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17411891 No.17411891 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread >>17396680

>> No.17411901

Borges slaps but Calvino shatters the bounds of your imagination, God I love his work.

>> No.17411904

When I got done with her there would be so much jizz on the windows you wouldn't be able to see that pretty sunset

>> No.17411917


Same but you'd see the sunset because all of it would be inside her

>> No.17411925


>> No.17411929

I work all day, cook dinner, and fall asleep fifteen minutes into a book. Wake up disgruntled two hours later and browse chans for an hour. Read for another half hour then get back to bed. All of this from my 1br apartment, five days a week, seeing nobody. It’s the weekend tomorrow and I’m not even looking forward to it because I don’t know what to do with the time.

>> No.17411939

I just learned my crush seriously tried to kill herself as a teen twice and ended up in a psych ward, losing years of her life to meds and therapy. She's become even more perfect in my eyes.

>> No.17411946


>> No.17411947

I just want a nice girl who I can cuddle all day.

>> No.17411953


>> No.17411960


>> No.17411962

Why the hell did she commit suicude by self-immolation? I wish I knew you better.

>> No.17411968

I just want a girl who is actually a guy

>> No.17411997


>> No.17412000

yeah all those guys who love cuddling. or are you saying you want a girl who is a guy? good on you then i suppose. good man.

>> No.17412010

im just flibbing bs
being prison gay through isolation is probably offensive to real gays or some shit

>> No.17412017

Nah real gays have a fetish for desperate straight dudes

>> No.17412022

The writing of John Henry Newman is so beautiful and even Joyce said that Newman’s prose was the greatest of all, but I never hear him discussed here nor anywhere really and I do not understand why this is the case.

>> No.17412030

Like a real life anime

>> No.17412032

Yesterday I walked over a bridge that went over a motorway and I got a tingly feeling in my whole body. I've had suicide in the back of my mind for a few years now but I've never taken any steps to do it or ever self harmed, and here I was, it would have only taken a few seconds for me to end it all. But I put my head down and walked home and then saw some funny memes on /tv/ and now I'm glad I didnt do it, but I think I'm gonna avoid that bridge from now on.

>> No.17412036

ya but desperate straight dudes don't really want sex furthest is like frotting

>> No.17412042

There's a word for this. Isn't there?

>> No.17412045

If this bitch pushes me one inch further I'm leaving her right now.

>> No.17412053

Is it only gay once I suck his dick?

>> No.17412062

I'd wreck some cute twink or femboy.

>> No.17412064

it's called the jarjar effect

>> No.17412073

ya in a perfect world

>> No.17412192

Generally speaking people view cats as being feminine and dogs as being masculine, but apart from dogs being bigger theres no reason to think this and infact the opposite is true. Dogs are dependent on their owners and very social animals and when they get really exited its like when a woman gets really exited, when I think of a human version of a dog I picture a sporty country girl. Cats are independent and much more masculine in their behavior, when I imagine a human cat I picture some skinny edgy teenager. This also follows over to their wild counterparts.
This whole confusion comes from dogs being better pets for men and cats being better pets for women, but this is because masculinity and femininity compliment eachother and what someone lacks in their pet should make up for.
This is why "catgirls" are simply confused catboys, and why when you see a picture of a catgirl you cant help but feeling like there is some kind of dissonance going on, but catboys make so much sense and are so right

>> No.17412194
File: 170 KB, 1065x1596, 6EA907E2-37D6-4D9A-A2DE-6C1AC16150F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out for groceries I noticed a panhandler asking everyone for change. “Spare a dollar for a drink?” At least I think he said drink. At the checkout I see there’s a covid barricade herding me out the panhandlers door. So I get my dollar ready, come out, look at him and he skips a beat, I say “hi” he says “hi”, okay, dollar saved. I’m not here to start a conversation

>> No.17412211

A dog can fuck you but a cat's penis isn't long enough for penetration

>> No.17412366

For some reason I find reading in a new language to be pleasant, but listening in it is painful. Partially it's because I'm poor at it, but even when I sucked at reading in a foreign language it was kinda fun. With listening it's like my brain is drowning in a sea of potential meanings trying to figure it out. I have stuff like brain fog so maybe that's contributing to it, dunno. With learning a new language you have to do this of course, so I'll just put my head down and force it I suppose

>> No.17412546 [DELETED] 

the other day i was at target and they let those stupid kids that try to sell overpriced to candy to tourists in manhattan set up shop outside. it's like bruh i just came out of a store that sells candy why in the fuck would i buy that moreover this ain't manhattan a pushy black teenager isn't intimidating anyone ok

>> No.17413042

damn the decadent reader is so thicc its printed on bible paper

>> No.17413296
File: 189 KB, 1080x2116, Screenshot_20210128-164045~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've given up on giving a shit about the world around me. Call it successful demoralization, pussying out, whatever. There's nothing transcendent to care about. I tried my entire life to care about things until all I cared about was to be left alone, but even that's a level of aggression that greed can't stand.
I've been reading meditations, and came across 5.33 where he essentially says "everything we care about is trifling and poisonous" and that really stuck with me.
Then I watched normal people actually do something to help the situation their elected officials refuse to acknowledge, and I cared again. until literally every conceivable power structure denied reality and demonized it because they couldn't own it.
Then I see this fucking website in pic related and I realize how out of touch I was to see that movement as something to care about.
The people putting up money don't care if they lose it, they don't care if everyone loses everything. This shits fucking hilarious in the face of what will probably be the greatest financial scandal of the century. I laughed for a solid 30 minutes at this, and at how the president just raised prices on lifesaving drugs and eliminated jobs in the greatest pandemic and unemployment crisis in history. It's not even sad anymore, it's just fucking hilarious how stupid and delusional greed makes you.
Final thoughts/TLDR: Caring is almost always overrated. If you're trusting any institution or establishment anymore you are not human, you're cattle, and you're the future, so congratulations.

