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17397532 No.17397532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so we can all agree that, in light of recent events, while this document was technically not authentic according to the letter of the law, it was nevertheless very much true in spirit?

>> No.17397539


>> No.17397558

""The Protocols" weren't supposed to be an instruction manual you guyz!!!"

>> No.17397576

always has been

>> No.17397869


>> No.17397947


Yes, but it is true primarily about the City of London.

>> No.17397981

When I found out the City of London was a real thing I questioned reality for a while

>> No.17398005
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Jeez guys I know London is dreary but you don't gotta be so dramatic

>> No.17398102

Look up the City of London corporation

>> No.17398124

Don't forget the secret societies bros. Freemasons n shit.

>> No.17398126

Pal I don't wanna get 'redpilled' again. All the redpills ive already taken make me miserable.

>> No.17398264


Tldr version, Anglos are the real OG Jews, and the Elders describe to a T the Corporation of the City of London, which is a constituted borough since around 1046 but really just a group of financial backers to the Throne with the right to write their own constitution effective over their neighbourhood.

>> No.17398313

I aint reading that shit bro

>> No.17398360


Right, and they wonder why kiddiefiddler do so well in Bongland.

>> No.17398420

I remember reading a bit and it was actually quite hilarious, it reads like your average /pol/ troglodyte trying to imagine how the Zionist meetings go like.
"And now that we have successfully promoted the ideas of the French Revolution, freedom, equality, fraternity which are by the way totally contradictory since freedom and equality are totally incompatible" (goes on a tangent throwing out right wing talking points for a bit)

>> No.17398591

but /pol/ is always right so i dont understand your point

>> No.17399281

Read Waters Flowing Eastward. The Protocols are real.

>> No.17399360

>it was nevertheless very much true in spirit?
Wait did they actually discover the giant caches of dynamite in all the subway tunnels of major cities before the elders could detonate them?

>> No.17399370

> Anglos are the real OG Jews
I thought this was commonly accepted on /lit/.

>> No.17399393

Not to sound too desperate, but as opposed to where? Where is this mythical country that is well-equipped against pedophiles and whose existence seems to be implied by contrast in your post?

>> No.17399445
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>> No.17399449
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Irish control the world

>> No.17399462

Not really, jews seem to have very little influence on geopolitics and the global economy. Other anons here are saying that this text would be valid if you substitute "jews" with "anglos", but that seems too limited to me, since we live in a world dominated by white americans and chinese oligarchs. Maye it would make more sense to say that the Protocols could make sense if you assume that it is about capitalists in general? But at point the Protocols themselves become useless, since there are much better and cogent critiques of capitalists

>> No.17399464

Yeah, everyone knows this one.

>> No.17399841

>Not really, jews seem to have very little influence on geopolitics and the global economy.
This has to be bait. Every western country's government and institutions are overrun with jews. Just look at Biden's cabinet (and Trump's, for that matter).
>the Protocols could make sense if you assume that it is about capitalists in general?
Yes, but capitalism is a jewish invention and its main players are jewish. Not exclusively, but overwhelmingly.

>> No.17399857

The only proof that the Protocols are a hoax is Jews saying it is a hoax. That's literally it.
The fact that nearly everything in the book is coming true speaks for itself.

>> No.17399894

Leo Frank
Jeffrey Epstein
Roman Polanski
Harvey Weinstein

What do these guys all have in common?

>> No.17399945

>The only proof that the Protocols are a hoax is Jews saying it is a hoax. That's literally it.

You left out the part where
-it literally plagiarizes earlier works
-despite being the minutes of a meeting have no actual contents of meeting minutes, no specific details and all vague generalities
-are the minutes of a group who despite being powerful an international left no record of their existence except for a plagiarized and inflammatory anti gentile screed which conveniently has only ever existed in Russian and was "discovered" by a far right wing group in Russia
-Described things which comedically false,like subways being filled up with dynamite to detonate on gentiles.

>> No.17399964

>What do these guys all have in common?
None of them are or have ever been presidents of the United States or belong to an ethnicity that has been the president of the United States unlike people in those images.

>> No.17399967
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>> No.17399977

You're either being naive or disingenuous, the president has very limited acting power. Trump has proven that.

>> No.17400029

>You're either being naive or disingenuous, the president has very limited acting power. Trump has proven that.

Now who is being naive or disingenuous all the moreso when that the Irish blooded presidents include Lincoln, FDR and Reagan. As head of the executive arm of the government, the ability to appoint department heads and issue executive orders and veto legislation makes the President incredibly influential vastly more influential than any of the people you listed there. Those three presidents alone vastly and permanently changed the United States.

Take a look at the Iran Contra Affair and then compare that to those people you listed.

>> No.17400418

I honestly can't tell if this is a good troll or if you are brutally dumb. Fucking kek have a (you)

>> No.17400425

They're all white lol

>> No.17400429

the patchwork is real we owe our apologies to moldbug

>> No.17400431

Are you still shilling this shitty meme? I've been seeing you post it for months, it wasn't funny then and it isn't funn now.

