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17410344 No.17410344 [Reply] [Original]

Nothing matters. Existence is meaningless. God is dead. Morals are dead. Culture is dead. Why should we do anything? What is there to do?

>> No.17410348

more like /lit/ tourists thread

>> No.17410352

Just keep pushing the Boulder, and reach the summit of achievement for whatever makes you happy

>> No.17410366

This post reeks of existential dread

>> No.17410378

I do have a lot of existential dread, however, I can appreciate the beautiful things life offers. I think that keeps me going amid the horrors

>> No.17410387

Smoke weed, drink good wine, workout, eat healthy and delicious food, fuck hoes if you can, hangout with bros if you like to. Desu

>> No.17410398

if you admit your mind is clouded by fear how can you ever trust your reason?

>> No.17410410

Most nights I can’t sleep. I try to pray to God, but there is only a terrible and constant silence. I have no answers, yet I cannot keep living this way

>> No.17410418

I think some fear is healthy. Not totally clouded, but I’m certainly wary at the very least.

>> No.17410421

Reread your second sentence back to yourself, out loud.

>> No.17410426

I genuinely hope you find peace anon.

>> No.17410445

Existentialism and essentialism aren’t the neat divide you think they are, the simplistic essentialism you are thinking of is disproven in Plato’s Parmenides dialogue. Hegel’s idealism has the only rational essence being that which has existence. Husserl demonstrates that essence and existence occur at once phenomenologically. Heidegger is restating this doctrine with slight modifications, Sartre is misinterpreting Heidegger on this which is why Sartre only has major points and credit on a literary level to people with the smallest amount of interest in philosophy who are more interested in the aesthetic and not the actual philosophical systems and questions.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is rooted in reason, there is in your existentialism no inherent beauty to the world. Bleeding pus and pain and all manner of ugliness have just as much the title of beauty in the existential ontology which is why Art has become in many cases much uglier when existentialism is the basis. There is no inherent beauty or reason within your ontology. Happiness Is also fully arbitrary.

>> No.17410458

The only way out of existential dread is to touch the universal ground inside yourself either through deep meditation, or psychedelic drugs, or perhaps some other peak experience.
Once you've done this and internalized in a personal way that you are no more than a wave of the universe, ultimately no more or less special than any of the other formations you see around you though with the unique ability of being able to reflect on these formations, then you learn acceptance and peace. There is no birth or death, just the universe oscillating in it's myriad ways.

>> No.17410471

Sartre only held these beliefs because he was a hideous looking goblin of a man. Prove me wrong.

>> No.17410475

I just did

>> No.17410476

Wow. Imagine actually sincerely believing that utter fucking garbage.

>> No.17410484

he got pussy and was one of the greatest writers of the century

>> No.17410495

Ugly people can get pussy easily, it's called money/influence. You still know deep down people aren't physically attracted to you, that you're ugly.
>and was one of the greatest writers of the century
even assuming that's true, he basically had no competition

>> No.17410514
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Perhaps someday you too will understand anon

>> No.17410527

Maybe life is the jewel. The wanting for eternal only shows how much people diminish life.

>> No.17410555

existence does have a meaning
you are the spawn of fucking
the purpose is to fuck and reproduce life

>> No.17410576

based biological determinist

>> No.17410729

refuted by the bible, read ecclesiastes

>> No.17410796

>reach the summit of achievement for whatever makes you happy
You're missing the point of the myth, anon.

>> No.17410816

What did you think the point was? I saw it as struggling, suffering being part of life, but when reaching the top, and achieving something, making said struggling and suffering worthwhile before repeating the cycle

>> No.17410835

Yeah and your understanding of that myth is as flawed as your other concepts. Have you considered suicide? Not as an end to your existential dread but as a courtesy to the rest of us?

>> No.17410846


How? I only asked a question why are you seething

>> No.17410934

my existential dread is that i developed the habit of avoiding work by feigning physical ailments when i was a child. since then, i've been living as a lazy bohemian, at my parents' expense, dragging out my studies and passing the time with art criticism (which i do most carelessly). everything is superficial. my morals flutter like a little banner, depending on what i'm reading at the moment, sometimes Wille zur Macht, sometimes Ich-Losigkeit - in practice, i'm a conventional opportunist.

>> No.17411073

Being in a world with no objective meaning makes interpretation of the myth just what it is, not wrong or right.

>> No.17411159
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Just go back to the Cartesian substance dualism and watch its implications with awe? There you will find that the limits of our consciousness are interesting things to be best buddies with. There you will find that the balance for the 'right' view on life was achieved, but overlooked at time. We can just reach back to that time now that we have some perspective on the question of life.

>> No.17411223
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>literary level to people with the smallest amount of interest in philosophy who are more interested in the aesthetic and not the actual philosophical systems and questions.
Well, from my angle you kind of look like a history-of-philosophy kind of nerd.

Besides, shouldn't one study filosophy of mind if they wanted to find out anything meaningful about life and its meaning...

>> No.17411242
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What if we would get free from the need of finding meaning?
If you're content with how things are, not dwelling in constructs, but constantly witnessing the perennial perfection of the here and now: How could you get your jimmies rustled again?
To think that you own even a single iota of your thoughts / constructs / phenomena instantly makes you into a cuck.

>"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so. " -William Shakespeare

>"Thinking of the key, each confirms a prison," -T.S. Eliot

>> No.17411245

Take the wager and believe in God because there's nothing to gain by disbelieving if there's no God and nothing matters

>> No.17412227

I don't care if anything matters. I'd rather live than die.