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/lit/ - Literature

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17429862 No.17429862[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Dark Academia /lit/, /lit/?

>> No.17429875

>reading keats at 3am and drinking your sorrow away
I don’t know anything about ‘dark academia’, but this is based

>> No.17429882

If you have to ask then the answer is no.

>> No.17429893

no, but wool silk and leather are

>> No.17429896

You... you do realize tumblr aesthetics are about the AESTHETIC right anon? Not about the actual function of reading?

>> No.17429908

based dark academia. what are yall wearing/reading/listening to?

>> No.17429910

>r*mantic hack

>> No.17429912

>sticky sweet drops of vodka
Why do tumblr girls pretend that alcopops is vodka?

>> No.17429913

Regarding the staircase. How do I carry it around with me?

>> No.17429914

reading while drunk sucks. Also this is gay

>> No.17429915

I think dark academia is just people trying to live out Dead Poets Society in real life. Which I don't see as such a bad thing, that's a great movie. Yet it seems like anyone who says they are 'dark academia' has only read Pride and Prejudice and The Secret History along with a handful of poems and that's it.

>> No.17429917

You should get over it when you read The Secret History at age 17.

>> No.17429923
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shut up fag

>> No.17429932

reading poetry while drunk is dangerously gay and based

>> No.17429943

nah it's pretty fun at the perfect level drunk. my preferred drunk reading activity of choice is to scan books i've already read for my favorite passages

>> No.17429949

Blake and Byron and the only good poets in that image. Shelley especiallly is a hack.

>> No.17429952

Dark Academia is performative anti-/lit/ for people more interested in larping as some romanticised notion of being cultured without actually wanting to improve themselves or engage with literature.
Also I’m pissed off because after this crap started loads of art hoes and faggots started dressing the way that I already did whilst wanting to talk to me about books and philosophers that I had read and they had briefly glanced through the Wikipedia page of. If you wilfully decide to be a part of this trend you are metaphysically inhuman and are legally allowed to be murdered, you are also a spiritual incel.

>> No.17429960

dark academia is just Harry Potter larping.

>> No.17429962


>> No.17429967


>> No.17429976

w-what? you're telling me women are incapable of enlightenment and are all show?

>> No.17429987
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Just poor middle class faggots larping as the well-educated upper class.
Listen here, peasants: you will never be well-educated and cultured because you lack the resources and innate character of someone of the upper class.
You are trying to live a façade.
"Oh look how cultured I am! I even read the Greeks! In Ancient Greek? No! Who would waste their time learning that! Math? What does math have to do with being educated? Logic? Never heard it! Science? I'm a dark academic, not a scientist. Scientist is for nerds, not the educated. Rhetoric? I don't need rhetoric; I'm dark academia, you see! We don't need rhetoric! We just need enough money to buy stupid shit to make us feel educated!"
Stay poor and stupid, faggots.

>> No.17429992

>wanting to talk to me about books and philosophers that I had read and they had briefly glanced through the Wikipedia page of
so they're /lit/ personified then, basically?

>> No.17429993

You need to be prepared to go beyond certain barriers for knowledge.

>> No.17429999

wtc skull

>> No.17430004

clearly dark academia has struck a nerve with /lit/ so it must possess some merit.

>> No.17430009

possibly the wankiest thing ive ever seen

>> No.17430010

Also i'm surprised that so many people here know about dark academia. I thought /lit/ has a smaller female/trans population than this

>> No.17430013

Larping is patrician. Only the filthy peasantry like (You) need useful skills and ideas

>> No.17430017

dark academia is taking over /lit/

get used to it, incel slave.

>> No.17430020


>> No.17430030

>I thought /lit/ has a smaller female/trans population than this

>> No.17430039

/lit/ alongside /mu/ has been a trans-majority board for a while now, gramps. get on with the times

>> No.17430044
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>n-no you're wrong! The real rich are not that educated! It's only the poor who have to be educated!
The poor have to hyperspecialize. They can never become masters of multiple subjects like the upper class. That's why shit like dark academia only ever stresses reading and writing and aesthetics

>> No.17430063

majoring in literature at a university these days will mean the majority of your colleagues are female. of course we know about this shit

also i am a tranny

>> No.17430069

it is a spiral for your convenience so one can spiral it up one's arse

>> No.17430072

>also i am a tranny
thank you for your transparency

>> No.17430088

>also i am a tranny
You will never be a real woman.

You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.

Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.17430094

dark academia is the catalyst that will propel the trans domination of /lit/ once and for all

>> No.17430106

I never mentioned the rich aren't educated you absolute mongoloid. The """rich""" participate in academia as a trophy gesture, not to master skills.

