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File: 262 KB, 1200x1684, 1200px-Jordan_Peterson_June_2018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17416325 No.17416325[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>is against taking notes and marking texts
signs of a fraud?

>> No.17416332

Lmao the signs of a fraud extend far beyond that. Amazing that ppl think otherwise.

>> No.17416333
File: 125 KB, 859x965, 1612016755529[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you do not have photographic memory you will never going to make it

>> No.17416341

>doesn't want you to waste your time on ineffective methods

>> No.17416373


>> No.17416468

Jordan Peterson is the personification of everything I despise about conservatism. To explain this, I would like to aim your attention to two concepts: literal and symbolic immortality.

Many religions are built around the promise of literal immortality. This is also the reason for the success of religion, as it suppresses death anxiety. However, it’s very clear from reading Jordan Peterson’s work that he doesn’t really believe in religion, and characterizes it as useful, rather than true. In other words, he doesn’t really believe religion to be the source of literal immortality. So, what does he do? He goes for the next best thing: symbolic immortality. Everything in Jordan Peterson’s body of work oozes the desire to be remembered forever. This is the real source of Peterson’s pseudo intellectualism. All of this namedropping, all of this jargonistic nonsense, all of this advising people on virtually every area of human life, all of it has just one simple goal: so that after Peterson has died, he will be remembered as a great intellectual and praised for his heroic and insightful efforts until the end of time.

Life as an immortality project is the key to understanding conservatism. Ultimately, conservatives are just obsessive control freaks not just satisfied with controlling the whole planet, but even extending the reach of their influence long after they’ve died. This comes with a problem: they have kids solely to pass on their ‘legacy’ (which is often conceptualized in a frightening way, as this iron genetic determinism, see the conservative obsession with fertility and women’s ‘eggs’), which means that these children become utterly imprisoned by their own history. Legacy becomes a burden, and everything in the life of a child is organized in such a way that a child may never carve out his or her own path. Effectively, the immortality project of types like Peterson is motivated by such a psychotic urge to control everything, that it has robbed future generations of their freedom to control their own destiny. They’re never allowed to live their lives without Lobsterdaddy looking down to them from the sky and wagging his finger at those who deviate from his perfect path.

For this reason, I firmly believe that the right to forget should be considered a universal human right and that conservative fucktards like Jordan Peterson should be penalized for infringing on this right

>> No.17416534

>which means that these children become utterly imprisoned by their own history. Legacy becomes a burden, and everything in the life of a child is organized in such a way that a child may never carve out his or her own path. Effectively, the immortality project of types like Peterson is motivated by such a psychotic urge to control everything,
this dictates literally everything - blaming it solely on conservatism is naïve

>> No.17416559

No, it doesn’t. The past is always a dialogue, and not a monologue. Remembering it benefits the deceased, but it should also not harm you. Being consumed by the past and letting it utterly control you doesn’t help anyone

>> No.17416602

>Jordan Peterson is the personification of everything I despise about conservatism.
> Toronto UofT (the most pozzed U in America) Liberal Party cardholder is conservative Jesus.

There are some fine twists in this timeline, if you know where to look for them.

>> No.17416627

>JP is actually a leftist
Ahh, the old Tim Pool switcheroo

>> No.17416709


Leftists in Leafland have other (however just as shitty) options than voting Liberal, no, JP is a centrist through and through.

>> No.17416723

Not sure his reasons, but taking notes to learn has never made sense to me.

>> No.17416740

Wait, I think I misunderstood the post, sorry

>> No.17416772
File: 343 KB, 600x500, thetruthwillshockyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sort of like how a NY Limousine liberal became the face of the Republican Party.

>> No.17416903

what's the effective method?

>> No.17416911

how would you learn otherwise?

>> No.17416974

>is jordan peterson
theres your sign of fraud

can someone who likes him please explain why?

