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File: 15 KB, 220x258, incelprime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17423986 No.17423986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>women are dumb, stupid and primitive
>btw I live in patriarchal society were women can't show their talents

>> No.17424004

we live in a matrisrcal society now and men still seamlessly outperform women everywhere

>> No.17424044


>> No.17424055

>women are dumb, stupid and primitive
Where does he say that?

>> No.17424059

He states what women are hedonicstical and have primitive thinking

>> No.17424065

Next your going to tell me niggers are stupid because they're poor and not poor because they're stupid.

>> No.17424066

>From my biased and stupid point of view we live in a "matrisrcal" society and men outperform women.
I have seen women write much better than you, cringe fucker.

>> No.17424070

Based women

>> No.17424090

If women had real talent, wouldn't they overthrow this patriarchal society long time ago?

>> No.17424094

No one takes this guy seriously, he was literally just a 20 year old kid incel.

>> No.17424095

>Haha, you spelled something wrong, time to point that out to look smart

>> No.17424096

You will never transition.

>> No.17424099

>Dietrich Eckart once told me that in all his life he had known just one good Jew: Otto Weininger, who killed himself on the day when he realized that the Jew lives upon the decay of peoples

t. possibly the most famous person of XX century

>> No.17424112
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>> No.17424115

>>we live in a matriarchal society now and men still seamlessly outperform women everywhere
and yet men still compete for women and women still don't compete for men

>> No.17424122


>> No.17424129

how do we live in a matriarchal society ?

>> No.17424136

He's right.

>> No.17424146
File: 120 KB, 299x287, 1605119621559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misogyny is poisoning my soul and I don't know how to stop it. Idk women are just so stupid and ignoble and pathetic that I can't help but despise them. I was watching a cute gymnast at the gym today and all I could think of was how satisfying it would feel to repeatedly smash her head into the wall (in World of Warcraft). Having read Schopenhauer and frequenting this board so often obviously doesn't help, but even before that I was bad. In elementary school I punched a girl who was flirting on me because she disrespected my best friend. But it's getting worse and worse. I ruin opportunities and push women away because of it, because I just can't hide my contempt for them. What do I do. Have sex?

>> No.17424157

realize that you can't group everyone together and stop being biased. Not all women are smart and not all women are stupid. Same goes for men you know. Also have sex.

>> No.17424162

I'm not even the same guy, but it's retarded to point out that when the A and the S are next to each other on the keyboard.
And no, I'm not a MIGAtard.

>> No.17424168

What's wrong with hating women, LMAO. Are some people really that brain raped?

>> No.17424170

The female artists of his time were much better than modern ones
No female painter has topped Casset
No female author has topped Austen

>> No.17424171

The only non stupid women are the ugly ones and their ugliness makes them effectively worthless. You just can't win. Women are trash

>> No.17424185

if you would actually go outside for once you would realize your mistake. I've met multiple women that are not only hot but also smarter than a lot of people here. Attractiveness has nothing to to with it. Your obsession over attractiveness shows how shallow you are.

>> No.17424191

They make up half the world population. It's more practical to not hate them

>> No.17424203

Most of the world is composed of evil people, doesn't mean you shouldn't call them out on it. You're an intellectual midget and want to let depravity continue.

>> No.17424205
File: 60 KB, 810x456, 1496791113210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would always chose to spend time with a pretty woman than a smart one; even if she may be as smart as the smartest men. - Hesse
I agree.

>> No.17424208
File: 1.07 MB, 536x706, 1610596677323.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your obsession over attractiveness shows how shallow you are.

>> No.17424211

The ugly ones are a pain in the ass to deal with because they are insecure. They are bitter. They always look for defects in other people to put them down in their minds (or outloud if they’re particularly cuntish) to feel better about themselves.
Honestly pretty girls are much nicer creatures.

>> No.17424216

Everything is female-centric? Masculinity is looked down upon and discouraged? Having a vagina gives you societal, social, professional advantages? For the first time in history, women (think they) can raise children without men?
Honestly we've never seen a society so matriarchal as ours since the beginning of written history.

>> No.17424221

I've had the opposite experience. Plain janes are often quite sweet and very appreciative of any attention you give them. They don't have the sense of entitlement and pretty princess syndrome that attractive girls have. Paradoxically they are generally better in bed too.

