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17431692 No.17431692 [Reply] [Original]

What did we do after postmodernism?

>> No.17431702

Hyper Empiricism

>> No.17431704


>> No.17431749

postmodernism is the creation of Nietzsche, and you cant move on to something else before all his followers have died

>> No.17431757

one guy tried new sincerity and after that he killed himself

>> No.17431762


>> No.17431765 [DELETED] 

the crow, please.

>> No.17431839

He didn't create it, he anticipated it. To be honest, even acknowledging our post-modern status is still a fairly niche position, theres a reason that even some academics talk as if "postmodernism" is an abstract concept they can choose to subscribe to or not, rather than the world they already wake up into every morning.

There can't be an "after" until we recognize our "in". Zoomers might be the transition point. They breathe the postmodern world like air, it suits them. The tik tok videos pretending to be people in times they've never seen, places they've never been. They are the spectacle incarnate. Its incredible to watch, I don't even judge, I find the crazy little bastards interesting but totally alien at the same time.

>> No.17431859

dig up the ghost of marx

>> No.17431869
File: 31 KB, 236x359, Heidegger in forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new God.

>> No.17431874

>theres a reason that even some academics talk as if "postmodernism" is an abstract concept they can choose to subscribe to or not, rather than the world they already wake up into every morning.
What would academia even look like if they tacitly acknowledged that fact? Fewer philosophy professors debating outdated metaphysical topics like physicalism, essentialism, etc.? It's hard to imagine academia becoming any more dry and shallow as it is now.

>> No.17431875

you give up pseud hacks, abandon all so called "philosophers" other than plato/neoplatonists/aristotle/scholastics and then go read the vedic wisdom and FINALLY embrace guenon (pbuh)

>> No.17431902

Its hard to say but I suspect that the analytic/continental divide would all but dissolve, probably a dash more theology, and god willing, sociology would be kicked to the dust bin of history where it belongs. I think it would bring richness back to academia once everyone gets over their collective pearl clutch.

This anon is correct.

>> No.17431905

nothing, it's a cul de sac

>> No.17431958

>There can't be an "after" until we recognize our "in".

Exactly this. At this point I’m really just anticipating the next big figure who’s going to properly diagnose our current era and lead people to recognize our status. At the moment we’re just locked in the Spectacle and the decadent culture war bullshit it performs. People are not willing to assess our era as a whole, they’re still in the mindset that we’ve reached a conclusive state in the human condition and any disruption is an aberration. I especially noticed this when people were quick to condemn 2020 as the worst year ever even though COVID is still here 2021 and getting worse. They don’t even have the capacity to anticipate life getting worse, they just want to remain locked in a permanent present that keeps us bored

>> No.17431962

What are the best postmodern works to start with?

>> No.17432025

We still live in a postmodern world. We haven't overcome it.

>> No.17432052

Yeah, even after all of this disruption, we've somehow been plunged even deeper into the same presuppositions. We can't see past our own noses. You can almost feel the desperation. "Falling" indeed.

>> No.17432062

Nothing. We continue to live as per the will and rule of our masters. We can also give a changed ruling style a different name, like "anti-postmodernism" or something. Nothing more.

>> No.17432246

>and you cant move on to something else before all his followers have died
based and Kuhn-pilled.
There simply will become a more prominent paradigm which new people will flock to while the older postmodernist ideas lose new followers and slowly die away and become forgotten.