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/lit/ - Literature

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17396680 No.17396680 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17396689

some anons diary

>> No.17396709

i love those "fuck ya friday night" threads on the video game boards because there's relatively little sad sackery where as if /lit/ had one of those it would be all miserable mopey shit

>> No.17396713

some anon made a thread about what cheese to eat while reading, I wrote a semi-effort post. But when I refreshed the page to see if he had some answers, the thread was deleted.

>> No.17396725

ass and tiddies

>> No.17396757

good op pic for once>>17396680

>> No.17396775
File: 22 KB, 650x366, 3A8ACB49-49E7-4B9B-99AC-03D68BAB93D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friday nights on /tv/ be like
>Friday night
>why are you here?

>> No.17396776

We're always on my mind You Were Always On My Mind find

>> No.17396984

How do i introspect?

>> No.17396992

You're already doing it

>> No.17397087

these threads bring out the moap in me

>> No.17397124

I don't seem to understand what I truly want. After I get what I thought I wanted, I still feel unsatisfied in the end.

>> No.17397219

I fucked up so fucking bad. I understand why I did it, I think, and I will have to forgive myself, but it makes me really sad. It could have been good, I think. Maybe not, but the way I ended it was fucked up either way. I'm sorry.

>> No.17397226

What you want is the chase of a goal.

>> No.17397243

There is so much shit on this board. Why people bother coming here? Why do I still bother?

>> No.17397244

I hate my life.

>> No.17397251

Teaching ESL for six hours via Discord is fucking exhausting.

>> No.17397261

Move to Japan.

>> No.17397293

My life is very easy, I'm attractive, people consider me intelligent (although I disagree), university is going well, and I probably can take any woman I want to the bed yet, at moments I feel deeply unsatisfied with my life and every time I feel unsatisfied I also feel guilt; guilt because I know my life is easy and I shouldn't complain, guilt because there are many people in the world who are doing much worse than me yet I feel unsatisfied.

Probably what I need is love, having a long term relationship would be great but I can't find a woman that fit my taste both physically and psychologically, again, maybe I'm just too exigent.

>> No.17397312

both of you are like 8/10ths of the way toward becoming religious

>> No.17397320

I think it's a good thing for people to have a place to vent
I've been in these threads since like 2017

>> No.17397331

These fuckers on Upwork won't reply to me anymore. Getting real tired of this shit.

>> No.17397341

Already spent a few years in South Korea. Not keen on living in a gook country again.

>> No.17397343
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I'm too cowardly to commit suicide but I often think about suicide "via exile". Sell everything and move to a third world country. Stretch my savings as long as I can until I'm forced to live a subsistence lifestyle or become a street urchin. Eventually die.

>> No.17397346

I feel the same way and I've already started reading the bible this year.

>> No.17397348

Dunno, anon. Saw a bunch of people complaining about getting banned from those platforms and losing money. They are probably shit, considering that you pay a lot of money to work on that shit and they don't really do that much. You are better trying out direct contact with people.

>> No.17397365

I need to start exercising regularly again. I used to have a solid routine of biking and going to the gym 3-4 times a week pre COVID but now all my work is from home so I'm just lazy. I barely leave the house now and do a lot more drugs. It's starting to mess with my health and looks somewhat I fear.

>> No.17397373

Absolutely nothing excites me and I'm just completing a degree so that my parents can be happy. My life is super easy. My degree is paid for and my parents bought me a car yet I feel extremely uninspired and depressed. Hopefully it gets better after I graduate and start working.

>> No.17397376

I hate being alive. Fuck you.

>> No.17397384

I spent the whole summer and fall applying to real jobs with absolutely zero payoff, and my field is something that has a pretty expansive freelance sphere, so I've had infinitely more success doing that so far -- it's just that it leads to some jobs looking like they'll pan out only for the client to pull the rug out from under you. I don't plan to do it forever, but until I can find something real, it'll have to do.

>> No.17397447

>write what's on your mind
I already did >>17397074

>> No.17397477

This reminds me of my ex. I hate these shot of endless landscape with filtered melancholy and short haired succubus turning her gaze away from me, defiling the places i adored and turning them into the gross reminder of my foolishness. I hope that whore burns in hell

>> No.17397497

I woke up to money from the government in my mailbox, did not even know money was being sent out or anything as I stopped paying attention to the world about a year ago. I am looking forward to using it to pay my taxes even though I doubt anyone will take notice of my subtle gesture.

>> No.17397504

This has been on my mind for a while but whenever I try to think about it my mind screams LARPr LOL LARPr LOL LARPr LOL and I feel like a LARP

>> No.17397513

Everyone is so miserable. Every single day I go on social media and it’s just angry political ranting, cancelling and harassing random people for giving their obscure opinions, people pretending to be radical dissidents but really just spend their life scrolling through TikTok and binging on Netflix. Every interaction is just people trying to project themselves as more morally virtuous and scorning others for not aligning with their personal orthodoxy that has never even fulfilled their life a single time. Nobody is happy. How could they convince anyone that this is the best time in history to be alive when nobody is satisfied with life? No one is creative, no one is ambitious, no one is building anything new, we’re just in a decadent wasteland of technological subservience and narcissism produced from the self-loathing depths of people who feel the world has failed them. Staying on social media just makes you bitter because everyone else is bitter and hates life. It’s insufferable

>> No.17397526
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>Then the mass layoffs began, again and again by the tens of thousands. I remember a few early rounds of this. Some suit would come in, a steely look of gritty determination on his face as if he were a colonel readying his troops for a tough battle, speaking of hard times and sacrifice (which of course he wouldn’t have to endure). As should be expected, none of the managers ever got cut. Some of them ended up supervising two or three employees. Too many chiefs and not enough braves! Eventually, I was swept away too, with someone following me to the door like a lost puppy to make sure I didn’t do anything naughty on the final trip out the door. A few years later, after utterly decimating the company, the CEO was finally ejected and received what those of that ilk call a “golden parachute,” a severance package about a thousand times what mine was.

>After enduring all this, it was clearer than ever that capitalism is broken. The Left used to support trade unionism, but that institution largely has gone the way of the dinosaur. What was Clinton doing to rein in corporate corruption when he wasn’t preoccupied with creating sex scandals or managing their fallout? Nothing; he was globalizing our trade, the same thing the Bushes did. What are the alternatives? I simply can’t entertain libertarian-style free-market capitalism. Their belief is that “the market” eventually solves all problems. It sounds great in theory, but those kids just aren’t serious. There is one other alternative, an oldie but a goodie: fascism.

>> No.17397531

I've stopped trying to visit the psych. Years later it's like I've accepted my mind isn't getting any better

>> No.17397534

I experience moments of artistic enthusiasm and production; overflowing ideas and possibilities.

Then, I put them out and am disgruntled the next day, or so, that it's not good. This is always the case. I suppose I'll never be content.

>> No.17397541

I was actually born and raised a Catholic. I went to confession last month and talked about this with the priest and he said that it is because I need to form a better relationship with God and accept that not everything could be done in my lifetime. He specifically recommended me to read Tolkien's short story "Leaf by Niggle", but I have not picked it up.

>> No.17397579

Yeah I'm romanticizing it but I feel like I'm slowly suffocating 9 to 5. Not even joking.

>> No.17397588

Unless you have a large enough savings to get citizenship most any third world shithole will deport you once you have no money left to spend.

>> No.17397615

You must imagine Sisyphus happy

>> No.17397662
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Why do the mods hate cheese?

