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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 137 KB, 750x734, mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17432501 No.17432501 [Reply] [Original]

Post chad writers who LARPed as betas.

>> No.17432506

OP and most of you anons

>> No.17432514

Something intresting Paul Schrader said about Mishima was that art didn't "work" for him. For Schrader art "worked". It purged things for him. It satisfied certain urges to enact them on screen. For Mishima, whose desires were less tied to the idea of the act than the importance of one's commitment to the act itself, art would never be enough, and each subsequent work a further straying from the ideal that acts and does not talk about it. And yet that's just what he was - a coward, who spent most of his life hiding from action, and ended it in the pure absurdity of a purely useless act.

Interesting figure. Maybe the biggest beta of all literary history.

>> No.17432545
File: 100 KB, 638x550, 1612147476306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks fren
>umm yeah he was his country's most famous writer and made a work of art out of his own suicide on his own terms, but this wall of text explains why he was actually a loser!
I guess your one of the rare /lit/ incels on this chad board.

>> No.17433812
File: 715 KB, 850x1145, John_Green_2020_(C6txQ5yn5S8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>audience pussy

>> No.17433835
File: 56 KB, 720x696, 1589049204772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the power of pilpul huh?

>> No.17433909

True, people take the cereal argument to be about being a cuck whose cheerios/wife have been eaten/fucked by lots of men before he ate them/married her, but actually he describes enjoying lots of “cereals” before he settles down with “Cheerios” and that “Cheerios” have no reason to envy his past relationships with other “brands of cereal” because he loves only Cheerios now. He’s actually justifying having been a fuckboy, not being a cuck

>> No.17434912
File: 31 KB, 400x400, Fy7Jub_B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ there's a lot of Mishima circle-jerking going on these days. Its intriguing how the post-war writers dealt with the remains of the kokutai, but not my personal taste for J-lit.

>> No.17434920

>not my personal taste for J-lit
Which is?

>> No.17434926

If I wanted to see gymnastics of that magnitude I'd watch old clips of the Olympics.

>> No.17434970
File: 34 KB, 325x499, toson_commandment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Late Meji/ Russo-Japanese War era shit

>> No.17434989

I'm more for post-war shit in general but my favorite Japanese writer is Soseki, you like him? I know it's a bit off from your period as he wrote most of his stuff just a bit before the second world war but pre-war literature feels different for obvious reasons so I was wondering if you feel similarly about Soseki.

>> No.17435070

I mean sure, Soseki was still mostly influenced by the spirit of the Meji era. He's one of the more effective writers to touch upon the tensions caused by contact with the West in the Taisho era. Certainly helps bridge the gap between Mejii "romanticism" and later Showa nationalism.

>> No.17435265

Me but inverse. The writer part of me wants to be masculine and debate and do battle and such. The lesser writer part of me is emotional, quiet, and just wants to wallow in the normalcy and inertness and depressiveness of daily life. I don’t know if I’m more Mishima, Dazai, both, or none.

>> No.17435274

I’ve noticed it too but Mishima is a fantastic author and an interesting figure. I also think it’s perfectly obvious why people are interested in Japanese lit broadly here. What’s the issue?

>> No.17435280

He was just gay

>> No.17435392

I don't take issue with Mishima. I dislike the fact that newbies see his works as THE introduction to Japanese literature simply because being gay and a pseudo-fascist makes him palatable/based. The beginner threads on Mishima fail to recognize any historical or social context to his works.