>> No.17430119

Yeah I guess that’s true, they are /lit/ as it is but not as it should be

>> No.17430149
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>> No.17430223

Teenagers are always going to do performative shit, getting mad about it is silly. Honestly all these tumblr aesthetics like cottage-core, dark academia or what have you are just a way for them to say that they like white people fashion without being criticized.

>> No.17430245

>Teenagers are always going to do performative shit, getting mad about it is silly
They should still be discouraged from acting cringily.

>> No.17430261

you know what? you're right. that can be your job.

>> No.17430262

whats cringe now will be seen with nostalgia and replicated in the future

>> No.17430274

can anyone recommend any ytbers or tumblr pages to teach me the way? better if they are transfolk. dark academia is so heckin CUTE

>> No.17430289

desu i was gonna get mad at this thread but youre right anon. no point in raising blood pressure over teens being teens. i think sometimes it's easier to wear something unusual bc its about the ~aesthetic~ rather than being bold enough to wear it cuz u like it

>> No.17430300

It might even trick a couple of them into reading some great literature.

>> No.17430313

imagining you fucking neckbeards reading "le dusty tome" by the light of a yankee candle is topkek

>> No.17430351

Luke Smith is incredibly dark academia though sometimes does /g/ stuff

>> No.17430357

In some ways, yes. In other ways, no. the clothing and accessories one can never label as "academia", unless you mean trad/prep clothing. The notebooks, reading Keats, et cetera, are, however.

>> No.17430359
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>Luke smith
>dark academia
the fact that you said that means you're a fucking zoomer who only superficially understands luke smith

>> No.17430379

That's the meme you pleb

>> No.17430387
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nevermind me
it's getting late

>> No.17430401

The dark and the academia and the old stone buildings are extremely based. These faggots are not and are pretty embarrassing
Hittite grammar mainly, when I can focus. You?

>> No.17430410

William blake is an idiot with sloppy ass meter

>> No.17430412

Based and correct

>> No.17430430

>puts a copy-pasted cédille to seem educated
>imply that he knows rhetoric while his rhetoric is shit
>weird argument about the greeks, probably haven't read the greeks
Seethe harder fag.

>> No.17430448

>i'm a poorfag and have to pick apart this comment because it makes me self-assess
all you had to say

>> No.17430453

I can tell that you haven't read Plato, pleb.

>> No.17430462
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>Is /fa/ /lit/?

>> No.17430463

I like it sloppy

>> No.17430465
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lol k bro

>> No.17430472
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now that's just unhealthy

>> No.17430531

>t. Fattie

>> No.17430549

It is because dark academia people don't read and /lit/ fags don't read either. They both act like they read for different reasons but ultimately are one and the same.

>> No.17430613

>black coffee
Don't most people drink their coffee black? What does this have to do with dark academia?

>> No.17430631

i drink my coffee black because it's easier to hide the whiskey mixed in it

>> No.17430648

Hey you doing alright bud? That combo was my go to during the worst days of my existence

>> No.17430651

When women aren't reducing everything to shallow, low stakes virtue signalling, they're reducing everything to shallow styles.

>> No.17430654

i'm doing good bro, thanks
just stressful work season is all

>> No.17430671

I thought dark academia was supposed to be something about modern alt philosophers and shit like Sam Harris

>> No.17430679

scoffers don't know that dark academia playlists on youtube can be true kino

>> No.17430688

It would only make them want to do it more.

>> No.17430705
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These fags do everything except they’re too scared to smoke a pipe the real academia look.

>> No.17430714

DA playlists are just rehashes of /mu/'s "intro to classical music" chart

>> No.17430728

is /mu/s intro to classical music chart on constant rotation with unexpected variations that i don't have to set up myself? does /mu/ mix in sounds of wind and rain at a pleasant level? do they they add cheeky and fun titles like "playing chess with the ghost of your best friend playlist"? i think not, my friend. perhaps i'm spoiled, but i like to be so.

>> No.17430744

I concede your point. The desire for convenient comforts is one I do not often consider in my own life. Listen on, dear friend

>> No.17430775
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I'm gonna be real with you niggas, every person i've ever met who's been into dark academia has been a fucking inbred troglodyte. People who are attracted to any academic aesthetic are typically the stupidest beasts to walk the earth

>> No.17430783

I'm into the trad English country aesthetic, which has some crossover with dark academia I guess.

>> No.17430819

unfathomably based

>> No.17430840
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Alright....enough! When will Dark Monasticism get popular so an entire generation of post zoomers will be converted into celibates, and an entire full-blown revolution against modern hypersexuality will blossom—civilization will be restored as many through a distrust of society will seek to isolation, self-sufficiency, communal living, anti-tech communion with nature, antisexuality, etc....of course normies will be normies, but maybe through a desire of the aesthetic they will be led to a desire of the fundamental truth and a new era of discipline and self-denial will be ushered without being prompted by a full scale Chinese invasion and nuclear war. Normies denying their instincts would be a good thing irregardless

>> No.17430874

>It's about clothes
>I'm really into dressing like stylish professor UwU
I don't know about this /lit/bros, but I don't trust anyone who dresses "intelligently". It reeks of low self-esteem and thirst for acceptance.