>> No.17397673

I'm so fucking tired of studying for my uni, bros. Just a year ago, every exam I did, was a nice experience that improved my vision on reality. Then at the beginning of summer of 2020, only the most boring, confusing and hard exams remained and I have trouble concentrating during these times of lockdown. All I want to do, right now, in order to mantain some kind of stability is read, write, spend time with my housemates, warching movies, walking and exploring my city like a flaneur, etc. Also I admit I really like spending my time with you guys

>> No.17397708

Can confirm, had the same thought process as these two.

>> No.17397714

/biz is overrun and I’m looking for my escape

>> No.17397907
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I'm tired of the web, I'm going to stop mindlessly browsing. Goodbye.

>> No.17397917

took a bunch of kratom and got stoned

feel retarded and horny

>> No.17398076

Ich bin das maß der Dinge

>> No.17398100

I keep coming with ideas that I think are original and brilliant only to discover someone else had already thought of it before I was born. I suppose that still means I'm smart if I'm coming to the same conclusions as experts independently, but I don't appreciate having my thunder stolen.

>> No.17398292

such is life in a cheesey cheese world

>> No.17398338

Hard cheeses only imo

>> No.17398343

greentext fag

>> No.17398358

>I can't find a woman that fit my taste both physically and psychologically
Out of curiosity, what is your taste?

>> No.17398409

artificial language theology

>> No.17398414

Why can’t I just finish writing this screenplay FUCK

>> No.17398434


damn can u believe this dude killed himself

>> No.17398436

How do I write what's on my mind?

>> No.17398443

I really like the sound of my new watch. I hold it to my hear just to listen to it tick. I can hear it now, on the other side of my bedroom.

Life's crazy but I can't complain. I got Jesus and this morning got breakfast burritos with my mom.

>> No.17398464

I'm bringing back logical positivism.

>> No.17398521

I think I'm in love with a man from /lit/ who probably has schizoid personality disorder. We correspond once every three months or so. I'll never tell him how I feel.

>> No.17398528

>corresponding with chuds from 4channel

>> No.17398531


>> No.17398554

I finished reading Notes from Underground and thought "woah, he's literally me!" multiple times.
I hate that fact

>> No.17398560

Why don't you try to get some help, anon?

>> No.17398658

I think just shame, and maybe spite.
I have a relatively wealthy family and get through college courses much too easily for how much work I put into it (depending on the class, some subjects were difficult but I could always pull at least a B+). I hate that despite an easy upbringing full of supportive people, and knowing what it will take to rectify my issues, I still always retreat into the comfortable and empty routine of hedonism I've been in since a child.
I don't know if it's because I'm afraid of admitting to weakness, afraid of letting go of the "easy life" (even though it tortures me), or because I feel like I owe it to myself to get out of my mess alone.

>> No.17398738

Dunno, anon. Just get help, this will probably end up being messy as soon as something bad happens in your life (and that happens to everyone). It is a bit weird, but I can related in some regards. I do regret not asking for help, because most people don't really mind doing it, and it turns out that it saves A LOT of time. Figuring things out by yourself is very time consuming, and I'm considering that you are going to make it and not ending up fucking killing yourself.

>> No.17398754


>> No.17398763

I don't think (or hope) I'll ever need to be talked down from a ledge, but thanks anon.

>> No.17398814

Brightness (Softness)

Complete Happiness / Contentment

But wait, there's so much more down the road!

>> No.17398853

basically St Augustine
found an ESL buddy

>> No.17398872

lol zeta's such a worm he thinks i've snap&now he's prob running up a streak with some faggot

>> No.17398891

Are you me?

>> No.17398900

Try to find fulfillment outside of school or work, like practicing something that can be improved on(exercise, instruments, etc.). Also, anecdotal, but lack of coom made me feel much more motivated than I was previously
That said, this advice is coming from someone in pretty much the same boat so who am I to talk

>> No.17398908

i should write code or read but instead i'm going to find something comfy to watch on criterion

>> No.17398912

I've been doing some 20 minute flash fiction shorts, they've been fun. Cheers

In Pawtucket there’s a factory on the river and we live in its shadow. When the sun sets, its negative slouches towards our doorstep, dragging its black tongue along the ground. My father peers over the paper, eyes unseeing, ears pricked for the familiar crunch of lurching over the leaves. Under the pretense of asking for sugar, it yanks the heat from our throats and pushes frost inside: makes itself at home, plumps the pillow, puts its feet up and pulls out a book. Mother bends over the stove, arm contorted backwards, absentmindedly rubbing her corrugated spine. Father stares at me as if to say “fetch my pipe” while I roll an orange along the floorboards, coy, eyeing the intrusion who lounges on top of their bed-folds. Evening falls, cold comes down upon the roof and I nest in the sheets, one eye open, not yet sure about the now-nightly figure who, silently perched between my parents’ dispossessed bodies, watches me stifle my coughs.
Sirens in the morning; they screech the dawn anthem, the wordless counter-lullaby that pulls the men to the river bank and to the punch-clock, to the base of the eight sunless windows that look over those at home. As father leaves, he ruffles my hair and winks at my mother and I watch the light arc overhead.

>> No.17398929
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Jorden Preston is wrong about socialism but right about neo-liberalism. Or to put it, what he calls 'post-modern neo Marxism' is really capitalist realism, Fish was right.

Also the stories of Abraham in the bible are rally good and insightful as metaphor for life to day.

>> No.17398931

The reason why talking about, and therefore thinking about, sex was considered a sin for the longest time had little to do with the sexual act itself: rather, when on conceptualizes the purely ineffable qualities present in climax, you somehow denude the already nude, you make naked that which is clearly stark naked in its own right.

>> No.17399004
File: 79 KB, 1080x1350, 8C54300A-5E52-4E97-9365-01E7A60EDFB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do love that picture

>> No.17399014
File: 326 KB, 800x560, dzde7vbyztz01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a lot of thoughts about this stock tomfoolery. Happenings of significance seem to be happening at a clip. Maybe I'm just more aware of them, but it really does seem that what was once solid has become shifting, and what has become of it prefigures the shape of an enigma of possibility as of yet unforged into an actual future.

I hate the whole idea of a "great reset" because it shows the wrong people---the people who are already powerful who obviously can't fix anything because the world got this way under their watch--are already one step ahead and are primed to pounce on this movement of potential. Which means without a doubt that the things will take a more dystopian route, as they will just double down on things as they are because it's impossible for it to get any better for them.

Things as they are, though, are on the way out whether they like it or not. What's the way forward though? Probably not stupid ideas from the past that clearly didn't work out. What are the alternatives? Why must everything end with a question?

>> No.17399034

Anons, should I try to be a doctor? I'm 31 yo, soon to be 32. I've made a national exam this year and it seems that my grades are sufficient. The main thing that bothers me is that I probably won't be able to work during this time and I will probably need financial support from my mom, she is a widow. I thought about just getting into TI and getting a fucking job (I'm not that great of a programmer, but I'm not bad either). Being a doctor is reasonably cooler than programming, you can get a job anywhere, that is amazing. Programming is more restrict to urban areas.

>> No.17399039

I would probably get into either psychiatry or plastic surgery. If I end up being a programmer I will probably work with web shit and PHP.

>> No.17399048

>what he calls 'post-modern neo Marxism' is really capitalist realism
Interesting point because it really supports Fisher’s understanding that people are so fundamentally incapable of imagining a non-capitalism that they categorically refuse to identify any issues of the capitalist system and ideology with said capitalist system and ideology. Instead people, like Peterson, create these nonsensical boogeymen to fill in the gaps.