>> No.17424222

daily reminder that literally ALL women are beautiful and deserve to be loved, that women are superior to men in every point and that transwomen are real women

>> No.17424231
File: 88 KB, 750x938, 1610901571608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get what you're trying to say but those two statements are not mutually exclusive. I think that's still true, except the value system is more co-ed. You could say something similar for dudes
>men are by and large competitive, if powerful they bully and exploit, if weak they are resentful and passive aggressive, they long for power and yet have no desire to benefit others with it
>men are not given the opportunity to achieve their highest moral capacity or to fully engage with each other, women, children, and society at large under the current conditions

>> No.17424232

Such a wasted trips...

>> No.17424253

Most men are just women in stronger bodies, is this some revelation for newfags? Only a few men in our history did everything against all odds to help their people like Hitler did.

>> No.17424256

>Everything is female-centric?

what do you mean? this is bullshit.

> Masculinity is looked down upon and discouraged?

how? I think you mean toxic masculinity. dude you need to go outside and talk to real people and stop absorbing jewish media.

> Having a vagina gives you societal, social, professional advantages?


> For the first time in history, women (think they) can raise children without men?

throughout history women have always been the ones raising children. and many have done it alone after their husbands have died. Shaka's mother raised him on her own I'm pretty sure.

> Honestly we've never seen a society so matriarchal as ours since the beginning of written history.

I think you mean we've never seen a society so equal since the beginning of history. you're clearly a braindead incel.

>> No.17424265


>> No.17424275

>reddit spacing
Why do I even bother
>what do you mean? this is bullshit.
No it's not
>how? I think you mean toxic masculinity. dude you need to go outside and talk to real people and stop absorbing jewish media.
No, I mean masculinity. Toxic masculity doesn't exist and is propagand sold by jewish media, ironically. Show your nose.
I know.
>throughout history women have always been the ones raising children. and many have done it alone after their husbands have died. Shaka's mother raised him on her own I'm pretty sure.
No, they were raised by communities. Not by single women addicted to booze and attention taking care of 5 cats.
>I think you mean we've never seen a society so equal since the beginning of history. you're clearly a braindead incel.
I don't think that word means what you think it means. I feel bad taking so much time replying to this obvious bait but now I've typed it out anyway so here you go.

>> No.17424280

>women still don't compete for men

They don't compete for you, loser.

>> No.17424285

post boobs

>> No.17424296
File: 65 KB, 775x803, 1492689736440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no the basedjak ,how will I ever recover

>> No.17424302
File: 61 KB, 556x544, 1601633423174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh no the basedjak ,how
>will I ever recover

>> No.17424308

how many times did you refresh waiting for me to answer?

>> No.17424311

>80% of consoomer capital is held by _____
Have your cake and eat it too, the capitalist class is a tiny circle of ____

>> No.17424316

>No it's not

yes it is bullshit. what does it even mean? explain and stop being a retard.


> No, I mean masculinity. Toxic masculity doesn't exist and is propagand sold by jewish media, ironically. Show your nose.

ah ok. so you're dumb as fuck. slapping a woman on the ass is toxic masculinity. taking care of your children is positive masculinity. teaching them to swim, hunt, ride a bike etc all positive masculinity which nobody has a problem with. go outside fucking hell you're clearly a neet so out of touch with reality. this is just sad i feel bad for you.

> No, they were raised by communities. Not by single women addicted to booze and attention taking care of 5 cats.

fair enough.

how is our society not equal? is this just cos a woman has never asked you out or something?

>> No.17424321

I have basic reading comprehension so I can tell that the OP statement is an attempt to point out internal inconsistency you fucking ESL chink

>> No.17424323

have sex bro

>> No.17424327

I live in a matriarchal society. Still waiting for women to show their talents.

>> No.17424328

You don't thought, you clearly also can't follow a basic conversation. I guess this is what happens when you inject jenkem onions in your veins.

>> No.17424330

>literally can't think of a response

absolutely braindead XD

>> No.17424333

Lol instant lolcow. tw, did you know mysister is once again crying in her room alone doing nothing productive butseethe? Yeah, women are such productive members of society kek.

>> No.17424334

incel loser

>> No.17424338

is your sister the only woman in the world. this thread is filled with incels. it seems like nearly everyone here only interacts with their mother/sisters/aunts and never a woman who isn't related to them.