>> No.17430882

nope. you'll have to settle for technomonasteries or accept zilch.

>> No.17430890

Painfully vapid and fundamentally shallow. The self becomes capital.

>> No.17430924

Do these people actually read or is it just wikipedia skimming to seem more cultured than the average normie?

>> No.17430935

Larping leads nowhere and can never be anything so the answer is no.

>> No.17430949

>He dresses Le'Academie.

The only larper here is you.

>> No.17430989

The more I think about it, the more you faggots where right when you said that the death of god left a void that is filled with shallow ideological play things for the zoomer brain, neutered by constant internet and never given a proper identity or community to participate within, they seek out the physical manifest of commodification. No longer do you see a punk kid and wish to emulate the misfits, now you see a chart with all the prerequisites of being a misfits fan but it lacks the task of actually listening to any of the music. It’s reverse gatekeeping, allowing anyone to become the poser. But when there is no one to be sincere, then the posers become the ratified normalcy and are the standard simulacra of a given event time. It’s sad, really. I hate it.

>> No.17430991

searched up some of these playlists because I was curious, all very entry level stuff
this comment on this video made me laugh:
> this playlist fuels my desire to dress like i'm from the mid 19th century and wander through a valley at night, glancing at the stars and clutching the picture of dorian gray to my chest, wondering if i will ever experience love

>> No.17430999

Holy shit kill yourself

>> No.17431000

Dark Academia is not the style of someone who reads. Dark Academia is the style of someone who likes the idea of reading.

>> No.17431002

How can you have an empty mug of black coffee?

>> No.17431007

oh i'm loling

>> No.17431028

All those comments of children talking about words and how wonderful everything is. Were we that stupid, ignorant, and sincere when we were young? I want to hate them, but they are literally just children liking things they have no understanding of.

>> No.17431042

I made a post about technomonasteries recently and I am in full agreement—though some might go full Chozo and build an anti tech monastic nature refuge on Tallon IV

>> No.17431058

God created nature and saw that it was good u fag, unless you mean the perversions humanity has imposed on it

>> No.17431065

we need a /technomonastery general/

>> No.17431121

Maybe some time I’ll get a thread going where we compile literary essentials related to techmonks, scientist-priests, etc...Not difficult since it’s literally going to be a medieval natural philosophy compilation. In addition to that, works from New Atlantis to a Canticle of Leibowitz. Basically just using Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding (all 3=science) not as a pragmatic end of themselves, but a *means* to reach God. Also keeping tech from plebs and underground anti-academia research. I need to read up on the early Jesuit order as they had a lot of scientist-priests

>> No.17431128

wheres the absinthe?

>> No.17431145

I also have an itch the scientist-priest will start to make a return when biological investigations into what “life” actually is intensifies—and also when we start to incorporate biology into technology in a more harmonious manner. The Prologue to the Gospel of John: Logos, Life—yeah the scientist-priest will indeed make a return. Thank you for all the atheistic autist nerds who expanded induction and the scientific method thus far. Time to return to metaphysics again. I think space travel will be important in this regard. Whose going to spend 30 years in a ship cruising the empty void, missionaries to new worlds, biology incorporated into the design of the ship, appreciation for life, algae-breeding and fungus breeding for nutrition, whose going to live on a nature ship capsule in the void of space for all those years? Why techmonks of course? Monastery ships....ah what a dream....

>> No.17431146
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>> No.17431155

No it is inauthentic and narcissistic burgerland commercialization

>> No.17431166

its the definition of pseud

>> No.17431183
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>painting angels

>> No.17431264

Not incapable, simply uninterested most of the time. Activities aren't mean to be pursued as means to their own ends, they exist only as social signifiers

>> No.17431351

This is cringe garbage and whoever made this should feel great shame

>> No.17431362

>not having a staircase pouch

>> No.17431369

i hate it when tront steals my girl

>> No.17431385

>trying to buy tractatus at borders
>terrified of cute clerk
>staircase pouch rumbles and bursts open
>kills the child in line behind me
>asked to leave

>> No.17431426

I hope you both die. Srs.

>> No.17431439

i hope they don't. i hope you get inconvenienced in the near future.

>> No.17431445

I will hunt you down and poz your neghole IRL.

Like It Follows but with sodomy and HIV.

>> No.17431462

can't have a le epic wholesome momenterino on based gigachad 4chan, can we?

>> No.17431493

I’ve seen YouTube videos of this from some potato at Oxbridge

>> No.17431532

expand more on this please