>> No.17399049

But getting a fucking job, would means monis right away and doing my own thing.

>> No.17399051

try depseuding the already pseud, pal

>> No.17399063

Or psychology too. But that might make my mom mad and she might not aid me financially.

>> No.17399069

Fucking kek (I wrote the post)

>> No.17399071

I hate feeling like everything is such a pointless endgame. I'm a believer in Christ, but I always have this feeling of "just take me now". I have lost so many relationships in the last couple of years. I am now 31 years old, and I don't care about getting drunk at the bar anymore, yet most of my friends still do. I'd rather read on a Friday night than spend $75 to get hammered . I wish that more people that I care about cared more about real things instead of their next drunken night.

>> No.17399076

Im so tired. The walls are breathing and the shadow people are back.

>> No.17399078

And studying medicine would mean being dependent on my mom for another 6 fucking years. Fucking 38, anons. I hate my fucking life. I think I will get into fucking TI.

>> No.17399131

What the FUCK do you mean Color in SwiftUI doesn't conform to Identifiable? It's your own fucking struct that you made specifically for SwiftUI! You want me to wrap your struct in a struct so I can add an identifier so I can use it in a SwiftUI List?Does that seem kind of wack to you at all? Apple shit is the worst to develop for. It's just one seethe after another.

>> No.17399137

I want a deep, refreshing, and invigorating sleep. That's all I am asking for.

>> No.17399159

She would probably be cool with it, but still...

>> No.17399165

If she fucking dies while I'm away, anons?

>> No.17399170

I unironically fucked up multiple times in my life, but this is somewhat easy to not to, right?

>> No.17399173

Are any of you familiar with the musical works of the composer Arvo Part? His creations are beautiful. Typicaly minimalistic, involving a singular piano and violin with maybe a chorus tops. He writes everything I love about the violin family instruments, and rekindles the flame in my heart to purchase and begin learning how to play the viola. My goal would someday be to play his works and the Passagalia by Biber, alongside Southern folk songs but those are less technical and more to fulfill a stereotype for fun by sitting on my porch fiddling in overall shirtless, albiet with a PTR 91 in place of a side by side shotgun propped beside me

>> No.17399186

*in overalls shirtless
Please, pardon m pardon the typo, the sleep deprivation is getting to me

>> No.17399221

That Imagine song is stupid af. "Imagine no religion," this is literally a brainlet take (imagine the fucking existential hell). And I'm not even religious. Lennon was 31.

>> No.17399227

Don't get me wrong, I like the Beatles. But I mean, this is just retarded.

>> No.17399237

—excerpt, Leave Society, Tao Lin

>> No.17399239

He was into drugs too, so it is not like he was thinking clearly.

>> No.17399242

Imagine is overrated as fuck. Anyone who cites it as intelligent reveals themselves as either a commie or a dumbass.
Everyone worth knowing knows Blue Oyster Cult made better utopia songs anyway.

>> No.17399248

I'm too old for such things, anon. Too weird too.

>> No.17399255

I just wish I could get to sleep at the same time every night: if I could do that I feel like many of my issues would just disappear... happy to be on a 3-day mass streak, and I praise God I haven't masturbated in a month starting this weekend. Kinda scared to fail though.
Praying for all of you <3

I love Arvo Part! I like the slower pace of much of his music.

>> No.17399257

But you are right, anon. That song is definitely overrated.

>> No.17399258

I am a loser! But life goes on, and for a lot longer than I thought it would. And there are still surprises for me down the road. Astounding feeling, I just wait around things are different before my eyes.

>> No.17399290

listen to the lyrics again, genius. the whole song is about living in the now. religion is about giving your life meaning through shared immortality project, but that's not what he's imagining, he's imagining everyone living in the moment and not thinking about death

>> No.17399293

Small world, huh. Its funny, the only people i have met that know him already are the religious, myself included, which is unsuprising but fitting. Thank you for your prayers on our behalf, anon, I will return the favor.
>He hasnt made The Pact
Thats fine, though. Really, if I had to pick a song that set the tone for a society to live in, itd probably be something by The Band anyway.

>> No.17399298

He was talking about communism, simple as.

>> No.17399316

People are different, anon. Are you even serious?

>> No.17399321

Well, whatever I don't care. If a lump mass of one seems cool to you. That is ok. Just don't push that into me.

>> No.17399381

imagine being so uptight that imagine by lennon triggers you. no wonder you guys don't have sex.

>> No.17399388

I don't care, anon. Am I not even entitled to have my own opinion? It doesn't trigger me, I'm just saying that it is a stupid song in an anonymous board, in a rant thread. I wouldn't say that out loud when people are playing it and ruin their mood. That is because I'm not a retard.

>> No.17399391

he said imagine it, he didn't say establish a dictatorship and make everyone live it, calm down brah

>> No.17399394

I just like different stuff. When he says things like that, I imagine no C. S. Lewis, at least not how he actually used to be.

>> No.17399425

Why can't I live in the Venusian clouds?

>> No.17399489

I mean in truly meaningful way. I try to write diary and ask myself why im doing this or that but theres no deeper clarity or catharsis.

>> No.17399502

Why do you feel like doing it, anon? What triggered it? Where did you saw someone doing it and you felt like doing it too?

>> No.17399530

don't write for yourself because you'll never read your shit anyways and you'll end up coding it in ways that only you understand. practice writing for posterity, as though you're telling someone else how it was to live in your time. it can be deep or as superficial as you like it, as superficial items may prove deep with enough time and context.

>> No.17399533

There are things that i should be doing so im asking myself whats the real reason behind my behavior. However i didnt come to any truly meaningful answers, only the ones that are just a words without any emotional charge. I just read books and psychology matterial and see how authors/characters do a very fruitful introspection.

>> No.17399537

What books and what psychology material? That is the point, anon. What made you go after it? Then you ask yourself why. Find out what got it started first.

>> No.17399539

As in what psychology concept? Which author and character?

>> No.17399654

Just psychology in general such as freud, jung, rogers, may and etc. Other authors like kafka, camus, hesse, dostoevsky, tolstoy, fromm and etc. My desire to cure myself lead me to reading in hope to find a passage or book which would click with me and provide much needed clarity like a key. However i believe that my attempt at introspection is merely scratching the surface.

>> No.17399666

what's on your mind

>> No.17399670

You and me both. Everything I write seems so cringeworthy but I know it's not.

>> No.17399704

Cure yourself from what, anon? You are being too vague. Write those things down, copy and paste those posts somewhere. Sleep on it.

>> No.17399720

Cure myself from depression (how unoriginal)

>> No.17399739

Oh that is hard, anon. Bootstraping is hard. The easiest approach is probably CBT and even that isn't what I would call easy. Psychoanalysis require a reasonable amount of distancing, that I don't think it is possible to do a DIY approach.

>> No.17399757

But recognizing that you have a problem and feeling like dealing with it somehow is probably a decent start. Have you considered looking for help?

>> No.17399761

I feel like I could have written every word in this post and still be honest. You're not alone fren.

You know what, thanks yo you I'll write in my diary for the first time in months. That's not insignificant.

>> No.17399850

Maybe you're right and im just trying to solve the unsolvable. It does feel like the more im reading and questioning myself the more traped i become.
Yes i thought about it and i'd want to get into therapy but i still have doubts about it ending up as a giant time waste as its a lenghty process. Im trying to help myself but theres still one question - am i reaching the limit or am i not doing proper introspection?
Thanks for support

>> No.17399851
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Do your upper and lower teeth rest on each other when you relax your mouth, or is there a free space between them?

