Knowing the reason why to do something is the essential part. Else it is dogma, the antimatter of critical thinking and reasoning abilities. If you want to convince me of something, you must be able to argue your case with logical arguments. Thats what a majority of greek philosophy is all about, and if you missed this point you should re read it. If you answer everything with "God told me to do it" youre a schizo like the serial killers saying they heard God tell them to do it.

>> No.17434044

Contemplation is action

>> No.17434090

careful anon, your knowledge (or specifically incredible lack thereof) is showing.

>> No.17434106


Man is born to a mother and a father
Dualism of the genders is older than the human species. Hell, it's even in plants.

>> No.17434249

A farmer was literally the most noble thing you could be, and most greeks were farmers. Only stuffy aristocrats would think otherwise

>> No.17434307

>A wageslave is literally the most noble thing you can be, and most people are wageslaves. Only stuffy billionaires think otherwise

>> No.17434330

Where in the Iliad do great Hektor or Agamemnon farm?
If I were Greek I’d enslave a little pussy bitch like you so I could spend my free time in the gymnasium or studying geometry

>> No.17434709

>OP sees Aristotle walking in the street and calls him a limp wristed faggot
>Aristotle minds his own business not giving the crackhead any thought, while OP continues to berate him
>OP approaches him closer and closer, thinking that he's getting into his head
>Suddenly in one fell swoop, Aristotle grabs OPs' lapel and throws him into the air using his hips as a lever to complete a 10/10 Koshi Guruma throw
>OP squeels like chicken being choked as his slim and short frame bounces on to the ground like a sack of bones
>Before he could come completely to his senses, Aristotle pulls out his thick dagger dick and in one continuous movement pulls down OPs' boyish skirt and starts sliding his penor in OPs' hairless ass
>OP is pinned down so even if he tried to escape this predimant he could not. Though deep down he doesn't want to escape since this new feeling of pleasure is washing all over him, just like that one time with his uncle
>Aristotle, a connoiseur of boipussy uses a 7/4 rhythm to stimulate his prostate while still providing an unexpected aspect to the whole intercourse
>Alexander 3 of Macedon happens to be passing by and noticing the whole ordeal starts spitting on OP while lauguing at his face and calling him a twink faggot
>asks his master if he could join because it looks fun, Aristotle the ever gentleman invites him
>They both spitroast OP until he's exhausted from pleasure
>OP realises he's a faggot

>> No.17434848

In the odyssey, Odysseus talks about how he built his own house.

>> No.17436523

They're the exact same thing.

>> No.17436554


>> No.17436608

Sometimes lit says something good, but is life only something worth through its contribution to "humanity"?

>> No.17436653

Aristotle and Alexander. They are the same man.

>> No.17436670

>We would all like to have two girls at the same time, but most would also recognize how silly it would be to dedicate one's life to it.
kek that is really easy to do with bisexual zoomer thots

>> No.17436980

>boring, lethargic, inactive philosopher like me who just thinks about shit
That can’t really be said for a man whose philosophy and tutoring personally guided the most successful conqueror of his day, you aren’t just sitting around and thinking if the stuff you think about affects how cities fall.

>> No.17437066

>How did this guy manage to provide such an accurate account of human virtue and eudaimonia, and then end up concluding that a life of fucking philosophical contemplation is the best life?

t. asking us instead of reading Ethics.

This is why you don't know.

>> No.17437076

>Alexander conquered the known world and lost it all at the instant of his death.
He created the entirety of the Hellenistic world spreading from the Balkans, through Egypt, to India. You're a motherfucking retard.

>> No.17437102

No, of course not. But Alexander's contribution was to neither himself nor humanity. It was to his own ego around how he wanted humanity to view him. I think Aristotle's life's value, to Aristotle, was that he spent his life doing what Aristotle wanted to do. Alexander no doubt believed the same of himself, but what value is there in owning a land you cannot see or make use of? As far as I can tell, Alexander was, in any practical sense, no better off with the conquered land than without, except because of others' admiration. He wanted the sense of accomplishment for having defeated others, but he gained nothing for it himself, other than prestige, which I think is valueless to a self-respecting human being.
I guess there's hope for all of us, anon
but he didn't. India isn't Greek. Bosnia isn't Greek. Only Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Italy are Greek, and that was not Alexander's doing. His long term achievements were non-existent.

>> No.17437149

whoops, Egypt actually was a result of Alexander, sorry about that.