>> No.17424340

Shut up gook newfag

>> No.17424347
File: 36 KB, 640x639, joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally seething cos I pointed out how retarded he is

this is gold redditfag. I tip my hat to you sir. you're clearly an incel projecting since you're screaming online about how much better women have it. I can't smell the seethe off your greasy unbrushed breath.

>> No.17424353

lol okay virgin

>> No.17424354
File: 596 KB, 1497x1119, 1610037854504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:05:01 No.17424302▶>>17424308
>File: 1601633423174.jpg (61 KB, 556x544)
>>oh no the basedjak ,how
>>will I ever recover
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:05:35 No.17424308▶
>how many times did you refresh waiting for me to answer?
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:05:51 No.17424311▶
>>>17423986 (OP)
>>80% of consoomer capital is held by _____
>Have your cake and eat it too, the capitalist class is a tiny circle of ____
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:07:18 No.17424316▶>>17424323
>>No it's not
>yes it is bullshit. what does it even mean? explain and stop being a retard.
>> No, I mean masculinity. Toxic masculity doesn't exist and is propagand sold by jewish media, ironically. Show your nose.
>ah ok. so you're dumb as fuck. slapping a woman on the ass is toxic masculinity. taking care of your children is positive masculinity. teaching them to swim, hunt, ride a bike etc all positive masculinity which nobody has a problem with. go outside fucking hell you're clearly a neet so out of touch with reality. this is just sad i feel bad for you.
>> No, they were raised by communities. Not by single women addicted to booze and attention taking care of 5 cats.
>fair enough.
>how is our society not equal? is this just cos a woman has never asked you out or something?
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:08:11 No.17424321▶>>17424328
>I have basic reading comprehension so I can tell that the OP statement is an attempt to point out internal inconsistency you fucking ESL chink
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:08:49 No.17424323▶>>17424330
>have sex bro
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:09:38 No.17424327▶
>>>17423986 (OP)
>I live in a matriarchal society. Still waiting for women to show their talents.
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:10:23 No.17424328▶>>17424340
>You don't thought, you clearly also can't follow a basic conversation. I guess this is what happens when you inject jenkem onions in your veins.
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:11:02 No.17424330▶>>17424334
>>literally can't think of a response
>absolutely braindead XD
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:11:55 No.17424333▶>>17424338
>>>17423986 (OP)
>Lol instant lolcow. tw, did you know mysister is once again crying in her room alone doing nothing productive butseethe? Yeah, women are such productive members of society kek.
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:12:39 No.17424334▶
>incel loser
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:13:05 No.17424338▶
>is your sister the only woman in the world. this thread is filled with incels. it seems like nearly everyone here only interacts with their mother/sisters/aunts and never a woman who isn't related to them.
> Anonymous 01/31/21(Sun)14:13:30 No.17424340▶
>Shut up gook newfag
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>> No.17424359

>calls me the very thing I already said about him
Shouldn't you be too busy cleaning the creampie Tyrone left in your obese whore?

>> No.17424360
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>this is gold redditfag. I tip my hat to you sir. you're clearly an incel projecting since you're screaming online about how much better women have it. I can't smell the seethe off your greasy unbrushed breath.

>> No.17424370

It might be the most matriarchal society yet but still very (very) far from an actual matriarchal society. It's just your reactionary tendencies that take begin slightly less male-centric for being female-centric. But it's bullshit mate.

>> No.17424372
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>not an argument

>> No.17424376
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>women are stupid and ugly

>> No.17424381 [DELETED] 
File: 872 KB, 1903x1200, 1610267521180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>women are stupid and ugly

>> No.17424399
File: 94 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>women are stupid and ugly

>> No.17424410

Most women I met worked that way. Also incels only live in your head, most men don't give a shit about your feminist bullshit. Go kys.

>> No.17424414

To be frank, you outed yourself fucking up with the şøý filter. And I can tell you're a ching chong chinky slant eyed needle dick ruv u rong tiem gook zipperhead ESL faggot from how you type and your poor reading comprehension.

>> No.17424422

Can some one explain me what's the deal with this much amount of shit-posting?

I cannot even tell who's saying what.

>> No.17424427

>şøý filter
Ironic considering you don't have an idea how to pass it up without using very similar symbols. It's okay, it will only get worse when the bull decides to take his ultimate reparations but at least it will be like natural selection.

>> No.17424429

Just leave this thread already it's more cancerous than chernobyl.

>> No.17424435

Feminine style of argumentation also indicates an asian heritage. Post arm.