>> No.17400435

Cambodia under Pol Pot
the basedest country on earth

>> No.17400436
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They're not

>> No.17400449

>but capitalism is a jewish invention and its main players are jewish. Not exclusively, but overwhelmingly
misspelt communism

>> No.17400453

No, they're both jewish inventions. Both sides of the same shekel (materialism).

>> No.17400494

You guys are retarded. Go back to /pol/ with your conspiratorial nonsense. This thread reads like a transcript from a support group for people recovering from severe brain injuries.

>> No.17400499

>noo conspiracies don't exist

>> No.17400513

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17400519

When Samsung conspires to steal the tech from Apple: OMG! Business news!!

When The Government conspires to steal freedom from the people: Pfft, conspiracy nonsense.

>> No.17400524

Some end up being true, but the vast majority don’t. Enjoy watching your YouTube videos about 9/11 and Alex Jones I guess.

>> No.17400534

Its not me, I'm the anon who mentions the subway dynamite which protocol truthers uniformly let their cognitive dissonance filter out.

And assuming you are the person I was responding to, this is a pretty shitty pivot even by far right standards.

>> No.17400538

Both communism and capitalism are jewish inventions and its key players are persons of jewish origins. This is no secret.

>> No.17400539

It's like the Jews claiming conspiracy to any suggestion that the Bolshevik Revolution, which killed 10's of millions of ethnic Russians, was in any way perpetrated by Jews. Wikipedia has zero mentions of Jews under Bolshevik Revolution and instead has another article called Jewish Bolshevism which purports that it's all a conspiracy AGAINST the Jews instead of the other way around. Back in reality multiple Nobel laureates as well as I think all the major leaders of countries involved in WWII all talk about the scourge of Jewish Bolshevism. Also no mention in the mainstream history that either right before or right after Hitler came to power an ALL Jewish force of psychotic Jewish Bolsheviks tried to overthrow the government of German lol. Why wasn't I taught this in school?. All of this is very well documented just outside mainstream media, kosher, history texts. It's mind-blowing when you discover this and then you realize that virtually all great men in all countries who have interacted will Jews have mildly hated and distrusted them to genocidally so. And the fact that every ethnicity, religion, race, people, that Jews have interacted with have kicked them out makes perfect sense. Then you realize that some people, Jews, are a race of evil people. Evil is what sets them apart from everyone else. It's hard to accept this on an individual basis but at the group level it's just as easy to see once seen. They are genetically most similar to southern Italians and as southern Italians are to the Italian mafia Jews are the Globalist mafia.

>> No.17400544 [DELETED] 

How do you know which is true if you don't even entertain the possibility? Low iq take anon
>Enjoy watching your YouTube videos about 9/11 and Alex Jones I guess.
Rent free lmao

>> No.17400545

How did Jews invent capitalism? I’m truly baffled by your claim.

>> No.17400557

Take your seroquel bro.

>> No.17400559

I know I was joking

>> No.17400561

How do you know which is true if you don't even entertain the possibility? Low iq take anon
>Enjoy watching your YouTube videos about 9/11 and Alex Jones I guess.
Rent free lmao
>And assuming you are the person I was responding to
I wasn't

>> No.17400560



>> No.17400565

>watching Alex Jones
The man is a paranoid bumpkin.

>> No.17400567

In the middle ages we had feudalism and a guild system that was supplanted by capitalism and usury. The persons who were at the fore of that transition were mostly jewish. The early persons who exploited that system were mostly jewish. This is no secret.

>> No.17400579

>conspiratorial nonsense

10 years ago if you said a billionaire Jew owned an island and raped underaged white girls on it for years and years while he entertained world leader, I'm pretty sure you would get called a crazy conspiratorial anti Semite and if you had any power you would get canceled hard and fast. And yet that is exactly what happened.

You are willfully a coward and retarded aren't you?

>> No.17400592


>> No.17400595

For believers of the Jewish Bolshevism theory how do you reconcile Stalin's alliance with Hitler, and the fact that the majority of these Russian deaths occurred during the rule of Stalin who purged the leadership which in this belief set was comprised of jews, suppressed Jewish religion and forced them into a far eastern state?

>> No.17400601

Just out of curiosity, how much proof would you need?

>> No.17400603

>I wasn't
Its hard to tell

>> No.17400650

Stalin was a shabbos goy. Jews purposefully don't take the talking head position. Why would there be a problem with him and Hitler forming an alliance? Jews were massively over represented through the Bolshevik ranks and then less so at the very top, leaving those positions for shabbos goys. It wasn't until the very end that Stalin turned, rightfully, on the Jews and had Trotsky killed. Trotsky was probably Satan's son on earth. I'm not sure any other single "human being" has been responsible for so much suffering and death. Trotsky was pure psychopathic narcissism and completely devoid of empathy or humanity.

