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17421916 No.17421916 [Reply] [Original]

Mr. Evola... I kneel.

>> No.17422023

I always held this sentiment subconsciously, I just didn't actually think this tradfag LARPer could put it in words for me. Nice.

>> No.17422029

Another brainlet filtered by Marx. Truly the ultimate pleb filter haha.

>> No.17422044

He was right about almost everything.

>> No.17422056

Evola clearly understands what Marx advocates for more than literally any other capitalist critique and fundamentally rejects it. Now kneel, Marxist bitch.

>> No.17422066

we all have a bit of a tradfag LARPer in us.

>> No.17422069

And what does he expect us to do about it?

>> No.17422076

Ride the Chungus

>> No.17422085
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Make do with what you’ve got and be prepared for change desu

>> No.17422142


>> No.17422152

He wanted a system closer to the Indian class system, guy was mad gay

>> No.17422157

Unironically, just be yourself in the fullest ontological sense.

>> No.17422210

>"what is essential"
>not specifying "what is essential"
what a major LOSER

>> No.17422228

preemptively filtered

>> No.17422266
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>> No.17422458

Evola wasn’t even racist though, at least compared to his contemporaries, the SS actually condemned him for many of his views, Evola considered himself a spiritual racist in that a Jew could have an Aryan soul and a Aryan a Jewish soul, which looking at figures like JP Morgan, the Rockefeller’s, and Bill Gates is a very true statement, though for the former there are few I can think of. But do not think for a moment he did not think there was no significance of the blood, he simple emphasized the more spiritual aspect because he thought it was neglected.

>> No.17422469

>Evola wasn’t even racist though, at least compared to his contemporaries
Compared to who, fucking Hitler?

>> No.17422471

This but unironically

>> No.17422475

the entire world was racist as fuck back then, to levels we'd find extreme today

>> No.17422477

>a spiritual racist
so a racist but with like extra larp

>> No.17422545

Max Nordau, Otto Weininger and Carlo Michelstaedter might be who you're looking for.

>> No.17422774

Im short on cash and I dont read books digitally
How do I learn about Evolas conception of magic?

>> No.17422803

Introduction to Magic, volumes I, II and III is coming out in English this year. I mostly just like him for the magic myself; he's the most articulate modern Western Esotericist.

>> No.17422821

and its not necessarily bad advice either. the biggest weapon people can wield is social pressure to conform to a given standard. it feels like nothing will ever change and everyone is powerless because everyone is afraid to "reveal their powerlevel" so to speak and be themselves because of social pressure, but the moment people stop being afraid and collectively stand up for themselves they may find they arent as alone as they thought, and not as powerless as they thought when they were constantly afraid to act out of fear of social pressure. suddenly the social pressure loses its power because you can build a community with others who feel the same way as you do, the ideas come out from hiding out into the light, and from that community comes the real potential for meaningful change

>> No.17422844
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>> No.17422865

>Mr. Evola
Baron Evola*

>> No.17422866

>Im short on cash and I dont read books digitally
self-defeating 101

>> No.17422867

>writes a much needed critique of Racism coming from the right as opposed to the Marxist Agitator Left.

You will never be a woman

>> No.17422911

After reading The Sufi of Rome, I learned Evola's racialism was far more idiosyncratic than I thought. He pointed out Winston Churchill as racist, thought Zionist jews were kshatriyas, and he didn't have any love for Anglos nor his own Italian people either.

>> No.17422925

I always found being conservative/traditionalist/etc. yet pro-capitalism utterly nonsensical. I despise Nazis but at least they aren't complete idiots like cuckservatives, just very very wrong.

>> No.17423086

How were the nazis wrong?

>> No.17423109

Hmmm I don't know maybe killing 6 million Innocent people over an ideology probably wasn't a good thing

>> No.17423123

I think anon meant besides the Hitlerian brand of National Socialism, what exactly is wrong with it?

>> No.17423125

>discussing ideology when he doesn't even know the death toll accurately
11 million anon

>> No.17423144

So if he just relocated people, would that be wrong?

>> No.17423327

untethered individualism

>> No.17423338

no it's incomparable to american racism and racialism because the criteria and divisions and meaning is all different. also, if we mean racism to mean hatred, then no, he wasn't racist at all.

>> No.17423345


>> No.17423414

You do know that if you throw word larp towards everything, the word itself will soon become meaningless.

>> No.17423713

This is so stupid, marxism analyzes material phenomena to observe contradictions and tries to resolve them through synthesizing a solution. Marx supposed that the most effective solution to the problems caused by said contradictory phenomena was to address and rearrange the systems of social organization at the root of the problems.
Evola also thought this, but Evola being le epic aristocratic idealist wants some kind of caste system? Does India look like a great model that the world should follow?
Marx on the other hand observed the historical tendency towards class abolition, a more egalitarian world with less antagonisms.