>> No.17424436

>Most women I met worked that way.

X Doubt. I've been out in the real world and women work just as hard as men do. quite often harder desu. they don't care about starting families cos they work so hard. do you not have a mother who has a job?

> Also incels only live in your head

and in your house. they sleep in your bed...

seething child.

>> No.17424440

>Feminine style
Must be why your estrogen is through the roof and you can't make a single sentence that has something to with the topic on hand and use ad hominems, right? Imagine being that pathetic, even just for a joke.

>> No.17424442
File: 37 KB, 500x492, 1600535065690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and in your house. they sleep in your bed...
NTA, but that was some good prose right there.

>> No.17424463

Ad hominem? More like slippery slope combined with no true scotsman. Your logic is shit, your argument is invalid.
Now I know you're mad. Go scuttle back to your little chink hole to cool off before you post again, nigger.

>> No.17424464

Yes, my mother has a job, her job is to literally type shit into an excel spreadsheet. Wow such hard work there. Also, I really doubt you left your little liberal city in Shartmerica, so the only women you see are the ones you pay for on onlyfans.
>they live in your house
Wow you got me there. Still doesn't change the fact they're still living inside your head, rent free, and you even give them mental gibs by wasting time in this thread. I do have to admire your humanitarian activity of giving incels a home to live in for free, but have you ever thought to get some peace and quiet?

>> No.17424472

looks like you're proving me right

>> No.17424475

He meant in real life, not on reddit

>> No.17424482

Sure, thing. You still have to yet make an argument. You're the type of people who believe in just-world hypothesis while closing your eyes on the human trafficking and predators. You also have no idea about biology and behavior. It's not arcane knowledge, you just have to be honest with yourself and you will find out a lot.

>> No.17424486

I don't live in America retard. I live in a proper country. it sucks your mother has a shit braindead job. my mother's a doctor.

sorry women out perform you at school. stop being a seething bitter incel and maybe your life will get better yeah?

>> No.17424488

There is no difficulty whatsoever in minimizing contact with women to an appropriate low level that even a dedicated misogynist would barely notice.
That is if you work in a real job (or neet, I guess) not statistically infested with women, and the few present are tolerable or can be avoided as much as possible.
Emotionally charged rants about women are the mark of a guy that just got blackpilled a week ago or, more likely, a pseud that still (non-sexually) desire women. True misogynists (inb4 no true Scotsman) don't complain about women much. They just avoid them. When you can't (at work, or the small random interactions in daily life) you should always be polite and communicate efficiently.
Source: trust me, bro.

>> No.17424491

You reply one more time and I'll kick your ass you little twerp

>> No.17424494

>mods delete the epiphenomenalism thread
>this fucking thread is still up

>> No.17424500
File: 294 KB, 1200x1776, D5488B26-18C2-44C7-99E3-76903A00F691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>black people are inferior
>and that’s why they must be enslaved
>because they’re inferior
>because they’re...oh wait

>> No.17424503

#punching nazies machine

>> No.17424510

sounds like the life of these true misogynists is just sad and hollow?

what is life without love?

>> No.17424520

This, thankfully now they can rape and kill in peace. White lives don't matter!

>> No.17424529

>her job is to literally type shit into an excel spreadsheet. Wow such hard work there
Men also have that job

>> No.17424528

Yep, because whites neither rape nor kill, never have and never will.

>> No.17424531

Alright you asked for it faggot. What's your address. Tell me now or you're a gay pussy and everyone knows.
Spoiler alert, it's in xiandong province.

>> No.17424535

let me guess, you live in a proper country like Canada or Sweden? Maybe UK? Either ways degenerate western countries that need to be glassed by Russians and Chinks in real life.
More like a nurse, still fucking useless though.
btw what's your obsession with successful women, do you want to be dominate by them? is that some weird offshoot of femdom? not arguing just curious.

>> No.17424534

>I don't know what are ratios
Yep, clearly living in the projects.

>> No.17424539

Interesting take. The time of highest patriarchal oppression was also the time of peak female achievement.

>> No.17424543

>what is nature and nurture

>> No.17424544

I'm in the other room with your mom, you can come and visit.

>> No.17424549


>> No.17424557

Yes, tell me more. I'm sure you can even find statistics of the said people in different environment expressing the same behavior. That doesn't mean they should be enslaved but was the most moral choice at the time as segregation is now and forever.