>> No.17399944
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>> No.17400083

Am i the only seeing connection between socrates recommending having dialogues with people and concept of therapy?

>> No.17400102
File: 112 KB, 679x522, 1607148054881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is common knowledge.

>> No.17400112

intrusive thoughts about getting run over by are train are really stressing me out lately and i just have terrible anxiety anyway

>> No.17400125

But why dialogue with other people?

>> No.17400145

do you mean: why are dialogues with others therapeutic? or are you asking something different?

>> No.17400156

Read a book on therapy, anon. CBT has an approach that is somewhat like that.

>> No.17400164

About the therapeutic effect

>> No.17400218

people belong together. we can walk through town and no one pays any attention to us. but when the saleslady at the bakery looks at us and talks to us, it's something very special and very different. when two people talk to each other, it's not so much what they say that matters, it's that they look each other, listen to each other, show each other that they have a shared moment – one is there for the other and vice versa. a conversation shows you that you are valuable: i listen to you, i take time for you!

the form of the conversation alone, detached from the content, has a therapeutic effect (as long as the climate of the conversation fulfills certain prerequisites, such as: honesty, openness, interest, love).

>> No.17400270

So our conversation isnt the same through internet medium?

>> No.17400277

Finished Songs of Maldoror. Not that great, it has some good parts, but it's mostly barely decipherable ramblings of a madman.
I will not say it was a waste of time, I'm at least richer for an experience.

>> No.17400328

our conversation over the internet takes place through different channels and conveys different information than a face-to-face conversation. it is disembodied, voiceless, sightless, odorless - no gestures, no facial expressions, no modulation of the voice, no twitching of the facial muscles, no reaction to our surroundings - no possibility of touch, no pause in speech, no bodily presence, no thoughtful side glance. so much is lost. a letter, a phone call, a video conference - these are all ways of communicating with different channels and different information.

talking with someone face to face feels like an embrace. writing with you feels like talking to a ghost.

>> No.17400347

Three or so days ago I got my first telemarketer call. Some guy who barely spoke the language wanted to talk to me about investing in something, but I said I didn't want to, and hung up.
Now, hearing about the Gamestop thing, I can't stop thinking about it. But it was a Reddit thing, right? Nobody would have been calling strangers about it, right?

>> No.17400373

Ironically it does feel like a lot of information is lost in this exchange of information. I appreciate this conversation even if its just a poor imitation of an actual one.

>> No.17400385

better to talk to a ghost than not at all.

>> No.17400833

Literally never answer your phone unless it's somebody you know or it's a call you're expecting, it will ALWAYS be a scam otherwise.

>> No.17400882

Finnegan's Wake and Ready Player One are the same book

>> No.17401065 [DELETED] 

The Catholic Church really blew it with Vatican II.

>> No.17401067

What made it so bad?

>> No.17401091 [DELETED] 

It basically said Catholicism wasn't the one true faith, but one of many ways to salvation, so everyone who had a bad experience with the church proceeded to bounce to other religious communities.

>> No.17401095

I'm making tiny little animals in walnut shells with polymer clay. They're so adorable I can barely take it.

>> No.17401115

Have you guys ever left a really good person, only to feel bad about it?

>> No.17401145

Monster Energy gives me a headache.

>> No.17401155
File: 233 KB, 821x1200, 1611480149581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's a good place to post poetry and have people actually be able to read it and give their feedback?

>> No.17401206

Not used to caffeine?

>> No.17401261

feeling kinda bad. I was feeling really good for a while, like, great even, but now I don't feel so good. I'm anxious, and it feels ominous, like a bad turn is right around the corner.

>> No.17401330

the gamestop shit is really stupid, and believing it has actually hurt wallstreet niggers that much just shows how little people know about the financial system. I sincerely believe that it was an astroturf op by a handful of major glow in the dark market makers, considering they are making more from it than anyone else it. They’re going to ride this harder than anyone, they’re fucking vampires. And as a favour they’ll bail out the couple funds who took big losses for them to profit.

If people ever actually want to win they need to stop taking bait and celebrating when they have achieved nothing. In fact, all threats going to happen now is more regulation of our ability to access to financial services. Unbelievably blackpilling situation all around desu.

>> No.17401347

Is this another episode?

>> No.17401384

I'm split between agreeing and disagreeing with you. Those who are saying, "We did it reddit! We owned capitalism! We hacked it! Beat them at their own game! Zoomer occupy wall street!" are delusional. At the same time, look at the response. The stock market had its worst day since October, there has been a media frenzy, and financial elites have shown clear signs of being unnerved. "How dare you filthy peasants engage in the same cutthroat activities we do! That's market manipulation!" It has helped exposed the deep irrationality of the stock market and how it is basically a web of illusions by which the wealthy conjure more money from money while the rest of us toil.

In the end it will all be smoothed over. The firm that took the hit has already received a capital infusion from its parent company to stabilize the wound. This isn't the kind of thing that will lead to a systemic meltdown as per 2008. This is a far more impactful form of populism that strikes at the true heart of power than the charade of Trump or the fight for the presidency. In the end it won't change much, but it serves as an instructive object lesson.

>> No.17401459

>I sincerely believe that it was an astroturf op by a handful of major glow in the dark market makers, considering they are making more from it than anyone else it.
We already know that it was and who's likely behind it. Redditors are just a scapegoat.
I bet you this shit will make it on Dirty Money S3.

>> No.17401540

The media and jouros are retards who throw a fit about whatever they’re told to.

>> No.17401556

I am so tired of being a NEET and yet I cannot think of what to do, i'm just so sick and tired of the dissonance between the life I wanted and the one that I have. Everytime I teeter on the edge of making a change I stop before I actually change anything, or I get tripped up and am unable to make the change. I can't go back to school because it costs money I don't have, I can't try and get a job because I have a huge gap on my resume that I can't explain, I can't self teach myself anything because I get extremely bored and wonder what the point is in learning something I can't apply and am not interested in or good at. When I look at other people I can see that they do not find life all that difficult, people just 'choose' to go to school, to apply for jobs or whatever. Why then does this all seem so fucking impossible? I just want to be normal.

>> No.17401587

Have you considered homeless traveling? You will have a lot of time to read and write, and nothing to distract you from it.

>> No.17401604

Iktfb. Im a 28 year old neet and i have 5 years time gap. I couldnt just say that i dont do shit because of depression.

>> No.17401647

So sleep outside in the cold and just wander around with nowhere to go and just suffer? That does not sound like a good idea. I already have a lot of time to 'read and write' I think reading and writing is fucking worthless.

Likewise but I am younger. I knew since I was a kid things were going to end up like this but I had no idea the extent to how right I was.

>> No.17401718

>I think reading and writing is fucking worthless.
weak and even worse, a tourist. ngtmi

>> No.17401742

Look up robinhood and Hertz

>> No.17401855

Do you have his discord?

>> No.17401858

I think I'm in love with a woman from /lit/ who probably has schizophrenia. We correspond once every three months or so. I'll never tell her how I feel.

>> No.17401891

>woman from /lit/ who probably has schizophrenia.
She probably has a dick too

>> No.17401893

pls gimme butters contact info

>> No.17401961
File: 117 KB, 1024x768, 1611850358685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes my sense of smell is heightened, like it's more "raw" and I am smelling more smells that smell smelly than I normally would. It happens very rarely, sometimes when I have a major hangover, sometimes when I'm sick or about to be, and sometimes just for no reason at all.