>> No.17413320
File: 554 KB, 1922x1302, mena balk mämmi polska asean cum brit luso bel lat ישר tr v5 v4 v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want a girlfriend that blows me under my desk while I play League. When I am done, we swap places and I am under the desk.

>> No.17413360

>5.33 Soon, very soon, you will be ashes or a skeleton, and simply a name, or not even that; and a name itself is an empty sound and an echo. All that is highly prized in life is hollow, putrid, and trivial; puppies snapping at one another, little children bickering, and laughing, and then all at once in tears. And Faith, Modesty, Justice, and Truth have fled ‘away from the broad-pathed earth up to high Olympus’. What is there, then, that still holds you back in this world below? The objects of sense are constantly changing with never a stay, and our senses are dull and easily deceived by false impressions, and our poor soul itself is an exhalation from our blood, and glory in such a world as this is utterly vain. So what is one to do? Wait with a good grace, either to be extinguished or to depart to another place; and until that moment arrives what should suffice? What else than to worship and praise the gods, and do good to your fellows, and put up with them and show tolerance; but as to all that lies within the limits of mere flesh and breath, to remember that this is neither your own nor within your own control.
Lmao Nigga Chill Nigga Who Tryna Read That Shit Damn

>> No.17413381

Yeah you've got the right idea

>> No.17413438

The hell yall talking about?

>> No.17413657
File: 36 KB, 828x550, 1611945238097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the few of you that want to make society better, don't bother. Nowadays, society sits on a needlepoint- and all it takes is a little shove for everything, including your work, to come crashing down.

>> No.17413669

Any option is fine, really

>> No.17413704

>tfw u will never decree a stately pleasure-dome

>> No.17413713

both are good

>> No.17413763
File: 225 KB, 918x709, trinkets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a dead man's valuables, which had sat useless for decades, were all bought up in auction by neighbors and taken home, where they'd sit useless for decades
>and the cycle continues
It seems then that the value of belongings is only tied to the object's usefulness or spiritual meaning... if something isn't useful or spiritually significant, get rid of it?

>> No.17413807

it makes me feel physical pain, like my heart is sinking into my stomach, when i look at this image and consider that i will never bury my face in her butt

>> No.17413875
File: 653 KB, 934x1527, earning valuables.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people work to earn rich or fine things, or simply love working
>some people work to keep out of mischief or know nothing else besides work
>this is all fine, be on your merry way, but I prefer freedom
>living simply, I can afford a year by a month's work as a day laborer and spend the nights and the rest of the year doing what I want
>simple living is a spiritual pursuit, one that has become a sport in our artificial society
150 years later, your words will ring true. Nowadays you don't even have to leave home to work!

>> No.17413971
File: 416 KB, 935x759, true course.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your words will ring true
*still ring true

>men should find their own way
>we should make sure they're not hindered in this effort
>even though it's not optimal to find your own way, it's spiritually honest
You're so right, but it's difficult to even begin orienting on "finding your own way" because society currently teaches dependency. The people I've seen successfully "find their own way" for the most part fell into an opportunity and ran with it while saying it counts as such, so even the mentors would likely lead you astray! The stars have to align for you to even consider alternatives to the gilded conveyor belt, and those who would seize an alternative are even fewer than that. But if a man could overcome both of those hurdles, it would keep his spirit honest and healthy

>> No.17414162
File: 587 KB, 959x1342, goodlyness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if a guy came to me with the intention of doing me good, I'd run for the hills
>even a dog would help a man find warmth or food, it's not philanthropy to do so
Interesting point. I see that you go on for several more pages about philanthropy, that ultimate philanthropy is not simply enabling poverty lifestyles, it is instead living as a good man in all respects, inspiring others to courage and health, enabling himself, and discouraging others from enabling poverty. I think the argument you make for this- that often, the intentional gesture of good will (opposite of unconscious good will) is disgusting- is a sound argument. Poor people do manage to get by, and yeah we should definitely help someone in immediate danger of dying, but society must then provide an avenue for living in conditions where one is physically unable to provide for themselves.

>> No.17414199
File: 235 KB, 926x425, good deeds not worth knowing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people earn their positions, like tobacco chewers earn their ailments
>so save the drowning, and take care of yourself
Makes sense. The opioid-ridden zombies made poor choices and live with them, if everyone just took care of themselves first there wouldn't be an opioid epidemic. But still, save people who are drowning. lol

>> No.17414412

As long as the black one looks white it's good

>> No.17414421

You watch as I carry on my life which seems so important, even though my story has already been told; even though it does not risk turning out any other way than the way it does. Even though we see the same moon and have the same blood in our veins. The pieces of me you hold on to are more than I’ve ever been, so I’d rather you have them than I.
Some are comfortable in the hands of fortune, something which I am evidently unable to acclimate myself to. I suppose that is what this is about, the questions I can’t stop asking, the answers always the same, just some days louder than others. I dare myself to ask again and again.
As you read and don’t understand, there is no guarantee I do either. Such is the nature of my affliction or lack thereof, its indeterminable existence.

>> No.17414422

Yeah exactly what I was thinking. That chick looks likes she was photoshopped to be black

>> No.17414439

wtf idiot all black people arethey dont actually come like that

>> No.17414456

is it weird to ask out your barber or I should do it?

>> No.17414635

Ask it like just as a lark. Quick. Don’t get hung up on her. See if she’s taken or whatever.