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/lit/ - Literature

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17425404 No.17425404 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, It's that time again.

Time to record our favorite reads of the past month. Use the link below to vote.
All answers are acceptable whether it is a poem or a play or a novel or a philosophical text or anything really as long as it was something you read this past January. However, spam and duplicate answers will not be counted.

In an effort to get more interesting final results, we ask that you are more specific in your answers. For example:
If you were going to vote for 'The Bible,' instead vote for the specific book of the Bible which you read, such as Exodus or Ecclesiastes.
If you were going to vote for 'The Poetry of John Keats' instead vote for a specific poem, such as Ode to a Nightingale or Endymion.

The votes will be tallied and results put into a chart at the end of the week. I hope you all had a good January, happy reading!


>> No.17425621


>> No.17425794

Dno how /lit/ will respond to this thread this time, but I welcome it

>> No.17425855

same. Worse threads I've seen. I think it could use some workshopping

>> No.17425891

What sort of improvements do you think I could make?

>> No.17425903

I don't have any suggestions, but I want it to succeed. I'll fill it out later myself. Cheers friend!

>> No.17426641

it's just that these kind of threads tend to get ignored... :-\

>> No.17426653

btw this thread >>17417321 is kind of doing the same, so you could try asking them

>> No.17426737

Could someone post the results for 2020?

>> No.17427503
File: 821 KB, 1366x768, december2020top10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was the last chart

>> No.17427855

I feel these could end up being just the 10 few books everyone talks about here and the meme of the month. Still, thanks for the effort OP, this is a good idea either way.

>> No.17427928

is there a link to check all the books that people voted for?

>> No.17427968

from the last month* im retarded

>> No.17427980

what about the top 100 of 2020?

>> No.17428236

yeah me too, but hopefully my contributions spice things up a bit

>> No.17428279

Last month the results were what you might expect, but so far the results of this month are looking pretty diverse, so far there have been zero votes for Moby-Dick, Crime & Punishment, Lolita, Odyssey, Iliad, Gravity's Rainbow, Stoner or Infinite's Jest.

>> No.17428290

How about a series?

Can I write in Second Apocalypse?

>> No.17428353


>> No.17428515

That's a good question, I'd say go for it, I don't really care that much, I'm just saying this because I think it'd be more interesting to see specific Platonic dialogues in the results and specific Emerson essays rather than just seeing the usual 'Dialogues' and 'Essays.' Because if we're being honest nobody is reading all of the dialogues or the entire Bible in a month.

>> No.17429191


>> No.17429340

yo shout OUT to the other dude who put Alberto Moravia on their list

>> No.17429691

In case it hasn't already been pointed out: this is stupid. You're just going to get a bunch of single votes. It's very unlikely people will have read the same book in a month. So again, this is stupid, and if anything gets more than 2 votes its because there is some tranny discord read along happening.

Don't do this in February. Get a life.

>> No.17429755

so the same shit that's on every single /lit/ year end list? who gives a fuck

>> No.17429761
File: 47 KB, 660x660, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does someone need to take a nap?

>> No.17429795

Is someone mad their survey is poorly designed?

>> No.17430250

You asked for 3 in December and I had read three in december. You ask for 5 in January and I read 5 in January. Only ask for 2 in February though, I'm starting The Recognitions soon.
Finding out what people are actually reading is much more interesting than the posturing that top 100 is.

>> No.17430352

I've read 2 books this month fml