What's crazy about it is that it triggers memories like mad, and a fuller sense of being "awake" in general. Just by inhaling right now I can smell/feel/sense my parents' house from when I was a teen, and a library I used to visit. It's beyond memory, it's like I am transported there through time. What combination of smells in this apartment, this apartment I sit and live in every day so it shouldn't be new to me at all, is totally NEW to me right now because I am smelling it differently? And why does it make me feel-smell-exist in the past? And why does it go away after a day and why can't I always remain this way?

Is this physiological? Do I have fucked nasal passages in some way and everyone else is living in full smell-based virtual reality memoryfeeling all the time compared to me, and I'm just temporarily experiencing what should be the normal state? Or is it cognitive or consciousness-based in some way, and I am somehow not suppressing smells and/or memories I normally suppress?

I just want this to stay, so badly. I can smell all the coffee grounds. It's like going from being color blind to seeing colors for just one day, randomly, once or twice a year, and then it's gone again. That's cruel. I can't even finish typing a sentence without a flood of memories interrupting me because I inhale again. I want this to stay forever but I know it always fades. God damnit, while selecting an image to go with this post I just remembered what Diablo 2 smells like. How is this fair? I want to remember my Diablo 2 playing childhood self through smells all the time. Why will this be gone by this afternoon? Why does this apartment smell like Diablo 2? I don't want to go back to memoryless sleep

>> No.17402005

Smartphones are genuinely one of the worst inventions ever. Some true believer was shouting at me today because he thinks adding volume to the claims that technology is in constant progress and manufacturers are entitled to manufactured obsolescence adds some weight to the claims. I didn't even have the heart to explain to him that dumb phones have made a big enough market most providers carry them again after years of discontinuation, or that there's only a finite amount of the minerals necessary on earth, or that Moore's law relies on silicone being infinitely divisible. Nobody who understands the technology would be stupid enough to use it, which is why most people buy a new one every few years.

>> No.17402044

oh yeah i remember when i couldn't afford an iphone too, i resented smart phones just like you, then i got a job. try it sometime.

>> No.17402072

>couldn't afford an iphone too, i
You would be better off spending your money on a jetski because that has a lower depreciation rate.

>> No.17402107

Yeah whose telling them to throw a fit? The people holding the purse strings. By extension the fellows behind the curtain are throwing a fit.

>> No.17402122

Read How Smartphones Hijack our Minds by Nicholas Carr, the best technology critic writing today.


>> No.17402147

>please go to wsj to learn about how one armed bandits work
I'm still busy with their 1mdb coverage.

>> No.17402279
File: 23 KB, 500x500, EXkdChUXQAA1eLy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am often unable or deficient in articulating why I enjoyed a particular work of art, be it literary, cinematographic or of any kind. Whenever I see people who can write pages upon pages related to how a piece of art was composed, how it touches their emotions and stimulate their thoughts I am filled with a sense of inadequacy and envy towards them. I fear sitting down to write my thoughts on a piece of media I have consumed because it might confirm that I truly have nothing valuable to say on it.
I feel like such a brainlet whenever I can't argue in favor or against something I liked or disliked.

>> No.17402459

My molar and premolars rest on each other but the rest of my front teeth overlap the rest of my lower teeth. I think that's normal, I feel like it would be very weird to have your front teeth resting on each other.

>> No.17402470

>, I feel like it would be very weird to have your front teeth resting on each other.
Usually only happens if you never use cutlery.

>> No.17402473

I'm bad at that too, I'm completely unable to explain why I like something, I can only say "I liked it because I thought it was good" without being able to explain what "good" means.

>> No.17402493
File: 622 KB, 1430x822, 06-10-06smile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just cannot imagine having your bottom and upper front teeth touching eachother when resting, to me that would seem like you have an underbite.

>> No.17402520

Overbites have been normal since cutlery so most people would find it odd.

>> No.17402580

Really fucking sucks for me. Makes me insecure about my intelligence.

>> No.17402654
File: 109 KB, 845x1200, 1aa6a74baaa737601480e4aa49aa9db6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel the same way. absolutely hate it. i bought this book as a way to cope

>> No.17402702
File: 163 KB, 1280x960, 1611223492071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I spent 400€ in crypto just because I hope to have a few thousand in 3 years when I've graduated from uni. I don't actually care about any of that stuff or the community, I just want to have some sort of backup when shit hits the fan.
I thought I wouldn't be so obsessed with this whole thing but it turns out that I just can't stop checking my wallet and /biz/. This is like a fucking addiction bros. I hate it.
I should go back to reading.

>> No.17402744

hi ho silver awaaaaaay

>> No.17402750

I hate shared living. It kills me that I have to endure strangers and landlords walking into my home at their leisure. My social anxiety and other debilitations makes me dread any interaction, and it doesn't help that the kind of people my landlords invite are dregs that have stolen my stuff on multiple occassions.

>> No.17402753

The Gamestop stock thing was pretty funny and a nice fuck you to some investment bankers but in the end capitalism will always prevail. The fun will be over very soon and the elites will use this + the capitol riots as a pretense for some draconian retribution.

>> No.17402976

I empathize, a lot. All I want is a prison cell with a window to myself in a non-trash neighborhood and they won't even let me have that.
I hope to make enough money to justify a studio apartment somewhere but it's all quite expensive. Covid isn't helping my job search.

>> No.17403188

>it doesn't help that the kind of people my landlords invite are dregs that have stolen my stuff on multiple occassions
do you live in ghetto?

>> No.17403215

there are quite a lot of roommates who steal smaller stuff like food, phone cables, cigs etc. it's just part of living together I guess, at some point nobody cares to ask whose stuff it is, they just take it

>> No.17403235


>> No.17403251

>do you live in ghetto?
You underestimate the brazenness of some people. No, I live in a normal, unassuming neighborhood in a relatively safe Western country, but I rent a cheap place, so I have to deal with the people that accompany it.

>> No.17403262

I remember when phones were the coolest thing. I have a Galaxy Note 10 now that I finished paying off, and it can emulate Gamecube games which is legitimately impressive, but it mainly feels like an overpriced cold hunk of metal that demands your attention. How did we come to accept the tyranny of notifications? It's nonsense
I'll check this out. In one sense I think, Yeah we should have a great cultural critic to explain why social media and smartphones are shitty. But mostly anyone who would read it doesn't need convincing, and it wears all the major negatives on its sleeve. Yes it ruins your attention span. Yes it facilitates the spread of bad information. Yes it increases our reliance on technology and gives power to companies like Google. We know all this. Even then, writing about it won't change anything. Mostly it's just accelerating trends that were already in motion

>> No.17403277

Whatever the fuck you do your life will stay miserable.

>> No.17403283
File: 119 KB, 1200x675, us-GME-blackrock-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The posthoc justification of WSB being about sending a message was laughably transparent, retail traders have always been in it for the money. They claim to be showing the corruption of wallstreet now as the media attempts to suppress them, yet all they've done is reinforce that the free market is the world's most efficient wealth redistribution system. You can never beat fuck you money, and 2 trillion is fuck you money wagies just can't beat. Also fuck jannies for range banning me from /biz/

>> No.17403325
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you're giving me so much to think
if I could forget you in a blink...
but you're there whatever I drink

what kind of love was it
now that I am alone broken and split

I thought love was meant forever
that you would for life be my lover

>> No.17403383

I've had this on my mind in one way or another for quite a while now. It doesn't matter what I do, however different and “new”, I'm still miserable.