>> No.17423967

Marx got retroactively filtered by evola

>> No.17424015

be conservative, but not in a way of coming back to the past. Dig inside you for the feelings that past values and institutions where embodying, and try to enact them in the present

these guys know whatsup

>> No.17424051

>marxism=redistribution of wealth
Cringe. If he actually read Marx, he would know that he was speaking the most stupid shit.

>> No.17424079

This. Too many people distort Evola's thought into some sort of imperative.

>> No.17424083

Pre-modern class structures include non-economic factors. A warrior or priest has more social capital than a merchant, even if he is poor.
A Marxist and a Capitalist both see people as economic units. They just have a very different idea of how to arrange those units.

>> No.17424131
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>Does India look like a great model that the world should follow?
Back before it was corrupted by Western crapitalism and imperialism, yes (India didn't even need official laws or police to keep order). Nowadays it is a chaotic, bureaucratized, desacralized and materialist nation that is used for cheap labour and goods by Western nations, which has necessarily, and quite obviously, had a corrupting effect on its society.

Also this >>17424083 anon is correct. Marxism is fundamentally materialistic in all of its philosophical presuppositions, which means it is totally unwilling to accept qualitative differentiation between different human types and aims as meaningful, and it can only possibly see the system of material distribution as being meaningful to all human life and society. This is plainly obvious reading any Marxist literature, especially Capital, as the focus is essentially goods, material value, ownership of capital, etc. You admitted it yourself too, it "analyzes material phenomena and tries to synthesize a solution", which is to say it believes the only "solutions" and "problems" can exist according to material phenomena. Ergo, Marxist is fundamentally materialistic (and this can be seen in the ideas of communist utopia, whether or not one considers communism specifically Marxist).

>Marx on the other hand observed the historical tendency towards class abolition, a more egalitarian world with less antagonisms.
Egalitarianism = more alienation for superior individuals, of which there are admittedly fewer. (Think Nietzsche's slaves ruling masters)
Authoritarianism (ie, hierarchy according to spirit) = the potential for either class warfare, or class solidarity. The latter case has been present for most of history up until the rise of the 3rd Estate after the Renaissance, at which point a clear transition from solidarity to warfare occurred, which was eventually intensified by liberal and Marxist class aggravation.
Evola observed the same tendency, except he termed it the law of the "regression of the castes."

>> No.17424143
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>Nothing is more evident than that

>> No.17424163


>> No.17424164

>Life on which
>Both of
>is constituted

This guy doesn't understand what "essential" means

>> No.17424230
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>> No.17424362

>nor his own Italian people either
really? why is that

>> No.17424430

>all religions are divided into dualities

>> No.17424437

Checkout land

>> No.17424444

Evola advocated for race mixing idk why people call him racist

>> No.17424513

It's a reasonably heavy theme in Revolt, which you should read if you haven't, but to simplify it a lot, there was a historical, spiritual polarity between the maternal (Chthonic) and paternal (Olympian) aspects, both between some civilizations and within them (lower castes tending to emphasize maternal features and symbols, upper castes emphasizing paternal virility). I think Bachofen actually introduced the theory originally, quite a while before Evola or Guenon were writing. The majority of famous religions remaining have mixed characteristics compared to older pagan types, which tended to diverge more strongly into either masculine or feminine.

>> No.17424526


>> No.17424538

I see, thank you anon

>> No.17424655

Ah. Another
> dude author but /pol/ exist and someone read him so discredit author
bait thread. It gets tiring honestly. One day, I won’t be the only person who’s read this author.

>> No.17424764

What book of his is this from?

>> No.17424802

I could be wrong but I believe it's from Men Among the Ruins.

>> No.17424849

>He wanted a system closer to the Indian class system, guy was mad gay

If that is truly the case, then he was a retard of epic proportion. See Sir Henry James Sumner Maine's Ancient Laws and Early Laws and Customs for why the Indian system was an absolute nightmare that prevented any social progress, and that in this specific case, the fucking brits coming along and bulldozing it off was literally the only good thing that could happen to it.