>> No.17416981

use the information you learn in some way. Simplest way to do this is to just explain what you learned to someone else, but depending on the book there may be other ways, eg by writing a short essay or post about the work. Highlighting and note taking aren't actually making your brain use the information any more than just reading alone, so they're not effective (unless you go back and study the book/notes later, which most people aren't going to do after leaving school)

>> No.17417094


>> No.17417528

>Simplest way to do this is to just explain what you learned to someone else

or... or... you could write it down

>> No.17417606

that doesn't have the same effect. I said that in my post

>> No.17417698

That by itself, No.

He is a massive fraud, but that by itself isn't what's doing it. 9 times out of 10, all he's doing is taking standard GOP talking points and repeating them with a calm tone of voice and a thesaurus to up the grade-level of the vocabulary a little bit.

>> No.17418362

imagine unironically writing this

>> No.17418370

peterson is a hack

>> No.17418386

>all he's doing is taking standard GOP talking points
can we just nuke america already?
i want you to know that you're cancer btw, you and your family and all of your friends and you need to an hero asap for the good of humanity
i dont even care what politics you "support" or whatever, anything that passes through the amerimutt filter becomes complete shit

>> No.17418415

the enraged bleating of the foreigner goes by as but a whisper

>> No.17418417

BTFO every conservative LARPer on /lit/, well done. Fuck cuckservatives

>> No.17418430


lobster boys got ethered

>> No.17418442

>samefagging this hard

>> No.17418461

He's not a fraud, his examination of manchildren is on-point. If you don't grow up, gain responsibility for yourself, you will forever be a loser and considered ugly and unwanted. He was also right about the time-frame too. In your teens and 20's, it's okay to be a loser, because you're considered to still be thinking things over, but if you don't have a job, or a relationship, or something you're working towards by the time you're 30, you're a fucking ugly retarded loser, and society SHOULD shun you.

>> No.17418466

keep sucking off your charlatan daddy

>> No.17418473

Peterson isnt really a conservative, but nonetheless, based post

>> No.17418476

im not a peterson fanatic, i just think that your post is pretentious trite

>> No.17418479
File: 213 KB, 960x913, 1610810266581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not building from first principles so you don't need notes at all

sign of a midwit

>> No.17418480

i didnt make the post, and i think you are playing damage control

>> No.17418486

>I firmly believe that the right to forget should be considered a universal human right and that conservative fucktards like Jordan Peterson should be penalized for infringing on this right

>> No.17418489

Peterson is the stupid man's idea of an intellectual.

>> No.17418491

so you either posted pretentious trite or you agree with pretentious trite
either way you're still a faggot

>> No.17418495

suuuure youre not a peterson fanboy. get his cock out of your mouth lobsterman

>> No.17418499

it seems i struck a nerve

>> No.17418502

He's honestly never said anything controversial at all.

>> No.17418503

so what? peterson is an excellent thinker

>> No.17418508

am*rican hands typed this post

>> No.17418522

If you've never read a philosophy book in your life, sure.

>> No.17418532
File: 49 KB, 296x324, 1573003054335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They’re never allowed to live their lives without Lobsterdaddy looking down to them from the sky and wagging his finger at those who deviate from his perfect path.

For this reason, I firmly believe that the right to forget should be considered a universal human right and that conservative fucktards like Jordan Peterson should be penalized for infringing on this right
hahahaha nigga
nigga you still have free will bro
like just choose to do something else bro
god you sound like such a wimpy spineless loser, cry more about "muh right to forget" you melodramatic pussy

>> No.17418533

philosophy is obsolete in the age of science. peterson's psychology background gives him more informed and nuanced takes about the human condition than any philosopher who lives in their own head. peterson is the most profound thinker i've ever listened to speak honestly..

>> No.17418540

This is really a great post, any book/article recs on the topic? The philosophy of immortality is really interesting to me.

>> No.17418542

about as subtle as a bulldozer
you retards dont even know how to bait or falseflag, pathetic

>> No.17418547

return to reddit at once

>> No.17418559

Peterson's philosophical takes are rudimentary at best. His understanding of postmodernism is laughable. The rest of this post is bait.