>> No.17403387

Good to be back

>> No.17403398

In some ways suburban scum are even worse, because no one expects their shit and they can often get off without consequence anyway

>> No.17403455

i got a question did the mainlander translation come out?

>> No.17403462
File: 37 KB, 474x444, 1611619159506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While the STEMbugs in my Philosophy of Logic class are arguing over some nonsense with the professor to show off, I'm ordering silver by the kilogram.

>> No.17403483

This. Got a gf/friend and still just as miserable.

>> No.17403502
File: 2.77 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2020-12-24-03h36m49s252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does a wannabe novelist go for feedback? Do I just start sending my rough draft out to editors? Do I pay a proofreader? Is there someone I can pay like a critic to analyze and give me their thoughts on it in a less technical way?

>> No.17403543

The New Human is a generation whose being is derived from their total immersion in commodity production.

The emergence of the New Human also represents a particular culmination of the sale of the self, a period of total immersion, of a complete disengagement from the life outside production. This results in a person who no longer sees things as they are, but as what the market dictates they are. The New Human cannot truly create or experience a sense of "freedom". We are perverted by the market, which shifts the capacity for radical action to the periphery.

>> No.17403548

Do you not have any bookish friends who will read and critique your novel? IMO those are the first people you should go to, the ones who will do it for free. Meanwhile start editing it yourself. Only after that should you pay an editor.

>> No.17403558
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1080, vlcsnap-2020-12-24-02h44m36s156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also in your writing do you focus on a first draft being more complete (more scenes, emotions, dialogues) or more polished (good prose, narratively consistent, more presentable)?

because I think I have spent years spinning my wheels going for the latter, being afraid to move on before something is complete (it never is) and only recently learned to just run with it and see where a story would go, but now I've got "complete" novels which are extremely sloppy and unpresentable

>> No.17403700

The soul is an iridescent cloud. It is a spark of ecstasy. Our sensuous biology and fictions are so entangled that we do not like to admit hidden truth. That is why as a result we cannot bring ourselves to believe the highest values in the language of the feminine without a feeling of restraint or discomfort. We want to wear the mask and dress the female to whatever a man may wish instead of unleashing her inner nature.

>> No.17403804

Every test i take it says about me having a philosophical approach to life but im barely functional in real life.

>> No.17403815

i lack the inner language for proper integration into the world

>> No.17403832

this point of alienation and economic malaise we are currently suffering through can be the foundation of a historical moment that seeks to remobilize humanity against their oppression

>> No.17403929

The family is being undermined in the service of consumerism. The development of commodified human beings requires the elimination of the child's development within his parents' home and the strengthening of the differentiation of the family. With no attachments, they are now free to consume unimpeded. No more authoritarian power structures imposing biases on the populace that could influence their consumption patterns, instead we mold them to the whims of the market to maximize sales. Why mold marketing to the consumer when we can mold the consumer to the market?

>> No.17403966

My neighbor is cooking hamburgers and blasting Gorillaz - Dare. I can hear the sizzle of the burgers on the grill, the feedback laden sounds of the radio, the laughing women, the riveting conversation about the National Football League, and the crackling of beer cans. I am stuck inside.

>> No.17404025

Why do the Celtics keep Theis around, all the guy does is get fouled out.

>> No.17404047

very relatable. I feel miserable when I hear people having fun like that. One time I saw a group of guys of my age (20) who were going to somebody's home to have a lan party. Gave me early-life crisis

>> No.17404074

got back on adhd meds. I feel the actual interest and capability for reading again :))))

>> No.17404076

On one side of the bedroom walls lay posters of our favorite entertainment icons. As brooding depressives, we were partial to new romantic sort of aesthetics that make heavy use of black, red, and purple. Mixed in are portraits of the lads from school. In the center is the teenaged version of me, maroon hair with an askew fringe. We are all wearing torn white shirts with blotches and smears of red dye. I do not recall the event. I am now lost. I haven't seen these people in years. The hair on my head is as distant of a memory as that photo. The shelves were crammed with newspapers, dossiers, reports, books, exams. I haven't dared delve into this muddle. What lurks within? A window to what was?

>> No.17404089

Going through a breakup when you have no friends fucking sucks. Never have only one person as contact with the world

>> No.17404102

everyone knew that one guy who ditched the crew for some chick, and then when they broke up he tried to come back, don't be that guy

>> No.17404108

Everything begins as a dream, an idea, an attitude. Everything was once thought impossible until it occurred or was brought into being, One dreamer can change the course of history with the right idea and plan of action.

>> No.17404138

>At a moment of rampant disinformation and conspiracy theories juiced by algorithms, we can no longer turn a blind eye to a theory of technology that says all engagement is good engagement — the longer the better — and all with the goal of collecting as much data as possible. It is long past time to stop pretending that this approach doesn't come with a cost — of polarization, of lost trust and, yes, of violence

Tim Cook channeling Steve Jobs to put adware tech bro scrubs on blast

>> No.17404153


>> No.17404240

or not lol :(

>> No.17404324

the first step towards breaking the illusion is understanding the illusion

>> No.17404561

God, could you imagine if it wasn't?

>> No.17404569

imagine the /lit/ stench KEK I unironically don't feel like imagining /b/.

>> No.17404672

Do you think it’s possible to make it as a novelist in a country and language you didn’t grow up in? What if it’s not English?

>> No.17404679

Awfully late to the party isn’t he?

>> No.17404684

Why don’t you go say hi?

>> No.17404712

It's bad form to invite yourself to a party, anon. It would be better to say hi in a day or two, and invite the neighbor over for a quick beer.

>> No.17404722

You're literally me

>> No.17404745
File: 771 KB, 1000x780, 1606229034824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your issue is a lack of understanding. Have u completed this chart? It's really helpful in regards to expressing your thoughts and communicating them in an effective way.

>> No.17404755

>I am so tired of being a NEET and yet I cannot think of what to do,
Do anything. Fundamentally, you put too much stock in this job or that job. It literally does not matter. Flip burgers. Stock shelves. Landscape. It makes no difference and the gap on your resume is something you latch onto for an excuse to back out.

>> No.17404775

/b/ would smell like masturbation and 7-Eleven food

>> No.17404784

Asian 7-Eleven or US?

>> No.17404791

>Dark hair
>White skin
>Slim body (I don't like voluptuous women)
>Assertive? I don't know if that's the word I'm looking for cuz' ESL.
I don't like submissive women who say "yes" to everything and don't develop their own opinions. I also like to talk a lot, so when a woman doesn't have any hobby or interest on anything I get bored pretty quick because I don't like to be auto referent all the time.
And that's it, I also don't like jealous women and stuff like that but that's pretty obvious, almost no one likes that kind of people.

>> No.17404817

Somehow both

>> No.17404886

att man hamnade här igen alltså. det var ett tag sedan nu, men det känns ändå bekant på något sätt. men det känns annorlunda den här gången, där vrede och desperation en gång grodde finns nu en sorts stillsamhet och, kanske, någon form av hopplöshet. jag försöker att inte tänka så mycket på hopplösheten och fokuserar istället på stillsamheten i vad jag undermedvetet förstår som en försvarsmekanism, men det känns så fruktansvärt jobbigt att behöva konfrontera känslor som jag trodde skakades av för flera år sedan.
ingenting är kul längre, nog för att det mest troligt kommer bli det så småningom igen men fyfan vad trist det är. jag äter för lite, och trots att jag vet hur jag ska göra de små sakerna för att få mig själv att må iallafall lite bättre, åtminstone kroppsligt, så tar det så fruktansvärt mycket energi ur mig att komma till skott.
aja, tack för att du läste min dagbok, mycket möjligt att jag knullar den där transan från tinder inom en snar framtid, har ju trots allt alltid velat testa.

