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17409358 No.17409358 [Reply] [Original]


"The refusal to be trapped by a theory is not a rejection of all theoretical reflection. It is just the opposite. But this refusal does postulate that the theoretical act is insufficient. Theory can call for the reconciliation of senses and brain but it remains within the boundaries of this separation. What must be affirmed is the whole of life, the entirety of its manifestations, the whole unified being. It may still be necessary to proceed with the help of Marx’s insights, for example, but it becomes increasingly imbecile to proclaim oneself a Marxist. Furthermore, like repressive consciousness, theory can become a simple alibi for inaction. At the start, the refusal to act might be perfectly justifiable. Nevertheless, separation from reality often leads to failure to perceive new phenomena which shape it. At that point theory, instead of helping establish contact with reality, becomes an agent of separation, of removal, and in the end is transformed into a protrusion, an ejection from the world. Waiting is particularly difficult for those who do not want to recognize that others can arrive at theory without us, our group, or our party as intermediaries. Theory, like consciousness, demands objectification to such an extent that even an individual who rejects political rackets can elevate theory to the status of a racket. In a subject posing as revolutionary, theory is a despotism: everyone should recognize this.

After the domination of the body by the mind for more than two millenia, it is obvious that theory is still a manifestation of this domination. "


>> No.17409450

The only Marxist worth reading.

"It is the whole of life that becomes determining. All the varied productions of the past — art, philosophy, science — are fragments. They are elements of the vast despoliation of human beings as well as attempts to remedy it. But the point is no longer to realize art or philosophy; capital has already done this in its way; the point is to conquer and create another world: a world where all the biological potentialities of the species can finally develop. In this vast movement, it is futile to want to present oneself as the repository of truth. First of all truth, like value, needs a measure, a standard, a general equivalent, a norm, hence a State. Secondly, truth is never more than one truth. The historical inflation of this concept parallels the ever more thorough destruction of human beings. Nothing less can be proposed than another life where the gestures, the words, the imaginations and all the feelings of human beings will no longer be chained, where senses and brain will unite — only this union can eliminate all the fixations of madness. It is obvious that all this can only be conquered by the destruction of the capitalist mode of production. It is all of humanity perceived through time that is hostile to capital. Human beings will have to undergo a profound revolutionization to be able to oppose capital; the actions of this movement are accompanied by the production of revolutionaries.

The emergence of revolution in all the domains of our lives leads some people to overemphasize the places where they felt this emergence. "

>> No.17409767

"Revolution does not emerge from one or another part of our being — from body, space or time. Our revolution as a project to reestablish community was necessary from the moment when ancient communities were destroyed. The reduction of communist revolution to an uprising which was to resolve the contradictions posed by the capitalist mode of production was pernicious. Revolution has to resolve all the old contradictions created by the class societies absorbed by capital, all the contradictions between relatively primitive communities and the movement of exchange value currently being absorbed by the movement of capital (in Asia and especially in Africa). Beyond this, the revolutionary movement is the revolution of nature, accession to thought, and mastery of being with the possibility of using the prefrontal centers of the brain which are thought to relate to the imagination. Revolution has a biological and therefore cosmic dimension, considering our universe limited (to the solar system); cosmic also in the meaning of the ancient philosophers and mystics. This means that revolution is not only the object of the passion of our epoch, but also that of millions of human beings, starting with our ancient ancestors who rebelled against the movement of exchange value which they saw as a fatality, passing through Marx and Bordiga who, in their dimension as prophets, witnessed this inextinguishable passion to found a new community, a human community. Wanting to situate the revolution is like wanting to fix its height. Saint-Just said that revolution could not stop until happiness was realized, thus showing the falsity of wanting to judge men in terms of the purely historical-material facts of a given epoch. The human being is never a pure being-there. He can only be by superseding and he cannot be only that which has to be superseded (Nietzsche). Structurally and biologically man is a supersession because he is an overpowerful being. In other words, human beings are explorers of the possible and are not content with the immediately realizable, especially if it is imposed on them. They lose this passion, this thirst for creation — for what is the search for the possible if not invention? — when they are debased, estranged, cut off from their Gemeinwesen and therefore mutilated, reduced to simple individuals. It is only with the real domination of the capitalist mode of production that the human being is completely evacuated. "

>> No.17409857

Camatte stopped being a Marxist which makes him worth reading. A lot of dumbass socialists don't realize that communism is planned production based on human need. This thesis, which is anti-producitvist, would mean that socialism would entail degrowth since the overproduction of commodities leads to the creation of the proletariat's condition because they forced to sell more of their labor power for capital accumulation leading to their alienation under capitalism. Instead of having the free time to enjoy life, and do the things they love, they are forced to sell their body to make untold amounts of money for a capitalist firm.
Camatte's crucial here because he does not believe this can happen through a revolution since revolutionaries are only interested in putting their own cliche in charge. He argues, instead, that individuals should not rely on the proletariat as the emancipating class because it no longer exists; it is perfectly placated by the current mode of production; it has found its own niche in the community of capital. If you want emancipation; you will have to do it yourself.
Camatte is still alive btw, and he personally met Bordiga when he was alive.