>> No.17418571

retard bait considering peterson himself rejects materialism and blind faith in science

>> No.17418820


>> No.17418823

Writing in your books is barbaric

>> No.17418830

>is against taking notes and marking texts

>> No.17418837

a word exclusively invoked by dimwits when vocabulary goes over their head

>> No.17418844
File: 344 KB, 3840x2160, 2272442-Will-Durant-Quote-Science-without-philosophy-facts-without.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science without philosophy is facts without perspective and valuation.

>> No.17420058

Libéral party and Conservative party in Canada are both centrist. In all fairness both have moved slightly further left in recent years. If you took any major political party in Canada and put them in muttland they would call them socialists

>> No.17420080

That being said, JP certainly promotes what would be considered socially conservative views in Canada.

>> No.17420135

Ernest Becker

>> No.17420494

peterson isnt even close to "socialist" in even the american sense of the term. americans consider aoc/sanders to be "socialist". peterson would be like in the same sphere as joe rogan or some shit (centrist "classical liberal")

>> No.17420516

Peterson is not christian, not right wing, not a conservative

>> No.17420532

he is somewhat socially conservative (primarily regarding feminism and trans issues), seems to advocate for a christian moral code, and seems to be against collectivism

>> No.17420537

>Peterson has characterized himself politically as a "classic British liberal",[13][71][72] and as a "traditionalist".[73]

Anyone calling themselves a traditionalist is probably conservative

>> No.17420576

Ladies and gentlemen, Jordan B Peterson
>Peterson has argued that there is an ongoing "crisis of masculinity" and "backlash against masculinity" in which the "masculine spirit is under assault

>Peterson has said "If men are pushed too hard to feminize they will become more and more interested in harsh, fascist political ideology."

>Peterson says that "disciplines like women's studies should be defunded", advising freshman students to avoid subjects like sociology, anthropology, English literature, ethnic studies, and racial studies, as well as other fields of study that he believes are corrupted by "post-modern neo-Marxists". He believes these fields to propagate cult-like behaviour and safe-spaces, under the pretense of academic inquiry.

>Peterson believes that feminists don't speak out against human rights abuses in Saudi Arabia due to an "unconscious wish for brutal male domination"

>Peterson has criticized casual sex, claiming that it "is simply not commensurate with the demands of an advanced civilization". He has asked about whether casual sex could "necessitate state tyranny", claiming that "The missing responsibility has to be enforced somehow"

>"Well all women on the pill are as if they're not ovulating, so it's possible that a lot of the antipathy that exists right now between women and men exists because of the birth control pill"

>"That's part of the complexity of unregulated individual sexual behavior. It's like, well, when you say 'yes' do you fully say yes? Well, what do you mean 'fully say yes'? And what does it even mean to fully say yes?"

>"You know, I've also been accused three times in my career of sexual impropriety, baseless accusations, and the last one really tangled me up for a whole year, it's not entertaining"

>Peterson retweeted global warming deniers including Anthony Watts,[159][160][161] Bjorn Lomborg,[162] Richard Lindzen, [163] and the Daily Mail.[164]

>> No.17420587

>He has asked about whether casual sex could "necessitate state tyranny", claiming that "The missing responsibility has to be enforced somehow"

holy shit he really said it

>> No.17420622

based and redpilled

fuck feminism
fuck marxism
fuck leftism
fuck global warming

>> No.17420667

he's center right

>> No.17420693

I refuse to believe he actually thinks this and isn't just pandering to incels. What the fuck.

>> No.17420712
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>> No.17420720

repeated recalling. increase time beween recalls for long term memory.

>> No.17420730

This was the dumbest thing I have ever heard from a 12 year old girl.

>> No.17420731

>state enforced gfs
Based peterson

>> No.17420752

That’s his most pseud shit! So before marriage was an institution we were just living under tyranny? Fucking tranny logic from the anti-tran.

