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/lit/ - Literature

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17409048 No.17409048 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that this man was a chad and his philosophy is pure anti-cope.
If you hate him, you are not looking for the truth, you are looking for excuses.
If this post makes you seethe it's because you are emotionally insecure and you need to grow up.

>> No.17409062

Camus was a midwit and The Stranger is probably the single most pseud book ever written.

>> No.17409068

Life is meaningless, which is liberating. You are not bound to any ideology, God, or false ideal. You can just fuck and have fun.

>> No.17409073

No literary or philosophical value whatsoever. Sartre was a better writer and Merleau-Ponty a much better philosopher.

>> No.17409078


>> No.17409083

Imagine Sisyphus Horny

>> No.17409085

Go dilate somewhere else.

>> No.17409093
File: 85 KB, 643x372, huxley ends and means.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his philosophy is pure anti-cope.
On the contrary. His philosophy is a cope for the lack of meaning that results from sexual liberation.
Huxley's take is the true anti-cope.

>> No.17409113

Blessed thread

>> No.17409154

>Merleau-Ponty a much better philosopher.
>Sartre was a better writer
worst take of 2021 so far, Camus was a good writer overall while Sartre only produced one or two good pages

>> No.17409170

I haven't read his philosophy but his fiction is comically bad. The Stranger is almost Ayn Rand tier awful.
Whenever I see someone claim to like Camus, I assume they have only read 3 or 4 other books in their entire life.

>> No.17409185

>sartre was a better writer

No, Camus was a good writer, not a good philosopher but he was a good writer

>> No.17409194
File: 24 KB, 300x341, camuschar6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Yeah René, it's the one who said I'm an awful writer"
>"So anon, you are talking shit about my lil bro behind his back? Is that true?"

>> No.17409198

Please tell us about some writers you enjoy

>> No.17409199
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>> No.17409203

I like absurdism but I believe in god, how do I combine the two?

>> No.17409209

kierkegaard and the leap of faith

>> No.17409476

How is The Plague?

>> No.17409482

This is what a real intellectual looks like.