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17404739 No.17404739 [Reply] [Original]

>Irish history
>Irish culture
>Irish fiction
>Irish historical fiction
>Irish poetry
>Irish anything
I just figured out via DNA test that I am in fact 100% ethnically Irish. This is somewhat odd because I was born and raised in America, so I assumed I would be some kind of amalgamation of Yuropeean like most white Americans. I'm adopted so my biological parents must have been Irish immigrants or pure undiluted Boston Irish or some shit. Gimmie your best Irish /lit/.

>> No.17404753

Nice blogpost nigger

>> No.17404756
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>> No.17404760

>North by Seamus Heaney
>The Tower by William Butler Yeats
>All of James Joyce

>> No.17404778

>so I assumed I would be some kind of amalgamation of Yuropeean like most white Americans. I'm adopted so my biological parents must have been Irish immigrants or pure undiluted Boston Irish or some shit.
Or you're from a mother and baby home. If you're 25 or older it could be a laundry baby too.

>> No.17404779

If you weren't raised around it and don't participate in Irish culture you aren't really Irish.

>> No.17404790


>> No.17404889
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>Oi the Packies next door are more Irish than you m8
>Don't mattuh that your blood is 100% Irish
The state of Ir*sh.

>> No.17404914

I never said I was Irish, this is how works for every nationality. I don't understand why burgers like to larp as Europeans.

>> No.17404979
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>this is how works for every nationality
hm is that why so many countries have jus sanguinis laws? Your blood doesn't magically change because of your geographic location. A Yoruba child adopted by Swedes will NEVER (N E V E R) be even a tiny bit Swedish, regardless of whatever globalhomo socialization you've undergone. Seethe and dilate.

>> No.17404998

You need both really.

>> No.17405009

but we wuz anglos n sheeeeeit, long live the kwueen and Shakespeare m8s

>> No.17405013

>section 16(a) of the Irish Nationality and Citizenship Act permits the Minister of Justice, at their discretion, to waive the residence requirements for a person "of Irish descent or associations."
looks to me like you could apply if you were demonstrably ethnically Irish like OP. I bet even people with a good chunk of Irish DNA (even like a quarter) could give it a shot if their other DNA was still Euro. It makes sense that countries with small-ish populations have a desire to recoup some of their diaspora.

>> No.17405029

ulysses by james joyce. i am currently reading it and it is quite an undertaking

>> No.17405072

say nothing