>> No.17404969

i have a few problems with that. one is that i don't think my good friends will be honest and objective with me. not just as trying to be nice, and spare my feelings - though some i think would do just that, as they have in the past, and mostly congratulate me on the scope of my work and pass on encouraging platitudes - but also as knowing me too well and obscuring their perspective and ability to read it for what it is apart from my references or shared anecdotal knowledges.

my other concern, petty, i know, is that my friends will steal from me.

>> No.17405167

Is literature dead? Sometimes I feel like it’s dead and my hope to be a novelist or poet is a waste because no one even reads or takes literature seriously nor can they. Maybe we should make anime or something.

>> No.17405303

Eat more Swede bro, and don't fuck trannies

>> No.17405305
File: 81 KB, 640x640, HospitalSide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I respect doctors and medical students. I do not respect programmers.

>> No.17405337
File: 949 KB, 1699x2196, RabbitHole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to doodle all class long and write down English words I didn't know how to say in Spanish so I could look them up later.

>> No.17405400

You’re coming off a little unstable there, anon. Regardless, your age isn’t a big deal. A guy I know went to Med school in his 30s and was supported by his wife. A bit different than a mom but not all that different. He’s a doctor now. At the end of the day, you can do whatever you want as long as you’re able. Given your indecision, just don’t put too much stock in one or the other.

>> No.17405451

The US is not committed to democracy or principles as articulated in the Declaration of Independence, Constitution, Bill of Rights or international law. The United States is at war with not only foreign adversaries but it's own people.

>> No.17405464

No one is free in America. They just sell you this lie and you buy it because the truth makes you feel like shit.

>> No.17405486
File: 275 KB, 1000x562, 84F4BAC8-ABBA-4792-A4F8-45D56C23709C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17405725

America is great if you're well off. For everybody else it's a giant pyramid scheme with them on the bottom.

>> No.17405793 [DELETED] 

> hierarchy is bad
It's always been like this, it's necessary to be like this, and any attempt to deny this part of human nature has always ended in disaster. But, in America, the poor have smart phones and too much food, so I don't think we have much room to complain.

>> No.17405802

I don’t care how long anything has been like what.
It is NOT necessary. It is NOT human nature. The disaster has always ALWAYS been for because of stagnation and refusal to change
We need a change now in order to survive.

>> No.17405822

I really want to go to Japan but I really don’t want to be teach English

>> No.17405851 [DELETED] 

lol I deleted that comment
but you're wrong, hierarchy is human nature, and you're probably not the real butterfly anyway

>> No.17405911 [DELETED] 

He's literally the first tech CEO to speak out about this.

>> No.17405924

You guys say this but then when the other guys who you don't agree with have a protest/riot you go into "the government needs to stop them!" mode. The hypocrisy of this has never been on display more than this year when both left and right rioted and both sides think the government is tyrannical but also think the government should throw the other side in jail. It's all a clown show.

>> No.17405946

My job is so boring and since I can't really get drunk at work my new thing is drinking so much fucking coffee that I really start to understand why caffeine is classified a drug.

>> No.17405973

I can't ever do anything very good; I think I either have no guts or no focus. Seems like whenever I want to do something I just let my thought die because I don't immediately have ideas on the topic. Someone's post got me a while back though so I'm trying a bit harder now.

>> No.17405986

Buy a used car and live at camp sites. It's cheap as far as housing is concerned and if you need work there is always labor for illegals as dishwashers and the like.

>> No.17405987

I was born to suffer

>> No.17405995

looking back, I wish I had thought like this for years.

>> No.17406306

i'm hella bored i hope there's some good new music on apple music tonight to entertain me or else i will go to bed and listen to audiobook i guess

>> No.17406353

Yes, Nabokov was like that. Rand too.

>> No.17406398
File: 100 KB, 800x680, madotsuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was scheduled to study in Japan starting April of last year, and it was canceled due to corona. I reapplied for Fall, it was canceled again. They offered me free online lessons since it would be online that semester, so I accepted. Tonight, the last of my online classes ended, and I don't think I'll ever get to live in Japan, not really. There's no chance to attend again before my degree ends, and I can't imagine there are IT jobs for gaijin there even if I know Japanese. Still, English teaching sounds difficult and it's turned into a stereotype now. I want to live there for some months while I'm pretty young (i.e. before I leave my 20's), but the window of opportunity is shrinking, and it's kinda sad.

>> No.17406557

Im plagued by doubts.

>> No.17406592
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Soon I discovered that this rock thing was true. Jerry Lee Lewis was the devil. Jesus was an architect previous to his career as a prophet. All of a sudden, I found myself in love with the world, so there was only one thing that I could do, was ding-a-ding dang my dang-a-long ling long.

>> No.17406599

ya but what about the big bopper

>> No.17406682
File: 972 KB, 425x425, 1600182853398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prolly wing-dang it with my dang-a-long

>> No.17406909

stupid fucking bobcut whores i cant cringe hard enough

>> No.17407106

I'd advise you to c(h)ease your inquiry.

>> No.17407134
File: 125 KB, 1200x900, 239DB17E-BF78-4FB0-895B-7B7F0343C607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No taste spigot

>> No.17407140
File: 765 KB, 670x1315, tolstoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. What is it about classic Russian authors that give them this comfy "daddy" vibe? Not a sissy btw. I just Tolstoy and I see a true Übermensch, a being of spirit and truth that might as well have been a visitor from another planet.

>> No.17407163

I think the inherent patriarchal nature of Russian society before the revolution really designed the language and its use to be one of asserting dominance/authority/expertise in a subliminal way. There’s a way translators seem to hit the notes right that makes it all come out in a gentle yet firm way.

>> No.17407181

I'm taking a shit right now. Toilet time is actually when I do most my 4chan browsing. Maybe odorless is for the best

>> No.17407193

I am become stupider but I also know through exhaustive experimentation that I am, I must be closer to the truth of reality than ever before. Shed of all the convictions of the day and night, I am now too beyond howling, screaming, thinking, smiling. I am a stupid man. I am right, and anyone who is against me is wrong. What am I? Whatever I am when and where I act, and when I act, is when it is, when it is, is right now and then and now, now, now, now, now, before, then and soon.

>> No.17407272

If I had to pick my favorite billionaire it would be Jeff Bezos. He created a genuinely useful service of topmost quality which delivers tangible goods through a magnificent nterwoven, interacting, multivariate, multinational dominion of ultra-efficient logistics. Amazon is not like Facebook, a dispensable bauble. Nor is it like Google, an ethereal information arbiter, a mechanism of hyperreal abstractions. Certainly it is empirically far more valuable than Tesla. Of all the predominant tech companies, Amazon is about stuff. Good old fashion things. It has reinvented capitalism.It is an autonomous market within the market, a recursive reiteration of the market which contains itself.

>> No.17407312

I like observing things, especially people. There's so much in life to take in once you learn to just shut your mind and see. So many stories and sceneries, so much meaning and subtelty, life is generally wonderful. Whenever I go out, I like to imagine myself as these invisible pair of eyes floating around. But I hate it when someone notices me, it interrupts the flow. I want to hurry up and turn into a wrinkly old man. Then almost nobody will notice me and I will truly become invisible. I can't wait!

