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/lit/ - Literature

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17429115 No.17429115 [Reply] [Original]

I realize using your finger to read makes you look like a dyslexic retard, but damn bro that shit works

>> No.17429123
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>not using a ruler to place under the line you're reading


>> No.17429136

> Not reading the entire page.

>> No.17429146

> Not reading the entire book.
Anons are ridiculous.

>> No.17429282

Unironically not glancing your bookshelf. The state of this board.

>> No.17429305
File: 76 KB, 640x640, 83AAE821-A396-4F26-A667-ED93C2D46C36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you do with your bookmarks while reading?

>> No.17429310

I place them beside me Jesus fucking christ borbaleta what the fuck else do you do???

>> No.17429338
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I dog ear the pages to keep my place


>> No.17429350
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The virgin finger vs the CHAD YAD

>> No.17429370
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I can use it to hold what paragraph or line I’m on or to simple keep a moist thumb off the page
(I hate to stain pages with foods and sweat and such)

>> No.17429371

This looks like Brazil.

>> No.17429375

Usually in my shirt pocket if I am wearing something with one, if not down next to me somewhere? I feel like this really isn't that confusing.

>> No.17429385

>he doesn't just remember page numbers

>> No.17429404
File: 74 KB, 1080x1349, 078FBC9A-79F1-405F-BEE8-E0D94F5236EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d rather remember the book

>> No.17429410

Cute tranny

>> No.17429413

> Not covertly running through the halls of some huge library glancing over everything.


>> No.17429419

theres nothing retarded about being dyslexic stop this ablest bullshit

>> No.17429430

How you gonna do that if you can't remember 2-3 numbers, dummy? Brain like a sieve.

>> No.17429432

I move the bookmark to the end of the book, cant misplace it if its still in the book

>> No.17429435

> Unironically not downloading ebook torrent packs and loading them into flash drive suppositories.

What is wrong with anons?

>> No.17429453

where can i find women like this?

>> No.17429467

You've neglected the possibility that I'm both dyslexic AND retarded. Which I am

>> No.17429470

Lmao only finger i use when i read is the one for anal stimulation when i listen to sanderson's reading 120 days of sodom on audio book

>> No.17429491

jewish temples

>> No.17429502

This bitch put a pinky in my urethra when we fucked. Get her out of here.

>> No.17429508

> Not eating books like every civilized person should do it.


>> No.17429519

so like, are you a dyke or what?

>> No.17429552

Exactly that.

>> No.17429562

Respect. We need more people repping the lgbt community here.

>> No.17429569

> Unironically not extracting books essential oils and diffusing them on your home.

My cat is probably more educated than you.

>> No.17429592

please remember to wash your hands from time to time, butterfly. it's good for covid and all.

>> No.17429622

the whole site is nothing but faggots, new or old, how much more could you get?

>> No.17429667

You could, you know, post about literature on /lgbt/ if you care that much...

>> No.17429697

>I realize using your finger to read makes you look like a dyslexic retard, but damn bro that shit works
What is this girl's youtube channel?

>> No.17429709

paperbackdreams, I think. She is probably anti-ereaders.

>> No.17429724

I simply remember where I am at in the book, i cant believe you retards actually use bookmarks (only acceptable if you read +3 books at a time)

>> No.17429741

>>>17429697 (You)
>paperbackdreams, I think. She is probably anti-ereaders.
Thanks. Do you have any literature channel suggestions besides waldun?

>> No.17429779

No idea, I don't watch her channel. She does mostly normie ya stuff. Some anons really like thebookclub, he is weird af, but it might be your thing. If I would watch someone would probably be either "better than food" or waldun.

>> No.17429811

hey butterfly, just yesterday I believe you stated that you dislike using your tripcode and that you do not do it for attention, so I was curious as to why you are using it now. what does your identity have to do with the content of this thread? why is it so important that you have forced yourself to do something you yourself say you do not enjoy?

