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17417988 No.17417988 [Reply] [Original]

I never had a family. I never had a home. I never had a country. I never had a god.

I'm a broken, lonely and atomised individual trapped in a ruthless liquid civilization imploding in front of my eyes.

What are some books to deal with the pain?

>> No.17418008

Just study some Taoism and you will never care again

>> No.17418031

Where did you pick up these concepts without reading? Anyway The Elementary Particles, and The Possibility of an Island.

>> No.17418040

Be careful with spiritual bypassing

>> No.17418047

you take drugs to deal with the pain anon, books are for getting over it

>> No.17418067

I doubt one can thoughtfully read a good Tao Te Ching translation and still cling to some worldly problems

>> No.17418439

Zhuang Zhi is better for calming the mind.
Alan Watts book on Wu Wei is also a decent start

>> No.17418449

take a look at No Longer Human by Dazai and Stoner by Williams, you might find comfort in character dealing with a situation as similar as yours

>> No.17418465

Tbh everyone should spiritually bypass. it would solve everything.

>> No.17418469
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only Castaneda dude. how to be a warrior. the chance is one in a billion, but if you eventually understand truth, you might consider your life as a blessing, not a punishment.

>> No.17418490

>submit to demons for superpowers
Hard pass. The fetishistic way the old indio describes the teacher is so offputting

>> No.17418617
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shill, gtfo

>> No.17418662

Maybe you should just stop being such a whiny bitch, Anon-kun.

>> No.17418773

«les particules élémentaire» is translated by "atomised"

>> No.17418868

as a psychologist you suck.

>> No.17418901

Just move innawoods like I did and you will find inner peace and some meaning.
It's funny seeing city bugs go insane, it's like watching a game for me.

>> No.17419459

I personally wouldn't read Zhuangzhi before Laozi. Tao Te Ching reveals you basic concepts of Tao and non-action. without understanding them Zhuangzi can be easily misinterpreted

>> No.17419493
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Sounds pretty fuckin badass, anon.

>> No.17419766


>> No.17420365

Look up suicide guides.

>> No.17420443

Not in my edition

>> No.17420485

No book can save you. Get down on your knees and pray.

>> No.17421225

how about you get down on your knees and suck me off

>> No.17421232

youre still using the internet, hypocrite

>> No.17421241

On Pain by Ernst Junger

>> No.17421631

never said i was going ted mode

>> No.17421678

>The Elementary Particles

one final push to send anon into the abyss, eh?

>> No.17422175
File: 8 KB, 323x246, haaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>saving up for a house since 17
>lockdowns hit
>no job
>house prices all spike
>realize I will now never own a house
>spend 7 years worth of savings on coke and hashish in half a year
>throw half of it away in fit of rage

>> No.17422196


>> No.17422296


Read the hug im sending you frend:)

>> No.17422498


Being & Time

>> No.17422602

The Bible.

Come to Church, brother.

>> No.17422937

This. Amen.

>> No.17422943

nothing improves the mood like being the only young person in a crowd and getting asked to donate by a person who makes more money than you lel

>> No.17422998
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>> No.17423204

start from scratch I mean what else can you do

>> No.17423298
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>sitting in the pews for a fucking hour, listening to some fat tittied numale pastor lecture about some basic bitch day one surface level shit about how "jesus is love bro" spliced with some shitty hymns written and copyrighted by a hollywood jew and concluded with an admonition about how we need to import more good decent christian refugee child soldiers from the asshole of africa and settle them right in the heart of our community and don't forget to donate a tenth of your paycheck

>> No.17423647
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The pain never went away for me, you can only distract yourself fren. Buy yourself a copy of Infinite Jest and a bottle of whiskey I guess.

>> No.17423854

So self induced depression? Sounds like good times.

>> No.17424386


Are you for real?

I'm seeing quite the opposite and home prices are going down.