>> No.17400657

>For believers
This includes at least 2 Nobel laureates and all heads of state involved in WWII. You want me to believe the modern kosher narrative over all esle?

>> No.17400694

>Stalin was a shabbos goy. Jews purposefully don't take the talking head position. Why would there be a problem with him and Hitler forming an alliance?

So your belief is that Stalin was just doing their work and then turned against them.

If this is true, firstly how can it be Jewish Bolshevism if the Jews were so easily dispensed with.

Secondly when did Stalin successully rebel in your view? This is significant as for this theory it will say which actions of the Soviet Union are jewish vs non jewish.

> I'm not sure any other single "human being" has been responsible for so much suffering and death. Trotsky was pure psychopathic narcissism and completely devoid of empathy or humanity

3 non Jewish men Stalin, Mao and Hitler caused more suffering and death in raw numbers.

>> No.17400706

>You are willfully a coward and retarded aren't you?
Believing that Jews secretly run the world is ridiculous. You’re not red-pilled, you’re retard pilled. Go back to your flat earth YouTube videos and don’t come back until you’ve read a book.

>> No.17400710


Based Joyce

>> No.17400720

>This includes at least 2 Nobel laureates
And what of all the Nobel laureates who didnt think of that?

>and all heads of state involved in WWII
Are you sure about that, so for instance you have not only people like FDR saying that but the leaders of France, Poland and the Commonwealth countries?

>You want me to believe the modern kosher narrative over all esle?
Didnt say that.

>> No.17400722

>thinking that Hitler was some sort of savior for European heritage and culture
His retarded antics caused the destruction of more cultural heritage and treasures than the Jews ever did

>> No.17400795

Its late in my timezone here so I have to be off but if this thread is still alive tomorrow Ill gladly respond to your replies

>> No.17400832

If you think free and voluntary exchange and money lending are Jewish, rather than things invented multiple times by different civilizations you’re living in fantasy land

>> No.17400840

>The Irish guy doing a Jew pose
I actually laughed

>> No.17400841

I don't know why but I like irish people.

>> No.17400844

>We are all racist, we are all sexist
Speaking based truth though he doesn't know it.

>> No.17400848

Money lending existed well before the middle ages

>> No.17400853

Jews invented banking and usury anon, not capitalism.

>> No.17400857

Look you willful retard, if every single country that hosts you can't get along with a group of people who worship themselves as "god's chosen people", lol, and then kicks them out, and this goes on for thousands of years and happens over 100 times, then the problem is not humanity, its the Jews. If your friend gets kicked out of 100 bars but swears he got kicked out because everyone was jealous of him what might you conclude? Your friend, like the Jews, is a psychopathic narcissist and considering that your friend got kicked out of so many god damn bars you might also have to conclude that this is his nature.

Dude just go back to blaming white people for all the world's problems lol. Everyone wants to live near white people and pretty much everybody either hates or will come to hate the Jews. Just ignore ALL logic and reason and evidence. Just trust the Jews lol. It truly blows my mind how retarded you are.

>> No.17400864

I unironically think the Irish are god's chosen people and the Jews are Satan's chosen people. I'm not either btw, this is just based on my experiences

>> No.17400866

>until you’ve read a book.
Which one exactly?

>> No.17400872

The one that tells the history of the world by Moshe Noseburg

>> No.17400894

Ahhhh, the bar analogy. I can see you’ve been studying up on /pol/. You’ve never had an original thought in your life and just parrot dumb arguments from /pol/.

>> No.17400903

Yeah, that was my first thought. Maybe he's talking about the bible

"Declared unto us, that in all nations throughout the world there was scattered a certain malicious people, that had laws contrary to all nations, and continually despised the commandments of kings, so as the uniting of our kingdoms, honourably intended by us cannot go forward.”

"Wherefore having learned this, and seeing one nation in opposition to all mankind using perverse laws, and going against our commandments, and disturbing the peace and concord of the provinces subject to us"

>> No.17400908

95% of anti-semites on 4chan hate Jews because they’re jealous. They wish they had the capacity for success, but are hamstrung by their laziness, incompetence, and non-existent social skills.

>> No.17400911

and distaste for baby blood

>> No.17400913
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>> No.17400966

I’d be jealous of Jews too if I were a typical /pol/ poster working a menial job. I’d sit around feeling like a real victim. I’d let my victim complex take over, and instead of doing things that make Jews successful like hard work and learning new skills (which used to be thought of as Christian values) I’d sit around acting like a big victim. The closest thing I’d get to power, authority, or respect would be getting to serve as assistant manager at Burger King when the real assistant manager went to take a dump. After my shift I’d go home and rant about the Jewish restaurant industry and seethe on /pol/, sometimes visiting other boards like /lit/ to rant about being a victim under the guise of discussing books

>> No.17401779

> Implying there is such a thing as a good (or good looking) Englishman.