>> No.17420813

I am quite frankly appalled by all the ridicule and hate of Professor Peterson on this website. One of the greatest intellectuals of our times fighting against the radical left's anti-intellectualism and stranglehold on universities, fighting against identity politics and collectivism and the traditions of the West. He's calling out the real threats to our way of life and our society's values, not to mention inspiring millions of directionless white young men who have been misled by the lies of postmodernist cultural marxism. I must say this board could really use a good sorting and watch some of his lectures instead of just calling him names or dismissing him. You people are useful idiots of the KGB, google Yuri Bezmenov and read Gulag Archipalego after you're done with JBP's redpills.

>> No.17420885

Jesus fuckin' Christ, you wanna talk about psued shit. You characterize wanting to make an impact as a bad thing, but have nothing to back that up. I mean, I guess when you hobby extend to literally doing nothing, I can't blame you. But shit, everything of value has some lasting impact. Really it's worse than that, for there to be value, it needs to have a lasting impact. That's the point of value; someone has to care. Video games, literature, businesses, fuck money even. Having children only to control them? Fuck off, that's retarded. Having children is such a terrifying experience precisely because you can't control them. At least not forever. No one is shackled to a legacy. No one is born to atone for the sin of the father. Fuck me, Lobsterfaggots harp personal responsibility like a fucking mantra, and you're telling me that it's actually all about control?

Or should I just skip to surmising that the antithesis to "conservatism" is just being a lazy faggot?

>> No.17420914

>gulag archipalego
>yuri bezmenov
i prefer non fiction

>> No.17420979


>> No.17421046

You can always tell when a degenerate, infantile yank posts on here.

>> No.17421132

>trans issues
That's like being 'conservative' on whether two kids in a trenchcoat are one adult

>> No.17421176

theres no way this guy is left wing

>> No.17421277

he's not, unless you're a nazi or monarchist

>> No.17421398

If you do it, you are gonna pay less attention to the class and may not understand well it's content.

>> No.17421436

>He has asked about whether casual sex could "necessitate state tyranny", claiming that "The missing responsibility has to be enforced somehow"
This is very true. Sexual liberation begets the need for social control.

>> No.17421457

Not what JBP says OP. He is against highlighting and underlining. On multiple occasions he suggest closing the book after a page or a paragraph and expanding on slash / paraphrasing what occurred. Fuck you nigger.

>> No.17421500

lol I can’t believe someone could hate us because of our greatness. Jealousy is unattractive anon.

>> No.17421509

>Ultimately, conservatives are just obsessive control freaks not just satisfied with controlling the whole planet, but even extending the reach of their influence long after they’ve died.
Based will-to-power
>universal human right
Decisively cringe

>> No.17421511

I think you are exposing yourself as a pseud by thinking anyone seriously considers him an “intellectual”. FAGGOT

>> No.17421523

>So before marriage was an institution we were just living under tyranny?
Before marriage was an institution there was no civilization. What he said is true and he is not the only one who has said it. Many intellectuals have noticed the same phenomenon that sexual liberation begets tyranny (think Stalin's USSR) or some form of external control over the population, either by brute force or by propaganda. What we have today is the latter, where you are socially castigated for questioning the official narrative.
A population with no self-control needs to be controlled externally or society falls apart. Peterson is right.

>> No.17421529

Absolutely and totally based. You’re an absolute fucking faggot for including fucking retweets. Fuck you midwit nigger.

>> No.17421535

I see why incels like this hack

>> No.17421538

It’s so abundantly obvious where this belief stems from if you were moderately well read AT ALL. Read Jung dumbfuck.

>> No.17421539


>> No.17421546

Dont waste your breathe on the faggots

>> No.17421554

Unironically I am not an incel and generally like him. What do you say to that?

>> No.17421562

I usually just end up taking bad or surface level notes... I'm a fraud

>> No.17421576

You're a moron

>> No.17421577

>unless you're right wing

>> No.17421597
File: 22 KB, 363x501, Evola-40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and as a "traditionalist".[73]
Oh great, another pseud who has appropriated this term and debased its meaning further. Peterson supports democracy and liberal capitalism and yet considers himself "traditionalist."