>> No.17409899

Not saying you're wrong, but how do you square that with the huge growth in the early Soviet years? Just a process of the revolution?
I knew he was alive years back, he must be really old now.

>> No.17409912

Stackin', rackin', all hundreds I'm packin'
My life, it is like a movie minus all the actin'
Jacket, jack it, yeah, it's made of rabbit
Diamonds on my neck and wrist, they compliment the carats
You ain't nothin' but a mockingbird, boy, you a parrot
Oops, yeah, my bad, that's your girl? We can share it
Might buy her diamonds and pearls but can't marry

>> No.17409939

>But how do you square that with the huge growth in the early Soviet years?
The Bolsheviks, as Bordiga rightly pointed out, completed a bourgeois revolution, not a socialist one. Stalin's counter-revolution was jump start capitalist accumulation on the backs of peasants in Russia. The Bolsheviks abandoned socialism when they adopted "Socialism In One Country." against international revolution. Capitalism can not be abolished in one country since capitalism is an international system in which the laws of capital accumulation, competition, and value operate on a global scale. This is why the collective farmers market, in the USSR, maintained capital accumulation, profit, private property - because the USSR could not be self sufficient, and had to trade for the goods it needed on an international market. This is why Stalin allowed the Americans to help him industrialize, this is why the Soviet Union had to import grain, and had to constantly reform the command economy retain profit outside of the agricultural sector. Today's "socialists" are just apologists for capital

>> No.17410186

So basically, after not fully carrying out the revolution the Soviets isolated themselves and ended up in a production war with the West?

>> No.17410428

Yes, that's why Molotov & Stalin even offered to Join NATO at one point

>> No.17410449

And why Stalin had stifled the Chinese Revolution, The Spanish Revolution, and offered Churchill China (admitted by Mao Zedong himself)

>> No.17410768

Marx needs to be turned on his head (thrown into the trash).

Return to Sorel.

>> No.17411850

>Our revolution as a project to reestablish community was necessary from the moment when ancient communities were destroyed. The reduction of communist revolution to an uprising which was to resolve the contradictions posed by the capitalist mode of production was pernicious.

>> No.17412103

How do we stop racketposting on /lit/?

>> No.17412393

>None of this can take on its full meaning unless there is a simultaneous refusal of all obsolete forms of struggle. Like the May '68 movement but more so, the lycée movement emphasized very clearly that staying within the old forms of struggle inevitably leads to certain defeat. It is now becoming generally accepted that demonstrations, marches, spectacles and shows don't lead anywhere. Waving banners, putting up posters, handing out leaflets, attacking the police are all activities which perpetuate a certain ritual - a ritual wherein the police are always cast in the role of invincible subjugators. The methods of struggle therefore must be put through a thorough analysis because they present an obstacle to the creation of new modes of action. And for this to be effective, there has to be a refusal of the old terrain of struggle - both in the workplace and in the streets. As long as revolutionary struggle is conducted not on its own ground but on the terrain of capital, there can be no significant breakthrough, no qualitative revolutionary leap. This is where we must concentrate our attention; it is a question which has to be faced now if revolution is not to stagnate and destroy itself, a setback which could take years to recover from. If we are to successfully abandon the old centres of struggle, it will require a simultaneous movement towards the creation of new modes of life. What's the point of occupying the factories - like car factories for example - where production must be stopped anyway? The cry goes up: "Occupy the factories and manage them ourselves !" So all the prisoners of the system are supposed to take over their prisons and begin the self-management of their own imprisonment. A new social form is not founded on the old, and only rarely in the past do we find civilizations superimposed on one another.
Camatte, Against Domestication

>> No.17412433

>It was thought that communism was emerging from the socialization of human activity and thus from the destruction of private property, while in fact capital was emerging as a material community

>> No.17413629 [DELETED] 

Do Tuesdays not know who this is?

>> No.17413684

Do Tedfags not know who this is?

>> No.17414755

Anything else in rackets?

>> No.17415450

The entire catalog.

>> No.17415953

zoomers and glows don't read

>> No.17415966

What's Camatte's relation to Bordiga?

>> No.17415999

Big influence. One of the only good marxists.

>> No.17417040

Camatte translated Bordiga's magus opus "The Economic and Social Status of Russia Today" and was a member of his Bordiga before he broke with them.

>> No.17417252

Anyone read Sam Moss?

>> No.17418232

The racket spreads.

>> No.17419705

Stop discussing rackets.

>> No.17421037

Marxists fear him