>> No.17429822

oy vey

>> No.17429864
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>> No.17429889

what's this,anon?

>> No.17429946

I stick them between pages I've read, or haven't read yet, depending on where I am in the book.

>> No.17430031
File: 202 KB, 606x731, 1609949155409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like she is doing some kind of mudra.

>> No.17430429

His underwear while impersonating me

>> No.17431460

Why is this person getting spammed all of a sudden.

>> No.17431461

i would fuck this woman with the force of a thousand suns

>> No.17431501

she should read marx

>> No.17431516

Do people actually struggle to keep their eyes on the right line or is the OP message just there so the mods don't delete the thread?

>> No.17431581

It’s only occasionally needed with me. Sometimes your eye can wander. Again, the bookmark is perfect for this.

>> No.17432735 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.17433069

stick it between my asscheeks

>> No.17433090

I love everyone in this thread including the posters I didn't read. And anon's cat.

>> No.17433096

covid is 100% fictional and if it weren't, the butterfag should do her best to get it and die

>> No.17433103
File: 92 KB, 1200x1125, 1606825547822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>covid is 100% fictional

>> No.17433114

nice self portrait

>> No.17433275

big if true

>> No.17433355

Retarded, vain and pretentious attention whores?
Any humanities class of your local university.

>> No.17433416

pls tell me that isnt her

>> No.17433427

You really think someone would post a fabricated image on 4chan of all places?

>> No.17433439

Its her, I was there holding the camera.

>> No.17433713

how do you display your books to show you're a reader if you read on a kindle????

>> No.17433896

Kill yourself tranny. Do it for your father he has suffered enough already

>> No.17433903

Smh, my father's loved me ever since i came out of his womb you dipahit

>> No.17433931

Kill yourself tranny

>> No.17433941

Smh, my father's loved me ever since i came out of his womb you dipahit

>> No.17433948
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Mfw this whole thread

>> No.17433988
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>He doesn't rip the pages out when done


>> No.17434020

He's pretty accurate then. Spot on actually

>> No.17434028

why don't you just use a bookmark that doubles for that purpose?
when I buy books from Blackwell's, they send out a couple of their card bookmarks, I have dozens of them, they're great.

>> No.17434029

Place it in the page with the citations for what I'm currently reading

>> No.17434469

Use a pen

>> No.17434503

Scott Bradfield

>> No.17434507

I hope that you eat it also afterwards
to gain both knowledge, fiber from the paper and nutriens from the ink

>> No.17434512


>> No.17434518

My nigga the master bather. Is it possible to get more based?

>> No.17434522
File: 64 KB, 300x300, 2BA86B2F-95BD-4506-98D8-66FD45B68A61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy used book
>last dogear is on page 49

>> No.17434523

in germany we call it donkey ear

>> No.17434529

Redpill me on this namefag.

>> No.17434589

i bought a used book and the bookmark was on page 54 of "how to read a film." it's the only page i know of that has nude images on it.

i felt gross after that and washed my hands

>> No.17434606

Idk people call her Butterfly and I think she's a woman whose been around on this board for a while

>> No.17434613
File: 23 KB, 624x624, wcE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch was in my dreams and she wanted my dick. It's your doing for posting all this shit, I've never even seen her shitty YA reviews.

>> No.17434616

the ruler doubles as a bookmark idiot

>> No.17434652

I also enjoy the occurrence of 1 or 2 notes in an entire book.

>> No.17434662

I will never be a woman, unfortunately.

>> No.17434665

do you really expect me to believe that is not a fat tranny posting these?

>> No.17434675

this but unironically

>> No.17434685

Bot detected
More advanced bot detected >>17429282
Nearing AI level bot detected >>17429413
Nearing AGI level bot detected >>17429435
Humans who have been surpassed by AI and have reverted back to cave dwelling mongrols detected

>> No.17436239
File: 109 KB, 900x900, 654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17436264

This is the secret technique for non-awful patrician underlining