>> No.17424887

It’s funny watching lit slowly read him more and more thanks to the initial push of the bunkerchan trannys going a little too far with their polemics.
It’s noticeable that people who blatantly refuse to read him or intentional misinterpret have less in the threads too.
Something to note, Evola does not advocate for LARPing, he makes it quite clear in Ride the Tiger (literally the first 2 parts) that no return is possible to old ways of life even if they once retained a Traditional vitality - the fact they have led to their own dissolution is irreversible and the analysis that Revolt against the Modern World provided was not meant to be a “choose your path” for Buddhist/Vedic/Pagan LARPing, but an analysis of their transcendent qualities.
He essentially advocates an ontological re-evaluation, and nothing more is likely to be possible for an age.

>> No.17425549

Did the Brits bulldoze the Vedic system? I thought the Mughals had already done that.

>> No.17425564

>that prevented any social progress
good heavens! not muh trannies and globohomo!

>> No.17425612

The legal system in the northern provinces of India which Sumner oversaw had been in place since time immemorial.
>good heavens! not muh trannies and globohomo!
Mate we are talking about things as dumb and retarded as having the legal obligation to preserve the matrinony as is from the moment you knew about the conception of the kid.
Sumner was a social darwinist with a focus on customs and laws. His point was that sets of customs evolves historically in much the same way biological entities do, they can reach a evolutionary dead end where they are perfectly functional as is but cannot initiate any more progress on their own, they have fully calcified.

>> No.17425775

But can Evola explain why this is the case? What is essential?

>> No.17425905

Read his works. You could find out by actually reading. I’ve typed out summaries of Evola before just to be memed by some facetious twat, so don’t be surprised if we stop the spoon feeding.
I think that particular quote is from chapter 30 (part 2) something of Revolt, or perhaps in Ruins which is a shorter and more accessible work.

>> No.17425978
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>> No.17426018

So marketing, but bad.

>> No.17426054

if i remember correctly he recognized the cons of "hybrid vigor" were more than the pros

>> No.17426058

Look, you don’t want to read him, obviously. Stop wasting my time and your own. You won’t “win” anything like this.
It’s just people who’ve read him quibbling with people who never will, at this point.

>> No.17426295
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Basically this, with less MUH EVROPA larping

>> No.17426438
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No he didn't.

His entire worldview top down was about natural distinction and differentiation. Evola just believed in our reactionary movement we were missing fundamental points to focus more on biological race than spiritual race, AKA Caste.

Because like it or not, almost every conflict in high culture involves some miscegenation and or rape babies so it's futile and populist paranoia to obsess over race to an absolute.

THEN AGAIN, I don't think Evola could have forseen how terrible things would have gotten on this front in the following century mainly because he wasn't an American.

>> No.17426446

this is just sad, please read some marx before you start saying dumb shit.

>> No.17426457

>You do know that if you throw word larp towards everything,
That word is seldom used, you only hear it so much because you are larping

>> No.17426473
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What is invisible to the eye

>> No.17426489

LARP so hard you stop LARPing and transcend cringe.

>> No.17426505

I was interested but you seem like a fag.

>> No.17426512

Evola forever BTFO'd by a clueless american teenager who barely read anything in his life.

>> No.17426553

>an absolute nightmare that prevented any social progress
Damn, I wish we had never done that.
I hope that great-great-grandad had some fun regardless.

>> No.17426581
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how does one "ride the tiger"?

>> No.17426626
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Daily reminder to newfags/atheists/m*rxists
Delve into:
Platonism,neo-platonism,metaphysics,gnosticism,Thomas Aquina,hermeticism,western esotericism,occultism,alchemy,goetia,theurgy,jewish kabbalism and mysticism,ceremonial magic,tarot,sigil magic,peganism,Carl Jung(best author I will mention),after Jung read Evola and Crowley,Crowley is extremely autistic and larpy but it filters the red ditors,put Evola later into the reading list,and as fantastic as he is don't end up worshiping him,he isn't perfect.
Start with the Bible if you haven't already

Marx had to write a long reddit post about Stirner and it's shit,I don't relate to Stirner anymore since I delved to deep into what I mentioned above.

One common point Marxists use is that porky created identity politics as a distraction
>150. As we mentioned in paragraph 134, industrial society seems likely to be entering a period of severe stress, due in part to problems of human behavior and in part to economic and environmental problems. And a considerable proportion of the system’s economic and environmental problems result from the way human beings behave. Alienation, low self-esteem, depression, hostility, rebellion; children who won’t study, youth gangs, illegal drug use, rape, child abuse, other crimes, unsafe sex, teen pregnancy, population growth, political corruption, race hatred, ethnic rivalry, bitter ideological conflict (e.g., pro-choice vs. pro- life), political extremism, terrorism, sabotage, anti-government groups, hate groups. All these threaten the very survival of the system. The system will therefore be FORCED to use every practical means of controlling human behavior.
-Ted Kaczynski

>> No.17426638

I'm not a filthy american, I'm not a teenager and i study at university.
Evola is pure brainrot, please do something better with your life like actually reading the western canon pseud.