>> No.17407352

>I like observing things, especially people.
This. Too bad I stand out and people start to take more interest in me.

>> No.17407683

Those ssri better start working this time

>> No.17407883

Woman with schizophrenia = my dumb bitch

>> No.17408127
File: 1005 KB, 1024x630, ddd.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the ///FUTURISMO-pill anon. The only constant in life is motion, you have to be always moving, always occupy your life with activities and goals so that you experience and learn as much as you can during your time on this earth (and also stop the existential crisis from setting in)

>> No.17408188

should i wake up or go back to sleep

>> No.17408203

checked, roll and if you get even go to sleep again

>> No.17408211

>Are any of you familiar with the musical works of the composer Arvo Part
Sure. I'm studying Musicology and Pärt is residing in my university's city at the moment, working with the local musical institutions.

Sadly all the concerts are cancelled due to a global case of retardation and cowardice

>> No.17408548

An Apology for Waifus:
Phenomenologically, there is no difference. One human can never truly touch another. Artistic mediums which render a spirit with sufficient truth capture the essence of one to a more sublime degree than we encounter in our daily lives. We never truly talk to one another; only the phantoms which we construct of others in our heads. Should such a voice become sufficiently developed by rigors of contemplation and meditation interaction would be no different.

>> No.17408553
File: 31 KB, 720x401, 138309866_198447822010032_4123604449220870097_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it today Anon...it's right there, all you need to do is give it a try.

>> No.17408575

You have no fucking clue what that means

>one human can never truly touch another
nonsensical gibberish

leave bigboy thoughts and words to bigboys, retard

>> No.17408578

The truth is that I am a moron.

>> No.17408579

Uh oh someone’s mad

>> No.17408606

Honest to god I've started dating a legitimate 9/10 and I can't believe it I'm genuinely beside myself. She's a level of attractive that I never even began to remotely consider being anywhere close to my league. I've dated plenty of girls but they've all been roughly in my range. Occasionally I've punched up, but never this much. Even if this goes south immediately I won't be that mad, I just can't believe its happening. Bros, if it can happen to me it can happen to you too.

>> No.17408614

>if it can happen to me it can happen to you too.
heheh. Nice joke anon.
t. 28 kv

>> No.17408615


>> No.17408618

I did love you once. Sometimes I still do.

>> No.17408627

I dated out of my league once. Don’t do what I did and let her know you feel that way. It makes you seem like an insecure loser. I’m not sure how to act exactly but don’t self deprecate

>> No.17408650

resident evil revelations for the 3DS is a overlooked title and while i wouldn't call it a great game its still a lot more decent than a good number of the other spin off titles

>> No.17408682
File: 2.84 MB, 1280x720, Drowned elephant.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cannot stop thinking of elephants. I was already obsessed with elephants, but after learning that they are extremely resistant to cancer, my obsession has increased even more.
how can i stop this from getting out of hand?

>> No.17408687

We face imminent torment at every turn by mass systems of data collection and psychological warfare through digital mediums.These gargantuan entities fill the endless void just outside our perception, reaching hateful tendrils down into the small world of man who remains thankfully unaware of such great and terrible gods lurking in the outer darkness.

>> No.17408711

do a goethean morphology of elephants

>> No.17408835

To think that after all of this time she would know me better.

>> No.17409099

It's too late for me. I've given up on romantic love.

>> No.17409131
File: 74 KB, 392x633, FM2030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FM-2030 (originally born as Fereidoun M. Esfandiary (Persian: فریدون اسفندیاری); October 15, 1930 – July 8, 2000) was a Belgian-born Iranian-American author, teacher, transhumanist philosopher, futurist, consultant and athlete.

In his own words, "Conventional names define a person's past: ancestry, ethnicity, nationality, religion. I am not who I was ten years ago and certainly not who I will be in twenty years. [...] The name 2030 reflects my conviction that the years around 2030 will be a magical time. In 2030 we will be ageless and everyone will have an excellent chance to live forever. 2030 is a dream and a goal."

On July 8, 2000, FM-2030 died from pancreatic cancer and was placed in cryonic suspension at the Alcor Life Extension Foundation in Scottsdale, Arizona, where his body remains today. He did not yet have remote standby arrangements, so no Alcor team member was present at his death, but FM-2030 was the first person to be vitrified, rather than simply frozen as previous cryonics patients had been.

>> No.17409150

How could you reply to my messages of affection just after you got done fucking someone else? Why did you only tell me this when you were inebriated? How could you do this when you were clear of mind the entire time you were developing feelings for him? Why when you were drunk? Why was it when I was isolating for covid? I literally dislocated your jaw with my dick, what am I lacking? You've said I made you wet just by talking about philosophy until 3:00am, what am I lacking? How can you expect me to remain friends after this?

The seeds of doubt have been sown and reaped have brought a soiled harvest.

>> No.17409157

But in all honesty, what is it all about? You want to make sure that I love you and that you can trust me or is it some kind of power struggle? Perhaps both. Perhaps something else. I have nothing to prove and I will never back down on a word made in seriousness.

>> No.17409168

tfw nogf

>> No.17409217

awww shit great courses just released a lecture series on jane austen, is this the first class they've done on a female author?

>> No.17409242

Do you even like her? Or do you like how possessing her makes you feel?

>> No.17410055

I think I wouldn’t mind teaching but I really don’t want to teach my undergraduate field.

>> No.17410062

My ex broke up with me almost 2.5 years ago and I haven’t met anyone since...

>> No.17410113

I just got a second display and I wish I'd done it sooner.

>> No.17410223

yeah man same, but I always do that.
>why do people need those large headphones, earbuds are fine
>gets headphones
Spent most of college staring at a laptop screen and I didn't get a second monitor until my job told me to because of covid WFH (technically, they supplied the monitor)

>> No.17410380

I feel burned out,I haven't given any effort in anything in a very long time,I am extremely tired of this arena of comparison I keep throwing myself into and this daydream that one day this will pay off,this lockdown has me working 2-3 days a week for the usual salary but I can't go out and meet new people,go to the gym and travel,it's all so fucking pointless,why even improve since most likely the lockdowns will never end,I should just become a bun or an outlaw,that would give me some sort of risk taking and mission

>> No.17410391


>> No.17410424

wow so that guy who orchestrated the short squeeze on gamestop had put 50k into it in 2019, now he's up 20 million apparently, lmao, imagine a guy with a 9 to 5 job that probably only makes like 150k a year, i think they said he's a life insurance salesman or something, putting 50,000 dollars into gamestop stock in 2019, lmao, legendary, but his next pick will probably tank

>> No.17410435

Have you tried turning one of the monitors so it’s document orientation and not wide screen? Pdfs have a whole new meaning then.

>> No.17410460

>chick lets nerds dislocate her jaw with their dick and likes it
>thinking she's not a thot

dude come on

>> No.17411113

My novel has no plot. It's just a bunch of characters thinking and sometimes interacting and mostly getting along with each other. Two or three of the characters feel psychologically interchangeable. (hint, they are ME)

This is my second formal attempt at writing a novel but then I've been trying in one way or another for the past 7 or so years now.

A little hard not to get discouraged but I guess I will keep trying. (Luckily it is fun)

>> No.17411299

Except its exposing what a scam the whole system is, and the fact that they’re retaliating so brutishly shows that they’re desperate to cover the losses. The only blackpill is that they’re going to make an effort to change the system so that this never happens again, but only after a whole lot of people are woken up to the game at play.