>> No.17421602

This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen

>> No.17422022

He is heavily influenced by Eliade who was friends with your picrel.

>> No.17422051

Just read this excerpt tonight. Odd

>> No.17422146

Eliade is not a traditionalist either. One could argue that Jung is similar to Evola, but it's just not the case. They're only superficially similar. Eliade basically appropriated Evola's ideas at surface level and applied them as historical hermeneutics, while stripping everything of philosophical, political and ethical relevance out.

>> No.17422232

And Peterson appropriated those ideas and applied them to clinical psychology. It's like poetry, it rhymes.

>> No.17422250

Based. Reminded me of one of Peterson's 12 rules "don't let your children do anything that makes you dislike them" what a controlling asshole

>> No.17422275

>"don't let your children do anything that makes you dislike them"
Does this mean he's okay with his daughter being a whore and dating a tankie?

>> No.17422278

Holy shit lmao talk about rebelling against dad

>> No.17422289
File: 84 KB, 838x621, LBwRzsLmMB7wwhjgceN7eO28jfqxnWDjPLgxqMsiwGY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is your idol's legacy gentlemen

>> No.17422291 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 838x621, EfJ0DuIXgAE8eaA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is some kind of cosmic joke. I wonder how Peterson copes.

>> No.17422299

>10 secs apart
Kek based anon, I'll delete mine

>> No.17422337

are we going to go judging people based on what their daughters do? granddaughters too? you're not going to have many heroes left after that kinda reckoning.

>> No.17422344

Yes, but it's all hermeneutic and philosophically baseless. There is no traditionalism there, it's basically an application of modern feeling to the perception of ancient feeling. It's a whole lot of relativistic nothingness.

>> No.17422347

Yeah, I don't think it's his fault. It's just her nature. Nurture couldn't help that one. Probably literal BDP.

>> No.17422391

you'd have to pay me to read the words of women, double if it is words they intend to be read.

>> No.17422456

Well, this is the guy who gives advice on how to live life and raise children when his life is a wreck and his daughter seems to go against the values he stands for. How effective is his advice really?

>> No.17422518

is it truly an indictment of his values and advice if his daughter succumbs to the will of the world? isn't that proof that an individual is born to trouble and must by its own will overcome the many inevitable challenges presented? and how damning is that image in reality? how damning is it to one who isn't sheltered?

>> No.17422544

>it's basically an application of modern feeling to the perception of ancient feeling
Well, it's a bit more complicated, in a dumb way. First, ancient thought is interpreted according to an a priori conception of what it means (the hermeneutic), and then it is swapped around and applied to modern mentality, the same mentality which had just interpreted ancient thought to begin with. It's fundamentally modern thought just appropriating old appearances and using them to seem deep, and yet propound the same old liberal-conservative ideas of modern politics. This is the extent of Peterson's "traditional" aspect; virtually just an artificial mysticism to seem deep and make people appreciate a history they don't actually understand. Jung actually suffers from a similar problem but he's not as pretentious.

>> No.17422548

Night, I just want low taxes and not to have to listen to psychobabble bullshit spewed by pseuds like your bitchass when I turn on the tube.

>> No.17422921

Don't even bother friend. 4chan is the most insecure and, oddly, pretentious place on the internet. /Lit/ is on another level even beyond that. You could say "I love receiving blowjobs" and they'll find some angle stating how awful blowjobs are and how you're an idiot for enjoying them.

>> No.17422932

Do people actually do that? why jot down marks to learn later instead of just paying more attention to learn it now?