>> No.17437252

India or Egypt or Turkey or Iran aren't Greek now, but they were for hundreds of years, and that mark left an effect on them forever to such an extent that without Alexander, their history would've looked completely differently.

>> No.17437274

making a mark on humanity is not the same as making a positive impact. I am willing to admit I don't know enough about Alexander and his post-war fallout to comment, but I am generally skeptical that conquering somewhere has much long term value to anyone (although I agree it influences things)

>> No.17437568

you totally underestimate the amount Hellenism changed all of the known world. It was Alexander who instituted and led that change.

>> No.17438221

But Alexander remains as deathless as Aristotle. In the long line of history, how many men have looked to him and how many have shaped this world from that view?

>> No.17438227

unironically, what was Alexander's view?

>> No.17438299

Most based post ITT. BAPtards and trad larps BTFO

>> No.17438308

Why don't you go and enlist in infantry then, buddy?

>> No.17438316

You haven't refuted him, anon

>> No.17438328

>Anon, what did these men of action do to upset you so much?
Anon is not upset at men like Alexander of Ghengis Khan, but boring middle class people who imagine themselves as these great men as the impetus to continue their mundane lives. When they buy bitcoin they fancy themselves as Caesar crossing the Rubicon or when they finally manage to not sperg out and make eye contact with a female-surely they are made of the same stuff as Spartacus!

>> No.17438367

You've read all these things and learned nothing. What's more, what you have read you've completely misunderstood.

>> No.17438375

What indeed?

>> No.17438389

woah woah you don't support mandatory service? Yikes that's not very trad and bronze age conqueror pilled of you, anon. You *do* know your epic ancient Roman ancestors had mandatory service, right? What happened to replicating men of action?

>> No.17438413

> Action is "living life", falling in love, meeting new people, experiencing things, travelling, talking to women, going out in nature, building up your physique, creating a business, learning new hobbies and skills, and so on. Philosophical study and contemplation is just one aspect of a virtuous life; there is much, much more to it than that.
Aristotle and Socrates did all the things you mentioned you fucking pissant.

>> No.17438438
File: 257 KB, 831x1296, myth-of-er.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the myth of er is kino as fuck

>> No.17438440

>effeminate monk
Is their such a thing?

>> No.17438443

> passively intaking information other people have written is very masculine.
as opposed to crying about said philosophers on an anime board board like a man of action such as yourself?

>> No.17438473

he changed the world

>> No.17438506

>blocks the sun from your view
what do you do?

>> No.17438535

>This, action is not just military struggle. Action is "living life", falling in love, meeting new people, experiencing things, travelling, talking to women, going out in nature, building up your physique, creating a business, learning new hobbies and skills, and so on. Philosophical study and contemplation is just one aspect of a virtuous life; there is much, much more to it than that. Those like Aristotle and Socrates who try to present the life of contemplation as an ideal are nothing more than feminine cowards.
okay so having the life of a woman or an hedonist is based according to the modern man. no wonder society is dead

>> No.17438552

>I mean this guy literally tutored Alexander the Great,
The virgin Aristotle.
The Chad Seneca tutored Nero and paid dearly for it.

>> No.17438592

>Gets up at 5 a.m.
“Oh, heavens to Betsy! I simply must do something with my hair before morning prayers or else I’ll never hear the end of it...”
>Prances and frolics down the corridor to the chapel
“HEEELLOOooOoo... that hair shirt looks simply scrumptious, Brother Bartholomew, wherever did you get it?”
>Ends up in the last row, AGAIN. Spends the entire service seething about not being chosen to help lead morning prayers
“Look at Brother Francis, who does he think he’s fooling with that dye job... rumble grumble”
>Gathers at the dining hall to eat a simple meal of gruel out of a wooden bowl
“Brothers, you won’t BELIEVE the devotional prayer I found in the Tome of the Sacred Heart, I’ve been using it for a week and I seriously already feel like I’m getting closer to the Holy Spirit, you should all really try it out”
>Everyone ignores him and instead laughs at a ribald joke Brother Aaron has just told
“Ugh... I don’t know why everyone thinks he’s so great. I bet if I got martyred or something, THEN they’d all be sorry they didn’t appreciate me...”

>> No.17439294 [DELETED] 

Everyone does. But is megalopsychia and hybris a good place to drive a change from

>> No.17439642

I've had three girls at one time.

>> No.17440379

did they suck all three of your peepees at once?