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/lit/ - Literature

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17418505 No.17418505[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any, unironically, good transgender literature?

>> No.17418511

they all kill themselves before they reach an age where can can produce anything noteworthy

>> No.17418510

Doesn't look any worse than the average British woman. I'm sure she'll find a nice bloke who will pump her bussy full of cum

>> No.17418512

yukio mishimas sea of fertility tetralogy, specifically runaway horses

>> No.17418519


>> No.17418590

the novel i am currently writing desu

>> No.17418597

i'd do it. not bad. with some hormones i think she'd look quite nice

>> No.17418600

any books that explain how leftists became tools of big pharma?

>> No.17418608

it's a he doe

>> No.17418610
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>> No.17418621

>it's a he doe
she's a she doe

>> No.17418631

I'm sure the butterfly faggot will interject with some

>> No.17418640

that one has no hope of passing.
this one can

>> No.17418663

men trapped in men's bodies

>> No.17418670

lmao he gonna neck by the time he gets to 40

>> No.17418671

she's fucking beautiful, as a straight man why wouldn't i be happy to have another pretty woman on the planet?

>> No.17418672

I'd let her give me head to be honest

>> No.17418675
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>> No.17418687

Fine taste for fine people

Tbh, she passes damn well for the short time she has been out.

>> No.17418690
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Join us

>> No.17418693

won't even get a chance to age like milk, it's all be over soon

>> No.17418703

Because it's almost certain that she will no longer be reproducing and since she is a tall and intelligent man, it's unfortunate that those genes won't be passed on. In a healthy society, she never would have become a she. She would be an above average man with a family. Also, she does not make a pretty woman and she will almost certainly kill herself. This is the result of cult indoctrination and pornography.

>> No.17418708

thats your opinion and personal biases muddled by reactionary beliefs

>> No.17418712

reaction to what exactly

>> No.17418714

psychological treatments cant even help me with irrational fears that i fully understand are irrational or literally anything else for that matter how are they going to help people with something as important as gender dysphoria

>> No.17418716

i want to be woke and happy about this but damn, this isn't normal, why are normal intelligent men doing this? this didn't happen in the past, did it? it doesnt make sense to me. i want to understand.

>> No.17418722

anything that isnt representative of traditional white male heterosexuality or christianity. you're ramblings are irrelevant and beliefs antiquated

>> No.17418724

it's clout chasing bro

>> No.17418727

What proportion of twitter lefties are trannies exactly?

>> No.17418728

If trannies are to have a serious literature, they're still too young
All they have is polemics disguised as literature for now

>> No.17418738

Im in the same boat anon. I liked PT’s stuff in the past but I’m finding it hard to understand this phenomenon that’s become more and more prevalent. Like I used to brush it aside saying ‘Ah, well, their decision. It’s not like EVERYONE is gonna be trans lol’ but...damn.

>> No.17418740

AHHAHAHAHA peak clown world

>> No.17418741

No, because insight into the human condition starts with humility. You have to want to change as you learn--you have to be a spiritual aspirant. Nothing could be less humble than not accepting your own goddamn body.

>> No.17418745

you seem like to one reacting to traditional "white"(lol) heterosexuality and christianity

>> No.17418747

Your personal biases are muddled by your leftist beliefs.

They were calling me a reactionary in the sense that I want to return to a previous era. It's not quite accurate but it's not a label worth disputing.

>> No.17418748


>> No.17418756

100% desu, just different levels.

>> No.17418760

have you read it anon

>> No.17418764

ooooh it did happen anon, look at ancient rome and see how that went.

>> No.17418765

Many of us who are radical traditionalists, fascists, or reactionaries or some sort dislike Christianity because it's an alien religion of weakness.

>> No.17418768
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>> No.17418769

Why do you give a shit? Focus on your own life. Fucking losers

>> No.17418778

People in the past didn't have much opportunity to do it I imagine. It does seem very weird though.

>> No.17418782
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I never liked his videos anyways

>> No.17418781

I don't care and no one asked. You're a delusional incel who is irrelevant;.

>> No.17418785

way to make the gayest post in a tranny thread

>> No.17418796

Because I care about other people? When you see someone in a cult or abusive relationship, do you not want them to get help? Not everyone is a selfish egoist or libertine. Some people care about society as a whole.