>> No.17423078
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>are we going to go judging people based on what their daughters do? granddaughters too?
Conservatives had absolutely no problem fucking with Chelsea Clinton despite her having fuck all to do with her fathers impeachment, so sure, i don't see why we shouldn't hold the right to their own standards

>> No.17423083

what did jordan peterson say about chelsea clinton

>> No.17423098

t. A man that significantly less intelligent than he thinks he is
Just IMAGINE calling Peterson a conservative

>> No.17423127

he absolutely is

>> No.17423160

>signs of a fraud?
This is Jordan Peterson, anon. That's the sure sign he's fraud

>> No.17423179

this post is a mess and I make use of my universal human righ to forget about it

>> No.17423219

She just fell for his game, guy was probably good at it. Real dangerous or not, women like a dangerous man and Russians are probably more high T than westerners not because they're anything special but because the West has a lot of environmental spermicide and the like. Xenoestrogens, etc. If true then it's definitely a factor. Or she's just wants to 'travel and find herself' (read sex tourist)

>> No.17423230

The most pointed critique I've seen about JP is that what he advocates is simply not enough, on the acknowledgement of needing to be part of a group effort specifically. Combating the sliding down that sellouts, globohomos, and extreme progressives want to go with means being able to organize as a group, but when attempts are made they run into all kinds of PR problems (being slandered by the media who are currently in power) and gain bad optics thanks to autistic LARPers

>> No.17423255

The seething about Jordan Peterson is funny in that everything he says was already put out there by someone else. Disliking him personally doesn't count as a thoughtful critique of whatever statements he says out loud since they're already something that was around

>> No.17423271

it's really funny. twenty years ago nobody would have paid any attention to him. he's quite literally a harmless old professor who's doing the bare minimum of trying to help young men and they want to torpedo him.

>> No.17423325

He's the only "celebrity" in recent memory I know of who seriously questioned the birth control pill itself. Usually the only ones who do that are women who are ex-users whose health was drastically affected for a while from the pill, and they really only have their own hobby blogs or youtube channels to talk about it.
It's not just about reeee-ing about the pill from the perspective of women being sluts and the social ramifications of sluts, but hardly anyone ever talks about the health aspect. Other than serious potential problems like strokes, there's UTIs, greatly increased chances of mental illness (anxiety/depression), brain fog, mineral leaching from teeth, general absorption and digestion problems with certain nutrients because of microbiome damage. How is it just "ok" to allow teen girls to put their hormones on blast unless they're a rare exceptional case for some kind of uterus-related health problem? It's a piece of shit icing on the even deeper health & nutrition problems that were already spotted 50+ years ago in the west and haven't really improved, and you can't expect smart, healthy brains in a population without adequate building blocks. Adequate building blocks for babies who will be sharp adults come from parents, especially a healthy mother

>> No.17423460

The opposite. Literally everyone I know who is a prolific note taker and highlights "important" parts of the text is a massive retard who got to where they are through brute force memorization

>> No.17423499

You know there are non-hormonal types right? What is the problem with those?

>> No.17423522

Copper IUDs are more expensive to get in terms of up front cost and hassle compared to the pill. Last I checked, 50-60% of reproductive age women are on hormonal birth control, not copper

>> No.17423527

mixed up numbers *20-30%

>> No.17423559

But apart from that what is the problem in principle?

>> No.17423580

1/3rd of working age women being hormone blasted is more than enough to shift things considering how the most aggressive actors are also a minority of the population. The social ramifications of birth control in general have already been discussed ITT

>> No.17423585

No, I mean what is the principle problem of all women being on non-hormonal types (assuming hormonal was banned and costs were lowered for the other types). So there is no hormonal issue, yet birth control remains, is there any significant problem here still? I'm not 100% sure but I think Peterson would still say yes, due to the increased promiscuity and so forth.

>> No.17423594

what's wrong my dear tr00n? still fighting le culture war with your buddies on discord?
do me a favor and just end it, just fucking kill yourself, you aint changing nothing, both regarding this board and your gender
i mean it, jump off a bridge

>> No.17423600

I think it would be a net positive for public health yes, since my ramble was about hormonal birth control specifically. But it won't happen since the pill is so easy and useful to avoid pregnancy when condoms are only 1 breakable layer of protection.

>> No.17423604