>> No.17426658
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I had a really lewd Rule 34 image to post about Calvin and Hobbes to post along with a line of text like "like this," but I'm afraid I'll get banned. I'll just post this instead.

>> No.17426660
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Perform every act of modern life as an act of Sādhanā.

>> No.17426680


>> No.17426696

where does ebola say this in his books?

>> No.17426724

larp and seethe

>> No.17426757

>Muh materialism, it's the only thing that matters!

>> No.17426769

Do any of the discord trannies that use this board actually read?

>> No.17426793

I'm not saying you have to agree with marx, but don't go around pseuding about marx if you haven't read him.

>> No.17426811

I agree, reading a lot a lot of that is good, but that doesn't change that Evola is an asshat that doesn't know much about anything

>> No.17426812
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Atleast we can agree on something

>> No.17426818

>But that doesn't change that Evola is an asshat that doesn't know much about anything
What's the point in saying something like this? It's objectively untrue. Evola always gets the yanks seething for some reason

>> No.17426864

You can call me a jew all you like, but please don't call me a burger

>> No.17426878

Americanised faggot then, just as bad

>> No.17426890

The entirety of Ride the Tiger.

>> No.17427007

Okay. Let me just host my Marketing lessons learned meeting at my multinational corporation wage slave job as an act of Sadhana.

>> No.17427026

I think it’s something like “use the dissolutive forces of the modern world in order to find a sense of stability, purpose, and sacrality amid the chaos, while keeping in mind the conditions that might come about in the future”. Basically, achieve transcendence by actually riding (using) the tiger of modernity rather than opposing it directly, while preparing for the day that the tiger tires itself out.

>> No.17427038

absolutely seething

>> No.17427044

Industrial society must die.

>> No.17427046

>Platonism,neo-platonism,metaphysics,gnosticism,Thomas Aquina,hermeticism,western esotericism,occultism,alchemy,goetia,theurgy,jewish kabbalism and mysticism,ceremonial magic,tarot,sigil magic,peganism,Carl Jung(best author I will mention),after Jung read Evola and Crowley,Crowley is extremely autistic and larpy but it filters the red ditors,put Evola later into the reading list,and as fantastic as he is don't end up worshiping him,he isn't perfect.
Start with the Bible if you haven't already
some based some cringe

>> No.17427055

> Indian system was an absolute nightmare that prevented any social progress

>> No.17427064

>and then we can liberate all the sooffering souls in the universe and have universal coompassion and then we all go to gay wonderland and then everybody got on the floor and walked the dinosaur
no thanks

>> No.17427079

Second language mate

>> No.17427348

For starters, he didn't like that some Italians conformed to the stereotype of pasta eating mafiosos. He also didn't believe the modern conception of war where a person of commoner can be groomed to become a soldier, which is a kshatriya profession, which in his eyes turned most enlisted men in the fascist military into cowardly cold-blooded murderers.

>> No.17427926

>social progress
Believing this term has any meaning whatsoever means you don’t understand evola’s mindset

>> No.17428063

>Indian system was an absolute nightmare that prevented any social progress
I literally see nothing wrong with this.

>> No.17428131

Media can’t be racist, only white people can

>> No.17428162

>where they are perfectly functional as is
That's literally the point of evolution

>> No.17428331

Never read Evola but his view on prostitution was quite advanced

>> No.17428614

What books would you recommend?

>> No.17428659

>but that doesn't change that Evola is an asshat that doesn't know much about anything

This is a bizarre criticism. Evola is clearly well-studied and erudite, even if you disagree with him. Have you even read Evola or are you just talking out of your ass right now?

>> No.17428660

What was it

>> No.17428723

Just ignore him. It's clear that he hasn't read Evola, and even if he did, a person who uses such derisive and flippant language for any subject of discussion is a priori not interested in honest discourse.

>> No.17429195

>"The primary concern of Marxism is NOT a reduction to the materialist perspective!"
I am guessing you have never read anything about the base and superstructure or perhaps simply don't understand the implications of those concepts.
>It’s funny watching lit slowly read him more and more thanks to the initial push of the bunkerchan trannys going a little too far with their polemics.
Not me, I read him because the wikipedia trannies defaced his wiki page and that piqued my curiosity.
Unironically, (You). Traditionalist metaphysics put "human" spirit at the top of the hierarchy of... well, everything. I say "human" because everything transcendental is necessarily more than what is merely human.
>Carl Jung
I want to destroy you.
No one on this board reads, full stop.